Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain Chapter 47 Talk With System -1

’Queency, just what I needed to increase my nightmates.’ Rio thought as he massaged his temple.

"I will only say it once, change it this instant." Rio said as he took a deep breath to calm down, he really had enough of this sad trip down his memory lane daily nowadays. If somehow his system always talked in the voice of people whom he failed or the ones who failed him, he better not have it or would just put it on mute mode or something.

[Fine, then tell me yourself what you want. And you only get one chance so you better be smart about it.] System spoke without any stop, even it had enough of it’s host.

It only chose the voices he wanted to hear, it hasn’t even given it’s own introduction yet and this idiot host is already complaining to him, so it decided to just ask him before deciding it himself like last time.

It could only change itself 3 times and it already wasted 2 chances because of this stupid host who doesn’t even know what he wants.

"Fine, choose Ali then, I miss his idiotic jabs to ease my mind a little anyway." Rio said as the face of that idiot friend came to his brain.

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Hearing his host’s words system had a look of surprise as it never thought that it’s host would like to hear a male’s voice in his head all the time. That too the audacity of him to ask it to change into a man’s voice. Can’t he guess that I like a girl’s voice seeing I chose those 2 from all his memories. So it decided to specify it’s preference -

[No, I will only choose a girl’s voice]

[Man are creepy]

Rio who was already imagining if having Ali’s voice in his head is a good idea, was stumped after hearing his system’s words.

’What is wrong with this system. Isn’t it some AI like in those novels , and man are not creepy’

’I mean some are, but there’s no need to rub it in on the first meeting’

"Then choose anyone else from my memories I don’t care." Rio said as he lost interest in chatting again.

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"Ohh don’t you dare choose Aarvi’s voice." Rio said in a hurry as he remembered about her.

’She’s for Ali, not for me.’

The system choked on it’s thoughts a little, as it really had shortlisted Aarvi’s personality for future uses.

(I wanted to make my own different personalities later with every update, but I already wasted 2 of my chances, sigh whatever, I’ll let it slide since he’s new) The system thought and praised himself for being the generous and started the search again.

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"What’s taking so long, you picked Queency’s voice in a heartbeat." Rio asked as he watched the big searching data symbols on his status screen.

[I have certain standards, so I had to dig a little deeper to find one which suits me]

[It was my last chance, I don’t want to stuck with a voice I don’t like]

The system’s voice sounded after Rio finished his question.

’So it picked the energetic cheery type voice, which I hate’

’Is it my luck or is this system useless’

[I’m not useless, it was just hard to find a nice girl in your memories]

’Just wow, now I’m stuck with this’

"So who’s voice did you pick." Rio asked as he couldn’t recognize it.

[You don’t even remember it]

"I don’t know maybe it’s from some tv shows or movies maybe. I did watch a lot of them." Rio replied to his system’s voice as even when he focused he couldn’t remember if he ever heard this voice.

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(That’s weird) System thought but decided to ignore his host’s answer thinking it was due to his cracked brain where it was stuck in all this time.

[If you don’t remember then leave it.]

[Now let me introduce myself again]

[I am the great _ ]

System’s great intro was cut short as Rio questioned something that he couldn’t focus before because of Ria’s voice. - "You said you were with me from the darkness, then why didn’t you just come out when I woke up or when I called for it on the first day."

(This bas_ hmm hmmm) System felt angry as it’s introduction was cut short again. But as always it decided to be generous on this newbie host and explain itself.

[Well that was because we aren’t from this world and I had to wait till your awakening, so Arcadia’s world system doesn’t detect us.]

"So you’re scared of the world system,are you." Rio said in an amusing tone, though it didn’t matter to him if his system had nothing, he could make it all work as long as no Gods could influence his behavior. But since this system was the one who made him go through his memories of Queency that he ignored till now, he decided to tease it for fun.

[I’m not scared of anybody. Where do you think world system is now. If not for me taking it over during the merging process, you would’ve been found out and probably killed.] System said in her defense as its host doubted it’s capabilities. It took pride in her powers to defeat the system made by this world’s will in its own world. How many people can do that. Even those so called Gods are bound by the world system but it had defeated it.

(Come on, praise me. I know I’m awesome right.) The system thought as it saw Rio lost in thoughts. But sadly it’s dream of could never come true as Rio completely ignored it’s existence and barraged her with all the questions he could think of.-

"You said I got pulled into Arcadia earlier than I was supposed to. What does that mean? Was me coming to this world fixed? Who sent me here? What do they want? Why me? Who are you an AI, or something else? Ohh and according to you when was I supposed to come to Arcadia and what changed it?"

System heard all these questions and didn’t know how to respond.

(Don’t all hosts feel happy after getting a system & praises it. Why do I feel like I’m getting investigated instead.)

(And what does he mean AI, I’m clearly me. Can’t he feel my emotions as I can feel his. And I would’ve told him all about the great me, if he hadn’t interrupted me .)

"Hey, you there. Or you went offline again." System which was lost in its thoughts was pulled out, just to be insulted again.

(Offline and me _ deep breaths deep breaths)

(Don’t be angry, he’s a newbie)

(He doesn’t know anything, ignore his ignorance.)

(Once he knows what I can do, he will be begging for my favor, yeah that’s right. I’m not on his level so I should just guide him, isn’t that why he sent me here.)

[Fine, l will answer all your questions, but don’t interrupt me again, you foolish host.]

’Damn is this a virus. Will she grow and take over my body.’ Rio thought and as expected system’s angry voice sounded in his brain [I can read all your thoughts, so you can stop with your experiments now and listen to my explanations.]

As the system said Rio could feel something different with himself if he started focusing hard, so he just wanted to see if the said system could also read all his thoughts and emotions too. But this interruption only made it angry and Rio decided to continue it later.

[So to answer your questions yes, your arrival was fixed in Arcadia. Though your timing of arrival has been altered because you died early.]

[I can’t tell you who is responsible for your reincarnation or why they chose you for it, since we both aren’t ready for the truth yet.]

[As for me, I’m a highly intelligent being sent by an even higher being, to guide you and help you on your journey. If you want to learn more do your quests and upgrade the system.]

[As for when you were supposed to come here, it was when the plot starts, so you’re like 8 years early]

Hearing all her explanations Rio got some of the answers or atleast a hint behind his reincarnation but still it gave birth to even more mysteries and questions. Why was he chosen to come to Arcadia? Who is the being system spoke of? Is it the author of the novel? They were going to reincarnate me after plot started into Rio’s body, who would already be known as a Devil by then, do they want me to end up just like in the book. And what does it mean he came early because he died - it was not his fault that he died. That guy Kevin killed him.

[I know what you’re thinking, so let me explain how it was all your fault that you died.]

[Because you broke the rule 101 of living in any world _ ]


A/N - I need a name for this system Tell me if you have any idea. Should be short & easy to speak. I got some from my friends, so you can also see if you like any one of these - Aaina,Gia,Amara,Iva,Grace or Hannah.]

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