King of succubus Chapter 243 Fight Against Beast To Surmount The Bottleneck.

After the last discussion he had with Linn, the two have not exchanged since. Thus, Alvine had the time he wanted to perfect his martial arts and cultivated diligently to increase his cultivation rank.

But even though he spent more than six months in this daily life, he did not really have outstanding achievements. Linn gave him everything he needed to increase his rank, but Alvine refused any help from her, except for the spiritual stones she provided him. It was not for pride or other insignificant reasons but for fear of destabilizing his bases.

"What’s wrong?" Linn then asked while she read a book about the history of the giants on the minibar.

"Sigh, I think I’m facing a bottleneck," Alvine responds in a monotonous tone.

"...All that was missing was that. Well, at least you’re like the others for once." She replied.

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"Still this story? Forget it. I think it will pass if I change my daily life a little."

"Change your daily life? I don’t understand."

"It’s simple to understand. I’m pointing out that I’ve been in this fucking living room for half a year! Arghh!! I have to go out to know the friction and excitement of life. To be able to broaden my horizons, I don’t need to mold on a fucking gigantic meteorite that has only one mansion and a fucking artificial sun that disappears at night and emerges during the day." He yelled, pointing to the giant fireball that was two hundred kilometers from them through the window.

"What’s the problem with that? Everything is peaceful here, and no one disturbs our daily lives. Six months ago, you were constantly complaining that I was talking. But now, do you say you’re bored because you feel lonely?" Linn asked him with an expression: (what do you want at the end?!)

Alvine had an ironic smile when he saw the confused expression of his interlocutor. "Sigh, I guess it’s too much to ask for me to want to be understood by someone who has been alone for centuries. But if there’s one thing you need to know, it’s that I need to see the outside world, see people coming and going, a real moon or sun, and so on!"

"...Sigh, All right, come with me." After a moment of silence, Linn nodded and reached out to him.

Even though Alvine didn’t know what she had behind her head, he still grabbed her hand. The most important thing for him was to get out of there for a while.

At the same time, a translucent shield envelops them. " Hold your breath; we will travel a long distance." She gave this warning.

But before Alvine asked her anymore, he was almost stunned by vertigo when Linn performed his teleportation spell on a large scale.

The two disappeared in the living room the second after.

When Alvine regained his mind, he suddenly realized he was on a deserted dark street with Linn next to him.

"Where are we?" He asked, looking around him with his perception. But his expression froze by noticing the kind of place where Linn had taken him.

Even if he knew that they were now on another planet, just seeing the surrounding buildings, he was confused about the reason that had pushed Linn to take him to a place like this.

"Follow me." She said in a monotonous tone.

"Hey, I know you’re angry, but that’s not why you have to make me such bad jokes!" Alvine immediately expresses his disapproval while trying to catch his breath.

"It’s not personal. You wanted excitement, didn’t you? Then this is the best place to satisfy your lustful desires. And don’t worry, no one will recognize you; since it’s dark." She replied while using her powers to drag Alvine with her.

"Urgh! So I was not mistaken. What is the fucking relationship between needing excitement friction and a lust street?!"

Yes, Alvine instantly guessed where they were, thanks to the colors and scents of lust that invaded her nostrils. He was an incubus with more, an incubus with a gold-grade line. That’s why it was easier for him to identify these kinds of places than to breathe.

"Don’t worry; I came across this place during one of my walks. Even if it’s the first time I’ve come to the reception, I’m sure there are all kinds of beautiful creatures in this prostitutes’ street. And since you are an incubus, I understand that you have these kinds of inclinations. So don’t be shy with me; I’m sure you’ll find a partner to your liking." She continued without bothering to listen to Alvine’s complaints.

A single sentence was constantly repeated in Alvine’s head when he heard Linn’s stupid conclusions. "She-is-crazy!"

Of course, he immediately regretted his words at that moment. But before he stopped Linn, another remarkable detail that captivated his attention was the people he saw in the streets were all elves, even if they were not of the same elves tribe.

’Black elves, ice elves, and blood elves that I had not yet seen, except in the books. According to information, these elves are asocial and hostile to other races. That is why they had also nicknamed... demonic elves. They kill all other species for pleasure or the sacrifice of their deities. How is it that has such a large number of people of this species who are supposed to be as rare as succubus and vampires? What is this planet at the end?’

But seeing that the misunderstanding could become problematic, he used his shadow energy to prevent Linn’s powers from influencing his movements.

