I’ve Turned Into A Fox Girl? Chapter 269 Bold Moves

After Shaman finally accepted Silver growing up, it was time to get Elanor out of her room. Training would most likely start in the next hour, so Elysia planned to cook everyone breakfast before it began.

"I think we should make Silver knock on the door." Elysia was quick to suggest the most embarrassing option.

"Are you sure? I feel like she will just shut the door in Silver’s face." Clara though was worried about Elanor’s response and felt it might be too much for Elanor to handle.

"What do you think Shaman? You’re the deciding factor." Elysia put the spotlight on Shaman who clearly wanted to avoid the question.

"D-don’t look at me, ask Silver if he wants to do it. Why should I be the one to decide what he should do now, he is an… adult now after all." Shaman felt weird calling Silver an adult, but it worked in her favour as Elysia couldn’t argue with that logic.

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"Tsk… So what will it be then Silver? Willing to try to make a move~?" Elysia got closer to Silver, nudging him once again.

"I-I don’t know." Silver’s face turned completely red as he had no idea how he would even approach Elanor. Elysia also made it sound like he had to flirt which was way beyond his social skill set.

"Stop teasing the boy. You don’t need to pull any moves, just knock on her door and say we are heading to the kitchen." Clara was starting to feel bad as it was clear he was getting uncomfortable.

"Awww, Claraaaa, don’t ruin the fun and let me tease him." Elysia rolled her eyes as her fun was being put to an end, but she understood that she might be pushing a little too far.

"Let our son adjust first before you go teasing him alright? Now make your way to the kitchen." Shaman pinched Elysia’s ear from behind, practically paralysing her.

"Yes Ma’am!" Being quick to submit, the moment she was let go Elysia quickly ran off to the kitchen freeing Silver from any more teasing.

"Okay, now Silver, you don’t have to, but I think it will be good for you to face Elanor since you don’t want it to be awkward for the rest of the day, but that’s purely up to you." Shaman finally built up the courage to give her own advice. In her mind, it felt extremely awkward, but she needed to say something since she didn’t want to see Silver fail.

"Mhm." Silver nodded feeling a bit more confident in himself now that he didn’t feel pressured to make a move. It was also reassuring to see Shaman on board with this venture despite it being quite embarrassing.

"Me and Clara will head to the kitchen now as well, so remember to just be casual about it okay? No need to act any different from who you are." Shaman took Clara’s hand and waved Silver goodbye as the two walked away.

"Good luck!" Clara also waved to express her support as she was dragged away.

’Alright, I got this.’ Once the two of them were out of sight, Silver took this chance to take a few deep breaths. Now feeling ready, he approached Elanor’s door and gave it a few knocks.

"Elanor?" Silver’s voice shook a little and almost got stuck, but he still managed to speak clearly.

After waiting a few seconds, the door slowly creaked open and Elanor poked her head out. Scanning the hallway so that it was clear of Elysia, she finally spoke up.

"W-whats up?" Elanor’s clearly nervous expression relaxed Silver a bit knowing he wasn’t the only one feeling jittery.

"W-we are all having breakfast so I’m here to let you know that it is happening." Silver tried to stay confident, but his face was quick to turn red causing him to begin stuttering.

"O-oh I see, I’ll be ready in a second." Elanor felt at ease knowing that was all, but she still needed to mentally prepare. The sudden change in Silver caused her to have very conflicting feelings as yesterday he almost seemed like a younger brother, but now that he had another absurd growth spurt Elanor felt something click in her brain.

"Alright, I’ll be just outside then." Silver thought to go on ahead but at the same time, he also wanted to try to make an attempt. It may be small and subtle, but at least Elysia couldn’t complain that he didn’t try.

Elanor nodded and shut the door, however she did not move from where she stood. Instead, she leaned her back up against the door and slid down it, sitting on the floor.

’What the hell is wrong with me.’ Elanor found it hard to think straight after witnessing Silver’s new body. She couldn’t help going through all the nice things he had done for her in the past, only her active imagination now replaced his younger form with his new mature looks. What also didn’t help was Elanor’s imagination making everything seem far more romantic, possibly due to Elysia’s earlier remarks.

