King of succubus Chapter 338 Temporal Traps.

-Tic-tac, tic-tac, tic-tac...

’Hm? Where am I?’

After being mysteriously kidnapped, Alvine found himself in a vast hall entirely white and virgin and which seemed to be as far as the eye could see, even for him, who could now see hundreds of kilometers without needing his magical perception. But apart from the gigantic clock above him, the vast hall was empty.

But when he looked around, he realized that he was separated from Luna and the others.

"Master, what are you doing here?"


Alvine’s expression suddenly darkened when he heard this familiar voice echo behind him.

As if he did not believe in his ears, Alvine suddenly turned around, looking at the source, the origin of the familiar voice that resonated near him, without him noticing her presence.

’?! What’s-- Sigh; I hate this kind of game.’ His surprise was only momentary when he saw Sabrina in front of him.

But realizing the conditions that had led him to this empty room, he guessed that the Sabrina in front of him was not his Sabrina, but probably an illusion, or at least, according to his thoughts.

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"Well, I don’t want to ask the reason for your blurry mindset, but if you intend to make me waste my precious time with this stupid game, find another person." He announced calmly without a sign of agitation in his eyes that stared at those of Sabrina.

Hearing his words, Sabrina raises her eyebrows slightly with confusion.


Seeing this fascinating imitation, Alvine looked at Sabrina with his magical perception to confirm his hypothesis.

But the next moment, he became even more confused after realizing that Sabrina was not an illusion but a person alive in flesh and blood in front of him.

"Sigh, you almost convinced me. Yes, almost convinced. But unfortunately, my perception does not only allow me to see the realm and nature of the magical energy of others. As a result, no matter how much you manage to imitate her personality, nature, or cultivation level, a person’s soul is unique and impossible to reproduce or imitate. As long as I can see this difference, it is, therefore, impossible for you or anyone to deceive me with these poor-quality tricks." He retorted with bloodshot eyes while showing a long jet-black sword.

As for the mysterious woman, after hearing Alvine’s words and seeing his decisive eyes, an attractive smile emerged on this mysterious being’s lips.

"... Well, so I was right." She said as she sat on a chair that suddenly appeared behind her.

"About what?" Alvine asked, tightening his grip on his sword’s wrist.

"I just wanted to reassure myself of some things before dealing with an unknown factor that came to my peaceful home to sow chaos."


According to Alvine’s silence, she continued while keeping Sabrina’s appearance.

"But now that I know who I have to deal with, I don’t know if it’s an honor to meet the famous Karahan after several millennia."

"..." Alvine does not say a word when he sees the mysterious entity beside him confuse him with someone else from the beginning.

"Hm? Maybe if I call you, Kayra would make you react?" She continued seeing Alvine’s confusion increase.

"..?!" But after hearing this strange name he heard for the first time, Alvine couldn’t help but frown.

His lips moved, but ultimately, he decided not to comment.

"... How strange. I thought you were playing comedy for me at first, but now it’s getting more interesting." While saying these words, a round table appeared in front of her with luxurious cups of tea that gave off a soothing and intoxicating smell to the point of disturbing Alvine’s concentration and mistrust towards the mysterious woman who had impersonated Sabrina.

Knowing this, Alvine frowns and unconsciously uses his powers to protect himself physically and mentally from the new enemy he has never met before, whether in terms of power or the mysteries surrounding her.

"I thought you were going to me--

"Sigh, I guess my message wasn’t interesting enough for you to captivate its content." Finally, Alvine monotonously spoke when he saw the mysterious being serve him a cup of tea while continuing to speak.

"Hm? Do you want to talk about this message that said you didn’t come here to have tea with me? You are mistaken, Lord Kayra; how dare I neglect a message that was accompanied by the suicide of one of my most faithful servants?" She said with a carefree smile on her lips.

"..." Alvine, who saw this, had nostalgic eyes when he remembered his home for the first time.

"But with all due respect, you’re not powerful enough to force me to do anything." She said while sipping her tea after half-filling Alvine’s cup.

"Not powerful enough to kill you; I agree. But not powerful enough to cause you more harm? I doubt that."

"Hm? Sigh, you may not know it yet, but you are currently in my domain. And believe it or not, you won’t be able to leave here unless I want to. And since you seem so sure of yourself, why not try?"


Seeing Alvine’s silence, she smiled bitterly after noticing Alvine’s nonchalance.

"You don’t believe me, do you? No wonder you let yourself be fooled so easily. But this decision you just made because of your excessive confidence will cost you more than you expect.

-Anyway, what motivates you so much to go wild on my land? I know that my creatures have had some problems with you, but is it necessarily worth it for you to shave everything that is in your way when it sings to you?

-Because of a single person, you killed countless creatures by destroying at least two thousand planets on your way. Why?"


"Why are you still not satisfied with this? Why do you act like this even after spending so much time destroying my efforts for a single person so insignificant?" She continued with a soft tone that gradually became cold as she saw Alvine remain silent.

"Before answering you, I have two things to tell you to clear my doubts. First, stop using this appearance. And secondly, why did you summon all your celestial demons if your goal was to bring me here?" While retorting these words, Alvine finally sat on his chair, which he also created with his shadow.

Seeing this, his interlocutor slightly frowned, but just like Alvine, she did not comment on it.

She took another sip of her tea with her eyes arched at her mysterious smile before answering Alvine’s two questions.

"As I said, just as I verified your identity by using this appearance that will go unnoticed in front of anyone except the transcendents and superior beings, I had also summoned my other servants to see who deserves your hostility or not.

