King of succubus Chapter 350 Everyone Has Their Own Goals!


A week rather,

"Are you sure you don’t change your mind?"

"No, my decision is done!"

-Tic-tac, tic--!

Meanwhile, Alvine was still stuck in the eternal time loop with Renia, who didn’t seem bored.

At that moment, she no longer knew how often she repeated this process with Alvine.

But the latter did not change his decision, no matter how much time he had spent suffering the harmful effects of Renia’s spell.

’Sigh, he lived so many time loops without showing the slightest sign of double personality. But there is something strange with him. I would have sworn to see him blink when I had my eyes turned away from him.’ Renia, still under the appearance of Sabrina, whispered these words to herself with wary eyes.

But at that moment, she also noticed a stunning detail when Alvine sat in his dark chair!

’... Why didn’t his chair disappear before reappearing with him? Was this guy pretending from the beginning?!’ This time, she frowns with a dark expression.

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Instantly, she shot a wind arrow that whistled towards Alvine’s forehead before stopping a few millimeters from him!

Seeing that Alvine did not even blink, not to mention to move, she became even more confused.

’What is his problem? He thinks he’s cheating on me with such wacky tricks?!’ She retorted as she got up from her chair and approached Alvine with a suspicious air with a short spear in her hand.

’If he thinks I haven’t noticed the fluctuations from his magical energy around him, so, let’s see how far he’s ready to go!’ She indifferently continued while pointing her spear at Alvine’s neck.

Then, without the slightest hesitation...


...She harpoons Alvine’s neck to the point that the tip of her short spear comes out on the other side of Alvine’s neck!

But contrary to these expectations, Alvine was still frozen, even after being stabbed by Renia!

At the same time, the latter jumped back, leaving her spear in Alvine’s throat.


The next moment, Alvine’s motionless silhouette turned into a thick shadow resembling the ink that sank the length of the chair before merging with it.

"What is it?!" Renia thundered these words that echoed in the white room as far as the eye could see, seeing Alvine’s abnormal reaction, which instead of bleeding, turned into a shadow.

"Time affects a person, an object, or even inanimate things but can never influence the shadow." simultaneously, she heard Alvine’s voice behind her, more precisely under her feet!

’What?! However, I have no shadow! How come he’s in my shadow?!’ She retorted with frowns.

"Contrary to what you thought, it is impossible to get rid of this thing that is the shadow. It’s not a question of living creatures or not. The shadow exists everywhere, as long as matter exists." As if he could guess Renia’s thoughts, he continued coldly.

And the next moment, the motionless shadow under Renia’s feet wavered slowly and began to crawl slowly but surely from her toes, passing through her ankles, until he reached her knees while she was still confused.


But no matter where she went, her shadow naturally followed her, no matter how fast she was.

And by noticing that Alvine had, for some reason, managed to influence her shadow permanently, she clenches her teeth by watching the shadow reach her size with frustration

"Don’t make fun of me!" While shouting these words indignantly, the room lights up with a blinding light, eradicating her shadow!

Just as light may be absent in absolute darkness, this is typically reciprocal for darkness in the presence of blinding light, perhaps.


And seeing Alvine’s silence and the lack of reaction on his part, she fixed the clock to confirm her hypotheses; but to her great dismay, the clock was always frozen in time!

"Hah! I was sure this place was powerful enough to eradicate your powers because of its luminescence! That’s why the room was always bright enough to erase any shades. But apparently, I underestimated you!"

She madly retorted these words with eyes carried by unfathomable madness.


But the next moment, her mocking smile faded on her lips when she felt a foreign energy on her neck, more precisely under her hair!

"Your shadow is part of you. Wanting to eradicate it is like getting rid of your body! Even a hail of sand, no matter how small, has a shadow." At the same time, she heard Alvine’s murmuring voice as close as possible to her.

That was obvious since Alvine was currently in immaterial form.

On second thought, this situation is more complex than expected. And to understand it, it is better to regress a little more; no, surely more than usual, when he was affected the second time by Renia’s temporal skill!


’Hm? Why do I feel like I’ve experienced this event?’

It was Alvine’s inner voice after being affected, for the second time, by Renia’s skill.

"Sigh, I see; it’s a shame." Renia retorted as she got up from her chair.

Seeing her blatant intentions, Alvine does not ask himself a question; he rushes at full speed toward her and stabs her directly in the heart!

But just at this moment, his ring, for the very first time, reacted!

Even if Renia didn’t notice, a slight, imperceptible glow emanated from the ring!

But instantly, Alvine found himself in a place darker than his dimension, where he could not even see his own silhouette, not to mention the surroundings!

And just before he had incredulous thoughts, such as losing his eyes ability, he suddenly noticed a threatening energy beyond imagination pull towards him!

’What is--? Where the fuck am I?!’ He swore in his thoughts with frustrated eyes while preparing to counter the threatening entity booing towards him.

[[Weak! Weak! You are still weak!]].

Simultaneously, he heard this close voice, both distant and threatening, resonate in the depths of his being.

But by hearing him speak in the same language as Shadow and Heepha, he frowns.

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Instead of feeling threatened and close to death, he felt confused and suspicious.

"And who are you?" He soberly asked.

’Tsk, in addition to Shadow and Heepha, it was necessary for another crazy guy to show up, and just when I was about to-- Huh?! What is Kimiko doing here?!" He stopped mid-sentence, noticing his faithful servant floating in the middle of nowhere as his visual fields cleared up.

