Lord Of Succubi:Transmigrated As A Dual Cultivator In Isekai Of Magic Chapter 75 75 Accident

Chapter 75 Chapter 75 Accident

Unable to peel his eyes away, Nexus’ attention remained enraptured. He watched Monica’s plan unfold beautifully.

The wind wolves were big- certainly larger than usual wolves. But they were mostly D-rank. So, Monica moved like she was like an ice skater- snaking through the pack, bombing them to pieces.

Transfixed to the spot, with the sight of his dead brethren before him, the next wind wolf wasn’t sure whether to attack the crimson clad assailant, or to simply flee. Its pearly black eyes darted back and forth, barring its fangs defensively, and snarling at her.

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But it wasn’t outside the range of her calculations.

With a disturbing brazeness, Monica charged right at it, and somersaulted over the astonished wolf. In the air, with her feet over her head, just before she completed a full revolution, she stretched out her hand and touched its back.

The D-rank wind wolf disintegrated into bits of organic debris- even before Monica’s feet touched down on the earth.

Eyes blazing, heart pounding, and adrenaline surging through her from the heat of battle, Monica skidded to a halt, and took account of the battleground.

Really it was more of a slaughter than a battle.

She had virtually munched through the pack like hot buns. A handful of wind wolves- the survivors, had huddled together at the far end of the den in a pack-hunter-mentality. Their heads were lowered threateningly, as they watched Monica.

The red head fixed her steely gaze on them. It was good they were all together- in one place. That way, she could waste them all in one fell swoop.

Her slender legs tensed in preparation for the final kill.

Suddenly, a premonition gripped her. Something tugged her at the back of her mind. Pulling her, warning her of something. Monica paled. Her instincts were never wrong.

At that moment, behind her, on the cleft of the elevated rock that towered over all the other parts of the den, a new presence emerged. Its massive shadow darkened the earth, eclipsing the sun, covering Monica completely- temporarily blocking the shine of the setting sun.

Monica spun around with a quickness.

And Nexus bolted up right- nearly crashing down out of the tree.

Behind Monica, standing proudly on the rock, bearing down on her with a wicked snare, and flashing its deadly canines, was the big, bad alpha wolf. It was big, bigger than all the others. Large enough for a three year old child to ride without touching the ground.

Its triangular snout vibrated in anger. Its jaws were parted, and at the edges of its mouth, a nasty sneer formed. Without warning, the black beast threw its neck back backwards, lifted its head and HOWLED!

Even from that distance, goosebumps formed all over Nexus’ body. The hairs on his back stood at attention as the penetrating, haunting howl echoed through the air in mournful tones. Monica must have sensed it too, for she did not engage immediately.

Two seconds later, she was glad she didn’t.

The black wolf’s body suddenly began to convulse violently. Its bulky frame thrashed on its long powerful legs. It bushy tail shook wildly in the wind. And then, there came the terrible cracking of breaking bones.

Or in this case- rearranging bones.

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Alpha wolf howled in pain as its entire skeletal system broke down completely- readjusting, and readjusting to its growing size. Monica’s eyes widened, and Nexus gasped as the alpha wolf exploded.

The growth started from its legs. Its muscles stretched wildly, then its torso, then it’s bushy tail, and finally- its head. This time, Monica had to take a step back. Eyes upwards, and face deathly pale, she looked upon the black wolf that was now the size of a fucking horse!

Its tail flickered behind it, and its previously black eyes were now full blown bloodred. It was brimming with a confidence, and seething with a loathsome hatred for Monica. It kept its pointed nuzzles, and intelligent eyes fixed on her- watching her furtively.

Monica’s confidence shriveled and dried up on the spot- like paper in a flame.

This was her worst nightmare. The previously D-rank wind wolf, was now a full blown C-rank beast!

The wolf had grown hairier. Its shaggy black fur had grown longer, and swayed slightly under the whistling breeze. Behind it, half of an orange sun sat in the horizon, as if it was waiting, trying to see how this would play out before setting. Its red glowing eyes burned deep in its sockets, and its paws scratched impatiently on the rock beneath it.

Monica was too stubborn to back away, but she kept her eyes trained on the big beast.

Fate had played a cruel joke on her. In the quest’s report, there had been no mention of an upgrading alpha wolf! A wind wolf was bad news. But a C-rank, horse-sized, alpha wolf was BAD FUCKING NEWS!

Immediately, Monica got into a defensive stance. Eyes on the beast, she placed her dominant foot behind her, and raised up both her fists to chest level, ready to improvise at all costs. She knew enough not to run.

Then the leap came.

Monica had miscalulated!

Its bulky size did nothing to deter its speed. Paws beating against the rock, it charged in powerful gallops, at a terrifying speed towards the edge of the cleft, building up momentum for the leap with all its might.

Red eyes blazing, hackles raised, and its head lowered, the entire muscles in the beast’s hind legs contracted as it shot off the edge in a powerful leap- towards Monica below.

Once again, its explosive shadow totally eclipsed Monica. With the black wolf in the air, directly charging at her with a clear murderous intent, Monica realized with a start that she had miscalculated again! The wolf was way bigger than her horse.

Forcing her mind to stay calm, All the muscles in her legs began to build up energy to sprint.

At the last moment, as the wolf tore through the air, front legs stretched out, vicious canine teeth barring, and death in its eyes, Monica dashed with all her might to the right. The rush of wind by her side told just how close a call it had been. The redhead rolled forward headfirst, and jumped to her feet.

The man eating wolf had been thoroughly disappointed.

Unable to decelerate midflight, it shot through the air, and sailed past her in a low altitude aerial flight- ending up a few feet beyond its projected target. It didn’t crash as she had hoped.

Its long sturdy legs gave it just enough counter thrust, so it skidded to a halt instead of bounding over. Concern spilled over Monica’s face. Her calculations were off! The C-rank wolf’s speed, size, and strength had increased dramatically.

She herself was also a C-rank. But given the data, it was evident that she was on the weaker end of the spectrum.

The horridly large creature whipped its head towards Monica, and the rest of its body followed. A feeling of dread hung in the air as the wind wolf began to slowly encircle her in menacing steps. Arms spread out at her sides, she walked counter clockwise, keeping a safe distance, noting its eyes, its speed, and the direction of its feet.

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