’Damn you Elysia, the only thing that kept my mind out of the gutter was the fact he looked so young, but now he is hot.’ Elnaor wanted to sob right then and there, but similar to Shaman, Elanor was faced with the dilemma of how old Silver actually is.

[Do not worry, his looks reflect his age…] Rea realised she had not given the explanation to Elanor, so she quickly jumped in giving the same explanation.

Elanor was shocked at first, but it did make sense, helping Elanor finally get out of the dilemma.

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’Okay so I am not attracted to someone who is barely even 1, thank god.’ Feeling like she could breathe, it made it easier for her to look at Silver and not feel conflicted.

’Still, should I even see Silver like that? Elysia and the others don’t seem to be against it, but what about my parents? Surely Father would object to me having a relationship with someone outside of our race.’

’Arghhh I don’t know, it isn’t like I am pursuing the throne so does it really matter? I’m pretty sure half beasts live a similar life span to us elves.’ Elanor felt lost on how she should feel as well as how the people around her would react to such a relationship. She believed it would be fine, but a slight doubt still plagued her mind.

’Let’s just see how it goes… realistically there is nothing stopping me, so why should I worry so much about it.’ Elanor didn’t want to leave Silver waiting outside for too long, so she pushed away the thoughts for the time being.

Opening up the door, SIlver was waiting patiently while pacing around the hallway.

"I-I’m ready." Elanor didn’t feel like running away which was a good sign, but she still felt extremely shy.

"Cool, to the kitchen we go." Silver smiled and took the lead, making sure to be a couple of steps ahead to respect Elanor’s space. It also allowed him to hide his face as thoughts were racing through his head.

Walking in silence until they reached the kitchen, Elysia was still cooking while Shaman and Clara were sitting in a dining area.

Elysia looked up and clearly wanted to try and tease Silver, but she refrained. Heading over to the dining area, Silver and Elanor sat down next to each other at which Shaman raised an eyebrow.

Clara wore a smug grin while making eye contact with Silver, but she didn’t say anything.

It was awkward sitting there in silence, but once Elysia brought out some food, things were much more comfortable and they proceeded with their morning.


Himeko had not gotten a wink of sleep as her head had been constantly plagued about what she should do.

’I mean I like Jane, but do I want to go that far with her?’


’Who else am I going to be with anyway? My entire city was massacred and there is no way I am stepping foot in Elysium without the pope noticing.’ Himeko rolled around in bed debating with herself whether it was the right thing to do.

After thinking about Jane for a while, she couldn’t deny that she had some feelings towards her, but Himeko was worried that she would be a horrible partner. The trauma of always being rejected because of her extremely outgoing personality prevented her from just barging into Jane’s room.

’Maybe that’s what I need. Stop thinking about all these problems that are just in your head and figure it out later. Ahhh but what if that is too forward.’ Himeko felt like a kid again, unable to decide what she wants to do.

’Fuck it, I’m going over. She should be awake by now.’ Himeko saw that the sun was up and knew Jane would have woken up to work on the weapons right away.

Getting out of bed, Himeko quickly tidied herself up and began walking straight to Jane’s room.

’I’m actually doing this.’ Himeko’s heart was racing as she was only one knock away from facing Jane. Himeko didn’t know if going right away for a kiss would be too bold, but she felt like that was the best way to get her point across.

’If Shaman and the girls are wrong about Jane having feelings, then I’m making sure their training henceforth is as difficult as possible.’ Making one last commitment regarding how to cope if things go wrong, Himeko finally knocked.

"Hmm?" Jane almost instantly opened up the door and poked her head out.

"Himeko what are you doing here at this hour?" Jane felt nervous seeing Himeko so early in the morning, but it was probably something important so she opened up her door fully.

However, right as the door fully opened, Himeko stepped inside as she wrapped her arms around Jane, pulling her in for a kiss.

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