I’ve Turned Into A Fox Girl? Chapter 65 Himeko Ado

Shaman, Wolfy and Elysia were currently walking through the streets of Ebonscale, exploring the city to see how the place operates.

They noticed that the place was a lot more quiet than previous cities and there was always a constant patrol of guards floating around the city. The streets were always clean and no alleyway was left unlit.

"Elysia, I think we need to get some more information before we find a place to stay." Shaman was a little suspicious of what was going on and she did not want to be caught due to not knowing the rules of the place.

"We really should have done our research on this place beforehand." Elysia felt uneasy about the situation too and agreed with Shaman.

"Seeming as if they were welcoming to us we can assume that we are safe for now so lets just ask one of the guards for directions." Shaman figured due to the lax checking when they arrived means that adventurers are welcomed. Elysia nodded and so they approached one of the guards.

"Hey sir is it alright if I get directions to the adventurers guild or a library of some kind." Shaman tried to be as nice as possible to not incur any problems.

"If you are an adventurer and want to enter the dungeon you must go to the royal family which is the middle palace and as for the library it is located near the palace and should have a statue of a book at the front." The guard responded kindly and Shaman relaxed a little as she had ordered Wolfy if the guard tried anything to launch an attack.

"Thank you." Shaman did a small bow and walked off with Elysia and Wolfy towards the middle tower.

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"Thank god nothing went wrong, let’s hope the encounter with the royal family goes smoothly." Elysia was a little worried as they are forced to talk to the royal family of the city in order to enter the tier 5 dungeon they want to enter.

"If anything we could get an ally out of this so lets hope they are nice and not corrupt." Shaman hoped that they were not walking into their deaths but due to the hospitality so far, she was not worried.

"Hope so." Elysia was still on the skeptical side but trusted Shaman knew what she was doing.

They continued their way to the center for about 30 minutes and found the library that Shaman wanted to visit.

"Alright let’s find out what this city is all about." Shaman wanted to abuse her system power to absorb knowledge and quickly find out how this city operates.

’Rea, if the book is public access I can use you to imprint into my brain right?’ Shaman was confident that she would be able to do this as usually she would have to own the book but if it is public access technically she should be able to absorb it.


They walked into the library and on the inside it looked rather normal contrary to how traditional all the buildings look on the outside.

’It’s like a cheap toy that has been wrapped in the most expensive paper you can find.’ Shaman was a little taken aback to the interior as it was just normal. Wooden floors, with clean white walls and ceiling, the walls were decorated with some pictures and patterns in the corner but Shaman could use no other word than normal.

The black haired female librarian wearing a red qipao at the front desk saw the girls enter and welcomed them.

"Hello, welcome to the Ebonscale Library, what can I do for you." The young lady sounded energetic as if they were the first customers to arrive in a while. This broke Shaman out of her judgmental thoughts and responded.

"Hello, we are looking for books about the history of Ebonscale and also anything specifically to do with the royal family." Shaman once again was ready for a negative response but to the contrary nothing happened.

"Sure thing, everything involving the history of Ebonscale and the royal family is in aisle 12." The librarian smiled and Shaman nodded.

’I have read too many novels where every royal family is being a tyrant of some kind.’ Shaman felt like things were not going according to the script and things were too nice here.

’I need to get out of the mindset that everything is just going to be like the novels I have read and just make sure I don’t die.’ Shaman shook her head and kept walking to aisle 12. Elysia was a little confused on what Shaman could be thinking as she kept pulling strange faces and eventually shook her head.

They made their way down the aisle and Shaman began to look for books that would give her a good general gist of how the city is operated as it seemed to be under a different jurisdiction other than the church or a city lord.

"Ah, found one." Shaman found a book called "The history of Ebonscale and the royal family" and despite its basic name it was exactly what Shaman wanted. Shaman grabbed the book and as expected a notification popped up.

[do you want to learn all the contents of this book]


’Yes’ Shaman instantly picked yes and all the information from the book began to transfer to Shaman’s head.

After waiting for a few minutes Shaman passed the book to Elysia so she could do the same thing. While Elysia started to absorb the information Shaman began to dissect it and go through the knowledge she just received.

