I’ve Turned Into A Fox Girl? Chapter 40 I’m Dating A Princess?

"I may or may not be a princess as the previous of this body seemed to have used to live in a palace but had to run away." Elysia was staring blankly at Shaman as although she expected more she did not expect a runaway princess.

"Wait, but you said you were transported here?" Now Elysia was confused as Shaman said she came from a different world.

"That’s because I took over this body, I did not physically teleport into this world." Shaman explained and it clicked inside Elysia’s head.

"Wait so I am dating a runaway princess who has had their body taken over and now you have to deal with being a runaway whilst also trying to return home." Elysia’s mind was going wild as the princess news shook her as the Fox Realm royalty was one of the strongest families in the entire continent.

"Pretty much but as I said I have no idea if I am a part of the royal family or I was a noble so unless someone recognizes me I will have no way of knowing." Shaman still had no confirmation if she is the runaway princess of the current royal family.

"It also seems that my parents hid my existence so not many people know they had a daughter but that is just speculation on my part." Shaman also thought that her parents did hide her but the events of the previous owner’s childhood counter that.

Elysia nodded as she was speechless and had no idea what to say as this was big news and if people were to find out it would probably cause an uproar within the fox realm.

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"Well with that out of the way I feel better now that I am no longer hiding anything." Shaman let out a sigh and felt relieved that Elysia took it so well and even suggested to head back to her home world with her.

Elysia was stuck in thought as now she felt kind of bad for not telling her much about herself. Shaman noticed this and could tell what she was thinking.

"Hey, don’t beat yourself over it, take your time and tell me when you are ready." Shaman did not want Elysia to feel obligated to tell her about her past as she guessed it was something very traumatic and something she does not want to recall.

Elysia looked at Shaman and had a feeling of relief that Shaman was willing to wait. Elysia also leaned in for a hug.

"Looks like I am a princess now too." Elysia was now back to her usual self with her bright smile.

"I don’t even know if I am the heir to the throne so hold your horses but if it makes you feel better I see you as my queen." Shaman knew where Elysia was going to take it so she retaliated to Elysia’s advances.

Elysia had gone bright red as the comment made her chest pound. Shaman let out a cheeky giggle at Elysia’s reaction to her comment.

Although Shaman wanted to continue her little tease they had better things to do.

"Enough games we should head back and enjoy ourselves a little, despite not fighting it feels like we have been through a lot already." Shaman was eager to go on a little date with Elysia as she hasn’t really enjoyed this world’s customs.

Elysia shot up with excitement and her glowing brown eyes shined.

"It’s a date!" Elysia wanted to get going as soon as possible and started to drag Shaman by the hand. Shaman was not quite ready to get off the rock and stumbled a little but she still smiled as Elysia’s reaction made her feel warm. Wolfy saw they were moving and so he stopped his rampage on killing ants and followed them.

They arrived back in Cholden and made their way to the main square. Elysia was taking charge as she wanted to be the one to treat Shaman.

Shaman had grabbed onto Elysia’s arm as it was something she wanted to try. Although they got many strange looks as it was not common for same sex relationships to occur but both the girls shrugged it off and continued their journey through the city.

They enjoyed themselves and since Elysia was a cook they visited some food places to see if Elysia could learn how to make the food. They also went to some parks that were made and enjoyed the atmosphere.

Shaman also thought back to her previous life.

’There really is not much to do without the internet, Now I have no idea what I can do for fun as it would have just been video games.’ Shaman started feeling a little homesick as the things she enjoyed were now gone. Elysia could see that Shaman was deep in thought and took this great opportunity to poke Shaman in the ribs.

"EEEEEKKK!!!" Shaman screamed and jolted back. Elysia burst out laughing as the reaction was super cute and could now see a pouting Shaman looking at her.

"jeez did you have to poke there, felt like I was going to die." Elysia continued to laugh but was interrupted as Shaman got her revenge.

"2 people can play that game." While Elysia was laughing she did not see Shaman approach and so Shaman was able to poke Elysia in the side causing her to jump as well.

"hehe~ I am an expert at poking people, are you sure you want to go against me." Shaman always poked people in the side and had developed the best ways to poke people. Elysia looked at Shaman and was unsure if she would challenge Shaman as it felt like an electric shock went through her body but in the end she still wanted to challenge Shaman despite how well her technique was.

"You say you are the best but is that really true." Elysia wore a massive grin.

They both stood up staring each other off waiting for the first move.

Elysia moved in for the first jab but was easily blocked by Shaman, leaving her open for a counter attack.

’Shit’ Elysia prepared to get poked but despite being ready, the shock from the poke in the ribs was still too much causing the same feeling of tingles wash through her body.

