Lone: The Wanderer Book 3: Chapter 7: Establishing Order and Magical Duplication

Book 3: Chapter 7: Establishing Order and Magical Duplication

"How do you know my name? I’m hardly the most public of Lord Keining’s children," Yulia asked.

"The walls have ears. You gonna answer my question now?" Lone fired back as he thought, ’Lord Keining? Not ’Father’, ’Prince Keining’, or simply ’Dad’? Wonder what that’s about.’

"I’m here to verify a few things," Yulia replied without really answering, her disdain palpable in the air.

It was then that Lone felt something brushing up against his Puzzle Locked Mind. It wasn’t nearly as forceful as Stoner Heeth’s scripture magic. It was also incredibly more practised and cautious than Hazel’s Mind Reading. Honestly, if he weren’t so paranoid about Arch Devil Zel making a move, he might not have been on guard enough to detect whatever it is she was attempting.

"Stop that before you make me stop it for you," Lone stated menacingly.

The feeling retreated just as fast as it had appeared. Yulia wore a surprised smile on her lips. "Well, well. To think it was you who sensed my freeform magic and not the monster. That is very peculiar."

Soph frowned. "I sensed it, I just didn’t know what it was. I thought you were leaking but I guess it was mind stuff. Besides, you’re talking to Lone right now, not me. And I’m not a monster!"

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"Your mana capacity would beg to differ. Hell, even your mana capacity," Yulia said, pointing to Lone, "Is barely smaller than mine. How is that possible for both of you despite being C-rankers?"

"We aren’t in the business of explaining ourselves to strangers," Lone said. "You confirmed what you needed to yet? I want some peace and quiet before Andrew comes and tells me about his and I suppose your dad’s response to my request."

"Do you simply not know my rank or are you putting up a brave face?" Yulia asked mockingly. "I don’t think I’ve ever seen a C-ranker be so disrespectful to one of my power, in, well, ever."

Lone sighed. "Strength means everything in this city, right?"

"That’s rig-"

"Survivor’s Speed." In less than a fraction of a second, Lone had moved from lounging behind Soph to standing right in front of Yulia, one hand around her neck, the other pressed onto her stomach. "Amplified Current."

Arcs of blue lightning snaked out of his hand and rushed into the SS-ranked mage’s body, making it spasm as Lone kept a firm grip on her windpipe, preventing her from focusing enough to cast any magic. If she was capable of chantless casting, she wouldn’t be doing any of that for a while with Lone’s magical lightning wreaking havoc on her nervous system, her brain included.

Congratulations! The host’s active lightning magic skill [Amplified Current] has levelled up! It is now Beginner Level 2.

Congratulations! The host’s active lightning magic skill [Amplified Current] has levelled up! It is now Beginner Level 3.

Congratulations! The host’s active lightning magic skill [Amplified Current] has levelled up! It is now Beginner Level 4.

’It feels good to use magic again. So fuckin’ good,’ Lone thought as he let go of the SS-ranker, resulting in her flopping to the floor in an entirely undignified manner.

He returned to laying down on the sofa where Soph welcomed him by cuddling a few of his tails. Breena was trying her best to stay unnoticed in the corner as she nervously fiddled with her needles.

"Consider yourself fortunate, Yulia. The last mage that I strangled had her neck snapped. Her name was Rosanne Daybringer, a triple-S-ranked blood mage. So, wanna tell me why you are here politely now? If not, fuck off, please. I have no patience for those that threaten my mind," Lone said coldly.

He’d almost killed his sister for the same thing, so Yulia should count herself lucky he hadn’t followed through in this instance.

His unchecked aggression here was a bit of a mixed bet, really. Lone was really hoping he’d read the room correctly. This city was a type of meritocracy, and she was an SS-ranker while he was only a C-ranker.

She clearly had no qualms with using her freeform magic of whatever school it was to try to affect his mental state in some way despite him being a guest of her A-ranked brother.

If he didn’t show her who between the two of them was the stronger, she would never respect him or his wishes. Lone was only hoping her personality wasn’t the overly prideful one. If he was forced to kill her because she attacked him out of shame... well, he had no plans to fight her XX-ranked father to the death.

