Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain Chapter 57 The Best Gift & Happiest Surprise

[Host has met the set requirements to use the 2nd item given by ???]

[??? wishes you another chance and a happy life ahead of you]

--------- [ Memory crystal (Ria - host’s sister, planet earth) ??

?? has seen your pain and anguish, after learning of your past he has decided to give you another chance. Learning that Ria has been reincarnated as Amelia Blake in Arcadia ??? decided to break the primal rule of continuity and intervened in the cycle of rebirth.

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This memory crystal contains all of Ria’s memories and past life experiences, with it you can revive her back. Crystal merging with the same soul source can bring all her memories back.

Cost - 60000 SP ]

As Rio’s eyes scanned the words on the system screen, his heart was racing nonstop.

"So, they’re the same."

The revelation that Ria and Amelia were the same person reincarnated filled him with an indescribable sense of hope and joy. A surge of emotions washed over him, threatening to overwhelm his senses. The memories of both girls started playing over and over in his head drowning him in happiness, he could imagine Ria laughing at him saying it took him so long to realise.

The words on the system’s notification were simple yet they had answered the most important question he had. He wanted to grow strong and ask the Narrator to help him learn the truth. But he never imagined that hours after system’s awakening he would have all his answers, plus a chance to fix everything.

The weight of guilt and the haunting memories that had plagued him for so long suddenly felt lighter, as if a burden had been lifted from his soul. Tears welled up in his eyes, cascading down his cheeks in a bittersweet mix of relief and happiness. They were tears of release, a culmination of years of pain and longing.

"She’s _ She’s my sister"

"Just like me she too _ "

Words eluded him in that moment, his voice caught in his throat. The truth rendered him speechless, as a wave of gratitude and disbelief washed over him. He wanted to shout, to laugh out loud, to let the world know of how happy he felt at this moment. But all he could manage was a choked sob and a radiant smile that stretched across his face. Years of pain, years of holding back - he finally let go of everything as tears continued streaming down his swelling eyes.

The realization that Amelia was indeed his Ria, and that he could also have her remember everything, that he might have the chance to reunite with his beloved sister once again, that he could fix all his mistakes, remove all his regrets was an overwhelming prospect.

He didn’t care if it was the truth or maybe the system was lying to him. His working brain might have questioned it in normal circumstances but the raging emotions had filled his heart so much that aside from her nothing else seemed important. He didn’t want to doubt this, he needed to believe that he wasn’t alone, that someone was here for him, with him.

If ever his heart had any doubt about saving Amelia or changing her destiny from the plot, then this message had removed it completely.

He didn’t care if the system or that being was using him somehow, if it meant that he could bring his sister back to life then nothing else mattered. He would willingly be a puppet if it meant he could protect her this time.

Whether it was the system’s truth or a manipulation, Doubts and suspicions were irrelevant in that moment, for the prospect of bringing Ria back overshadowed any and all potential deception.

Fuck plot and fuck protagonist , fuck Arcadia and everyone else too - he didn’t care what he needed to do, if dealing with them could give him rewards and help him bring Ria back then he would do so in a heartbeat.

Soon all his emotions calmed down and he wiped off his tears, he looked at the points necessary to unlock the item - 60000.

[System points - 14550]

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Rio looked at the points he currently had and started thinking the fastest way to earn more. He couldn’t wait to see how Ria would react when she learned everything. He liked Amelia after spending this much time in Arcadia, and would’ve been fine with just the news that they’re the same but since he could give her all the memories, why wouldn’t he?

"I would fix everything my little sister, and this time you would be able to live your life however you want. I’d make sure of it."

As Rio promised himself, determined to protect Amelia, one name came to his mind from the plot. Someone whose actions indirectly led to the events of her ending. Someone whose words caused the chain reaction of her downfall just like Noah’s prophecy started his.

’If I kill her now, I can solve all the future troubles and I would get even more points then when Noah died.’

’Killing her won’t be hard as I know that her first event of flashbacks is going to happen soon.’

’The event where our protagonist meets her for the first time & falls for her.’

Rio’s brain started thinking about ways to earn the remaining points and what better way to get them, then to kill one of the main heroines in the story, the princess of the Schilla empire - Rebecca Von Schott.

Even though he had started to notice that Rebecca at this point of time wasn’t the same as she was depicted in the novel, maybe if he spent more time with her and acted differently, he could stop her from joining the protagonist.

The images of them playing and passing time together, the talks he had with her mother Athena and how excited Artemis looked when talking about Rebecca - all came to his mind, but he shook it off.

He wanted to bring back Ria as soon as possible, now that he knew he could do it, every moment felt like a different kind of torture.

’If she’s gone, I get - no engagement, no drama of her falling in love with the protagonist, no free enmity of Leon to Blake’s and saving Amelia’s future.’

’One kill - five gifts.’

A smile came to his face as his brain cleared out all the details of his plan.

Rio’s smile was a complex mix of emotions, showcasing the duality within him. On one hand, there was a tinge of cruelty that surfaced at the thought of harming the main heroine. However, intertwined with that fleeting cruelty was a kindness that emanated from the depths of his heart. This kindness stemmed from his deep longing to bring Ria back.

Rio’s unique smile represented the complexity and intricate layers of his character, forged from all the experiences he had faced in his life. In that moment, his smile encompassed both the darkness and the light, the pain and the joy, as he embraced the opportunity to rewrite destiny.

While some might perceive his smile as unsettling or enigmatic, calling him evil for even thinking about killing innocents, it was a reflection of his past and his love for Ria. It symbolized that there were no lines he couldn’t or wouldn’t cross for the ones he cared about.

At the end of the day in his eyes, there were only 2 kinds of people in the world - the ones he cared about, and the ones he didn’t.

’I’m sorry it had to be like this.’

[Hold your horses host]

[Looks like it’s time you take a REALITY check]


A/N - ?????? any thoughts on what’s next?

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