Elysia regained her footing and stared down Shaman. Wolfy thought they were playing and so he was running around them trying to get their attention.

Shaman decided to go on the offensive as the defensive was getting boring and she wanted to show off a little.

Shaman dashed forward appearing in front of Elysia giving Elysia a small shock. Shaman went in for the attack but noticed Elysia’s shocked expression had actually turned into a grin. Shaman realizing it was a trap she tried to pull back but it was already too late.

Elysia was able to grab a hold of Shaman’s arm and take her down to the ground. Elysia wrapped her legs around Shaman, getting her in a hold. Shaman was unable to move no matter what.

"hehe~" Elysia let out a giggle as one of her hands started to slowly approach Shaman.

Shaman tried her best to squirm around but efforts were futile. Elysia went in for a poke attack stabbing Shaman many times causing Shaman to jerk around trying her best to avoid it.

"You can never escape me darling." Elysia had started to tease her as now her statement from before is now being proven wrong.

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"You.. threw.. me to.. the ground, how... is that... fair." Shaman had broken sentences as the shocks from Elysia were getting more intense.

"Well I am extra sensitive so I have to use some unhandled tactics to ensure I do not instantly lose hehe~" Elysia thought her plan was full proof However Elysia arm who was restraining Shaman’s arms got lost. Shaman seized the opportunity and broke her hands free but when she went to poke Elysia instead of ribs it was something big and soft.

Elysia let out a small moan and stopped her attack briefly. Shaman realized it worked and attacked the same spot again, causing Elysia to try to get away from Shaman.

"No stop that’s my- ahh~" Elysia tried to tell Shaman what she was touching but was interrupted by her own moans.

"huh? where is all that smack you were talking about before." Shaman still had not turned around but when she did she halted instantly. Elysia was heavily breathing and Shaman’s hands were only a few centimeters away from Elysia’s chest.

"oh" Shaman realized what she had done and quickly looked around to see if anybody saw. Wolfy on the other hand ran over and jumped on Elysia and started to lick her face which woke her up from her daze.

"Jeez Shaman, that is meant for the bedroom not the park." Elysia was still panting and felt really embarrassed as right now they were in a public park.

"Whoops." Shaman had a sarcastic tone as Shaman found it quite fun what she was doing but still had to admit Elysia was right.

"Well I surrender so please no more... for now." Elysia would like to continue but felt really hot and bothered and did not want to cause problems due to any accidents.

"Okayyy~" Shaman still had her cheeky attitude as now all she wanted to do was poke Elysia in the ribs.

"Let’s buy some ingredients. I want to try some of the new dishes I learnt." quickly trying to change the subject Elysia was able to distract herself.


After they went and brought the things they needed for tonight’s dinner they walked hand in hand on the way home.

They both got washed up and Elysia started to work on dinner. Shaman had also decided to talk to the system, despite being a little like a voice assistant back in her world but it was more self aware it was fascinating to talk too.

"Hey system, are you an actual person or is someone else behind the messages.

[I can not tell you]

"hmmmm okay, I am just going to assume that someone else is behind the messages." Shaman wanted to test the limits of the system but due to it having an attitude she did not want to do anything that may offend it.

"What should I be doing?"

[I recommend you complete your quest]

Shaman thought about it and agreed, since the boss should only be a tier 4 leader or maybe a tier 5 and with her and Elysia level they should be able to easily kill it.

"Thank you system~" Shaman wanted to thank the system but the response was not what she was expecting.

[hehe~ no worries but if I may request is it alright if I get a name]

Shaman had rubbed her eyes a little as she thought she was dyslexic.

"I can but what do you want to be called?" Shaman decided to play along as it may be some fun.

[I don’t know maybe you can name me]

Shaman nodded and thought about it for a moment.

"how about Rea." Shaman did not put much thought into it and gave the system a simple name.

[hmmm Rea, I like it]

Rea had agreed with its name, although there was no way to tell if it was happy at all as it was just a wall of text.

"Glad you like it." Shaman was happy as the system may be more useful than she thought and was kind of ashamed of not taking advantage of the AI within the system.

Elysia had finished cooking and the aroma of meat filled the room. Shaman’s mouth started to water as Elysia’s cooking was heavily for her. Elysia giggled at Shamans face and served the food. They both dug in and Shaman explained what happen with the system.

"Rea?" Elysia called out to see if it was the same.


A message popped up confirming that their systems were one of the same.

"This is so cool we need to do some testing." Elysia’s eyes were glowing as the system was something foreign and unknown which piqued Elysia’s interest.

"We should but I think we should clean up and head to bed first." It was starting to get late and although they wanted to play around with Rea it was best to leave it till the next day.

Elysia nodded and so they went to bed.

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