King of succubus Chapter 139 Shadow Soldiers In The Darknesses.

"Incompetent! I am surrounded by incapable people!" Gtyura said these words coldly roaring to get rid of the strange feeling he felt rather while taking the opportunity to harden his ferocious will.

*Master, do not underestimate him, in your current state, it would be wiser to let me take care of him.* Sylvia proposed when she saw the dense aura that emanated from Gtyura. Anyone could know that he could provoke tribulation from one moment to another by piercing into the divine kingdom. Alvine also knew this information, hence his caution in the face of this Centaur Lion.

*Don’t worry, if I don’t get used to these powers, I’ll have a problem in the future. * He replied Sylvia while eclipsing himself from his original location and targeting the heart of Gtyura with his scythe.


Sparks could be seen when his scythe was countered by Gtyura’s spear that did not move a thumb in his place.


He spits red flames on Alvine who was under him like an ant trying to beat an elephant. Faced with the sudden attack, Alvine make a black shield in front of him which immediately cracked in front of Gtyura’s burning flames but gave Alvine enough time to avoid the attack.

"Rahaha, little insignificant creature, you will die in my hands and afterward, I will annihilate all the weak creatures you try to protect." After exchanging a few blows with Alvine, he regained the confidence he lacked before the start of their duel.

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Alvine frowned while looking at the cracks on the blade of her scythe. Obviously, his weapon could not compete with Gtyura’s flamboyant spear.

But since he could not access his inventory to recover Kimiko, he looked at Sylvia with a questioning air. "No, I don’t have a high-quality weapon that suits you. All my weapons are holy weapons that are the opposite of your power." She says by understanding Alvine’s intentions.

"Tsk, you’re useless when someone needs you." He replied by focusing on his enemy.

"If you’re not happy, you just have to let me take care of his case."

"No, it is mine. It’s my prey!" A cruel smile adorned his lips after saying these words.

He loaded once again towards Gtyura using all his strength and speed than the previous time!

’This bastard, I’m going to make him taste despair before giving him a painful death.’ He concludes in his brain as he became like a shadow that could not be followed with Gtyura’s eyes.


"Arghhh!! Dirty insignificant bastard, how dare you..?!!" He shouted in pain when Alvine’s scythe made a deep gash in his hind legs.

[The land blessed with flames]! [Prison of flames]!

The reason Alvine thought that Nelda would have no chance against this opponent was because of his flame attacks! Even if strangely, the peoples of this planet have only one affinity at a time, it is tenfold and more powerful than those of others. And he could assert his hypothesis by seeing the exotic scene taking place in front of him.

After the magical incantation of the Lion-centaur, Alvine and Sylvia were swallowed up in what seemed to be a huge volcano of more than five hundred square meters! Dozens of balls of gigantic fires floated above their heads like meteorites that were preparing to reduce them to ashes at the slightest movement on their sides. The temperature alone was unbearable for any ordinary mage of holy rank. But Alvine stood on the lava earth with nonchalance while contemplating the scene in front of him. ’It’s like being in another world.’ He says to himself by slightly raising his eyebrows when he saw one of the fireballs flying toward him at a breathtaking speed.


Alvine avoided Gtyura’s attack without too much effort. But he knew that he won’t be able to avoid them all because the effects of Gtyura’s magic were zone magic. In other words, [The land blessed with flames] was the name of the domain of Gtyura!

He was in the same condition as when Noddra was imprisoned in his domain. He was at Gtyura’s mercy! His only chance to break his Domaine was, either to kill him or to make his own domain emerge inside the domain of Gtyura. And even that, the powers of his domain must be stronger than the Gtyura domain! Not to mention that he himself was not able to fully use the powers of the shadows in his current state.

"Little thing, do you think you can avoid all my attacks? Rahaha!! Jump like a scary little monkey that will soon become a well-cooked skewer!" He burst out laughing with joy when he saw Alvine struggle unnecessarily in his burning flames. Whether on the ground or in the sky, everything was swallowed up in burning flames.


