King Of Limbo Chapter 288 286: Aron Vs The Komi Of The South Part 2

Once his body fully healed, Aron rushed in the direction of the settlement as fast as he could, knowing full well the enemies weren’t far behind.

By the time he arrived, many of the Drakar in the skies were fully aware of approaching threat as they could the enormous number of Komi headed their way.

Those on the ground also felt something was amiss as the ground began to tremble, the shaking growing more intensely with each passing moment.

Since Aron arrived first, a few on the ground associated the quaking with him. But Amarr and Greile knew better, and they immediately flew down to meet him once he returned to the territory.

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"We’re done!" Greile announced with great urgency while looking Aron over. His figure clearly showed that he was fresh from a battle, a brutal and tough one at that. Despite that, Aron’s facial expressions looked collected.

He could answer. "Good." Before turning his head back in the direction he came from and muttering. "The hardest part is over, now comes the second."

Both Amarr and Greile exchanged confused looks as they didn’t know what he was referring to by saying this. The answer soon came as Aron faced them again and passed them new instructions.

Meanwhile, a bit further from where Aron was, numerous people began to gather at the wall or outside the city gate. Ever since the tremors began, Rose had inquired as to what was happening and it was then that she learned of the approaching Drakar.

She immediately put a halt to all activities and came to observe from the wall, ready to act should Aron need her. To her, nothing was more important.

Some of the Drakar assigned to her that were still present were instructed to give immediate assistance to Aron if he needed it. Whilst at the wall though, her gaze wasn’t on him but instead the gigantic runic pattern carved into the land itself.

"Incredible…"It were like she was seeing a masterpiece right before her eyes. A creation that only someone who understood runes could truly appreciate.

The likes of Jagu, Jin, Claudia, Aela, Xavier and Reginald were also present on the wall, staring to the south and wandering just what was really happening.

They didn’t realize the gravity of the situation until they saw the gray scaled Drakar getting into what looked like a battle formation in the air with Aron standing on the ground below.

It wasn’t until the next moment, that many who observed this seen, saw a terrifying event…

As Aron and his army of Drakar were waiting in the open valley, they heard the sound of footsteps approaching from behind a nearby hill. The rain and strong winds made it difficult to see who was coming, but Aron knew that it was not going to be good. He motioned to his army to take up defensive positions as the footsteps grew louder and closer.

The sheer number of the enemy army was overwhelming. They numbered in the tens of thousands and the ground beneath Aron’s army shook with their approach. Aron stood tall and proud, his army of Drakar at his back, watching as the enemy emerged from the hill.

As the enemy army got closer, Aron’s sharp senses picked out the three figures of Lgar, Kasil and Mon, standing at the forefront of the charge. His heart beat faster with anticipation as he stepped forward to meet them, his hands already clenched into fists for their second clash.

The three Komi leaders charged forward, their powerful strides causing the ground to tremble even more. Lgar, with his Collosi features, came charging in first, his fists raised high. Aron stood his ground and waited for Lgar to make the first move.

Lgar’s first punch came with tremendous force, and Aron barely managed to dodge it. Lgar’s second punch was just as powerful, and it landed squarely on Aron’s side. Aron’s armor managed to absorb most of the impact, but he still felt the force of the blow.

Aron retaliated with a swift jab to Lgar’s face, followed by a powerful uppercut to his gut. Lgar staggered back, but he quickly recovered and charged forward again, his fists flying.

Kasil, the Phet, charged forward, his horns lowered and ready to strike. Aron dodged Kasil’s initial attack, but he was unable to avoid the powerful kick to his side. He winced in pain as Kasil’s hoof struck his ribs, but he refused to give in.

Aron fought back fiercely, his movements fluid and precise. His attacks landed with a loud thud as they connected with Kasil’s tough hide. Kasil was relentless, however, and he continued to charge forward, his horns aimed straight for Aron.

Mon, the Zatar, attacked from above, his sharp talons ready to strike. Aron could feel the wind from Mon’s wings as he swooped down towards him. Aron jumped back, narrowly avoiding Mon’s talons.

The battle raged on, with Aron fighting barehanded against the three Komi. Their combined strength was immense, and Aron was quickly becoming overwhelmed. Despite his superhuman physique and healing, he was beginning to tire mentally.

