Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain Chapter 66 New Food & New Family

When the trio reached the hall, Agnus was already waiting for everyone. "You guys took your time."

Amelia ran towards her father excitedly. "It was all my lazy brother’s fault." her small hand reaching up to touch her new earring. She pushed her hair back to make it more visible, eager to show her father her new gift. She was trying to act normal, while glancing at him, hoping he’d notice something different about her.

Which he did eventually, but not for the reason Amelia thought, Agnus couldn’t help but notice the faint glimmer of magic emanating from the earring. His senses tingled with recognition, he looked at Artemis and saw her wearing the same earring too. His connection with his chosen God made him acutely aware of the divine touch within the earring and its origins, further confusing him of where Amelia got it.

Agnus feeling curious decided to ask -"That’s a beautiful earring, Amy. Where did you get it? Did your mother give it to you?"

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Amelia scoffed, hearing her mother getting free praise, but then she pulled Rio forward and said proudly -"Brother gave it to me, as a gift. But mother took one too, look!"

Amelia said while pointing her finger at Artemis, who just nodded at Agnus, confirming his doubts, that little Amelia was too oblivious about.

After seeing Artemis’s reaction, Agnus was really curious about this gift, but just as he reached out to examine the earring, Artemis intervened with a gentle cough, diverting the conversation. "What are you all standing there for? Let’s have dinner first. We can discuss it later."

Agnus too nodded his head, thinking about something, "Alright, dear. We’ll talk about it later. Now, let’s focus on this delicious dinner that you’ve prepared for us."

Artemis skillfully shifted the attention back to the sumptuous feast before them, allowing the topic of the earring to momentarily fade into the background, making Rio sigh with relief. He knew about the questions that would come about those earrings but he especially got them for Amelia, even if he gave them a year or two later, the same doubts would still arise, that’s why he gave them today.

Plus the fact that he was meeting his little sister after so long, and couldn’t just take her gift without giving anything in return. He’s not that shameless yet.

He walked towards the table and was surprised again to see the food that was placed on it beautifully. The table was adorned with various dishes, each infused with a touch of magic and creativity.

"Aww did mother prepare everything?" Amelia asked excitedly. Even though her mother teases her and makes her angry most of the time, she also makes amazing food. Thus making Amelia almost addicted to her desserts and sweets.

But sadly Artemis doesn’t get much free time to make them for her, due to her daily work schedule, which Amelia thinks is just an excuse so she can’t eat her favorite sweets daily.

"Yes, and you can eat as many sweets as you want today." Artemis replied as she started walking towards the table.

Hearing those words of wisdom, Amelia excitedly asked "Really, Mother? I can eat as much as I want?"

Artemis smiled and pinched her cheeks- "Yes, but only for today."

Amelia’s smile grew brighter and brighter, illuminating the room with her infectious happiness. Her delight was so pure and contagious that everyone in the room couldn’t help but be captivated by her innocence and joy.

Artemis, witnessing the sheer radiance on her daughter’s face, thought ’Perhaps, I can let her have sweets more often, just to see that smile.’

Amelia excitedly ran and sat beside Rio. Amelia couldn’t contain her enthusiasm, so without waiting for anyone, she just started filling her plate with all kinds of desserts, but her happiness was short-lived as her plate started floating away from her, and soon it was on the far end of the table.

Amelia, who looked at where her heavenly plate was placed, had a sad expression on her face - "Mama, that’s cheating."

"Is it?" Artemis said, as she looked at the plate filled to the brim, it was so full that she, who made all the dishes today, couldn’t tell what was what?

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"Can’t I have dessert first, please? I promise I’ll eat all my food afterward!" Amelia said in a pleading tone, trying to bring out the cutest voice she could speak of. Her expression looked so wronged and pitiful, that Agnus almost spoke out in her favor again, but sadly Artemis was a step faster, "Nice try, my little doll. But you know the rules: food first, then dessert."

Amelia was going to use her strongest attack, "Tears of innocence" , her eyes already started getting moist, but before she could utter her cute spells, Rio stopped her, by filling her mouth with a small bite of one of the other dishes. "Don’t try drama, Lia. Let’s eat, I’m hungry."

Amelia, who almost choked on that sudden bite, looked at Rio in anger but then she ignored it, and started eating her own food silently.

As they started eating, the tantalizing aromas and flavors enveloped the room, enchanting their senses and distracting them from their troubles.They savored the flavors, marveling at the intricate tastes and textures.

The dishes were a combination of fantasy-inspired creations, incorporating magical ingredients such as mana-infused meats, exotic vegetables, and enchanting desserts.

The family engaged in lively conversation, with Amelia occasionally chiming in with her adorable anecdotes and jokes. Agnus and Artemis shared loving glances, their hearts filled with pride and joy for their children. Rio, though a little quiet, observed the playful banter with a smile, appreciating the warmth and love that surrounded him.

As they began to dig into the feast, Artemis playfully teased Agnus about his insatiable appetite, telling stories about how much he would eat every time he was in a dungeon, making Agnus respond with a mock scowl, in return he told everyone about how Artemis used to bully her sister and beat up everyone in raids if she got angry. Rio watched their playful exchange with amusement, grateful for the warm and loving atmosphere surrounding them.

Amelia, being the mischievous little sister, couldn’t resist adding her own touch of humor to the conversation. She giggled as she teased Rio about his newfound love for adventurous dishes, poking fun at his excitement for trying new flavors and ingredients.

"Well, I just find it different, that’s all." Rio said, as he really did, enjoyed all the foods Arcadia had to offer. He wasn’t a foodie, but since all he had to do was order someone to make something, and have it delivered to his plate, why not try everything. He relished each dish, savoring the exquisite blend of new flavors and the magical essence that infused the food. Even the simplest of foods in Arcadia were so much tastier than the best food he ate on earth.

But then again that may be due to him not trying many different foods on earth, he was someone who lived on maggie and instant noodles for months.

As the meal progressed, the family of four relished not only the delicious food but also the love and warmth that enveloped them.

It was these simple moments of connection and playful bickering that made their family bond stronger and created memories to cherish for a lifetime. This was why whenever all 4 of them ate together, no one else was allowed in the hall, so they could enjoy their time.

Rio looked at everyone laughing and chatting happily, Amelia was still engaging in playful banter with her mother, Artemis. Their playful talks brought a smile to Agnus’s face, and he had to act stupid when both of them stared at him. He must have felt helpless, thinking about whose side to choose.

Unknown to him Rio’s eyes had started getting misty, watching everything, his thoughts were stopped as he felt someone’s hand on his cheeks, "Why’re you crying, brother." Rio looked at Amelia’s fingers which still held that tear sign.

"Must’ve been a chili,nothing else." Rio said as he wiped his eyes.

Amelia, though unconvinced, decided to leave it, "Here, eat this." She said while pointing a spoonful of sweets to his mouth, which he ate happily. Amelia couldn’t contain her enthusiasm and kept sharing stories about how she hid from her teacher yesterday in father’s room, and how her maids had to look everywhere for her. She was eager to entertain everyone at the table.

Artemis still kept looking at Rio, until he smiled and nodded his head at her. He started eating and soon the laughter and chatter at the dinner table continued again, this time Rio joined the conversations too, fully immersing himself in the joyous atmosphere. Thankful for this new love and care he received.


A/N - some lovely chapters for you after those confusing ones. Happy now.

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