King of succubus Chapter 404 Meeting. 2

"Very well; I will look at this after the meeting." After a momentary silence, he says these words by curbing his curiosity to ask for more.

He then looks at Tifania. "Well, to you now, dear goddess." His voice was slightly more rocky than usual as he asked Tifania this question.

The latter also frowns.

"Are you sure you want to hear my conditions here? That could reveal the fact that you...-

Alvine stops her in mid-sentence. "It doesn’t matter anymore. After a little hindsight, I realize that this fact is not even worthy of being a secret." While saying this, he looks at Sabrina behind him, who has curious eyes.

But noticing Alvine’s look at her, she pretended it wasn’t necessary.

A heavy, sad sigh escapes between Alvine’s lips. He gets up from his throne and stops in front of Sabrina.

"My gratitude to you is limitless, Sabrina. The debt I have to you is the only one I think is unpayable, no matter what sacrifices I would make for you." He expresses himself with an open heart while looking into her eyes.

"...?? What are you talking about? I don’t remember doing so many--

Alvine shakes his head. "You’re wrong; if I realized my greatest wish, it’s thanks to you; everyone here, except the two women present, can certify it.

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His subordinates unconsciously nodded, knowing what their master was referring to.

Alvine continued with an ironic smile.

"The reason I decided to hibernate and give up all my powers was for a wish that most people would call futile and stupid on my part.

-But they will not be able to understand it until they have lived the life I had lived. They will never understand it until they are above everyone and see everyone worship them like flags floating alone on everyone.

-No one cares about the flag that constantly hangs above them, nor the inattention when it’s hung alone on a pole. I speak by referring to one of the weakest communities in this universe."

While everyone listened to him in silence, Alvine continued...

"The worry, oppression, pressure, joy, anger, sadness, and even despair, all these emotions were unknown to me. But now, I realize these negative or positive emotions are all fun! After experiencing them, I realized that I didn’t know about the things that many people know.

And although I’m in this state, I have no regrets, even knowing I can lose everything at any time. I think I will not hesitate to make the same choice even if I go back to the past.

All these are thanks to you.

The day you returned to my room when I thought I had reincarnated with the soul of an earthling named Alvine Dragnar, I realized that my luck was not that bad; he was even the best of all.

(His dreamy eyes gradually became empty as he continued.)

-But unfortunately, no matter how great my powers are, I cannot erase the past; I would not erase it, even if I had the power.

This past that I hate is a distant past that goes back even before I meet with the monarchs. I’m talking about a past where I would travel in the universe by observing all the creatures I met on my way and that I...??" His smile became ironic when he noticed everyone’s interest in the throne room.

Even the inexpressive Zakiel held his breath when he saw Alvine talk about a story that intrigued them all.

He then continued.

"When I woke up, the universe was not as full as it is now."

Unable to let this plot pass, Feyre stops him in the middle of his sentence. "Wait, what do you mean by ’wake up’!? And your parents? No one would fall into the sky or appear as if by magic."

Even if the others were initially frustrated to see her interrupt Alvine, upon hearing her question, they could not help thanking her deep inside.

"...I didn’t know my parents or any other creatures resembling me. I thought I was amnesic at that time. As for my powers, I don’t know where they came from or how I got them." He answers her question nonchalantly.

"The reason I’m telling you this is for a good cause. Listen to me until the end before interrupting me; you will understand." He continues by addressing Feyre, who seems to want to ask him something else.

"This epoch is probably what you, the supremes call the age of nothingness, the age of the gods, or other crude appellations that you invented to name this epoch." He said while looking at Tifania.

The latter had breath at the end of her hair. "You mean you’re a survivor of that time!?"

Alvine frowns. "A survivor? Why do you speak as if no one was left from that time?" His question was asked with the confusion that accompanied him.

"I know what I’m talking about. This era is called nothingness only to theorize it. No one knows what happened at that time, to my knowledge. Have said that this epoch is the gods’ era because it did not have beings alive.

The very concept of God has evolved over the millennia. Initially, God only designated emptiness; Because there were only stars and planets, without living beings. Living beings are probably the youngest after intangible entities. But all this is only a hypothesis based on the fact that supremacy consists in creating a spiritual body entirely independent of its physical body."

