Leveling Up With My Pet Chapter 266 Claws Of Destruction

The sight before their eyes defied comprehension. It was a colossal entity, surpassing the mere resemblance of a whale in sheer magnitude. Gasps and exclamations filled the air as more individuals aboard the vessel caught sight of the ominous black shadow adorning the ocean’s surface. Curiosity piqued, and some ventured to stretch their necks for a better view.

Among the multitude, the ship’s captain remained transfixed by the colossal phenomenon. His unwavering focus fixated on the awe-inspiring spectacle. Fortunately, the sun’s rays bathed the scene in broad daylight, sparing them the terror of encountering such an immense entity in the shrouds of night.

"It is not a whale," the captain proclaimed, his voice tinged with a mix of certainty and incredulity, "but rather an enormous crocodile."

His statement elicited disbelief and scepticism from those around him. "Impossible," one exclaimed, struggling to fathom the existence of such a colossal crocodile. "It must be a species of giant crocodile hitherto unseen," another speculated, steadfast in their belief.

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Captain Leng Jianbai, his eyes trained through the binoculars, possessed a vantage point superior to the others. From his elevated position, the scene unravelled with greater clarity. Gradually, a sense of solemnity overtook his features as he made a disquieting observation. "Truly, it is an immense crocodile," he affirmed with measured urgency. "Its visual length stretches approximately a hundred meters, with a weight exceeding a thousand tons."

The revelation sent a collective shudder through the assembled onlookers. The mere notion of a crocodile of such colossal proportions was unimaginable. Anxiety riddled their thoughts as one worried voice broke the silence, "Let us hope it does not approach our vessel. May our ship remain unscathed."

"Chances are slim," another interjected, attempting to provide reassurance. "It remains a couple of hundred meters distant from us."

Yet, their fears materialized before their very eyes. The gargantuan crocodile began to swim towards their ship, drawing ever closer with every passing moment.

"No! It approaches!" a cry of alarm reverberated through the vessel, accompanied by exclamations of disbelief and trepidation. The crew members, caught in a state of frenzy, displayed expressions wrought with fear. In the face of such an extraordinary sight, any soul would be gripped by terror.

In response to the impending danger, Captain Leng Jianbai bellowed in a commanding voice, "Full speed ahead! Increase our pace, endeavor to elude its advance!"


The vessel’s engines roared to life, propelling them forward with augmented velocity. However, their desired outcome remained elusive. The colossal crocodile displayed astonishing prowess, effortlessly keeping pace with their fleeing ship.

Meanwhile, a flurry of activity pervaded the control room in a private, covert facility situated thousands of miles away, within Fast Company’s hidden island base. Various screens and instruments hummed with purpose as a multitude of individuals engaged in their tasks.

On the most prominent display screen, the figures of the gargantuan crocodile and the 100,000-ton container ship belonging to the Risheng Ocean Shipping Group occupied a prominent position. This real-time satellite imagery provided an unprecedented view.

Fast Company boasted formidable strength, their private satellites orbiting above, allowing them to witness the encounter between the crocodile and the freighter.

"Boss, all parameters of our Number One are within normal range, and it is now a mere hundred meters away from the Yanguo freighter," a subordinate reported, his tone tinged with deference.

Ram Scott, wearing a satisfied smile, responded, "Excellent. Issue Number One the order to commence the attack on the ship."

Little did they know their actions were part of a grand experiment. Remote control granted them dominion over the colossal crocodile, enabling them to orchestrate an assault on the freighter, all in the name of research and evaluation. Their disregard for human life, in favour of the vast expanse of the sea, the boundless Pacific Ocean, dictated their priorities. If the cargo ship were to succumb to the attack, the lives of those aboard would hang in the balance.

Yet, the significance of the Yan Guo crew’s fate paled compared to the experimental objectives harboured within the depths of their ambition.

Upon receiving Ram Scott’s command, white-coated figures adjacent to him commenced a flurry of inputting instructions, their keystrokes resounding with purpose.

Back on the sea, the vessel owned by the Risheng Ocean Shipping Group strained to accelerate, its crew relying on speed to extricate themselves from the clutches of the formidable behemoth. Alas, their efforts proved futile. To their horror, the colossal crocodile drew nearer and launched an attack upon the vessel.

The resounding echoes of muffled impacts filled the air, penetrating the ears of all aboard. A startled voice exclaimed, "Captain, that gargantuan crocodile is assaulting our ship with its tail!"