A controlled spar in a public arena was different from a vindictive father out for the blood of his daughter’s murderer. For all Lone knew, Prince Keining wouldn’t care about the deserved death of one of his children. On the other hand, Lone wouldn’t hesitate to decimate nations if it was to avenge Soph, Sophie, or Kyuubi.

He wasn’t willing to roll that particular die for the prince if he didn’t have to, however.

’If I’ve misjudged and she attacks us, I’ll cripple her with Mental Destruction and you get the three of us out of here and on our way to the Crimson Foxkin Clan. We can meet Hazel another time,’ Lone conveyed to Soph.

She just nodded as she happily snuggled his tails. She may be appearing to be otherwise distracted but Lone knew she was ready to use her Teleportation at the drop of a hat.

Still twitching a bit, Yulia muttered, "Reversal Distortion."

Her fried hair, burst blood vessels, and limp limbs all returned to a perfectly natural state as if Lone had never attacked her in the first place. She was panting heavily as she got up and straightened her dress which now sported a palm-shaped hole near her navel.

’That spell used over half of her MP and I think I saw a seal going into effect?’ Soph sent telepathically. ’Not like your Creation Magic’s seals. Um, more like your mind puzzles after you forcefully restore them.’

’So a time restriction, huh. Interesting spell. I wonder what school of magic it falls under,’ Lone replied, to which Soph conveyed feelings of shared curiosity.

Taking a deep breath, Yulia smiled a genuine smile this time. "I apologise for my former rudeness. It seems my younger brother is a better judge of strength than I am. Rosanne Daybringer is not a name I am familiar with, but seeing as how you effortlessly handled the strain of Survivor’s Speed and incapacitated me with what felt like an incredibly vibrant beginner-rank lightning magic spell, I am inclined to believe you are not simply boasting. I came here to verify your intentions for my younger brother Keith and to determine if you are, indeed, a polymage."

’Fuck, that is some adaptability. If everyone here is so chill about getting their asses kicked, I may have to make it a go-to holiday spot or something. It’s a good place for my sister to operate out of, if nothing else. Well, there will always be assholes like Keith. Speaking of...’ Lone collected his thoughts and replied, "In regards to Keith, I fully intend to report his attack to the guild and advocate for a ban on advancing to silver plate. Not a permanent one, just a temporary one. Were it any other C-ranker that he attacked, he’d have murdered them in cold blood despite them also being an adventurer and with no just cause. I’ll only ask for financial ruminations from his retainers since I’m going to give them the benefit of the doubt that they were acting on orders."

"That is as much as we could have hoped for," Yulia sighed. "I care not for Keith but Lord Keining has high expectations for all of his children."

"Noted. Wanna properly introduce yourself now that we’re past the pissing contest stage of this conversation?" Lone asked with a polite tone to his voice despite his crass words.

Yulia laughed softly. "Of course. I am Yulia Keining, the seventh daughter of Prince Keining. I graduated from the Magical Institute of Enhanced Spellcasting with the rank of Grand Magus. I specialise in distortion magic. Father requires his children to become adventurers and strive for silver rank but I have no personal interest in adventuring. Once I obtained my silver plate, I did nothing but focus my efforts on the advancement of magic. Your turns?"

"Breena is shy so I’ll do hers for her. Breena Redtail, child of the Crimson Foxkin Clan. She is my ward though I view her as a sister. You need not respect her strength but you will respect her connection to me," Lone stated.

Yulia nodded with interest as Breena averted her eyes, clearly being uncomfortable getting scrutinised by such a powerful stranger. "For a simple awakened foxkin child to have such a relationship with you is interesting and worthy of thought in and of itself. Though having four tails while still in your teenage years tells a story of its own... It is a pleasure."

The grand magus’s eyes drifted over to Soph expectantly. It was apparent Yulia had great hopes for the introduction of the supposed magical monster.

Soph had her eyes closed as she enjoyed the fluffiness Lone’s nine tails offered her. "I’m Soph. I’m Lone’s girlfriend so don’t get any funny ideas."