-You may have already guessed it, but each celestial demon represents the races with advanced intelligence that I had created. These so-called humans who had invaded your planet were just an unfortunate accident, and I sincerely apologize. Apart from that, I have nothing else to tell you except to stop what you have been doing for decades and go back to where you come from if you don’t want to have to do with me."

Seeing her pronounced with a fearless voice and cold eyes, Alvine had an okay smile on the corners of his lips while finally trying to take a sip of tea that the mysterious woman in front of him served.

But noticing that he was still wearing his mask, he put down the cup of tea as if nothing had happened.

"It’s interesting to hear you talk like that. But I’m not surprised by that. You others, your feeling of superiority makes you forget the importance of living beings. In short, my goal is simple. Currently, I know that I’m not powerful enough to kill you. But rest assured; your turn will come as long as I have a breath of life left." While retorting these words, he gets up from his chair, which also disappears the second after


-Tic-tac, tic-tac...

A dull silence imposed itself in the mysterious room, forcing Alvine to focus on the noise emanating from the clock’s mechanisms above them.

On the one hand, even if his threats seemed to be windy, the expression on the face of the person who was listening to him changed the whole game.

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"You really plan to go all the way, huh?" She coldly asked when she saw Alvine trying to leave.

On Alvine’s side, he stopped in his contemplation and focused on her.

"... Yes. My decision is final." He said with a frown.

’Why do I feel like I’ve experienced that moment?’ He wondered with confused eyes as he looked at the mysterious woman, who had a strange smile on her lips, with a restless heart.

"Well, it’s still a shame." She replied as she got up from her chair.

"?? Still? Why?" He asked confusedly as the strange sensation persisted in his heart as he listened to the girl speak with this cadence as if it were not the first time he had had this conversation with her.

"Because after hearing such words, I am not stupid enough to let go of an entity that can threaten my peaceful daily life. Especially coming from a future Kayra!"

While seeing her retort these words with decisive eyes, Alvine guessed that she no longer intended to negotiate with words.

’...I guess I was wrong.’ He continued seeing her not understand the meaning of his question.


Simultaneously, before her enemy takes the first step, Alvine rushes toward her at an explosive speed and stabs her directly in the heart!!


But the next moment, he frowned when he saw ’Sabrina’ indifferent to his attack, which had not missed her.

"Hey, how weak have you become? I asked myself this question incalculable numbers. Finally, I decided to tour your dear planet to learn more about the current you.

-But the most ironic thing was to learn that apart from your shadow general, who had not noticed my presence because of its low power, the others were still absent.

-So, I can keep you forever here while preventing you from making the slightest progress towards your ascent!" She retorted by lightly tapping Alvine’s blade, which broke instantly!


Seeing her unreasonable power, Alvine jumped back away from her.

"It seems that you know more about me than I expected." He retorted in a cold voice while removing his mask.

-Tic-tac, tic-tac, tic--

"So what?"

?! - Almost instantly, his enemy’s voice resounded behind him after she disappeared without Alvine noticing any movement on her part!

’What an unimaginable speed!’ He shouted in his thoughts As he pushed his other sword into the throat of his target that had just appeared beside him!

-Tic-tac, tic--


But the next moment, he realized that she had avoided his attack, which was less than a millimeter away from sinking into his throat, and at the same time, appeared behind him while continuing whispering the rest of her sentence.

"Who of my level would not know you? Even if you are still weak, your reputation is not negligible." She continued with a devilish smile that distorted her face.

’?! No matter its speed, I should at least see it; even a tiny one can. But I don’t see any energy fluctuation around her when she disappears and appears behind me, but I also can’t know when she disappears or where she was supposed to appear.’ He said to himself while frozen on the spot with questioning eyes.

"We will continue this conversation when the time comes." Alvine retorted by gradually vanishing in front of her.

’Since she does not intend to give her all, not to mention my weak powers in front of her, the best decision would be to withdraw as I had announced and prepare myself for better--

"Haha, what a good joke!" By guessing Alvine’s intentions, she indexes him, freezing him instantly.

-Tic-tac, tic--!

The hands of the clock above her also froze, followed by Alvine’s eyes that became empty and her consciousness that faded in time.

Following this, she makes a counterclockwise circle.

-Tac---tic, tac--tic, tac-tic...

And a second after, the clock second hand above them inverted its rate and progress.

Simultaneously, Alvine, frozen on the spot, began to move, but in reverse, the clockwise direction.

His silhouette, which was fifty percent become transparent, gradually became visible.

’Hehe~! Since killing you here will only delay the inevitable, then I would continue to make you regress continuously and eternally until you change your mind.’ She said to herself as she continued to reverse the time until Alvine found herself in his chair.

-Tac-tic, tac-tic, tac--

After seeing Alvine sit on her chair, the clock hand that displayed the seconds froze once again after she disturbed the time flow with her unreasonable powers.

She walks calmly towards the table and sits on her chair as before with confused eyes that last only a moment before she regains her usual expression.

After checking everything was in place, she drew a small circle on the table that instantly vanished before taking her teacup.


-Tic---tac, tic--tac, tic-tac...

When time resumed its usual course, Alvine’s empty eyes gradually regained their usual gleams.

But before he says anything, the cold voice of his interlocutor resonates in front of him.

"You really plan to go all the way, huh?" She coldly asked.

"..." Alvine remained silent and looked around him with confused eyes.

’Why do I feel like I’ve already heard this question?’ He wondered confusedly.

"Yes, my decision is final!" He still retorted by getting up on the chair that immediately disappears behind him, like the last time.

Seeing Alvine trying to leave, she puts her cup of tea on the table.

"Sigh, it’s a shame." She coldly replied as she got up in her chair as before.

"?? Why?" Alvine asked unconsciously.

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