King of succubus Chapter 421 Isolet, Alvine’s sister. 2

Chapter 421 Isolet, Alvine’s sister. 2

After listening to Isolet’s fuzzy explanations, Alvine became more confused. "Other sisters? You mean, the one next to you?" He asks while looking at the white Fy.

"Um, since Isolet could create fruits, she has done her best to create other little sisters. Thus, before each inverted evolution of Isolet, Isolet spent all his power to create a fruit that houses Sister Fy. I wanted... Isolet wanted to show you that you can count on her. That’s why she created all this." She said, pointing at the tree with her finger.

Alvine looks at the tree behind her. ’Fruits that shelter other Fy? But I don’t see any fruits on this tree. And what’s this story of fruit that could shelter lives!?’ He was simply unable to understand the senseless and immature words of Isolet

"What does she mean by all this?" He mutters under his tongue looking at White Fy who was with Isolet.

The latter shakes her head, as confused as Alvine.

But at that moment, Black Fy who was always with Alvine frowns. "Master, look at the roots of the tree. I think the situation is more urgent than it seems." The agitation was visible in her voice as she looked under her feet with convulsive eyes.

Following her gaze, Alvine and White Fy look under their feet.

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"...H-how shit!?" Alvine stutters, as if he were the most ignorant in the world; despite his almost unlimited existence.

The giant tree that stood in front of them had no roots, but another tree that resembled it as its reflection in the water.

But it wasn’t water reflection, nor an optical distortion, but another tree underground.

And unlike the tree that was in front of them, the tree underground had fruits Isolet talking about.

’These fruits...these are dimensions that she unconsciously created thanks to her power. But how did she manage to create so many independent dimensions with her power? However, these dimensions look like this planet and all its packing! How can she do that!? Unless she is not really a tree of the mutated world, but a completely different creature.’ Alvine’s neurons seemed to have stopped working as he looked at the five fruits on the tree.

He understood that Isolet called these dimensions her fruits. ’She wasn’t wrong what she said; but how could I know that she was talking about independent dimensions?’

"Isolet didn’t do it on purpose. She had to resume the evolution process five times before finally succeeding in accomplishing the mission that her big brother had given her. She wanted to be up to the task; show her older brother that he could count on her." She began to become nervous when she saw Alvine silent who no longer knew if he should see the situation with a good eye.


"Yes, my lord?" Both respond at the same time.

"No, I’m talking about the other...sigh, forget. You two, what level are you currently at?"

The two look at each other as if she was waiting for the other to speak first.

But finally, they were unable to deliberate. "I’m at the intermediate/superior."

For the first time, the two contradict each other.

’That’s it, it’s finally possible to untangle from the real to the false.’ Alvine mutters in his mind when he hears the first contradiction of two.

He wasn’t the only one to find this strange anomaly. He knew that both were supreme beings, but their powers necessarily had to be different, just by looking at their appearance.

White Fy, who had just said that she was a supreme intermediary was as pure as it should have been disconcerting for Black Fy who was a supreme superior being.

"Master, I’m sure she’s lying! She could never reach this rank before me; her original!"

"Huh? Why’d I lie to my lord!? You’re weak because you’ve never been me!"

"~~~!" White

"~~! ~~~!!" Black.

Alvine’s neurons began to overheat when he saw the two trying to convince him that they were the original.

But Alvine knew that the worst wasn’t yet to come. ’There’re only two; but yet, they’ve trouble living together, I don’t even dare to imagine what’ll happen if the other three join them. The worst thing is that there are probably other clones in the other dimensions. I can even feel my shadow subordinates’ aura in each of these dimensions. How the heck am I going to handle that!?’ He murmured as he looked at the two who were beginning to prepare for the confrontation.

Both show the same types of weapon of the same dimension, except for the fact that White Fy had a long white spear, while Black Fy’s spear was dark black.

"That’s enough! You don’t see that I’m trying to think calmly!?" Alvine’s threatening voice made both tremble although they were both stronger than him.

Overwhelmed by the fear that Alvine created in their souls, they stop any attempt to want to attack the other.

