King of succubus Chapter 446 The cause of Alvine’s obsession with the Crystaluses. 2

446 The cause of Alvine’s obsession with the Crystaluses. 2

Suddenly, the emerald green crystal on her chest slowly lit up and gradually became blinding as the seconds passed for a minute.

"Anti-energic area...settled." Like her sister had done, a silent but omnipresent discharge explodes from her body like an invocation hydrogen bomb whose catalyst is none other than her own green crystal.

When she activated her territory, the latter was nothing flashy like those of others; moreover, that of her sister was not relevant either when she fought against Elena.

But it was in a way what made their domains more dangerous than those of others; for several reasons.

Then, like a freshly exploded supernova, invisible corruption continued to spread and cover more space as a second flowed in the form of a drop of water.

In addition, Askald and all the powerful residents of the planet, including Alvine, felt the energy disturbance all around them.

This brief moment looked like a total blackout for them who are used to living permanently with their mana, but for the guests, who were about to come and pick them up... it would be… more nightmarish than anything they had experienced before.

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Ships may be titans and masters of the heavens and space, but they remain artifacts.

Artifacts only work with the magical energy absorbed thanks to the mana crystals that feed them.

This simple detail that Ashald had not taken into account was one of the reasons that pushed Alvine to have them in his camp or to kill them as a priority if the first plan failed.

With eyes sometimes confused but also surprised to feel Rendy’s ability influencing him, Asklad sighs slightly.

’I’m now beginning to understand why Lord Kayre’s so attentive to this breed. They are weak even if they can kill but on the other hand..!’ He mutters in his mind while shaking his head with an ironic smile.

After a few moments, a sufficient period of time enough to allow her to fully establish her anti-magic area within a radius of ten KM, she finally stops; patiently waiting for her prey to enter her invisible and ’safe’ territory.

And since there was no irregular fluctuation or the presence of spells, the prey did not seem to have noticed this detail.

This, they continued to move forward without blinking.

During this time, Askald orders Zakiel to convey his message to Shadow.

As such, he knew the destructive power of the cannons that drew their energies from the magic crystals and; more importantly, the distance necessary for a full-handed attack.

"We have a problem." But against all odds, Zakiel was preparing to give him information that he had not taken into account.

"What is it about?" He frowns towards Zakiel.

"According to Shadow’s message, the crystals that are supposed to feed the barrier have become inactive."

"What!?" His face turned black as he shouted slightly out loud.

Determined to take the information from the source, he instantly establishes a communication tunnel with Shadow.

**Shadow, explain to me what’s going on!**

**It’s you, monarch?** Shadow asks in a somewhat nervous tone that also testifies to his agitation.

Without the barrier, it was impossible for them to completely spare all enemy’s ships attacks; and that was intolerable for him.

’Could it be that this girl’s territory can influence even the...-

Before he continued in his thoughts, Shadow informed him of his report.

**I don’t know what just happened, but following the slight disturbance, the energy of the crystals became sealed. I can feed them with my energy, but they are scattered all over the corners of the planet, I have already contacted the others to activate them manually, but...-

"We won’t get by in time!" Askald grumbles this sentence between his clenched teeth while looking at the two girls above him.

However, his eyes were more on the two hundred ships than on the twins. The reason was that their guns roared and showed red and blue gleams; a convincing enough factor to imply that they were about to send more destructive bombardments than bombers.

’Are they trying to trap us? Without the shield, we can’t protect everyone from attacks. I may have made a mistake by letting these two do as they see a way.

-I also underestimated this skill by believing that he could only influence the surrounding energy of her area.’ Although he is in the anti-magic zone, his murderous aura could not be contained in Rendy’s area.

The latter also noticed this fact, as well as the intentions of Askald, who wanted to take care of them before it was too late.

**Sir Askald, just give me a few seconds, then you will understand what happens next.** She shared this message without delay, lest Askald spoils everything.

Moreover, even if Askald was not fair-play enough, he could not help giving them this last chance because of the instructions Alvine had given him just after Elena’s battle against Cindy.

To prepare for any sneaky eventuality in the event of treason, he orders Shadow and the others to prepare for the offensive as soon as possible.

During this time, the warships finally arrived in the Rendy domain, which extended to ten KM all around.

Perhaps because of the panic or his habit of looking far, Askald seems to have forgotten a more relevant detail than all the others.

"Monarch of souls, if this girl can influence the energy of the crystals that feed our barrier, does this also mean she can negatively influence the crystals that feed enemy warships?" This simple question that Zakiel had just asked him instantly woke him up in his confusion.

His eyes widened with disbelief as he finally saw through the two girls’ plan.

At the same time, the enemy cannons that were preparing to open fire on them began to weaken in brightness before going out successively and gradually.

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This scene made him in full view.

Instantly, some ships that had crossed the threshold of Rendy’s anti-magic area began losing their impulses following the extinction of their engines, which were also powered by crystals.