"Rahaha!! I got you, you bastard!"

Among the three fireballs that followed one another, Alvine could not avoid the last one that collide directly with him!

Sylvia shudders with fear when she saw this scene. Even for her piercing eyes, she was one hundred percent sure that Alvine had not been able to avoid the attack. As if the two wanted to know what was happening, Gtyura did not launch another attack on Alvine but rather waited for the explosion of the magma to calm down to confirm what seemed to be clearer to him.


After the explosions, Alvine was still standing in her original location but had no injuries on her body! But on the other hand, as for his clothes, it was another story. Although they were made with silk that had abnormal magic resistance, they still had some burns on his sleeves and rump.

’The bastard! Even if I don’t have a problem with clothes, this set was one of my favorites!’ He growled with irritation when he saw his clothes in shreds!

"How is it possible...?! No living being can come out unscathed from my fire attacks!" Gtyura had wide eyes and an unconditional thrill traveled the lengths of his spine seeing Alvine emerge unscathed from his attack without the slightest injury! His instinct refused to accept that someone could take a full-power attack from him without suffering damage!

Seeing her master unscathed, Sylvia breathed a sigh of relief. ’Normally, no ordinary mage below the emperor rank could survive in this heat without a shield but as for the attack that the master has just taken hard, it is direct death for any holy mage. But he is different, he had used the energy of the divine punishment that had targeted Yuer, his beast contracted to soak his body and muscles and make them stronger. Not to mention that compared to the flames of géhennes that he masters, the flames of this ugly creature were like a hot spring of water for him. But despite everything, he had not underestimated the effects of his enemy’s attack! That’s why he avoided them from the beginning.’ Concludes Sylvia by looking at Alvine’s battle against Gtyura like an entertainment spectator.


Alvine made another slash on her human torso but his gash was not deep enough because of Gtyura’s thick muscles that could not be easily slashed by Alvine’s weapon.

[flames’ Shield!]

Realizing that he could not match the speed of this strange creature that was hopping in all directions and that his fire attacks were ineffective against him, Gtyura created a shield of flames around him while coming out of nowhere, a golden horn that had strange ruins.

A goat’s horn? No, what am I saying?

Seeing him take out a divine artifact, Alvine put himself on his guard and moved away from him. He could prevent him from using this artifact by attacking him remotely with his Scythe techniques, but he wanted to sink him into unprecedented despair before collecting his soul for his soldiers.

"You will see what the real battle is, insignificant little creature. Come to me, my faithful guardians!"

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-Tuuuuuuu! Tuuuuuu!! Tuuuuuuuuuu!!!

He blew into the horn three times; then hundreds of red magic ruins began to form around him and behind him.


Seeing his intention, a subtle smile adorned Alvine’s lips. ’So is it a horn of invocation? This is reasonable since it is the strategist commander; so it is quite normal for him to have this kind of artifact in his possession.’ He concludes by seeing magic beasts appear on the runes.

"Rahaha!! Don’t see injustice in that! In war, only victory counts, regardless of the means used to achieve it!" He burst with an unpleasant and bestial laugh when he saw Alvine’s frowning that he had apparently misinterpreted.

A horde of about two hundred magic beasts all encircled Alvine and Sylvia in less than a minute. They were all emperor-level beasts also with powerful different elementary affinities! ’My word! This lion head is really my lucky charm! With all these beasts that will soon be the dinners of my shadow soldiers, I really no longer need to be afraid that the System will block my affinities!’ He hummed with indescribable joy when he saw flamboyant lions, white chimeras who are gifted for their spells of illusions, wind panthers, and there were even Hydras that are legendary beasts of several elements!

"No, I owe you more thanks for giving me the opportunity to test the number of shadow soldiers I could invoke." He said with a Machiavellian smile barely perceptible at the corners of his lips.

He laid his hand on his shadow just as when he first invoked Darka. But this time, his shadow undulated and completely covered the magmatic terrain in less than two seconds as if he had poured a bucket of black ink on the floor!