Ebonscale has been one of the longest standing cities ever since the appearance of dungeons. Ebonscale was one of the first progressive cities to explore the dungeons and come back alive and even bring back new materials which caused a boost in technology. The leading people of the expeditions into the dungeons was the royal family which is called the Ado family. Due to their immense power and talent in the fire element they have been able to withstand control over the city and be one of the major 4 families to not be under the church’s control. Currently they still hold the same power but due to the increasing power of the church the Ado family is slowly losing the royalty it once had. The current head of the family which was recently given to is Himeko Ado, supposedly her powers have far surpassed that of her ancestors and could possibly rank amongst the strongest people in the world, it has been seen that Himeko embodies the looks of the phoenix during battle and that everything she faces is turned to ash. It has also been said that ever since the rise of Himeko she has been a possible contender to take over the current king of the continent with her current power however due to the church they have not been able to make a move to take that position. However despite not being able to not make a move for the position of Queen, Himeko has been able to manage her own city and has made it a sanctuary for those that don’t believe in the church and has been one of the most open minded leaders towards other races.

Shaman opened her eyes and was amazed about what she just learnt and was glad they decided to travel to Ebonscale. Shaman turned to look at Elysia who was now digesting the information as well. Shaman sat on the ground with Wolfy and started to pat him.

’Hey Wolfy is there anything in particular you want with the apartment?’ Shaman thought to ask Wolfy for his opinion on an apartment while she waited for Elysia to finish with the information.

’Make the rooms soundproof so I don’t hear you and Elysia having your bonding time.’ Shaman instantly regretted asking and instantly went red. She also could not argue with Wolfy either because it was a very valid request.

’fine.’ Shaman agreed to find a room that was sound proof just so Wolfy’s ears would no longer be tainted by their nightly duties.

Shaman and Wolfy patiently waited for Elysia to finish until finally she opened her eyes. Elysia looked at Shaman with wide eyes as she was just as amazed by the information.

"Maybe we should move here." Elysia had changed her mind as this place would be a perfect spot to live if they were to stay in the human territory.

"As good as it sounds, we still have a mission to accomplish. We have to make it to the fox realm and figure out what the hell is going on with the previous owner of this body’s family and also what happens when I reach tier 10." Shaman was once again reminded she still had to figure out what happened as the past memories of the body were still incomplete and clearly something involving her was occurring in the Fox realm.

"But can’t we ignore this past life stuff." Elysia felt that it was irrelevant to them and that they could continue on their own with any troubles.

"No, because if we do that it may cause trouble since I am more than likely to be recognized within the Fox realm and plus I was told by what seems to be my mother to open a box once I’m strong enough." Shaman felt the past owner once again compelling her to not give up on disregarding the Fox realm.

"I guess you’re right." Elysia resigned as she did feel bad for the previous owner and if anything it was something that is going to inevitably happen.

"Pluss who knows Mother’s heritage could earn us a massive palace." Wolfy, who does not know the full story, was just thinking about how if Shaman was really a princess he could have an entire room to himself free from all the noise.

"Maybe." Elysia was keen on the idea of owning a palace.

"That’s if I’m an actual princess but that’s something to worry about another day we have a royal family to meet." They had gotten side tracked and it was time for them to make the journey to the tower in the middle.

They walked out the library waving goodbye to the librarian and proceeded up the straight path to the tower in the middle.

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"fufufu~ it seems they are finally making their way up." A girl with blazing red hair opened her eyes leaving a slight golden glow within them spoke in a candle lit room.

"I guess I should go get ready as it seems like these guests are going to be extra special." The girl licked her lips and headed towards the end of the room. But just before reaching the wall the girl got engulfed in flames and vanished from the spot.


The group found themselves at the base of what seemed to be a 10 story building and screamed to Shaman traditional Chinese architecture. The tower had different levels with a balcony on each and there was also a tiny bit of roof coming from the balcony and each corner was pointed up. This repeated till the top floor. The front entrance had many support beams going around the tower.

’I swear this is some coincidence or someone from my world has already been transported to this world before me.’ Shaman was still unable to shake off the striking resemblance to the Chinese culture of her world.

"Well it looks like we just entered." Elysia could not see any guards around and looked like they could walk straight through the front door.

The front door was quite the entrance as it had many paintings of a phoenix on it and this could be seen around the entire tower.

Shaman felt quite warm and comfortable despite the imposing building as if she was being invited in.

The group looked at each other as they all felt the same warm comfortable feeling and were rather confused on why that was.

"I guess she wants us to come in." Shaman shrugged and began to walk up to the door as they really had no other choice. Elysia and Wolfy flowed closely behind Shaman while also taking in the aesthetic of the place as it was rather pleasing to look at all the warm colours of the palace.

They approached the Phoenix door and Shaman slowly pushed on it however the door did not open.