"You two, I’ve more serious problems than your useless quarrels; so keep quiet while I try to put my thoughts in order. I don’t want to hear any of you tell me that she’s the original or other shit; did I make myself understood!?"

"-!!" The two kneel instinctively in front of Alvine while pronouncing. "All my apologies, my lord; this bitch put me out of me without me--

"I’m telling you to close it!" Alvine repeats himself when he sees the two talking at the same time as if they were pretending or sharing the same thread of thoughts.


Seeing them finally shut up, Alvine focuses on Isolet who was more nervous than ever.

He tries to smile at her so that she doesn’t start crying as before.

"Isolet, can you do something for your big brother?"


"...Make me see your aura more closely," Alvine asks in a ’soft’ voice.

As soon as requested immediately done.

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But this time, Alvine only used his eyes when he saw Isolet manifest her pure white aura that seemed to be quite ordinary.

He took out a scarlet red monocle in his shadow that he places on his left eye.

’I had taken this supreme rank monocle in the treasure room of Heepha’s Castle after destroying it; let’s hope it’ll teach me something I don’t know about this girl. She may be an enemy who’s trying to do the innocent for me--! What!?’ Alvine removes the monocle on his left eye.

He looks at Isolet with suspicion. "...Isolet, earlier, you talked about evolution processes; what exactly did you mean?" He asks in a sober and slightly cold tone than usual.

"I...Isolet’s mind and body are constantly reborn after reaching the highest level of supreme rank. That’s why Isolet’s always a child." She nervously explained this detail that Alvine had never heard of before without talking about taking it into account.

"Are you reincarnated?"

"No, it’s different from reincarnation. Isolet’s body becomes big, super big. Then, it becomes small again, super small as a little finger. And it continues to grow up again, then it becomes small again." She gestures during her explanation while she did her best to better explain to Alvine; in her own way.

Alvine remained silent as his eyes switched between Isolet and the white tree behind her. ’Is she talking about the tree or her spiritual body? Sigh, it’s so complicated to talk with someone who has such an immature mind. But speaking of her physical body, this example would be logical. The world trees are not really different from small buds at birth, but they can pierce the sky once they reach maturity. So this means that she reverses the growth process by becoming small again since adulthood?’ Alvine covers his face with his hand because of his mental exhaustion.

’In any case, her soul is almost as old as mine. It’s the first time I have seen an entity that is so close to my age. How is this possible? How come I hadn’t noticed this factor during all these years spent with her?’

While Alvine was in conflict with his thoughts, Isolet continues her explanation.

"After big brother’s disappearance, Isolet has evolved five times. Each time, she sacrificed all her energy to create other fruit that would house little sister Fy to negotiate with her to be able to accomplish the mission that big brother had given. But Isolet couldn’t kill her little sister, otherwise, big brother would get angry with her."

Alvine raises one of his eyebrows.

’...In other words, she considers the dimensions she creates as fruits; this is normal for a tree. - Sigh, the mission was simple, she just had to let her roots cover the entire planet so that I could have my own world tree; it was just to satisfy my own curiosity. How could things get complicated in this way!? I’d never have guessed that her immature mind would force her to make such decisions.

-Then, I guess I hadn’t noticed her all this time because of this process of evolution that resembles that of some magical beasts that can reverse their life cycles. Except that she doesn’t do it knowingly; if I believe what she just said. But all the same, it remains a too mysterious skill!

Has the universe mutated or was it I who, obsessed with my quest in search of -First the Cristaluses, and now, this girl who breaks all the records of abnormality. Has the universe mutated or was it I who, obsessed with my quest in search of stronger than me, was blind to see these exceptional beings!?’ The three knew he was thinking, so they kept silent until he finished putting an order in his thoughts.

’For the moment, it’s simply impossible for me to know if she’s lying to me or not. But my intuition tells me that she doesn’t pretend, it’s the most ridiculous in all history.