But as soon as she finished her explanations, Alvine shook his head, refuting her words.

"At the time, stars and planets did not exist. But I don’t know more; after all, I’m not omniscient. And since I spent my time hibernating like you, the supreme beings, are currently doing them, I have not witnessed the changes that have gradually followed one another.

I still remember the day I saw the first deformed globe in the middle of nowhere and the first primitive creatures that were on this globe. They had nothing to do with you and me. And I didn’t also have this body; I think all I had at the time was a conscience, without anything more. I had no body or other characteristics that define current beings.

Maybe by envy or curiosity, I made sure to blend into the mass by passing as one of them and learning through them. They lived in a community without being because they did not interact with each other. They were all connected without being so connected because they understood each other without beading with words.

These creatures, or rather, these entities, had several forms and could take shapes adapted to their volcanic or Arctic environments; It all depended on where they were.

But that’s not where I want to go; they eventually disappeared because of an error on my part when I had not yet become aware of my powers. It may have been my frustration at seeing them wander like me.

It was at this moment that I understood that the person responsible for this was not me but someone more highly placed.

But I prefer to warn you this is only a theory; I have still not met this X; he may be dead at the moment or spending time shaping the universe as it pleases. Or maybe even that there is no X behind these phenomena, and the X in question is nothing more than the interstellar laws governing the universe.

Since there were no more creatures or planets and I was alone again, I hibernated in the hope of seeing other exciting things at my next awakening. I didn’t know what death meant. And ignoring death, life was a concept that was even more unknown to me.

At my weak from this hibernation, I realized that I had slept too much, just by noticing, as soon as I woke up, the changes that had occurred.

Instead of one or two, I was amazed by the new inhabitants and the hundreds of globes, all with different shapes and characteristics. Stars, suns, planets, destruction, reconstruction, and evolutions were in competition in the new world that had dazzled me with its versatility and unique characteristic.

And in all this chaos, I finally noticed creatures utterly different from what I had seen. They did not speak, but they had their languages through their roars. They intimidated each other, got along, formed families by mating, and allied with each other, establishing a primitive hierarchy.

The strong had the powers and reigned over weaknesses, one of the oldest laws established by their instincts... I guess.

But no matter how primitive they were, I found their daily lives fascinating, for lack of better words to describe my emotions at this time. But I think I was happy to see them, even if I didn’t know what these words meant.

Each planet had its creatures different from the others. These creatures had hierarchies and ways of living different from the others. But they were all disoriented and fought for their primitive instincts, such as the pleasure of mating, power, authority, etc.

Finally, I wanted to do like them.

But there was a problem, the creatures I had met were all different from me. They were unlike me, who had only a conscience without a body. I was traveling between the dimensions at my will; this freedom was only accessible to me.

They were powerful; if I had to compare their forces with current people, I would say that they were as strong as the emperor mages, no more.

And I was not so powerful; my power at that time would probably be comparable to those of the transcendent beings. To be precise, I was not weak; it was just that I had not yet fully become fully aware of my powers. Since I didn’t want great things, my powers were not as fantastic; because they followed my desires.

But as time passed, a notion that was unknown to me, I noticed that they were evolving and taking humanoid shapes. Colossi, the smallest or intangibles, their forms depended on the energy of their residential planets.

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All this evolution was probably only intended to increase their states of mind and force them to desire other forms of domination or to abandon others.

Finally, for the first time, I had hibernated despite myself! And for the first time, I was also worried about what might happen to me; even if I didn’t know, I felt concerned.

And my recent awakening was on the planet where I had met my two monarchs.

But before this awakening, there had been one between the two.

(As he pronounced this sentence, everyone could see that he was hesitant to talk about it.)

(After a few seconds of silence, his eyes became decisive.)

"Before my penultimate voluntary hibernation, I also noticed some changes in myself.

When I woke up from my involuntary hibernation, I had a body with eyes and everything that characterizes me as a being in its own right. But my powers had not disappeared; they were with me. Was this X you describe as a god who has fun with me? Where was my desire to look like these creatures that had made me forge a body?