"Hmm?" Shaman was a little confused and looked around the door to see if she could find out why.

Shaman spotted a gem and recognized that the door had an elemental lock. Shaman only realized this because all the books she absorbed mentioned different kinds of gems, one of them being a gem that absorbs a certain element and uses the mana within it to produce a form of energy.

"I assume it is the fire element so lets try it." Shaman began to manifest fire within her hand and pushed it against the red gem that was placed within the phoenix’s eye. The gem released a red hue and mechanisms within the door could be heard till eventually the door began to open.

Elysia and Wolfy stood there and were amazed that Shaman figured out what needed to be done.

"Don’t look at me all confused Elysia, you absorbed the same books I did and so you should have easily known." Shaman could see the confused look on Elysia and could not believe she had not put 2 and 2 together.

Elysia thought about it for a second and the same information about the gem came to mind causing Elysia to get embarrassed as she really should have been able to tell as well.

Shaman sighed as the door was now fully open allowing them to enter.

"Well lets enter, no need to worry about it Elysia." Shaman could see that Elysia had gone red but Shaman did not really mind that she had not realized.


The group walked in and as they did candles around them started to light up the open room but not filling leaving a dark silhouette in the middle.

Shaman recognized it was a person and assuming it was most likely Himeko she did not try to act hostile or be on the defensive. Elysia and Wolfy followed suit as they could see what Shaman was trying to do.

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap*

"I have to say, I did not expect you to be able to wield the fire element, I thought I was going to have to open the door for you fufufu~." A very seductress tone could be heard from the women in the middle as she applauded Shaman on opening the door.

"Thank you." Shaman did not want to say anything yet as she was unsure of the women’s intentions.

"Oh my, how polite." The woman giggled to herself a little till she clicked her fingers lighting the last of the candles revealing what she looked like.

She had Blazing red hair which was mostly tied back in a bun with sticks sticking in it keeping it together and her bangs still hanging out in front of her face, one of the strands of hair were braided and pinned by a flower clip to the side of her hair, on the other side some of the hair was lose just going past her shoulders. Paired with her yellow eyes which had a slight golden glow to them, she wore a shoulderless black dress that exposed her chest and waist with the chest being covered in fishnet like covering to fill the hole. The dress went to her ankles with one leg exposed showing the stockings she wears underneath. The woman also wore a red belt that had a bow keeping it secured around her hips. She also wore red sleeves that went just below the shoulder and hung down to her legs, these slaves were mainly red with the ends having a black pattern that represented a phoenix.

Shaman and Elysia were amazed by her beauty and could not help but stare at her.

"I know, I know I’m beautiful but don’t stare for too long otherwise you might fall over." The woman kept her seductive tone as she could see the 2 girls shocked by her beauty.

Shaman shook her head and regained her senses and Elysia followed suit.

"Now with introductions." The woman in the middle clapped her hands and the flames from the candles got more intense and violent.

"As you may have guessed I am Himeko Ado, the head of the Ado family, now if you are to be so kind how about you introduce yourself to girls." The candle flames died down back to a normal state however Shaman and Elysia were terrified as what they felt was a person with a tier 10 aura causing her to freeze entirely.

"oh, did I use too much, Whoops." Himeko who only intended to release a little bit of aura but accidently released too much causing Shaman and Elysia to freeze.

Himeko completely got rid of her aura which allowed Shaman and Elysia to breathe once again.

Shaman and Elysia both gasped for air as well as Wolfy who was also affected by the immense aura.

"My bad." Himeko stuck out her tongue as she really did not mean to almost accidentally suffocate the 2 girls and the Wolf.

Shaman could not help but mentally laugh as this was the great Himeko Ado and if it wasn’t for the aura she would have not believed her.

Shaman finally caught her breath and stood up straight.

"I am Shaman Shiroi, a Fox girl, here is my girlfriend Elysia Dahlia who is also a Fox girl and Wolfy my familiar." Shaman did not know how to describe Wolfy’s situation so she hoped saying Wolfy is familiar would make it plausible.

"Interesting." Himeko rubbed her chin as she entered deep thought.

"Perfect, why don’t you follow me upstairs, I have some questions for you." Himeko leant forward and stared Shaman right in the eyes. Shaman looked into them and she could see that of a phoenix flying around within them.

Shaman was about to say something but Himeko put her finger on her lips and gestured to follow her.

Shaman, Wolfy and Elysia followed behind Himeko wondering what she wanted from them.

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