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Aron’s army of Drakar fought valiantly against the enemy army, but they were vastly outnumbered. Their razor-sharp protruding scales did a lot of damage, but they couldn’t hold back the enemy for long.

Aron knew that he couldn’t win this battle. He was outnumbered and outmatched, and he knew that his army would soon be overwhelmed. He made the decision to command the Drakar to retreat, while he remained to fight alone.

He stood there, his fists raised and ready, as the tens of thousands of enemy Komi approached him. The rain poured down heavily, and the winds howled around him.

Aron glared at the oncoming army, his eyes blazing with anger and determination.

Aron stood in the center of the valley, surrounded by the horde of Komi. His eyes glimmered with a cold intensity, his muscles tensed and ready for the coming onslaught. He was vastly outnumbered, with only his army of Drakar at his back, but he refused to back down.

As the first wave of Komi charged forward, Aron met them with a flurry of lightning-fast punches and kicks, his body moving like a blur through the rain. He knocked aside his enemies with brutal efficiency, breaking bones and crushing skulls with every strike. The Drakar who had initially wanted to retreat, saw this and were left utterly speechless.

It was a hopeless situation in their eyes but Aron continued to fight fiercely. He was someone the gray scaled Drakar hated immensely, because of him the majority of their females were dead after all. But then why, why did they feel such a deep admiration as they watched him tear through enemies?

Because Komi respected strength above all else. Greile and Amarr could both see the determination in the eyes of the male Drakar. Whether she liked it or not, Aron succeeding gave them the greatest chance of survival, so before long, they followed his lead, darting forward with razor-sharp claws and teeth bared.

The rain poured down in sheets, turning the ground into a muddy quagmire. The wind howled through the valley, carrying the cries of the Komi and the snarls of the Drakar. Lgar, Kasil, and Mon led the charge, their bodies glowing with a fierce aura.

Lgar charged forward with his massive frame, slamming into Aron like a freight train. Aron absorbed the impact and retaliated with a savage punch, sending Lgar reeling. Kasil followed with a barrage of horn strikes, but Aron deftly sidestepped each blow, his body moving with fluid grace. Mon swooped down from above, his talons extended, but Aron leapt into the air and delivered a devastating punch to Mon’s gut, sending him tumbling to the ground.

The Komi were relentless, their numbers seeming endless. They swarmed around Aron like a sea of claws and fangs, their savage roars filling the air. Aron fought on, his fists and feet moving like lightning, his senses heightened to an unbelievable level.

Meanwhile, many who watched from the settlement did so with their eyes bulging and mouths hanging agape. It was a terrifying scene to the humans and an unbelievable one to the valley Rodes. A clash like no other.

Because of the distance, rain and winds, the battle could barely be observed properly, with many not sure what was even going on. Thus, a greater sense of anxiousness all around. 𝚏𝗿𝗲ew𝐞b𝐧o𝚟𝚎𝗹.com

The same feeling was evident for those on the wall, Jagu could see much of the battle and he was amazed by what he was seeing. "Aron… just what is he?"

Jagu’s words caused to look at him wondering. "Just what was happening in that mess of a clash."

Rose was the only exception to this, she just stared with an icy but firm gaze at the battle and said nothing.

The one to answer Jagu’s question was instead T’kar, who couldn’t believe what she was seeing. "A tulsa that stands above all and rules the land… he is a King… The King."

As the battle raged on, Aron began to tire even more. His muscles burned with exertion, his bones aching with every blow, this was a first for him. The Komi pressed their advantage, sensing that their enemy was weakening. Lgar, Kasil, and Mon moved in for the kill, their eyes blazing with fury.

Aron gritted his teeth and summoned the last of his strength. He lashed out with a final burst of speed, his fists blurring as he delivered a series of devastating blows to his enemies. The Komi fell back many meters, their bodies broken and battered. Aron stood alone in the center of the valley, his eyes burning with a fierce determination.

He looked out at the remaining horde of Komi that still numbered tens of thousands with more approaching, his voice rang out across the valley. "Submit, or face the consequences," he warned them again. But the Komi refused to yield. They snarled and growled, their eyes blazing with defiance.

They backed down only because they recognized he was an incredible opponent, but not invincible. So long as they continued to press him, it would be their victory, or so they thought.

’Enough of them should be within range.’ Aron thought before letting out a fierce roar, his muscles bulging with renewed energy. He bellowed a single word that echoed across the valley.


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