But the more he saw in front of him, the more confused he became by noticing not only Kimiko but also the dark sphere on Greed’s stick and, above all, the small black cube that was just a few cubic centimeters!

’Are I inside the ring?’ He whispered to himself, instantly understanding this fact after noticing all the things, energies, and artifacts the ring had swallowed over the years.

[[Try it again; I’m not-- in short, we don’t have enough time. I will intervene for this time, but next time, do your best instead of disturbing my sleep.]]

’Tsk, this bastard is more arrogant than Shadow and the others!’ He retorted these words annoyed voice when he heard the haunting words of his ring.

[[... Interesting, this is the first time I’ve heard someone insult me in this way. Finally, this is not surprising. After all, you are not diff--

"Sigh; tell me why I am in this room instead of wasting more time!" Alvine retorted, after his brief surprise, to know that the spirit of the ring could read his thoughts without his consent.

It was another unknown factor for him, knowing that even Kimiko could not read his thoughts without his consent.

[[Well, since you are in such a hurry, let’s do as you wish!]]

"Hm? Wait, do what exactly--!?!


Before he finished his words, the little cube whistled toward him at full speed.

But before it reached him, Alvine managed to avoid him narrowly.

"Say what you intend to do! Otherwise--

[[Shut up a little! We don’t have time for explanations.]]

While hearing the ring’s spirit retort these words with bland air, Alvine once again felt his visual field darkened, followed by absolute blacks like before!


Just at that moment, he had another revelation about the mysterious powers of the ring that was also a mystery in its own right.

’So, it wasn’t because I got used to the light that my field was dark, but it was because of its powers, huh?’ He murmured by opting for other means to see around him, using his magical perception.

But realizing that his magical perception was no better than his eyes, he tried his other senses that worked perfectly well, except for his sense of hearing!

And just at that moment, Alvine felt the impact of something on his torso before he woke up in his dizziness.

But just as he regained his senses, he found himself in the white room with his sword pressed into Renia’s heart.

And as if it were not derisory enough for him, he also felt his movements follow a path already traced.

"Fufu~ did you think that it was by stabbing my heart that you will manage to kill me?!" He suddenly heard Renia retort these words with a disdainful smile on his lips.

-Tic-tac, tic--!

But unlike before, he was confident about one thing,

’Huh? She manipulates time, like Ferda! So that was why I couldn’t follow her speed with my eyes!’ He murmured to himself, following Renia from a different point of view of his body, namely, the shade’s invisible areas!

The shadow under the only table in the room, the shadow under Renia’s seat, but above all, his shadow chair that had stopped disappearing.

But instead of focusing on his target, his attention, and magical perception were entirely focused on the ring.

But the next moment, his eyes became dark when he also noticed a black cube tattooed on his chest!

’... Sigh, I don’t understand what’s going on, but it seems that this cube, which was originally supposed to imprison celestial demons, has merged with my body. All this because of this ring that turned out to be more arrogant than according to my estimates.’ He whispered, watching his body move despite his will.

A feeling both strange and insecure, knowing he was with an enemy who could harm his life at any time.

’But if I’m out of my body, does it mean the ring controls it? This thing is a real nuisance for me! I must remove it as soon as the opportunity arises before this situation becomes permanent.’ He continued while doing his best not to think of the worst.

Just so, he stayed there, hiding in the shadow of objects and even in the shadow of Renia at the time when he had ended up getting bored listening to Renia talk with another person who was not him, not to mention Renia’s solo conversations after she freezes his body in time.

But contrary to what he imagined, this experience proved to be not only enriching for him, concerning the understanding of the powers of time and his own powers of the shadow but also concerning new knowledge about his existence as Renia spoke alone.

Even if he does not believe her at first, he ends up being convinced after hearing the latter talk about Dalvine by calling him by his true identity, that is, Shadow, Heepha, and other people she called his two other generals.





"Your shadow is part of you. Wanting to eradicate it is like getting rid of your body! Even a hail of sand, no matter how small, has a shadow."

After whispering these words, the shadow of a knife makes its way to Renia’s throat from under her neck.

"... Thank you for your information. Thanks to you, I know pretty much what I must do now. Now it’s time to separate, Yasmine!"


Hearing Alvine retort these words coldly and address her with this false identity she had used to infiltrate Alvine’s kingdom, she froze with sweaty hands, not for fear of being killed by Alvine but because of another factor.

"W-wait! How did you know I was Yasmin - Ah, I understood; you had been conscious all that time!" She stammered.

But instead of answering her question, Alvine continued with disturbing subjects for him.

"The seed that allows anyone to reach the rank of supremacy, the resurrection of the supreme goddess, and this guy nicknamed the absolute creator or absolute evil, etc." He whispered these words with a doubtful air.

But seeing Renia’s reaction, he guessed the next moment that the words he had heard from Renia were not empty.

"Heh, interesting. Anyway, thank you for all this." Instantly, his shadow slowly disappeared around Renia’s body, who, strangely, no longer tried to stop him.

But even seeing this, Alvine did not change his mind, fully knowing that Renia would not die even if he beheaded her.

’Honestly, I don’t even know how to kill a transcendent. In addition to hiding her shadow, this whore doesn’t even have a magic core. The only explanation must surely be because this envelope is not his real body.’ He murmured as he gradually disappeared into the white room as a shadow.

"Heh, I understood your mindset, Kayra, or should I say... Alvine! But I’m not wise enough to miss such an event too!" While replying to these words, she also vanished into the white room.

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