King of succubus Chapter 74 The Greatest Threat.

"Alice, the ancient sovereign of the continent of demons, and her daughter, Sofia Blake, the new sovereign of demons have allied with two divine beings to exterminate the Valskars and have marked you as their enemies who must be exterminated!" She announced by plunging her gaze into Alvine’s sky blue eyes.

"What do you mean by saying that they have allied themselves with two deities?" Asked Sabrina, frowning.

"What I mean is that they have the support of two beings who have reached the divine rank and that they hold power beyond all imaginations! One of them had almost killed Yuer just with a slight push from him!" She said explaining Yury’s incident when she tested their powers!

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"Cheera, I want you to tell me in detail the events that preceded your returned from my castle." Ordered Alvine in a serious and monotonous tone!

"Sigh, it all started when we arrived in Empress Yury’s palace. With the excuse of introducing us to her daughter, the new sovereign of the continent of demons, Yury allowed Alice to open a dimensional portal with a strange cube..." she explained the details until Yury almost died and stopped there without saying anything more.

"Well, continue your explanation, Queen of the Elves. I must say that your presence looks more interesting than I expected." Says alvine in a relaxed tone but without forgetting to check the reliability of her words with Sabrina to be sure she was not lying.

Seeing Alvine so calm and placid, a seed of hope emerges in Cheera’s heart. ’Maybe, in the end, everything has not yet been lost.’ She weighed by clinging to this ounce of hope.

"After he spared Yury’s subjects under our supplications, the divine mage named Barthod locked Yury in the dungeon of his own castle and appointed Alfonzo, the new ruler of the kingdom of Aralysha, who was a mage of the Royal Court. In addition to him, Hades, the two twins allied with them and swore allegiance to them!" she says when she thinks about previous events.

’Treason for the interests, greed for the power... sigh. Anyway of the race or environment populated by intelligent beings, these characteristics are always present with them. It’s not because someone is weak that he is kind. Beings show their true natures when they acquire the power to dominate others.’ Thought Alvine, shaking her head with disappointment. He was one of the victims who suffered from these attitudes!

"What about you, and the fairy queen?" Asked Sabrina, frowning.

"Sigh, the kingdom of Elves and fairies have not suffered too much from their dictatorships. The fairy kingdom is known to accept only those who have been invited by their queens. Without the approval of their queen, no one will be able to locate their locations. As for my kingdom, we have the protection of the spirits of the forest who help us camouflage ourselves in the eyes of malicious people! Therefore, they had planned to capture and torture us so that we could reveal the location of our respective kingdoms! But luckily I was able to teleport myself by taking the fairy queen with me. But for some reason, the spacious flows were disrupted and I was separated from the fairy queen when I landed in the forest a hundred kilometers from your castle. I’m looking for her last two days but I haven’t found any trace of her." She concludes with guilty air.

After hearing the entire story, Alvine still had suspicions about Cheera. "Cheera, there is too much flaw in your words. First, you say that your kingdom and that of the fairies cannot be found by them, so if you had such defensive abilities, how is it that the Valskar managed to attack one of your kingdoms and those of the fairies? And why did these two divine beings target us when we did not offend them? If they saw us as threats, why didn’t they come directly here to attack us?" He said in an interrogative tone.

Hearing Alvine’s questions, the queen of the Elves took a sip in her tea with a depressed air and answered Alvine. "For the Valskar who were able to reach us despite our defenses... is a mystery to ourselves. But since I managed to escape from the clutches of these two deities, I have always remained in contact with my general, and he confirmed to me that my people did not have visitors. So I concluded that my subjects are safe, at least for now. Maybe they haven’t decided to take care of us yet. As for why they targeted you, I imagine it’s because of this traitor and her daughter." She said when she spoke of Alice and Sofia.

