Lord Of Succubi:Transmigrated As A Dual Cultivator In Isekai Of Magic Chapter 132 132 Ask For Pardon

Chapter 132 Chapter 132 Ask For Pardon

The tip of the flying sword hit it with a loud clang, sending reverberations through out the cave.

More annoyed than amused, Nexus recalled the sword back, and sent it again at the group of hunters holding out their hands in triangles.


Bright golden sparks erupted violently from the impact. Streaks of bright white lights, flashed inside the translucent dome. Like human pillars, the hunters remained stoic. Their faces were twisted into hardened masks.

"That’s right!" Paul chirped energetically from behind the human shield; "Stay strong boys! Stay strong! That sword can’t hurt us in here!"

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Nexus did not let up.

His flying sword continued its blind rage- knocking against the shield in loud resounding clanging sounds. Showers of golden sparks flowed freely from every violent contact. The hunters held their own like statues of sentinels- making it look like they were unfazed.

However, from the nostrils of one of them- a drop of blood ran down in a single trickle.

Nexus smiled.

Of course, they were struggling to fend off his attacks.

He clenched his fingers into a balled fist, and rained thunder on their petty shiel- determined to finish them off. As the blade arched in the air above them and raged down on the dome, it shook violently.

Paul’s eyes glanced at the barrier nervously, trying to keep up a straight face.

Nexus, still holding Monica in his arms, switched up. Dialing the attack intensity by a hundred percent, he directed the sword’s movements to attack from the left, right, center and from the top. The blade continued it deadly rampage- not letting up for even a moment’s reprieve.

For the struggling hunters, the consistency of the attacks was a massive issue.

With no room to recuperate, it felt like a boulder was smashing into their little protective ark- repeatedly ramming into them, not giving room for even a minute to breathe.

Paul’s eyes looked about frantically. His face shone under the flying sparks flashing all around him.

"What the hell kind of sword is that?" he wondered aloud.

Sweat dripped down the face of the faces of all four hunters as they strained to keep up appearances.

"Paul," one said through his gritting teeth; "This isn’t what I signed up for, you didn’t say nothing about a damn flying sword. . ."

The hunter to his left spoke;

"Save your breath and focusTaylor. . ." he hushed; ". . .if this barrier fails, we’re all dead!"

"Dead?" he rasped; "There’s no way I’m dying here today, I didn’t do nothing wrong!"

"Yeah right," another answered mockingly; "Tell that to the killer man over there."

For a brief moment, the eyes of the hunter- called Taylor- flickered with inspiration. His voice rose a pitch higher- addressing his mates above the violent clanging of the mad sword;

"You know what?! That’s not a bad idea at all. . ."

No one answered him- thinking him to have gone mad.

"I’m not joking fam, we need to sort things out diplomatically- there’s no other way. . ."

Shaking his head, Paul chaffed;

"What the hell kind of stupid thought is that? What? You wanna drop this shield, and ask him over to get some drinks?!" He spat sarcastically;

"Why don’t you also ask him if he wants his dick sucked, or if he wants to get his hair shampooed as well?!"

"Paul! We’re going to die here! We need to reason here!"

"Enough!" Paul thundered; "Do you see how pissed this dude is?!"

The sword slammed to his right ear.

The hunter answered angrily; "Of course he’s pissed! YOU TRIED TO RAPE HIS GIRL!!"

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Ignoring Paul, another one of the big boned hunters asked desperately;

"What’s the move here Taylor. . .we’re running on fumes here. . .I’m almost out of steam. . . at this rate. ..we’re gonna get carved up like ham. . ."

"No," he growled; "Worse- it’s gonna run us through- blade and hilt. . ."

"Not helping Tay!" they protested under their breaths.

Paul chirped; "Can you use your earth magic to manipulate the rocks all around us? There’s plenty of stone!"

Taylor spat his reply; "The moment anyone of us breaks concentration, WE’RE DEAD! Don’t you get it?! This barrier is a four man job!"

With his arms still stretched out, and with his triangular shaped fingers trembling from exhaustion, the hunter looked at the stranger carefully through the shield- the dude wasn’t looking at them. No, he was fixated on the man behind them. . .he wanted Paul.

At once, lightning sparked in his head.

His lips pursed, and his jaw loosened;

"Alright gang, follow my lead. . ."

A wordless understanding echoed through their minds telepathically. And at once, they separated their fingers- breaking the triangles. An intoxicating flood of relief came in relaxing waves. Their arms throbbed painfully, pools of sweat saturated in their arm pits, and their breaths came out in ragged gasps.

But the sword hadn’t gone on a vacation.

Just as it was about to bear down on their defenseless and exposed bodies, the hunter’s voice wove through the sudden silence;

"WAIT!" his drained voice called out desperately; "WE SURRENDER! We surrender! Don’t kill us!"

His words rang through the cave- ringing with desperation, invoking a new tension upon the group.

Stilling his sword, Nexus’ brows took a dip. He paused- watching them suspiciously, waiting for any form of trickery;

"You surrender?" he scowled in a dry voice; "What is that to me? You’re all dead men walking. . .especially YOU!" he glowered at the Howard boy.

"Yes, we’ve done a terrible thing, but on the long run, we’re small inconsequential men, killing us will accomplish nothing. . ."

He sidestepped, creating an opening to the wall- revealing the man huddled behind him;

"This is the man you want. . .I. . .we are willing to give up protecting him. . .if you let us go. . ."

It took Paul a whole second to realize he was ’the man’ Taylor was speaking off. At once, his face whitened, and his throat bulged as a resounding howl came screeching through.

The stone quality hunter ignored him;

"We have no stake in this fight. . ."

As he spoke, he eyed the sword hovering silently above Nexus’ head. It’s silver blade glistened, occasionally piercing his eyes with its glint.

Nexus held his breath for a moment. Actually, he needed to conserve strength his strength. The hunter was also right. It was Paul he wanted. No one else.

"So you expect me to believe you’re just going to abandon your patron like that? Why don’t I just kill you all right now and save myself the trouble?"

The hunter swallowed;

"You could. You absolutely could. But we both know our spilled blood would not serve you in anyway."

"Oh yeah?" He growled dangerously; "How’s that?"

"Because in this business- we know the toll innocent blood can take on a person. . ."

Nexus laughed a short dry cackle. The shrill laughter burst out of his heaving shoulders;

"Nice try, BUT I remember this one–" he pointed at the terrified Paul; "–saying that he is some kind of aristocrat’s son. You could just run back to the father, and sell me out for some credit. . ."

The hunter, being a perceptive one, turned his shoulder to shot Paul a pitying glance;

"Somehow. . ." he turned his gaze away from him; ". . .I believe Paul would have been long dead by then. . .what would be the point?"

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