Leng Jianbai swiftly emerged, rushing toward the railing’s edge to witness the astonishing scene unfold. His eyes beheld the relentless barrage of the crocodile’s tail striking the ship’s structure, each blow imprinting visible depressions upon its surface. The peril of a breached hull loomed, its consequences ominously dire.

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With each thrash of its tail, the colossal crocodile inflicted substantial deformation upon the ship’s hull yet refrained from shattering it. Its methodology shifted, abandoning the tail in favour of its menacing claws.

The data accumulated thus far was transmitted to Fast Company’s hidden submarine base, where their scientists subjected it to meticulous analysis, drawing a series of conclusions to further their research objectives.

To them, these data points served as the foundation for their future inquiries.

The colossal crocodile redirected its assault, directing its titanic claws at the ship’s hull. Leng Jianbai, situated beside the railing, bore witness to the ensuing carnage. Puzzlement laced with trepidation gripped his mind as he pondered the uncanny size of the crocodile’s claws, emitting an ominous black radiance.

With a chilling aura, the gargantuan creature’s colossal claws made contact with the vessel, piercing through its metallic exterior. A cavernous breach manifested, expanding rapidly before their disbelieving eyes.

Overwhelmed by fear, Leng Jianbai averted his gaze, his heart racing with adrenaline. He recognized the profound implications a ruptured hull would bring.

As the colossal crocodile continued its onslaught, transferring its assault from the tail to its colossal claws, the ocean’s surface became a battlefield. Leng Jianbai, lying prostrate beside the railing, witnessed the harrowing scene. Bewilderment gripped his thoughts as he grappled with the enormity of the crocodile’s claws, exuding an eerie black radiance.

The creature’s colossal talons, emanating a frigid luminescence, ensnared the ship’s hull, rending it with chilling ease. A profound breach materialized, growing wider and wider.

Leng Jianbai recoiled, drenched in a cold sweat, unable to endure any further. He hastily retreated toward the captain’s cabin, his voice resounding through the panicked chaos. "Quickly, don your life jackets!" he implored urgently.

Panic spread like wildfire among those aboard the vessel. Terror-stricken cries echoed, "Our ship is flooding! Seawater inundates our vessel, sinking us!"

Leng Jianbai swiftly donned his life jacket while simultaneously issuing an SOS distress signal, desperately pleading for the assistance of any nearby vessels.

(The SOS is used in Morse code as a distress signal—a way to call for help during an emergency, such as on a ship. Morse code uses clicks and pauses, short and long sounds, or flashes of light to represent letters and numbers.)

Thousands of miles away, within Fast Company’s secret island base, Ram Scott surveyed the unfolding events as though observing a live broadcast. Witnessing the colossal crocodile’s success in rending the ship’s hull, he rose from his seat, a triumphant smile etched across his face.

He applauded exultantly, proclaiming, "Ladies and gentlemen, this is a momentous occasion! Our Number One has finally succeeded in sinking a 100,000-ton cargo ship."

His compatriots, equally elated, joined in vigorous applause, echoing their leader’s exultation.

Meanwhile, Hu Shijun relayed the disheartening news to Liu Yong in an office. "Brother Yong, several hours ago, a 100,000-ton bulk carrier belonging to the Risheng Ocean Shipping Group sank in the Pacific Ocean, resulting in substantial losses."

The tragedy unfolding was no ordinary occurrence. The Apollo Group had suffered the loss of a 100,000-ton vessel, along with thousands of standard containers and over 30 crew members.

Liu Yong expressed his confusion. "There were no severe storms in the Pacific Ocean. Ordinary inclement weather alone should not have been enough to sink a vessel of such size."

Hu Shijun leaned in, divulging his mysterious findings. "Brother Yong, from the rumors I’ve heard, their ship did not sink due to adverse weather conditions. Instead, it fell victim to an attack by a 100-meter-long colossal crocodile."

Astonishment etched across Liu Yong’s face.

Hu Shijun continued, "Furthermore, before the ship was engulfed entirely, the crew managed to contact the Risheng Group, reporting that they had been assaulted by a colossal 100-meter-long crocodile."

Liu Yong nodded, acknowledging the gravity of the situation.

Though mere gossip, he attributed considerable credibility to the account. A colossal 100-meter-long crocodile had reemerged in the Pacific Ocean, striking once again and claiming a vessel from the Apollo Group.

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