"I mean..." Lone started. "If it ends up with me earning Charm Resistance, I wouldn’t be opposed to rejecting unwanted advances."

Soph turned around in his embrace to fiercely glare at him. "No."

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Yulia covered her mouth as she laughed once again. "I have no interest in relationships. I was, however, hoping for a brief summary of your magical talents as I did with my own introduction."

Soph narrowed her eyes as she started at Lone before she slowly returned to embracing her fluff fort. "I have some magical affinities but no skills from any of them. There, your turn, Lone."

’I wonder what affinities Soph has. She’s never told me since she just focuses on her unique skills while Sophie is dead-set on their physical capabilities,’ Lone pondered.

"No charm resistance for me then," he sighed dejectedly. "Well, it was my idea to do formal introductions. I’m Lone Immortus, gold-silver plate adventurer Immortus the Immortal. I’ve received no formal training but I have affinities and spells for eleven different magic schools. I’m hoping to make that twelve now knowing you have an affinity that is foreign to me."

"I don’t doubt your strength. It would be foolish to given what just happened between us, but forgive me for doubting your magical capabilities. Would you be willing to demonstrate your affinities?" Grand Magus Yulia requested.

Lone shrugged. "I don’t really care if you believe me nor do I care about what it matters to you if my claims are true or not, but I will put on a little show for you if you use a distortion spell on me."

"That is how you gain affinities? Andrew implied as much, but that sounds... unique. Magic is used on you and you are suddenly perfectly attuned to that particular school?" Yulia questioned more like a researcher looking to uncover the truth than as an interrogator desperate to prove something one way or another.

Lone made a split-second decision. Being a bit deceitful in this situation was the answer, of course, but the real question was; to what degree?

"Don’t spread it, but yeah, I’m a summoned hero. My unique skill is called Magical Duplication. Any spell used on me, I learn. I also obtain its corresponding affinity at 100%," Lone lied as naturally as he breathed. "Thus, I have illusion, fire, water, lightning, air, earth, nature, scripture, blood, explosion, and sight magic affinities."

Grand Magus Yulia seemed like the studious type, always eager to learn new things. She was arrogant too, sure, but that arrogance apparently only applied to those weaker than her, which Lone was not. Fibbing about his uniqueness seemed like the easiest way to convince her to hit him with some distortion magic.

After all, the best told lies were often just warped truths.

Yulia’s eyes widened. "I’ve heard of some pretty useless unique skills before, but this Magical Duplication of yours... You could become a god with that. No wonder you are so keen to interact with other magics. Does the spell have to be direct?"

Congratulations! The host’s passive skill [Persuasion] has levelled up! It is now Advanced Level 4.

’Oh, she’s 100% on board. Awesome,’ Lone thought. He idly began cycling through different types of freeform magic to prove his affinities with one of his hands as he replied, "Yes, sadly. Indirect spells and area of effect spells don’t work. I’d have an affinity for gravity magic already if they did."

"Such pure freeform magic..." Yulia gazed in wonder at the raw wisps of fire, runic scripture words, half-opened eyeballs, flowing water, and all of Lone’s other freeform magic that spiralled and cycled above his outstretched palm.

She shook her head and collected herself as Lone was wrapping up his little magic show. "Then I sadly cannot help you. Distortion magic affects the host and the environment around them. It does not directly affect others."

"Mind if I use Oppressive Gaze to verify that? I only just met you, so I’d like to confirm you’re not trying to weasel out of giving me a new affinity and skill," Lone said, ready to use his new sight magic spell with or without consent. "I don’t know if you’re the type to try to suppress those more talented than yourself."

When it came to new skills, particularly magical ones, there were very few lines he wouldn’t cross given the state of his addiction.

"Of course, I understand your scepticism," Yulia agreed readily.

Regardless of if she was telling the truth - which seemed likely given her disposition - this was, if nothing else, an opportunity to level up a new magical skill, so Lone was happy despite his outwardly annoyed appearance.

He focused his MP into the magical school of sight and invoked, "Oppressive Gaze."

The mystical set of eyes that appeared to gaze down upon the SS-ranker were far less impressive when compared to those of Sight Mage Hesha’s. Still, they did the job.

