Lord Of Succubi:Transmigrated As A Dual Cultivator In Isekai Of Magic Chapter 44 44 Shopping

Chapter 44 Chapter 44 Shopping

"A great. . .night?" he asked cautiously, trying to make sure of what she meant.

"Of course! I checked in on her this morning, and it’s like she’s a new person! This is first time in forever since she has been anything but sickly. Do you know she called the kitchen this morning and ordered for a big breakfast?"

Nora face was replete with joy.

Pure, unbridled joy.

She broke away from the door, and marched towards him- three steps in all;

"You made my mother feel better yester night just as you said! Thank you Nexus. You have no idea what you’ve done for me."

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"It’s all good Nora."

"No, it’s not. We’ve been through a ton of treatments in the past few years. And none of them have ever come close to being as sucessful as this."

She ran her hand through her golden mane, glanced at the bed, and sat on it in an instant.

"This is why it doesn’t feel right to have you go through all this trouble for nothing. Especially since you’ve done something so phenomenal for me."

She placed both palm on her laps, and declared emphatically;

"So, in lieu of all this, I have decided to donate a thousand gold coins to you- for your troubles. . ."

Nexus was not familiar with the monetary system in this isekai. But he did not need to. No matter the timeline, civilization, or world, gold was still gold. And he had just been offered a shit ton of it.

". . .of course, this does not in anyway equate the value of what you’ve done for this family. But I hope you can accept it as a token of our appreciation."

Gently shaking his head, Nexus walked to the wall opposite her, and leaned on it with his arms crossed on his chest;

"I’m sorry Nora. But I can’t accept it. I didn’t do it for the money. You know this already."

"I know, I know, but you need to see things from my perspective." she placed a palm on her chest emphatically;

"You turned down my money, and gave me the precious fur of the Lightning Fox for free- when you didn’t have to. Then, you turn around and do the impossible by treating my mother’s ailment. Surely, you wouldn’t insult me and my family by rejecting our gift? Would you?"

Nexus opened his mouth to speak. But closed it almost immediately. She made a valid point.

"Forget it Nexus, this particular issue isn’t up for debate." She continued;

"Look, my mother’s ailment is very stubborn one, it may be even terminal- you know this. So I’m going to be frank with you now–"

Her pale white face strained with seriousness as she leaned forward;

"–if you can make this ailment go away for good, and I mean FOR GOOD. I promise you on all that I hold dear; this family will pay you handsomely. We’re going to make you a very rich man Nexus."

She narrowed her eye slits, and added her closing words;

"IF you cure my mother."

Nexus took a deep breath and leaned his head all the way back till it touched the wall.

Really, he did not mind exercising the operative verb in ’pay-for-hire.’ But this situation was a lot trickier than it seemed on the surface.

Nora did not know it, the Lady Russell did not know it, heck, no one but Nexus knew the exact thing that could cement her healing. He closed his eyes in deep thought. He would have to actually fuck that woman. After last night, he was not so sure it could happen.

He opened his eyes to see Nora staring at him expectantly.

He sighed.

Fuck it.

"Fine. I’m not promising anything, but know that I’ll certainly give my best."

Excitement creeped up the edge of her smile.

"Wonderful!" She sat up victoriously; "Let me go make the necessary arrangements. Don’t worry, I’ll have the gold delivered to you within the hour."

She headed towards the exit, and Nexus’ face drew a blank.

A thousand gold coins? That was a fortune What was he supposed to do with all that money? Bank it in the Dual Cultivation system?

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As she was about to step out, Nora bumped into Crystal who was coming in;

"Oh sorry." they both chorused at the same time.

Crystal walked in, wearing a loosely fitted milk-coloured gown.

"Good morning my lord." she chirped as she swaggered into his room.

"Morning Crystal," he stared at her in amusement; "What in heaven’s name are you wearing?"

Innocently, she looked down and checked herself; "You d-d-don’t like it?"

Nexus fought the urge not to grin; "Well, for starters, it’s like three times your size. Didn’t they have anything else?"

"I wouldn’t know. I just selected the first dress that was folded in. . .but I can change it if my lord isn’t pleased with it. . ."

And then, it struck Nexus.

Right there, looking at Crystal in that ridiculous dress, he knew exactly how to go about spending his money.

"Crystal," he called with a broad smile on his face

"Yes m’lord?"

"I need you to go and prepare right away, I’m taking you shopping for new clothes."

A smile as big as the sun broke out on Crystal’s face. The word ’shopping’ kept echoing again and again in her head. Grinning from ear to ear, she jumped up excitedly and clapped;

"Yes lord Nexus! Of course! Of course!!!"

"Okay, okay, pipe down missy. . .make sure you meet me at the gate house when the church bells ring again alright?"

"Yes m’lord! I’ll be there!! I will!!"

Rushing in excitement, the succubus dashed out in an instant, nearly knocking over the servant that was bringing the gold to Nexus.


A short while later, in the town’s bazaar, walking next to Nexus was a very thrilled Crystal. Her every step sprang with excitement. She head kept popping in all directions. Nothing missed her eye at all.

Nexus was amused. Not at the city’s thriving market. Not at the stalls lined up with finery. But at Crystal’s exhiliration. It seemed like no matter the timeline or alternate universe, the one common base factor was the fact that girls would always love shopping.

Crystal’s enthusiasm was electrifying. Her eyes shone like twin candle lit pillars. A broad, eager smile was spread across her face, giving off an aura of child-like excitement. Her gaze never remained in the same place for long. She led Nexus into the very heart of the city’s business center. All around her, throngs and throngs of people sold, bought, and conducted both large and small scale transactions.

Fat market women haggled without mercy.

Merchants with large rings on their fingers, and long robes spun elaborate tales to their customers, beguiling and enticing them.

The air was a rich mix of spice, scented fabrics, and powerful exotic perfumes. This was the heart of the market. Unabashed, Crystal took it all in with Nexus’ words beating in her heart; "Any dress you want."

Those were words every single woman wanted to hear.

And Nexus had an army of gold coins burning a hole in his pockets.

"Here!" she had to shout to be heard above the din; "This shop my lord!"

She led the way into a fully stocked clothing store.

The sharp perfume hit Nexus nose the moment they entered the shop. The owner, a smallish middle aged man with a full head of white hair, welcomed them warmly;

"Please, come in. You’re both welcome to my humble stall."

Crystal did not even bother to answer him. It was Nexus who shook his hand while she continued to stare around in awe. Rows and rows of fine fabric were rolled up in huge bundles, and stacked against the wall.

The salesman watched her with his catlike eyes;

"Would you like yards of material? Or already made dress?"

Crystal spun towards Nexus like a child, with an eager look in her eye, as if asking his permission on which to choose;

"Go ahead Crystal," he smiled, "Whatever you want."

A grateful look streaked across her eyes momentarily, before she jerked off in the direction the already made dresses. Hastily, as if she was afraid she would wake up from this dream, she began to scan through her options- eager for the perfect dress.. Nexus drew up a chair and sat down to watch her.

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