I only got this answer recently.

One thing is for sure; this X is not related to me.

Are my powers may be this X that I have been addressing for a long time, or maybe it is myself? But this last assumption is more fanciful than realistic.

But I don’t care to find an answer to this question, and knowing myself, I think I wouldn’t care even if I had this question at the time.

I only had an eye for specific priorities.

Is a body envelope similar to the others? I got it.

I was visible to others; more precisely, they could see me now!

The dangers were in the offal; my excitement was like a tornado roaring constantly with every beat of my heart. This heartbeat noise was normal and ordinary for others, but for me, it was a feeling of ecstasy!

...I loved my hands, my eyes, my whole body! And without waiting for a second, I wanted to see and experience what I had observed so far.

I began my domination by killing without distinction all the creatures I met in passing.

This era is the darkest of my existence. I didn’t know the frontier between good and evil.

I had given free rein to my powers by killing the resistance fighters and letting them live who I wanted.

I...almost slept with all the creatures in the universe to meet one of my primitive instincts, to have...

...a descendant.

But all I received as a reward was... nothing. Death permeated my partners and led them to eternal rest. Death was an end that I didn’t know how to get the upper hand over it.

The survivors... no, there were no survivors, only corpses.

Frustrated and enraged by this, I had almost scratched everything in the universe.

The countless billions of years and efforts provided by X were reduced to nothing by my desire and jealousy that I did not understand.

When I recovered my spirits after abandoning my wish, which I considered inaccessible, I also realized that the universe had only one planet.

No matter where I looked, I saw nothing but the emptiness that was my only home at the time.

The planets were not as minor as what we are currently seeing.

This planet, where the only survivors were, was spared by me for reasons I myself did not know.

And this planet is where we are currently; at least, the remains I have gathered to make it an entire planet.

Even if its size is not as majestic as a tenth of what it was, it remains imposing compared to other current planets.

In short, after this second chaos I had created, I decided, at that time, to stay out of everything.

It was by keeping this decision in mind that I went into voluntary hibernation. And this hibernation had lasted longer than any other.

When I woke up, I found myself on an unknown planet, which also served as a prison for my two first monarchs.

-I think you already know the rest of the story." His last sentence was addressed to his generals, who all had chained breaths.

Stunned by everything he had just said, Tifania couldn’t help but frown skeptically.

"So, in your opinion, our ancestors are originally from this planet? It’s heavy to accept. No register talks about this." Her skepticism was present even in her words.

But Alvine didn’t try to convince her with words.

His lips moved little as he pronounced a name unknown to all, even the generals present with him. "Fy, you can come."



...Everyone’s heart trembles as they feel the oppression they could not explain following the mysterious energy that resonated with their souls.

The palate trembles fiercely as an abyssal black cocoon forms in the middle of the meeting room.

"You say my monarchs are two, but this is not the truth; like my three generals, there are also three monarchs under my command."

The generals’ minds suspiciously blurred when they heard Alvine say these words.


At the same time, the cocoon began to crack gradually, revealing a girl with long navy blue hair, three horns similar to those of Alvine, and scales covering her body like those of Alvine.

The others had the impression of seeing Alvine’s sister just by seeing her shape and the similarity she had with their lords.

"No, she has no blood ties with me. Her appearance is due to one of my nonsense when I was desperate to have a descendant. She is the only one who has inherited most of my powers; Fy, the third monarch and the laziest of all since she spends all her time hibernating in the core of this planet." He explained, seeing suspicion in the eyes of others.

"I’m not the third, but the first; they are all younger than me!" Her bell voice sounded in the throne room as she opened her eyes with draconian pupils and dark sclerotic.

"This decision is up to me straight. You are lucky to keep this position; if the circumstances were in my favor, I would have downgraded you to a simple subordinate. You had never contributed since the beginning."

"Wait!" Feyre’s high-pitched voice sounds in the room. "Who is this woman!? She’s not...what exactly is she!?"

"Hm? I just said it, didn’t I? I present to you, Fy, the manifestation of the spirit of the core of this planet, also one of the oldest creatures that lived in the most ancient era known by supreme beings.

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