Intentions of forming a long-lasting connection with the recently discovered polymage were all he could see. There was no trickery or deceit afoot. Yulia really did only care about her magical research and she saw an opportunity in Lone and his alleged unique skill to advance her own goals.

Lone could respect that.

Congratulations! The host’s active sight magic skill [Oppressive Gaze] has levelled up! It is now Beginner Level 2.

Congratulations! The host’s active sight magic skill [Oppressive Gaze] has levelled up! It is now Beginner Level 3.

Congratulations! The host’s active sight magic skill [Oppressive Gaze] has levelled up! It is now Beginner Level 4.

His magical set of overlooking eyes disappeared, having fulfilled their purpose. "Thanks. Shame I can’t get a free pass to distortion magic, but eh, can’t win ’em all."

"I’m sure with the right training, you could earn the affinity. Perhaps a spell exists that would trigger your unique skill, I simply am not aware of such a spell. The world is large, however," Yulia consoled.

’And skills can be created like my Fortress Shield,’ Lone privately noted in thought.

Not a moment later, a knocking came from the door. Lone peered down at Soph who was still in his arms enjoying his fluffy limbs.

"It’s the blonde guy. Andrew was his name, right?" Soph mumbled in response to his gaze.

"The door’s unlocked, come on in," Lone called.

"The door’s unlocked, come on in," the Golden Foxkin announced from the other side of the door.

Andrew nodded to himself and gingerly entered the abode he had personally arranged for the powerful adventurer and his companions. "Pardon the intrusion- Elder Sister Yulia?!"

Sure, he’d expected her to be here but the last thing Andrew had expected to see was her clothing being damaged and her acting politely to his guests. The most surprising fact, however, was that he could actually see her.

’She isn’t using her freeform distortion magic to force my head down. Why? In respect of Lone? Is that why her dress is damaged? Did she provoke him and he... he bested her? A C-ranker besting an SS-ranker? I know he said he killed an SSS-ranked blood mage but hearing is very different from seeing...’ he thought.

"State your purpose, Andrew," Yulia ordered in a scornful tone. "I was having a very thought-provoking conversation with Lord Immortus here before you barged in. And do not address me so casually when we are in the presence of others."

’Lord? One is only permitted to be called lord or lady by those weaker than themselves, doubly so for children of the prince. He really did kick her ass.’ Andrew’s opinion of Lone improved substantially. Seeing his mysterious and haughty elder sister act so submissively to a C-ranker made him feel a certain joy he hadn’t expected to feel in a lifetime, let alone today.

"Of course, Lady Yulia. My apologies." the princeling bowed his head respectfully. Seeing as how even the great and powerful Grand Magus Yulia was referring to him respectfully, Andrew saw no point in continuing to be casual with the gold-silver plate adventurer. "Lord Immortus, Prince Keining has agreed to fight you by your request. The fight will happen tomorrow at the central arena at noon. All the arrangements are being made, you need only show up on time."

"Nice. I’m glad he accepted. Sparing Keith wasn’t a mistake," Lord Immortus remarked. "Well, as much as I’d like to rest and chat some more, I actually have a couple of errands to run in the city. May as well do ’em today since I’m busy tomorrow. Was just waitin’ on you telling me about your dad’s answer. Either of you wanna come with? Could always use a local’s insights."

’Errands? Ah, they must be why he was asking about a place with identification services and why he wished to know who the strongest guildmaster of The Adventurer’s Guild in the city was.’ Andrew shook his head and said, "Unfortunately, I have other matters to attend to. Booking out the central arena, even for the prince, requires a lot of paperwork and busybodying. I will be sure to watch your match tomorrow, however."

"Good, you’d be a bore anyway," his sister snorted. "I’m more than happy to accompany you. I have so many more questions and suggestions for you given your talents."

’He really impressed her... How? Elder Sister Yulia has never cared for power beyond what it could buy her or allow her to do. She only cares about her magic and research. Why would she be interested in the man who I assume defeated her in a quick battle?’ Andrew suddenly widened his eyes, apparently coming to his own conclusion as he left the temporary residence of Lone Immortus and his companions.

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