King of succubus Chapter 379 Sylvia Vs. Corrupt.


A little rather,

While everyone was in a fierce battle, only one person was trying to negotiate with her enemy, Sylvia.

She had already transformed into her primordial shape with her white hair and the same color pupils.

But unlike other times, she had three pairs of white wings on her back, like Linn and Serena.

And unlike the other primordials, she was the only one to have a halo above her head; hence the nickname of guardian angel she had obtained from Alvine.

"Seriously, what is your goal of bothering us here?" She asked with a grumpy look.

[Kehehe, do you think this strategy would work against me? Fight if you don’t want to die.]

A deformed entity with a disgusting appearance stood before her with tentacles in place of his four limbs and dozens of eyes in almost every corner of his head.

Just by looking at his hideous appearance, anyone could understand Sylvia’s reluctance to want to rub against him. He had no mouth or ears.

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Corrupt is, anyway, not like other monarchs or primordials; he is closer to the race of doppelg?ngers than to others.

He has no fixed shape; his appearance constantly changes to the situation or his enemy’s fear. His strange powers solely aim to embody fear in the hearts of his prey.

He turns into what his prey is more afraid of, hence the current and hideous appearance that only embodies Sylvia’s fear.

The reason why the two have not yet started fighting is not because of Corrupt, but Sylvia, who wants at all costs to keep her distance from the thing she considers the most corrupt in the world.

Hearing Corrupt’s words, Sylvia manifested her spear, which had a white orb levitating at the end and an isometric tip of nine feet on the other end.

’It’s the first time I’m going to make such a hideous thing disappear.’ She murmured to herself when she saw Corrupt’s silhouette vanishing towards her because of his speed.


But just before the latter approached her fifty meters, she stabbed the air with her spear, followed by the gushing of a dazzling light that pushed Corrupt back three hundred meters from her!

[Kehehe, do you plan to fight seriously or continue to play this ridiculous game?!]

Seeing Corrupt’s deep bluish body not even have a scratch, Sylvia frowns.

’This disgusting foam that covers his body is so slippery that it bounces the attacks on him. If I want to hope to hurt him, my attacks must not only be faster but also more powerful!’ She gnashed her teeth just by guessing that her ordeal could last longer than expected.

At the same time, the aura around the monarch of corruption suddenly increases, forcing Sylvia to frown and become more suspicious of him.

[You want to know why we are attacking you, right? So listen to me carefully because I don’t want to repeat it to myself once again.]


[You and Sabrina are the perfect host to help your creator achieve her goals. And our mission is to drag you in front of her or to kill you so that she can recover your two life essences and begin re-creating her domain. But since you were under the protection of this bastard and his shadows men, this is the perfect opportunity to collect yourselves before it’s too late!]

"...What are you talking about? And what is this host story? If the goddess needs a host, why wouldn’t she target your leader? She is the strongest and endowed with unparalleled energy and proximity to the goddess. Why Sabrina or me?" Sylvia asked with skeptical eyes, testifying that she did not believe in Corrupt’s revelations.

[Sigh, just as your powers are similar to Aither, Sabrina is also in a similar situation. You will understand more what I’m talking about if you look from afar.]

Sylvie frowned when she heard him make this proposal, but she had confirmation just by extending her perception two hundred kilometers from her.

And there, the scene she attended was a more disturbing spectacle to make her momentarily forget Corrupt in front of her.

’I thought this woman didn’t want her to be recognized by others, but I would never have believed that what she was actually hiding was her face resembling Sabrina’s.’

[Khehe! From your expression, I can guess you know what I’m talking about. Unlike you, my two colleagues wanted at all costs to have the honor of being used as a receptacle. But for unknown reasons, the goddess wants to use you in their places. They are mad with rage against you, you, who have stolen their honors and who refuse to assume this responsibility in the face of having to flee. That is why our leader is determined to make this woman disappear for good to get the place she is destined to be.]

While explaining these facts, the sarcasm in the monarch’s tone was so strange that Sylvia did not know if he was making fun of his comrades or taking pity on them.

"Sigh, it’s ironic; while we don’t wanna be sacrificial pawns, and we fight to stay alive, others envy us to the point of hating us for the misfortune they see from a different point of view than ours. How ironic is that?" She retorted in a pedant tone and an ironic smile on her lips.

[Well, it’s just a matter of loyalty. Unlike us, you know almost nothing about our sovereignty. So I understand that you refuse to sacrifice yourself for her. But it’s intolerable to see you disobey the orders of your superior!]