-She manages to create a dimension similar to this planet. That’s conceivable since she’s an entity older than the original planet. But from there to create an independent dimension with my subordinates inside in each of the five dimensions, how did she do it!? She’s not a goddess anyway!?’ Alvine couldn’t help but make fun of himself as he looked at the five crystals hanging on the branches.

’She addressed me as her big brother since the day she regained consciousness.

-What if we had crossed before we met on the planet that I had destroyed by saving only her? Maybe that’s why she calls me her big..., sigh, let’s forget the insignificant details. Let’s focus first on the reason for coming. I’d then take care of this matter for later.’

With this conclusion, Alvine decides to put aside his negative thoughts and focus on the most important; breaking the seal that imprisons Elena.

He finally focuses on Isolet with placid eyes. "Isolet, I congratulate you for completing the mission. Thanks to you, I can finally summon the other races of this planet without moving." He pats Isolet’s head with a tender smile on his lips.

Seeing Alvine regain his mood, a naive smile blooms on Isolet’s lips.

"Yes, Isolet worked a lot for that. I told you that you can trust Isolet. I wanted to be strong enough but I keep regressing and losing power. That’s why I created fruits to help you instead of letting my powers go without them being useless." She explains with the old enthusiasm that had disappeared.

Alvine had an ironic smile. ’Even if her intentions were commendable, her efforts remain mysteries. Anyway, instead of seeing everything in black, I may have a chance to increase my military’s power to another level.

-Having a monarch is already useful, but five monarchs who have powers similar to Fy’s, it’s almost like a dream. I was able to have confirmation that the White Fy was as obedient as the original; which means that the others will probably be.

-All this will be good; but I can’t yet rule out the idea of being wary of this girl. If she has bad intentions, then I’d have a bigger problem than anything I’m about to face. I’m feared by my enemies because of my powers; if this girl turns out to be an enemy...sigh, let’s not be cynical.’ With these thoughts, Alvine looks at the two Fy.

"You two will take the paths created by Isolet’s roots and summon each leader of these three races I will quote." He stops momentarily as if he were trying to attract all their attention.

He then continues, seeing that it wasn’t necessary. "The ice elves who have their kingdoms a few thousand kilometers from here, in the middle of Antarctica. Then, this species that live under the endless sea; I’d like Black Fy to take care of them, they were strong enough at the time to entertain me a little. Their powers must not be negligible at the moment. Use your power if necessary and drag their leader to me; I want to see it here in less than an hour." He looks at Black Fy who was with him all this time.

"I have heard your orders, my lord; the leader who ruled on the endless sea will soon be before you." She speaks like a knight who has just heard the orders of her majesty.

Alvine nodded and continued.

"Finally, you’ll go meet these arrogant lizards; you must go together to their territories which is in the volcanic region. Don’t underestimate them; their leader was already a supreme dragon before I retired, it must be at least two more levels."

"Hah!!." Both answered at the same time with the same accent in their voices.

"Don’t forget, you must cooperate during this mission and make good decisions; I do not want to hear any discord between you." He gives this warning in a deep voice.

"Yes, Sir!"

"Good!" He nods before focusing on Isolet.

But to his great and pleasant surprise, the latter had already opened a portal in the trunk of her tree.

"This portal will lead you to my roots which are connected to each kingdom." She explains herself briefly while creating a small firefly fairy in her effigy of one of her leaves.

"But just in case, my clone will guide you and show you the way in case you get lost along the way." She continues.

’Heh, when she feels the problems or thinks she has committed nonsense, she addresses herself as a third person. I don’t know where this way of speaking comes from.’ Alvine mutters in his mind with an ironic smile.

The two subordinates no longer lost a second; they disappeared into the portal with the clone of Isolet.

’Now it’s time to see if these two manage to cooperate. The mission itself is not complicated, but the goal is to know how these two will cooperate to accomplish it; the result of this mission will allow me to know if I must destroy the dimensions and people or if I must enroll them and increase my military strength.

-Normally, I’d have destroyed these five dimensions without hesitation. But in times of war, the most logical decision is not necessarily the best; especially since enemies are counted in infinite numbers.’

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