King of succubus Chapter 266 Face The Heavenly Tribulations, Alvine Vs. Primordial Beast!

But the next moment, Alvine felt his organs upside down after the predator punched him in his stomach, slamming him against the dome that electrocuted him fiercely before he fell to the ground at a hundred meters to him!


’Ahhh shit! When will this hell end?!’ He thundered in his thoughts while lying in his pool of blood with skeptical eyes and indescribable pain.

Not to mention the reaction time, he could not even see the movements of the mysterious creature who had just broken more than half of his bones in a single attack!

-URGH! Cough! Cough! Cough!!!

Lying on his stomach, He constantly spits out a large amount of the blood he had not reached, even during his second phase of muscle strengthening.

[Kekekekekek!! It’s not funny at all! But I would be content to torture you to death for now.]

Hearing his voice, Alvine opened his eyes with difficulty and looked at the primordial beast with a blurred and red visual field because of his bloodstained eyes.

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’I’m really going to die if I take another attack of this kind! Shit! He is at a more advanced level than Brave!’ He stammered while keeping his impassive eyes despite the hell.

[Hm? Ho?! An insect with incredible regeneration! Kekekeh, it’s going to become more fun than I expected!] He laughs with amusement and surprise after noticing that Alvine progressively healed his wounds at a breathtaking speed.

Instead of killing him, he waited until Alvine recovered at least 70% of his health.

"Keukh! I don’t know who you are or who you work for, but I don’t care about these insignificant details for the moment. What I want to know is why you’re attacking me for no reason?" Alvine asked while wiping the blood on the corner of his lips.

’I didn’t fully recover. If this bastard attacks me now, I’ll certainly die. Tsk, I’d never have thought I would court death so closely.’

[Kekek. Why would I waste my time with an insect that is not even able to help me stretch my legs? No, no, I’d better finish with him to rub myself against interesting beings behind this barrier.] He arrogantly replied as he looked at Linn behind the dome.

"I don’t know what you’re talking about, but if you kill me, you won’t be able to get out of here. This dome is not here to prevent me from fleeing, but it is to prevent you from escaping after killing me." Alvine revealed this information, which made the primordial humanoid beast frown.

"If you don’t believe me, why won’t you try to destroy it?" He continued with a sinister smile when he saw that he had captured the beast’s attention.

The beast lazily supported his chin after hearing Alvine’s warning.

"Kekekeh, why would I do that now? I have just to try that after I slay you." Suddenly, Alvine inwardly sighed when he saw his enemy speak in a language he understood.

’It’s already good progress that he answers me in the common language. I’m not so strong against this beast. Whatever the reasons, I have to start a fight against him only if there is no more hope of understanding between us. But even if I’m not as strong as him, it doesn’t mean he can kill me as he sees fit. As an enemy, he is doomed to perish in my hands, no matter what means I would use to get rid of him!’ He said to Himself while keeping calm.

"You are not wrong. You can kill me and then take care of this dome." Alvine said while lazily shrugging.

"Kekeke, then...

"But you will go back to your prison after killing me." Alvine interrupted his words before he took his decision.

-Dark frown.

"Think for a second, if you could get out of here, do you think that those who imprisoned you in the sealing crystal would waste their time to create this dome? By lying to me, even if you will only lose a small amount of energy, it is a loss of power anyway. Secondly, by killing me, what guarantees you that you will have enough time to break this energy dome? And finally, by killing me, you will also lose your only exit ticket!" He replied unshakably and confidently when he saw the beast frowning.

"Kekeke, you say you will be able to break this barrier? You? A being so weak and so insignificant? Kekeke, you are more and more fun as a prey."

Hearing the beast ridicule him, Alvine did not lose his cool. Losing his cool in this kind of disadvantageous situation in which he bets on his life will be stupid.