"...Your way of thinking is beyond me. But thanks to you, I know there is no real solution to our problem. And for the first time, I have a reason to fight to defend my ideals of staying away from the freaks in your genres." She also retorted with decisive eyes, who no longer had the feeling of doubt and guilt she felt towards the being of the being who had given her life. 𝗳r𝚎𝐞w𝐞𝚋𝗻𝗼vel.𝗰o𝐦

Faced with her placid expression, Corrupt darkly frowns.

[Do I have to conclude that you don’t intend to cooperate? Do you know the honor you are rejecting?!]

"An honor? My ass! You can put your honor where I think. All I see is your hypocrisy; you talk about honor as you ask me to sacrifice myself for someone from whom I had not asked anything. You talk about honor when you have constantly forced us to fight against each other for your entertainment. Do you dare to talk about honor when you ask us to give up everything as if we had sworn loyalty to the goddess?

-It’s you, and only you, who understand the meaning of this honor because there was a time when you lived with her because you swore loyalty to her. After all, you know her value; but we have never learned these things.

-Instead of talking to me about honor, put yourself in my place or one of us and ask yourself if you will be ready to sacrifice yourself for the good of my master by hearing me say such nonsense. All these are your problem, not ours. And finally, I wouldn’t go anywhere with you. I’d only follow the orders of my leader, Sabrina, and no one else!" She delivered her verdict, leaving Corrupt in a momentary state of stupidity.


Despite the fact that the latter did not say a word, the heavy atmosphere around him was more than enough to make Sylvia understand his intentions.

|Concept of corruption: Corrosive mists.|

He silently whispered these words to himself with dark eyes.


The next moment, a black fog appeared around him and enveloped him entirely before spreading toward Sylvia like a large-scale hurricane.

[I have heard that you have powers beyond your rank, so I’d like to know what these powers are that you hide and that allow you to kill the enemies that are supposed to be more powerful than you.] Corrupt’s roque voice thisted in his black mist as he continually approached Sylvia, who had the same expression as him before he disappeared.

’...He’s stronger than me; it’s an indisputable fact, and because of our powers that are opposed to each other, I cannot say that it is well off for me. But fortunately, because of the hell I had lived with Alvinos’s dark aura, which nibbled on me for centuries, my light attribute adapted a little against negative skills and created a little resistance against them. This resistance can be considered an asset only insofar as it will allow me to resist his skills; otherwise, it’s dead for me.’ She analyzed while moving away from the black mist booing towards her at monstrous speed.


But the next moment, Corrupt’s speed exploded and caught up with her in his meteoric race after a minute.

|Cone of blessing!|

She instantly shouted these words just as Corrupt’s mist swallowed her.

And simultaneously, a milky white cocoon wrapped her before she came into direct contact with Corrupt’s corrosive mist.

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"!!" But to her great dismay, her spherical shield began to have cracks from the moment it came into contact with Corrupt’s corrosive mist.

At that moment, the worrying thought persisted in her mind to the point of becoming an inescapable truth; her powers were far inferior to those of corruption.

’Tsk, if only I were in the same rank as Linn or Sabrina, I’d have managed to fight against this bastard without too much trouble.’ She growled between her clenched teeth strengthening her shield by putting more energy into it than before.

But regardless of her recklessness or persistence, she could not compete with the monarch of corruption, who is a primordial intermediary of the same rank as Aither and Linn, whether in terms of powers or energy reserve.

Unlike the lower mages, the difference in power between an intermediate divine mage and a low-ranking divine mage is so immense that he can defeat him without too much trouble.

And this difference will only increase fivefold as the rank increases. When arriving at the primordial stage, the difference will be as immense as a mage of spiritual rank fighting against a high-ranking divine mage; he will have no chance of winning against him. And even this comparison is only approximate.

[Kheheh, among all the others, you are the only one to have this luminous halo above your head; I know it’s not there as a decoration, so when do you plan to use its power? Or maybe you plan to die and report this secret to your grave?]

Corrupt’s disdainful voice echoed in his toxic mist as he saw Sylvia struggling to avoid her inevitable defeat.

’Tsk, I knew this guy was more powerful than me, but from there, to believe that he’d put me in this state when he didn’t even start fighting’s absurd!’ Her thoughts rumbled these words as she began to sweat, showing that she was starting to run out.

’If it continues like this, I’d have no other chance than to suffer a pitiful death.’ She continued with incredulous eyes.


But when she saw a hole large enough to allow Corrupt’s corrosive mist to corrupt her body, her expression became solemn, followed by a blinding glow from the halo above her head.


