Leveling Up With My Pet Chapter 14 Successful Mission

Hu Shijun found himself in a perplexing situation and was at a loss for how to respond, feeling neither amused nor upset.

Noticing his expression, Liu Yong said:

"Junzi, you have to trust me, come on, help me hold on to the rope, and don’t be dragged into the water."

"Okay man"

Hu Shijun took hold of one end of the rope but was skeptical that they could catch the crocodile in this manner.

In that pivotal moment, Liu Yong’s focus converged on the task on his hand. All other distractions faded away as he instinctively reached out to grasp the rope, his fingers closing tightly around its rough fibers. With a fierce determination burning within him, he set his sights on the tiny snapping turtle that had caught his eye.

Drawing on his own experience and intuition, Liu Yong began to guide the small snapping turtle, urging it to operate with a level of intelligence that matched that of a four- or five-year-old child. Though this may have seemed daunting, Liu Yong approached it calmly, as if he had done it a thousand times before.

The battle may have been long over, but the memory of it still lingered in Liu Yong’s mind. As he looked back on that fateful day, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of awe at the sheer ferocity of the crocodile that had dared to challenge the tiny snapping turtle.

Standing over two meters in length, the crocodile had looked like a formidable opponent, its jaws capable of crushing bone. But as the battle unfolded, it quickly became apparent that the snapping turtle was no ordinary creature.

With lightning-fast reflexes and a fierce determination, the little turtle quickly gained the upper hand, unleashing a flurry of attacks that left the crocodile reeling. Despite its size and strength, the crocodile seemed powerless to resist the snapping turtle’s relentless onslaught.

The battle was one-sided, with the snapping turtle emerging victorious and the crocodile lying defeated on the ground.

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The crocodile is full of scars, horrible, already dying, and at the mercy of others.

"Master set it up!"

The turtle said.

Upon receiving the message, Liu Yong firmly grasped the rope with both hands, feeling the weight and resistance that indicated something got caught on the other end.

Being excited, he steadily pulled on the rope, using his strength to reel in whatever lay at the other end. His mind raced with possibilities of what he might find, and his muscles strained with the effort of hauling in his catch.

"Junzi, we have caught something significant, perhaps even a large crocodile. We should pool our strength and work together to reel it in,"

Suggested the Shijung, sensing the weight and resistance on the line. The urgency in their voice conveyed excitement and caution, as the prospect of catching such a formidable creature was both thrilling and daunting.

As Hu Shijun began to pull on the line, a distinct sensation of weight and resistance coursed through his arms, affirming that he had indeed hooked onto something substantial.

The effort required to haul in the catch was significant, as the force pulling against him was tremendous and unrelenting.

The Shijiung experienced a sudden and intense jolt of emotion in his heart, which caused a shock-like sensation to ripple through his body.

He caught something.

Caught up in surprise and amazement, Hu Shijun couldn’t help but express his companion lightheartedly.

"Brother Yong, could it be that we’ve caught nothing more than a big rock at the bottom of the lake or a large piece of rotten wood?"

Hu Shijun asked.

He quipped, trying to make light of the situation. Despite his playful tone, Hu Shijun’s still filled with excitement and curiosity, eager to see what had caught on the line.

His words were more of a momentary diversion, an attempt to relieve some tension and keep the mood light as they continued to work towards their catch.

"I don’t think so," responded Liu Yong, confident in his assessment.

"I’m pretty sure we’ve caught that big crocodile. Let’s put in some extra effort and pull it up to find out for sure."

With a shared sense of determination, the two friends braced themselves and began to count off together.

"One, two, three..." they chanted, each taking a deep breath before exerting their strength to reel in their catch. The strain on their muscles was intense, and the line seemed to resist their efforts at every turn. Yet the two remained undeterred, pulling with all their might so the mystery of what lay at the other end of the line.

With their combined efforts and unwavering determination, the two companions worked tirelessly to reel in their catch. After an eternity of pulling and straining, they finally succeeded in hoisting the ten-meter-long rope out of the water. To their amazement and satisfaction, the object at the end was revealed to be the enormous body of a gigantic crocodile!

The creature’s size was impressive, and the sight of it left the two friends in awe of what they had accomplished. Though the task had been challenging, the reward of catching such a formidable creature made it all worth it.