Alvine’s mistrust went up to another level when she heard this vague answer from her. "Queen of the Elves, Cheera Greenwood, I’m not going to mince my words and I’m being frank with you. Even if my intuition tells me that you are not lying. I can’t trust you with so few blurred details! Let’s admit that the old witch sold us and that the others allied themselves with them to protect their kingdoms, nothing tells me that you are not one of their pawns they sent for us baited to lead us straight into their traps. You see, even if I have not yet confronted divine beings, according to Sabrina’s information, it is simply impossible for you to escape them so easily!" He said with suspicion.

At that moment, Sabrina’s voice resounded in her head through telepathy.

*Master, if I may, this girl seems to be telling the truth. As for the invasion of the Valskar on their territories, it is something they could do nothing to protect themselves from them. The Valskar are breeds that have been practicing this invasion activity for several thousand centuries, they are prepared for its kind of eventuality. As for how she escaped from her two deities, I can assume that it was because of their arrogance. For them, mortals are nothing more than vulgar insects that they can crush at any time. *

*They like to play his kinds of jokes with them giving them a little hope that they can escape them and crush them with more despair in the future! But something worries me, even if divine beings come to this planet, their powers will be sealed to the rank of saints! But despite everything, they can easily get rid of an emperor mage without problems and if they ever cause more carnage and kill more people... the divine punishment will fall on them for having to interfere in the affairs of mortals. But according to his explanations, I have the impression that his two people have nothing to fear from this punishment. Given the damage, they caused without blinking. * Says, Sabrina.

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*Hmm, I understand. If your assumptions are right and they have some way to keep their divine powers without suffering divine punishment, then the situation is more serious than we thought! * He said by rubbing his head as if he had a sudden headache.

"Cheera, do you know why they did so without fear of divine punishment?" Asked Alvine trying to verify their concerns. ’If his two people really keep their levels of cultivation, and they are found a miraculous way to circumvent divine punishments, then they will be a hundred times more threatening than the Valskars. I don’t even dare to imagine the danger they will represent in the future!’ He was concrete with concern.

"I think it was because of a stone that Sofia Blake gave them. Hmm, they called this stone... the phi... Philo- Something... sigh, I don’t remember its name anymore. I was too much pressure at that time, sorry." She announced in a depressed tone.


"However, you are usually calm, how did you forget such important information?! Sigh, it’s really...

Even before Alvine could continue her words, Sabrina who stood behind Alvine suddenly appeared less than thirty centimeters from Cheera and lifted her head to plunge her gaze into her eyes while using her [Palm of puppets] skill that hypnotizes the victim for a while! "Cheera Greenwood, is the name of this stone the PHILOSOPHAL STONE?!" Asked Sabrina in a soft and pleasant voice.

"Yes mistress, this is what these two people said that as long as they have this stone in their possession, they will have nothing to fear." Responded instantly Cheera in a monotonous voice without emotion. She was like a golem.

Sabrina’s actions were so fast that neither Alvine nor Cheera had seen that a residual image. But Alvine did not comment on her actions. She must have a good reason for her to become agitated in this way.

Just after Cheera’s confirmation, Sabrina dissipated her fate while looking at her with mixed emotions while remaining silent for a long time. Meanwhile, Cheera, who had just regained her spirits, constantly asked Alvine and Sabrina what had just happened to her.

"Please be silent for a while." Said Alvine in a frustrated tone. Just seeing Sabrina in this state, he was sure that their fears turned out to be true! these two people are really a threat to them!

After a minute of silence, Sabrina gradually regained her previous calm. "Master, the situation is more dangerous than we can imagine!" She announced with a serious air that Alvine rarely saw!

"Hm, I understand, your assumption turned out to be correct. For now, you can activate the defensive formations you had put in place. This is the most urgent you can do at the moment. Afterward, we will put in place a plan to treat them properly!" Ordered Alvine with a mischievous smile.

"At your orders, master!" She says, instantly disappearing into the living room to execute her master’s orders.

"The philosopher’s stone, just like the stone of creation... sigh." Sighed Alvine when he murmured his words under his tongue.

"Ehu, Alvine... can you tell me why Lady Sabrina reacts like that?" Asked Cheera with a bad presentiment.

"Um? Hehe, you brought us interesting information, I would even say very interesting. But unfortunately, they are not good news for us!"

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