The next moment, Corrupt moved away from her by teleporting two hundred meters away when he felt the rich energy that erased his mist with an incredulous speed by eradicating it in the blink of an eye!


He unconsciously clenches his teeth when he feels a sharp pain in his right ribs.

’What is... Keheheh, I now understand why our sovereign wants her so much.’ A cruel smile stood on his lips when he noticed that his right hand and ribs were no longer.

’Despite my speed, she could still hurt me with this light. It’s probably the strange power she hid from the beginning.’ Corrupt continued in his thoughts by looking at Sylvia’s pure and dazzling silhouette, who was like the perfect being above him.

[Interesting, I finally see this power that has allowed you to defeat all your enemies despite being endowed with banal power.]

He scolded these words with pleasure as his right arm and ribs repelled each other with an even more incredulous speed than Linn and Aither’s wounds.

"Do you think that’s the case?" Sylvia asked in a mysterious tone.

-Dark frown.

[Is I wrong? Your halo is powerful and is able to hurt me despite my unique constitution. But you won’t have this chance a second time.]

"...Sigh, I think this battle is unfair; but it doesn’t matter."

[Kakaha, you can only attack your weakness. And--

"I’m not talking about myself, but about you. You are strong, an opponent whom I can’t even hope to defeat, but for unfair reasons, you will still die like my other opponents who were stronger than me."


Hearing her words, Corrupt’s smile stiffened on his lips as his mistrust reached its climax.

’Tsk, he managed to flee in time! If there has not yet been a testimony so far is because of this power that kills most of my enemies with a single attack. But as this bastard has been suspicious of me from the beginning, I could not defeat him thanks to the surprise effect; he had prepared from the beginning.’ As for Sylvia, Her frustration climaxed when she saw Corrupt heal from his wounds as if nothing had happened.

But the next moment, a dark smile unconsciously appeared on his lips.

[...What makes you smile like that?!] Corrupt frowns with a bad feeling.

But instead of answering her question, Sylvia slammed her fingers simultaneously as her smile grew on her lips.

"Time has passed!" She cries out these words as she blinks.

’Even if I don’t like it too much to use this asset that I can only use it once a month, I have no other choice.’ She continued in her thoughts with eyes containing an intense murderous intention that made Corrupt’s body shiver.


Hearing her words, Corrupt erected his most powerful barrier around him, assuming Sylvia had another greater asset than she had just shown.

|Unique skills: Retribution!|


But instead of the outside, Sylvia’s attack manifested itself from the inside!


Simultaneously, the wound of the monarch of corruption that had just been healed resurfaced and began to spread around his body incredulously, going so far as to nibble on his leg and dangerously approaching his vital cores.

’What the fuck is going on?!’ He shouted in his thoughts with sweat pearls all over his body, realizing that no matter what he did, he was powerless in the face of the strange powers of Sylvia’s halo that had just affected him and continued despite being out of her reach.

"Understand one thing, monarch of corruption, if the hiding power of my halo has remained secret until now is because there was no survivor to tell its effects. My victims wore the same arrogant smile when my skill touched them.

-It only takes a single scratch to be sentenced to death. It is the power of judgment that even the monarch of light who considers himself the ultimate judge does not have it." She retorted with a sarcastic smile as she looked at Corrupt, slowly disintegrating into a particle of light.

"I know you are confused, but know that I am only entitled to one use of this power for one month. That’s why I can’t afford to miss my target. I tell you this because the dead will never be able to reveal secrets."

[Keukh! I should have killed you rather than--

"Don’t worry; you’re not the only one who gave me such a sentence at the end of their lives; the reason why the goddess covets me so much, I think you know it now. And since she is also more obsessed with Sabrina than me, you must guess she hides something worse than my asset." She continued with a sadistic smile while contemplating the show she had not attended for millennia.


"I will tell you what will happen in the next few seconds; your body will slowly disintegrate up to your three cores. No matter your regenerative capacity, no matter the primordial elixirs you consume, you will not be able to stop this disintegration."


"Hehe! And finally, will come the most exciting show. After completely disintegrating, your existence will be erased in everyone’s memory. Everyone knows that I killed many people more powerful than me, but no one remembers their names or appearances, not to mention the memories they had with them.

-And finally, the greatest reason why this power has always remained secret is that it not only destroys its targets but also erases their books of life, thus erasing all traces of their existence in our world. And without a book of life, the goddess will not be able to resurrect you. And without the resurrection, you will no longer have the chance to hope to live in our world, not to mention revenge.

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