Life didn’t get easier, even in another world. Chapter 296

296 Not good


Kairen coughed awkwardly.

“This is... Um, Ron!”

The blue dust was still surrounding them, meaning that the law was still applied. The commander had walked towards the glass wall at some point and was now observing Aaron’s face with a frown.


It was a really awkward situation. He thought that he could explain things better now compared to how he told them to Reyan, but it was even harder to explain things with more people around.

“He is my brother...”


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The commander just listened to him with his eyes slightly widened while the team leader gasped quietly. Kairen scratched his cheek and continued.

“i had said before that I knew he was from my homeland... He was hiding his face and all... And... Um... It turns out he was my brother, haha!”




The whole room was silent. Bathed with awkwardness, Kairen had a feeling that he had to keep talking. He had the same feeling when he was explaining things to Reyan but... It was worse now. At least back then he had to talk to a friend, not his bosses!

“Huuuu... Aren’t you going to ask your questions?”

Kairen peeked at his commander.


Aaron grabbed Kairen’s arm while glaring at the commander. His grip had so much force in it that made Kairen doubt whether his brother was really in a bad shape due to torture or he was just acting.

‘It’s really possible that he is acting...’

Even as a fool, Kairen knew too well how strong Aaron was. He wasn’t sure about the psychological torture, but he knew that other ways of torturing wouldn’t have too much effect on his brother. Probably, that was why they started to torture him in other ways besides the physical one.

“Yes, my questions!”

The commander nodded his head while glaring back at Aaron.

“For starters, would you mind explaining to me what in the world was your brother doing in our enemy organization?”

Before Kairen could utter any answers, the commander opened his mouth again.

“Oh, and your dear brother was working for Philomns, and had been meddling with our plans for so long, and you didn’t know that? And you’ve just found out that this person was your brother the whole time and now what? The rest of your family showing up one by one from now on?”


‘He’s mad...’

The commander now looked even angrier than before... If it wasn’t for the glass wall separating them, he was sure that the man would be grabbing his collar right now and slamming him to the wall... maybe even more... like punching him, beating him, or anything else. The icy blue eyes of the commander looked to be on fire now.


Kairen who was about to answer the commander’s questions swallowed his saliva and became quiet. He subconsciously took a step back to create more space between himself and the fury commander even though he knew that the glass wall wouldn’t break even if the man was affected.

“I stumbled upon the organization’s master by chance... no rather, he came after me, offering a helping hand in exchange for me doing him some favours.”

Instead of Kairen, it was his brother who answered the question with a similar expression to that of the commander. He started to talk in a weary but steady and firm voice.

“And as for the rest of your questions, I’d say that even I didn’t know that Kairen was working for this place, or I would never start following that bastard’s orders.”


The commander only scoffed.

“You didn’t know?”

This time, it was the team leader who asked the question.

“But aren’t you bothers?”

He was slowly approaching Kairen and Aaron. On the other side of the wall, Reyan was also cautiously walking toward the commander while keeping a safe distance from the angry man.

“Alas, much as I know about Kairen’s past, he never had a brother or a family. His past before he turned 13 doesn’t exist as if erased from every record and he was also raised in an orphanage. I can’t really wrap my head around the fact that he suddenly has a brother who also seems to have popped up out of nowhere.”


The commander nodded his head on the other side as if what team leader Dains just asked was also what was on his mind.

“... I didn’t know he was alive.”

Aaron shook his head.

“And I also didn’t know I’d find him in a place like this after so many years.”

“A place like this?”

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“Well, yes? I saw him for the first time when I was beating the fuck out of you and your agents, team leader, and believe me, I didn’t expect to find out that the agent whom I was beating the shit out of, was my brother who I thought was dead for years.”


Team leader Dains coughed and turned in his head around as if he wasn’t really pleased to be reminded of such a memory all of a sudden.

Aaron was answering the questions that the team leader and the commander asked. Kairen had come here to be interrogated, but now it was as if they were in Aaron’s interrogation room and Kairen was just... The lamp on the wall or something like that. But he was happy he didn’t need to answer anything.

“Oh, wow! You knew how to talk!”

Everyone turned to the commander who suddenly started mocking Aaron with a still angry face.

“You didn’t spit out a single word in the past few days, and now you’ve started blabbering out so many things all at once. What? You needed us to bring you your dear brother for you to give us the pleasure of hearing your voice?”

The man’s face was one inch away from hitting the glass wall.


Aaron clicked his tongue.

“What’s wrong with you? I answered your questions and now you’re making fun of me?! I thought you were the commander of these people but now that I see you, you look worse than Kairen!”




Kairen and the commander retorted at the same time, with the same kind expressions on their faces, while team leader Dains barely surpassed laughter.

“What do you mean by that?”

“Did you just insult me, brother?”

Aaron completely ignored Kairen and only glared at the commander.

“You are the commander. Don’t you think that this kind of action is appropriate for a man to command? Don’t you think that as someone with such a high position, you have to at least be able to contain your anger to some extent? You are not even able to do such a simple act and are venting your anger in public like this when you’re supposed to interrogate your prisoner! Are you sure you are really fit to be in this position? Maybe that’s why you haven’t been able to find anything about that our organization so far! I’ve seen Philomns’ master, and believe me, I can tell it that he’s a much better person in ruling and controlling people than you, though he really is a bastard. The only thing you have that makes you fit in the position of the commander is your power which makes you able to force people to be loyal to you and follow your commands, but also that is being broken by some people, and might not have effects all the time. You know you can just ignore the rules instead of breaking them like what I have been doing for the past few days. I’d recommend you to work on your personality if you want to succeed in your career. Hmm... maybe this personality of yours is why your people betray you one by one.”




Silence descended in the room as soon as Aaron was done talking.



“This motherfucker!”

The commander slammed the glass wall so hard that Karen thought it would break at any moment. Startled, he took a step towards his brother, who was only smirking at the face of the angry commander.

“Look! You could have just used your law to give me some pain if I pissed you off so much, but instead what are you doing? Slamming the glass wall!”


Kairen covered his brother’s mouth.

‘What the hell? Aren’t you the one who talked about how dangerous these people were just a few moments ago? What’s wrong with you now, mocking the commander on his face and making fun of him? Are you out of your mind? Do you want us to get killed? Are you alright? What happened to you? Did your brain get damaged so much that you lost the last teeny bit of remaining sanity on you?’

Kieran thought his brother was right. The commander’s behavior was different from his usual self and it really didn’t suit the situation. But still... they shouldn’t say such things to this man right now...

“This bast-”

Ding Ding Ding Ding


Just when the commander wanted to answer Aaron, a ringing sound of an alarm was heard coming from the team leader’s side.


Team leader Dains hurriedly grabbed the communication device that was dangling from his coat.

“I forgot to turn it off-”

-Shhhhh Shhhhh sir? Sir? Can shhhh can you head us?

Before team leader Dains could turn off the device, a hurried voice filled the room coming through the other side of the connection. The team leader glanced at the others once before moving the device to his mouth.

“What is it?”

-Shhhh emergency! It’s an Shhhh we Shhhh someone is here-Baaaaaannnngggggg

The statistic voice was cut off with a louder voice.

“Hey! What happened?”


There were no answers.

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