Upon closer inspection, the two companions noticed that the noose at the end of the rope had effectively wrapped tightly around the crocodile’s mouth, holding it securely in place. Despite the animal’s struggles to break free, the noose remained firm, preventing escape attempts.

The stability of it was a testament to the skill and precision of the two friends, who had managed to not only hook the crocodile but also successfully contain it.

"Brother Yong, it is that big crocodile!" exclaimed Shijun with unbridled enthusiasm, the voice ringing out with excitement and joy.

The triumph of successfully catching such a formidable creature was evident in tone as they reveled in the experience of having outwitted the animal and accomplished their goal.

Hu Shijun was still in awe of their incredible catch. He couldn’t help but express his amazement.

"I never imagined in my wildest dreams that we would catch this big crocodile!"

He exclaimed, his voice filled with disbelief and wonder. The enormity of the animal and the thrill of the catch had left an impression on him, and he couldn’t contain his excitement. The word "awesome" perfectly captured the awe-inspiring nature of their achievement and the sense of pride and accomplishment that came with it.

Hu Shijun looked at Liu Yong with deep admiration and respect, overcome with awe and gratitude.

"Brother Yong is truly mighty!" he almost shouted, unable to contain his companion.

Liu Yong’s strength, skill, and tenacity were critical in successfully capturing the crocodile. Hu Shijun quickly recognized and appreciated his friend’s contribution to their accomplishment.

The frenzied activity and commotion caused by the crocodile’s capture immediately caught the people’s attention on the boat parked some twenty or thirty meters away. They quickly turned their heads to noise and commotion, curious to see what was happening.

The sight of the two friends pulling the enormous animal out of the water must have been a fascinating and thrilling spectacle, and it was no surprise that it had caught the attention of everyone on board.

The energy and excitement of the moment were palpable, and it was clear that the two companions had not only accomplished something remarkable but had also managed to captivate the attention of those around them.


"Did they catch the alligator?"

One of the men on the board said it.

Several pairs of eyes looked over one after another, their faces full of disbelief.

As the crocodile had pulled out of the water, it gave a fierce struggle, thrashing about and trying to free itself from the noose.

In a sudden burst of energy, the animal made a desperate lunge, causing a large splash that almost dislodged the rope from Liu Yong and Hu Shijun’s hands.

The force of the crocodile’s movements was so great that it threatened to overwhelm the two friends, struggling to maintain their grip on the rope.

However, they managed to hold on, even as the crocodile thrashed about, its powerful tail whipping back and forth in the air. The situation was tense and dangerous, but Liu Yong and Hu Shijun remained determined and focused, refusing to let go of the rope and risking losing their catch.

The people on that boat were almost stunned collectively, with their mouths opened wide.

"This is unscientific!"

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Liu Yong and Hu Shijun’s successful capture of the massive crocodile was all the more impressive without access to professional tools or equipment.

Despite this, they could use quick thinking and resourcefulness to fashion a noose at the end of a ten-meter-long rope, which they used to catch the crocodile and pull it to the surface.

The speed and efficiency with which they could accomplish this task left the onlookers on the nearby boat puzzled. They were amazed, unable to explain how it got done so quickly and effectively.

Liu Yong’s shout to "hold on firmly and pull it up" was a testament to his strength and determination for his unwavering confidence in his ability to overcome any obstacle.

With every passing moment, the tension in the air grew as the fishermen and onlookers waited with bated breath to see if Liu Yong and Hu Shijun could successfully capture the crocodile. It was a moment of intense excitement and suspense.

Under the shocked eyes of everyone on the other boat, they worked together to pull the rope up again.

The crocodile came out of the water again, and the boat next to it approached, looking at the crocodile enviously.

They knew that the 100,000 yuan had nothing to do with them. It belonged to the two young people before them.

"Brother, do you want us to help?"

Liu Yong politely declined: "Thank you, we can handle it."

With the crocodile now securely captured, Hu Shijun took charge of the boat, rowing towards the shore as quickly. At the same time, Liu Yong continued to pull on the rope, keeping the crocodile under control.

It was a tense and precarious journey, with the crocodile still struggling and thrashing about. Still, Hu Shijun’s skilled rowing and Liu Yong’s strength and determination proved to be more than a match for the massive reptile.

