Lord of the Karmic Fate Chapter 115 Waldell Johnson

A sharp and loud sound of someone’s cheek getting slapped with great force resounded in the air for several seconds before it vanished, sending the whole place into complete silence.




Raven, who was just slapped with enough force to send an adult human flying in the past stared toward the side with utter disbelief, his cheek as red as a ripe apple!

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As for the members behind Luna, they looked at their leader and Raven in confusion and shock.

After standing still for almost an entire minute in silence, Raven slowly shifted his head back and softly placed his fingers on the spot where his little sister just slapped him.

Then, showing a wry smile he asked, "Is this really how you welcome your brother after three whole years?"

"Brother?" something seemed to click in Mia’s and everyone’s heads the next second, their eyes widened with uttered disbelief.

On the other hand, Luna’s pupils shrunk to the size of a needle before tears began to flow out of her eyes like a tide. Right now, her previous cold and indifferent demeanor were nowhere to be seen, only a crying little girl who finally seemed relieved after being heartbroken for a very long time.

When Raven saw his little sister like this, struggling to wipe her seemingly unstoppable tears flowing while sniffing cutely, he sighed and without saying a word took a step forward and hugged her tightly. This action of his immidieatly rewarded him with Luna’s tight grip around his body, which almost made him think his bones will break, while her crying became even more intense than before.

He literally could feel as his chest became wetter with each passing second, showing just how much she was crying.

"You... sniff... You are here... sniff... You are truly here... sniff..."

Hearing as Luna mumbled quietly with her face pressed against his chest, Raven showed a bittersweet smile, his heart clenched with pain.

Only now did he finally realize just how much did his little sister struggle while he was away, all because of him.

While Raven and Luna hugged each other after being separated for three whole years, on the side the shorty with the shield leaned closer to Mia and asked, "Umm... I don’t want to sound dumb, but who is he again?"

"Stupid! He is Raven Wright, Daniel Wright’s adopted son and also Lady Luna’s brother who had been gone missing for three years!" Mia immidieatly stated, her voice filled with shock and awe.

"Everyone believed he has died during the Dawn of Chaos. According to some, Lady Luna even went on a rampage out of anger and sorrow when she found out he died, and ever since then she changed drastically." Oliver added with a nod, the flames around his fists already starting to vanish.

"Not only that." suddenly Mia curved the corner of her lips upward mysteriously and said in a low tone of voice;

"There were also rumors about Lady Luna being head over heels for him which is not weird at all. After all, they are not blood-related at all, and taking a look at him, he is quite the looker. Especially those eyes, they look incredibly charming."

As she said those words, suddenly Mia narrowed her eyes and bit her lower lips softly. However, her weird look didn’t last long because suddenly she was shocked to see the handsome young man beside him begin to move, approaching the two in front of him with his gaze mainly being on Raven.

Raven obviously felt the sharp and almost piercing glare on his skin, hence why he raised his head, only to see the handsome young man approach them with an indifferent face and steady steps.

’Here comes trouble...’ Raven sighed helplessly and patted Luna’s shoulder gently, indicating her to let go of him.

However, she didn’t listen or it was better to say didn’t want to listen. Instead, her hands tightened even more around Raven’s body, almost as if she feared he would vanish if she let go of him.

"Lu...Lu... I won’t go anywhere so please... let me go... Or you try to kill me?" Raven felt as if he was squeezed slowly, forced to realize that Luna’s Strength must have already reached Rank 45 or even Rank 50!

"Huh?" surprised as only now did she realize that her brother could be weaker than her, Luna jerked a little and loosened her hug before she took a step back.

However, she remained a foot close to him, not wanting to get even a meter away from him.

Upon seeing this Raven just shook his head helpless before he glanced at the handsome young man and extended his hand forward.

"I don’t think we have met with each other yet, so let me introduce myself. My name is Rav-,"

"Raven Wright, 23 years old, Luna’s older brother and also the son of Mister Wright who had been gone missing for three years. I know."

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’He is prepared I see.’ Raven thought to himself and after he saw the young man didn’t accept his hand for a handshake he lowered his hand, "Well in some parts you are right but in some, you are not."

"Oh? Care to elaborate?" the young man asked one of his brows raised toward the sky.

"Nah." Raven shook his hand and proceeded to ignore the guy, which obviously earned a deep scowl from him.

"What’s with the long face, huh, Johnny ~? Are you perhaps... Jealous?" Mia asked with a teasing smile once she arrived before Raven also.

"You can think whatever you want, but I am not. Also, quit calling me Johnny already. It is annoying." John said with an indifferent face, his eyes still on Raven almost as if he wished to see right into his soul.

’Yeah, he definitely is jealous.’ Raven thought as she watched Mia extending her arm forward with a small smile.

"Hello~, you can call me Mia just like the others."

Raven looked at Mia’s smooth and delicate hands before he accepted them and showed also a smile.

"Nice to meet you."

"So beautiful..."

"Huh? Pardon?" Raven was surprised when he heard Mia mumbling something, while Luna beside him narrowed her eyes.

Realizing that she has said something Mia’s cheeks blushed scarcely and after she narrowed her throat she said, "Sorry, I didn’t mean to, but your eyes... They are very beautiful."

"Are they?" Raven raised a brow and glanced at Luna, who when she met his stare became red like a tomato and shifted her gaze hurriedly.

’Weird...’ Raven felt a bit puzzled as he looked at Oliver and the rest, however, they were just as confused as him.

"Anyway, are you really his older brother? You look so young, younger than her. You don’t look any older than 20." Mia then asked, her gaze looking up and down Raven with curious eyes.

Upon hearing this question Raven showed a wry smile and said, "I am."

"Hmm... I see." Mia nodded as she seemed to believe Raven’s words, but Luna on his side who knew him for years immidieatly noticed that something was off.

However, as she had a guess she decided not to inquire about it now and instead ask about something else, "How did you find us?"

"Dad told me you were clearing a Realm Domain. In fact, he was the one who brought me here."

"What Rank are you? This is not a place where anyone can enter, just you know. Creatures here are exceptionally terrifying." John asked.

p "I know just what kind of place this Realm Domain is, you don’t have to worry about me. After all, as you can see, I have safely reached you guy, haven’t I?" Raven smiled, smoothly avoiding answering his Rank.

Of course, his words only made John’s frown deepen, earning a soft chuckle from Mia on the side.

"Anyways, have you guys find the Realm Core? I heard different from other Realm Domains, Territory-type Realm Domains have their Realm Core hidden which usually are not in the center." Raven asked as he looked at Luna.

"We didn’t, but we have a rough guess where it could be." after taking a deep breath Luna said and pointed toward a specific direction.

"We have cleared the other three directions, so obviously what remains is that one."

"I see. Then we should get going." Raven nodded and was ready to start walking when John suddenly stopped him.

’Now what?’

Staring at Raven indifferently for a few seconds John crossed his arms and said, "Before we go, we need to know your strength and capabilities so we can discuss what role is the best for you."

"John has a point. After all, we have been alongside each other for almost a year by now and we are used to each other. If you wish to join us at least we have to know how you can help us so we can avoid unforeseen accidents on the battlefield." Oliver nodded in agreement.

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