[Go out!] He murmured!


This time, Alvine had not held back, he have invoke all the black soldiers he could invoke without fear of losing control of his powers!


An icy wind caressed the heart of every beast found on the battlefield making them shiver with fears and horrors.

The beasts that had just been invoked by Gtyura began to retreat with fear in the face of power they had never seen or witnessed before. They felt like they were in front of a predator who was born only to hunt them down. They shook like a leafs

-Plop! Plop! Plop!

On the surface of the shadow that had just completely covered the earth with magma wavered and let out one by one the soldiers in dark armor! They all had one thing in common, the desolate presence and aura of death that emanated from each of them freezing the blood of any being in front of them.



Seeing these entities in front of them, even if their numbers far exceeded the number of Alvine’s small shadow army, they could not help but feel fears throughout their bodies!

- Kneeling!

Before executing anything, the dark armored soldiers who had just gone out into the dimension of Alvine all knelt before him greeting their lord and waiting for his orders!

"My lord, we are waiting for your orders!" The thunderous voice that resonated in front was none other than the thunderous voice of Darka that was expressed in the names of all. As Alvine still could not access the upper floor of the palace where the shadow soldiers reside, all he could do was invoke the simple shadow soldiers on the first floor and make them evolve as he had done with Darka.

I want the head of each of them, except their leaders! I would personally take care of his case!" Alvine calmly ordered to the twenty shadow soldiers he had just invoked while his pupils were filled with absolute darkness like an obsidian stone!

"It will be done according to your desires!"

Darka’s words resonated in Alvine’s ears while Darka himself could not be found because of his speed higher than that of Alvine and all the other shadows!



"How are such abominations supposed to exist in our world?" Gtyura had empty eyes while he unconsciously trembled with horror watching the unilateral massacre in front of him. If he had known that this little creature that he considered insignificant had such frightening powers, he would definitely not engage in a battle that was supposed to engage in between demons!

"Did you want to show me what war was? So let me show you too what a massacre is!" Dryly retorted Alvine with a demonic smile as he spread both arms while leaving the blood of the magical beasts flowing on him and in all directions by his shadow soldiers.

"Don’t get close! Dirty monstrosity!" Seeing his Machiavellian expression, his jet black eyes, and the long scythe that was in his hands, Gtyura’s fear turned into horror and despair! Alvine’s aura and appearance made her abandon the only combative will that shone in her heart and plunged her into bottomless despair!

"Be called a demon by a demon?! Kuku~ it’s fun!" He said, continuing to walk toward Gtyura who responded to every step of him by moving away from him. "But it’s no longer fun, so just die...

[Shadow jump]!

Even before he finished his sentence, he used his new skill by going straight out into the shadow of Gtyura and beheaded him directly with his scythe which was reinforced by his affinity for darkness!

... And I can assure you that you will not rest in peace for a long time!" He finally continued the rest of his sentence after taking Gtyura’s head.

"Stupid, did you think my shadow allowed me to create only weapons and launch attacks from a distance? It was your stupidity that had just caused your loss!" He says while watching Gtyura’s soul be absorbed by his shadow with several souls that were harvested by his shadow soldiers.

He returned to Sylvia who could no longer be surprised by his master’s actions. "Can you keep control?"? She asked even though the facts were obvious to her.

"Yeah! I feel refreshed by this shower. Make me a new set of clothes and put them in your shadow. I’ll let you take care of the rest while I recover a little." He says while sinking slowly into Sylvia’s shadow.

"What?! I have now become a mount or what?! Get out over!!"

"You are noisy, Sylvia. Just an hour, I’ll join you later. You have to take care of the spies who look at us secretly and also meet the king of the Kelspies. He must know that I am on their planet. I don’t like people thinking I’m breaking my promises." Her voice resounded in Sylvia’s ears as he had been addressing her since in her shadow.

"Sigh, you are a desperate case, master." She murmured with a sigh of relief when she realized that Alvine was fine.

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