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"Ahem, you have no sense of savoir-vivre or know-how. When I said I needed friction and excitement, I had talked about fighting against high-level enemies. It’s this kind of friction and excitement that I’m talking about and not wasting my time with a prostitute."

Following Alvine’s words, Linn finally understood what he wanted. "Hm? is that what you’re talking about it? Hmm~, it’s still strange for an incubus to prefer to fight instead of having a lustful time."

"It’s not...Sigh, forget it; the importance is that you understand what I want. And then, if I had these kinds of desires, why would I look elsewhere when you are with me in the mansion?" Alvine retorted.

But to his surprise, Linn was not disturbed by his words. Instead, she remained silent, thinking seriously about Alvine’s words. "Hmm, apart from my curiosity, I have heard that doing these useless activities with the incubuses brings more and will increase your strength and your partner’s. Maybe it’s not a bad idea after all."

Alvine’s mischievous smile immediately faded on his lips after hearing such words from her. "W-Wait, are you serious here? Have you never had this experience?!"

"Hm? I did not need to waste my time with these useless activities; unless they were intended significantly to increase my power. Even if some perverts like Helios or Arthur tried to court me at one time, they no longer bored me after they put their ideas in place with my fists. Anyway, what you actually wanted was a bloody fight to surmount your bottleneck?" She then asked Alvine at the end.

"U-Um, that’s it. That’s about what I need. In my experience, I only evolve significantly on a battlefield." Alvine no longer wanted to continue the subject after hearing his little remarks.

’I now understand why she is acting so strangely. If I remember correctly, Helios is the gentleman demon in a tie suit that I had met on the planet of the Punishers before being kidnapped by Linn. Knowing that he wanted to marry Sylvia while courting this crazy woman, I wonder how he could live so long. But Arthur...this is the first time I’ve heard this name; maybe he died during the war.’ He concludes his thoughts while following Linn, who leads him to another destination.

"Where are we going this time?" He asked at the same time.

"On this planet, there is a forest not far away that houses interesting magical beasts that will be real challenges for you." She said after returning to their original street.

"Are you sure? Magical beasts may be endowed with intelligence, but their attacks remain basic."

"Don’t worry about this detail. The planet where we are currently is a third-tier planet. Not only is the forest home to powerful emperor beasts, but there are even low-ranking divine beasts and intermediate divine beasts! That is more than enough for an emperor mage."

"Low-ranking divine beasts? No, I don’t need to fight against beasts with such ranks. Instead, let’s find beasts...

"Don’t worry; I’m not stupid enough to make you fight such beasts that can kill you instantly. We will start with an emperor beast. And then, two emperor beasts simultaneously and so on." She interrupts Alvine before he finishes his sentence.

"You didn’t understand what I meant. What I want is to compete against an intermediate divine beast." Alvine clarifies immediately before the Same Events happen again to her.

Linn remained momentarily silent before nodding his head. "Sigh, I would appreciate it if you stopped making such jokes; I almost took you seriously." She said with a sigh.


While Alvine did not know how to react to her slowness, Linn immediately teleported with him leaving Alvine’s words stuck in his throat.

Hundreds of kilometers away, the two appeared in a snowy forest with thick and white trees several meters long.

When Alvine became aware of his environment, he noticed a giant bear with a white coat standing on his two legs in front of them. Just seeing his unreasonable size, which was about ten meters, Alvine was impressed.

But when he looked more closely, he was disappointed to learn that the bear was, in fact, an emperor-ranking beast like him.

He looked at Linn with a frown. "Please tell me that this bear is not your chosen enemy in my place."

"Don’t worry, as we are on a planet that once housed the race of giants before their exterminated by red dragons; it is, therefore, normal for the beasts on this planet to be stronger and more gigantic than usual. But it’s a good decision not to have underestimated him. Even if he is at the same level as you, beasts are known to be stronger than others, thanks to their natural constitutions. But you have nothing to fear; if the situation becomes dangerous, I will intervene." Linn, who still did not understand Alvine, reassured him with these words while retreating.

At the same time, the emperor bear noticed the intruders in his territory.


Then, the bear did not give Alvine time to explain himself to Linn; his gigantic body flashed, and he appeared instantly two meters from his prey, with his claws sharp towards Alvine’s neck.

Seeing this, Alvine did not move an inch; instead of him, one of his shadow soldiers handling an axe emerged in his shadow and beheaded the bear with a simple slice horizontal axe.

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