"If you don’t believe me, try to destroy the dome with your powers; after all, you will not lose anything by doing this test. Not to mention that you can always kill me with a single attack after the disappearance of this dome. Kuku, Unless you’re not sure you can kill me after spending a lot of energy?"

’No matter creatures, race, or even deities, arrogance is a virtue that accompanies everyone. It is enough to stimulate their egos in the right or wrong way for them to react. In any case, I only need thirty seconds more to activate my universal law. Then, I’ll kill this bastard no matter his supplications.’ He said to Himself by continuing his stealthy preparations.

But unfortunately for him, he underestimated his opponent.

"...Kekekeh, interesting, it’s quite interesting to see you use such tricks to have me. Do you think I haven’t noticed your energy flows? Did you think I’d give you enough time to finish casting your magic spell?"

Alvine frowned when he heard the beast’s words in front of him. But he didn’t panic because a slight chance still existed.

’If he intended to interrupt me, he would not bother to reveal this information to me. The more I look at him, the more I feel that this primordial beast is unique. He’s not like what I read in the books, saying that they are only obsessed with murders and massacres. How strange it is.’ With this conclusion, he breathed a big puff and opened his threatening dark eyes.

"So you noticed my maneuvers, huh? Kuku, I don’t know if it’s out of stupidity or excessive trust, but no matter your reasons, don’t you think it’s stupid on your part to underestimate me so much? Even if I have just reached the divine rank, the spell I am preparing will kill you without any problem!"

"Kekek! I had never heard such a funny joke. A simple divine mage who wants to kill me when you almost died with an insignificant attack on my part?!"


"Do you intend to cooperate or not?" Alvine asked suddenly.

"Kekek, as I had not talked to anyone for an eternity, I wanted to appreciate this brief pleasure. But unfortunately, it is no longer entertaining. Torture you to death is more fun than anything, even if it will only be a brief moment."

"Sigh, I guess I was wrong. No matter your level of intelligence, you will remain a mana beast above all. So your enthusiast intellect will not serve me much, but as your powers, kukukh, it’s another story." He murmured slightly after hearing the beast’s decision.

[Dark Spatial Shield!] He then continued while instantly casting his strongest shield around him.

’The reason I had not yet used this shield is that it consumes a large amount of dark energy. But now that I have reached the divine rank, I can maintain this shield for at least two minutes! It will be more than enough to end this arrogant bastard!’

"Kekek! Instead of begging me on my knees to kill you without suffering too much, do you still intend to fight pitifully? I like that you behave this way; despair leads the weak like you to commit suicidal acts. Kekeke, I...

"Hey, annoying bastard, do you intend to continue clearing all day, or do you intend to attack me so that I can end these fucking tribulations for good?!" Alvine interrupts him again before he finishes his sentence.

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’If this fucking beast continues to speak like this without knowing the effects of my shield, my whole strategy will fall into the water.’ He then continued in his thoughts.

"... It’s no longer funny. I will end you in a single attack and show you the abyss that separates us!" The beast replied in a dull tone. He then pointed his indexed at Alvine in his shield with a devilish smile.



As soon as he pronounced this word in the primordial language, a lightning discharge crackles towards Alvine!

Whether it was speed or power, his lightning was far greater than the primordial spear’s!

But just as they were about to whack Alvine, they passed through him and instantly appeared behind this latter!

[What?!] He frowned with disbelief when he saw his attack pass through Alvine without hurting him.

"Kuku, is this the power you are supposed to show me? Is it the attack of a primordial beast? So ridiculous." Alvine retorted with disdain with his hands crossed.

[You are more resistant than a cockroach. Lightning!!]

Once again, an eclectic black discharge, more potent than the previous one, whistled at Alvine.

But as before, the attack reacts like usual, leaving Alvine safe and sound in his shield.

[Daemonic lightning! Celestial lightning!! Law of lightning!!!]


At the same time, lightning of all kinds of kinds and colors rushed toward Alvine, from whom everyone would be able to transform him into a state of ash.