(Ships may be undisputed masters of the heavens, but they remain artifacts.) Like all weapons or artifacts, they need a source of energy; in other words, fuel.

Just as weapons draw from the energy of their owners to bring out their potential, flying ships had nothing different.

Therefore, if they were influenced by the attraction of the planet, the only destiny that would await them would be the crash!

But since they were in orbit, they were no different from wandering meteorites that floated in the interstellar vacuum. Powerless, and without means to defend themselves or go back.

Since all means of communication were broken cause Rendy’s area not only influenced the crystal’s energy but also the mage’s mana, the others were unaware of this anomaly and continued their frantic rush to the honey trap.

It was not long before half of the enemy troops found themselves trapped in the Crystalus’s maid traps.

Those with wings or other means of flight without the help of their deep energies, begin to get out of their respective ships to manually inform themselves of the urgent situation by word of mouth.

’It’s...inconceivable.’ Askald mutters in his mind with constantly changing eyes.

Even he, who had an idea of the cause of all this chaos in the enemy union’s camp was confused, so for the others, it was chaos.

At this moment, Rendy advances towards all her prey while taking her territory with her.

Her goal was simple, …to influence the other ships that were in late.

With this objective in sight, it only took her three seconds to cover a distance of five KM.

In the chaos, the presence of a single girl was not relevant enough for them, especially since they were groups of several factions, they had not suspected that a corrupt seed had just approached their fields.

’Do not forgive me for what I am about to do to you, hate me as I hate my enemies, and haunt me until the end of my days. It’s the cause of your all avarice and your bad luck to have met me.’ While mumbling this long sentence, she took another deep breath and spread her two arms in the middle of the crowd of thousands of people and two hundred ships.

’She takes advantage of the confusion to interfere. To succeed in her infiltration, she used a simple camouflage spell. But since our enemies can no longer use their advanced perceptions because they row garbage levels, she succeeded in this infiltration as if it were as simple as turning her hand.

-It’s both ingenious and practical. But I doubt that she can wreak havoc with a single offensive spell. It doesn’t matter, she did more than I expected from her, only one murder from her and this case will be closed.’ After mumbling in his mind, he (Askald) waited patiently for Rendy to finish what she had started.

In addition, the latter releases all the air in her lungs and mutters in a low voice...

"Energy overloading." Only two words were pronounced calmly and unambiguously or with murderous intent by her.


simple divine law, but a simple more ordinary skill that consists of releasing all the energy contained 12:42

in a foreign body.

But although she did not seem to intend to kill anyone since no hostile presence emerged from her, the damage was more destructive than anything Askald could estimate even in his wildest nightmare.

As its name suggests, the spell she had just used was neither an arcane, nor a concept or even a simple divine law, but a simple more ordinary skill that consists of releasing all the energy contained in a foreign body.

But still…


Following the brief moment of silence, the ships full of crystals begin to explode from the inside, ... taking all those who were there and even those who were close to them, to their graves.

Throughout the process, Cindy remained in her place, but this was not synonymous with inaction on her part.

The fact that the others suddenly found themselves in the middle of successive explosions despite being far away, was partly linked to her.

’If warships are endowed with a power capable of annihilating the body and soul of a transcendent being and even fatally wounding supreme beings... it’s because of the crystals that feed them.

-Since these are the pure crystallization of mana formation, they contain all kinds of known and unknown destructive spells. It is only after drawing on their energies that a mage will modify their attributes.’ Askald had a break in his mind as he looked at the chaos above him.

’But the guns are made with raw and exceptional materials that pass this stage and transform them into a destructive power without moderation, hence the powers that make them the nightmare of its targets.’ His wild smile then resurfaced on his lips as he contemplated the night sky suddenly becoming blinding for the first time.

He then looked at Rendy as his smile vanished in the sudden coldness that manifested itself as master on his face.

’Not only did she increase the action field of her spell thanks to her territory but since his prey no longer had access to their mana, they had no choice but to rely on their wings to get away from it with a few missing limbs.

-But her sister had yet erected a shield to lock them up with their ships suddenly turned into destructive bombs; this Rendy just protected herself with her own shield to be out of reach. I can’t help but be amazed by their cooperation and coordination worthy of my master’s expectations.

-Nevertheless, there are always details that must be enlightened; why did they indirectly kill these people if they can kill? She did not launch an offensive skill but just overloaded the energy contained in the crystals which, also reinforced by the guns, caused destruction no less weak than an arcane.

-As for her sister, she just erected a shield to prevent others from fleeing away, instead of finishing them with her own hands; it’s suspicious. I don’t think they are different from the other Crystaluses, they didn’t even have murderous auras around them when she did this action.’

Having understood what had just passed in front of him, and although he reached his starting goal, Askald did not have the expression he had to show in the event of victory.

Instead of joy, it was a cynicism fueled by a feeling of discomfort and skepticism he feels.

’They may have lied to us, they may be unable to kill directly at last.’ He concludes with fierce eyes.

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