After what seemed like an eternity, they finally reached the shore, and with the help of several others, they were able to drag the crocodile safely onto the land.

Despite the danger and difficulty of their mission, Liu Yong and Hu Shijun had succeeded in capturing the crocodile, and they were now able to bask in the satisfaction of a job well done.

The owner of the charter boat, who had been smoking a cigarette leisurely, was taken aback by the commotion that had suddenly erupted on the water. As he watched Liu Yong and Hu Shijun expertly pull in the massive crocodile, he was so stunned that his cigarette slipped from his fingers and fell to the ground, forgotten.

It was not every day that he witnessed such an incredible feat, and he couldn’t believe his eyes. He had seen his share of amateur fishermen trying to catch small fish. Still, he had never seen anyone catch a crocodile before. He couldn’t help but wonder how these two men had managed to do it without any professional tools or equipment.

As the news of the crocodile catch spread, more and more people gathered around, forming a small crowd at a safe distance from the captured reptile.

Nobody dared to get too close, as everyone felt the danger posed by a wild crocodile.

The mouth of the giant crocodile has been tied up, which is very safe. In addition, this crocodile seems to be almost dead.

As the onlookers gazed at the captured crocodile from a safe distance, they noticed several visible wounds on its body.

However, they couldn’t see the scars clearly due to the distance and had to rely on their imagination to guess how the crocodile had sustained them.

Some people speculated that the wounds were from fishing hooks or other tools used by amateur fishermen. Others thought the crocodile might have been injured in a fight with another predator in the water. Despite the various theories, no one knew how the crocodile was wounded.

After a while, people from the park management office came quickly.

Upon learning about the crocodile’s capture, the leading staff member, who was in charge of the nature reserve, rushed to investigate the matter. After understanding the situation, he was overjoyed and expressed gratitude to Liu Yong and Hu Shijun, who had caught the crocodile.

"Thank you, thank you so much," the staff member exclaimed with gratitude. "Our Ink Lake Park is finally safe again."

Liu Yong said:

"We were lucky and finally caught it."

The two of them shook hands and chatted, and several other park staff members confirmed that it was the crocodile.

They were also a little puzzled. There were several scars on this crocodile.

"Where did this come from?"

One of them said it shockingly. ….

Liu Yong made an excuse casually, such as saying that the crocodile was caught yesterday and those scars were made yesterday.

The capture of the crocodile by Liu Yong and Hu Shijun raised some questions about the management and the safety of its visitors. However, the staff member in charge of the park chose not to delve deeper into the matter and did not pursue any further investigation.

A detailed analysis of the situation could reveal inconsistencies and holes in the explanation given by Liu Yong and Hu Shijun. But the park did not want to delve further into the matter.

"The most important thing is that the crocodile was caught. Other things, including how it was caught, are not important."

It was said the staff.

The park transported the crocodile away, and the onlookers gradually dispersed.

"Those two young men were so powerful that the big crocodile was caught by them."

"It’s amazing, and I also want to thank them. The danger in Ink Lake Park has been lifted."

"I heard that the woman who released the crocodile has been arrested."

"Such a person should be detained, and it would be better to sentence her."

Many people were discussing this hotly, and Liu Yong and Hu Shijun followed the park staff to the park management office.

"I am the person in charge of the park. Thank you both."

Someone next to him introduced,

"This is our Director Xie."

The two sides shook hands and were polite.

Director Xie said: "Xiao Li, help me with the formalities."

Director Xie expressed his gratitude and concern for Liu Yong and Hu Shijun, offering to cash out the reward of 100,000 yuan. He even gave them the option to choose between cash or transfer.

Liu Yong said: "Cash."

Hu Shijun agreed: "Yes, cash is best."

The staff member Xiao Li went through claiming the prize immediately. The two filled out a form, signed it, and pressed their fingerprints.

The procedures were not troublesome, and everything was settled soon. Director Xie handed over the 100,000 yuan he had prepared long ago to Liu Yong.

Although a sum was sent a few days ago, and there are still several million in the bank card, this is the first time in Liu Yong’s life that he has received so much cash.

"Brother Yong, I’ll hold the money for you."

Hu Shijun said it with full excitement.

Liu Yong smiled, gave the money to Hu Shijun, shook hands with Director Xie, said some polite words, and then left the park management office.

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