’As I expected, this bastard can use the powers of primordial languages! Just like the powers of words, which is a unique skill of ancient dragons, the power of language is a power that the primordials can only use. But the destructive power of powers of primordial languages is far more powerful than those of red dragons. And if I rely on the information from the books that Sabrina had brought me, mana beasts are limited by a single affinity. In other words, this bastard cannot use any other affinities except the lightning affinity; the same also for the powers of the primordial languages he uses.’

Alvine analyzed the skills of the black humanoid dragon, who constantly bombed him with serenity.

But when the beast realized that his magical attacks were not marching against Alvine, he looked at him with blood-injected eyes that became even more garnished under his rage when he saw Alvine’s arrogance in front of him.

"Kekek, I understood your vicious tricks, boring ant. Even if, for some reason, my magical attacks cannot reach you, you will always be within reach of my melee attacks!"

"!" Alvine’s face suddenly pales, following the beast’s words.

The two black lightning spheres that had merged with his body immediately manifested themselves in front of him and merged before creating a gigantic dark lightning sphere!

"D-Do you think your melee attacks will change anything?!" Alvine stammers these words while trying to hide his nervousness.


Seeing Alvine’s expression and the sphere of lightning he had just created, the primordial beast became sure of his theory.

And then, even before Alvine took other additional measures, the beast immediately rushed to him, leaving a giant crater behind him, and flashed directly behind Alvine’s shield, more precisely opposite the lightning sphere!

But at that moment, Alvine’s panicked expression changed into a mysterious smile when he saw the Chema of attacks of the primordial beast.

’Kuku, what a bastard brainless. This trap was so obvious, and yet he rushed into it head down like a wild boar.’


At the same time, the primordial beast passed through Alvine and his shield, and then he was joyfully welcomed by the two merged spheres that sent him billions of volts throughout his body, forcing him to cry atrociously in pain!

"Ah~, did I tell you that this sphere of lightning was more powerful than yours? Kuku, I guess you already knew it. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have bothered to try to bypass them by attacking me from behind." Alvine replied, watching the beast scream in pain in his sphere, which was like a prison of lightning.

[I swear I’m going to kill you! I’m going to... ARRGHH!!!

No matter what he tried to do, the sphere electrocuted him with a more lightning discharge than the previous one, to the point that his body began to give off a smell of cooked meat.

"Kuku, I was sure it’s not enough to defeat a beast as powerful as you. But this attack is not intended to kill you. As I told you, I am really interested in your powers; but who knows, maybe I would have the chance to organize a barbecue with first-class beast meat after my tribulations." He replied in a mocking tone. Then, he began to spell a spell to create another shadow clone.

[I appeal to you, my faithful companion and servant, carpet in deep darkness, I authorize you to reveal your presence from my shadow and fulfill your role as a servant as it should be!]

Instantly, his shadow wavered, followed by the appearance of a shadow clone that appeared in front of him. Just seeing its empty eyes, Alvine nods his head with satisfaction.

He then turned his head towards the primordial beast, which was fatally wounded and two hundred kilometers away from him, with a warm smile.

"You will soon be honored to be one of my shadow soldiers. What a pity that you didn’t agree to cooperate with me instead. But in my great mercy, I would have one last proposal for you, let me kill you, and then I’ll give you a second life in this soulless envelope in which death will never affect you again. But in exchange for my grace, you will become my servant for eternity." He proposed while keeping his sadistic smile on his lips.

"Keukh! Do you think you’re victorious right after hurting me? I just have to wait patiently here before you run out of mana. And at that time, I would eat you whole!"

"Kuku, it’s funny for someone to say such things about me. Me, To run out of energy? In short, I forgot another crucial detail..." while pronouncing these words in a monotonous tone; he raised his palm to the sky with bright and bloodthirsty eyes

"... I never said you had the luxury of refusing my proposal." He continued coldly.

[Universal Law, intermediate level: the realm of gluttony!]

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