Love Worth Fighting For Chapter 133

133 Break up

Elena again wiped her tears for the umpteenth time when the taxi she was riding was almost at her house, Elena didn’t want her parents to see her crying. Even though she is currently being torn apart, Elena must still look strong in front of her parents.

“Take the rest, madam,” said Elena quietly to a middle-aged woman who was a taxi driver this afternoon.

“Thank you Miss.”

Elena nodded slowly, slowly her hand grabbed the door handle and prepared to go downstairs. But it turns out that the door on the left side can’t be opened, the taxi driver hasn’t opened the central lock, Elena automatically turns her gaze to the taxi driver.

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“May I speak, Miss?” the taxi driver who deliberately hasn’t opened the central lock immediately spoke as soon as Elena turned to her.

“Please,” replied Elena, stuttering.

“Don’t cry just because of a man, Miss. You are young and so beautiful, there are still many men out there who are ready to do anything for you,” said the taxi driver quietly, apparently the taxi driver was watching Elena, who continued to wipe her tears. Even though Elena didn’t make a sound when she cried, she could feel the sadness that Elena gave off.

Elena pursed her lips. “I don’t cry because of a man, madam,” replied Elena lying. “I cried because I decided to stop working.”

“Oh God, I’m sorry...”


“No madam, you don’t have to apologize to me. I should be the one thanking you.”

“Cheer up Miss, you still have a long way to go.”

“Thank you Madam.” After saying that, Elena slowly got out of the taxi and walked towards the house as well as her family’s place of business which was not operating today.

Elena walked in with mixed feelings, disappointment, anger and pain all gathered together in her chest. An hour ago after Christian had finished venting his desire, Elena with tears in her eyes offered her resignation while putting on her clothes that were scattered on the floor. Elena also decided not to continue her relationship with Christian anymore, Elena chose to withdraw from all the ties that Christian forced on her. And here now is Elena, walking back to her house injured physically and mentally.

Elena took a deep breath when she arrived in front of her house, after feeling strong enough, Elena slowly opened the door of her house and stepped inside carefully. Because her father’s condition had improved, this afternoon Bianca decided to take Elena’s father home to continue treatment at home. For that reason today the cake shop is closed. Bianca and her husband insisted on not working for Jody Wilson’s recovery, even though Mrs. Camila had given them permission to keep the shop open.

“You’re home, honey?” asked Mrs. Camila in surprise.

Elena, who was looking at her father who was sleeping from the front door, immediately turned to her mother quickly. “Where are you from?” asked Elena in surprise.

Mrs. Camila lifted the bowl of warm water with a small towel. “From the kitchen, I want to wipe your father’s body.”

“Is your father’s condition better, ma’am?”

“It’s much better, your father has just eaten and taken medicine, that’s why he is currently sleeping,” replied Mrs. Camila gratefully.

Elena smiled. “Thank God.”

Mrs. Camila nodded slowly, but suddenly her warm smile disappeared when she realized how pale Elena’s face was now. Immediately the woman put the bowl of warm water to clean her husband’s body on the table and rushed to grab Elena’s forehead and face.

“Your have a fever, Elena,” said Mrs. Camila worriedly.

Elena immediately grabbed her mother’s hand which was on her forehead. “I’m fine, ma’am.”

“Mother is not a child you can lie to, Elena. Bianca has already told her everything, last night you didn’t sleep at all in the hospital,” said Mrs. Camila quickly. “Your body condition must be going down by now, so hurry up and go to your room and rest. You need rest, this week you’ve worked really hard.”

Elena immediately bit her lower lip hard, trying to hold back her tears. Elena wanted to tell everything that she had experienced to her mother, but Elena didn’t have the heart to do that. She didn’t want to burden her mother even more.

“Go up to your room and clean your body, after mom finishes washing your dad, mom will come to your room,” said Mrs. Camila back gently.

Elena nodded slowly, for fear of not being able to hold back her tears any longer, Elena rushed up to her room on the second floor. Elena really wasn’t ready to share her burden with her mother, who looked so tired from taking care of her father, whose condition was getting better.

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Arriving at the room, Elena immediately locked the door to her room and immediately ran to the bathroom. Without taking off her clothes, Elena stood under the shower which was pouring cold water. Elena purposely takes a cold shower with the aim that all traces left by Christian on her body are gone, remembering again what Christian has done to her makes Elena cry again. Elena is not crying over her decision to give her chastity to Christian, what Elena is crying about is her stupidity for giving her heart to that man.


Clarke Enterprise, 3.00 PM

Christian can only be silent when Kainer reports about Elena’s hasty departure from the office two hours ago, all Christian can do now is sit quietly and continue to stare at his laptop screen which is no longer showing anything. Christian is still neutralizing his chaotic heart condition after Elena decides to leave Clarke Enterprise and end their relationship.


The pencil that had been in Christian’s hand suddenly broke in two. 𝚏𝗿𝗲ew𝐞b𝐧o𝚟𝚎𝗹.com

“ tall do you think you are, Elena? You think I can’t find a secretary and bedmate prettier than you, I see! Fuck you...”

Without taking his cell phone, Christian steps out of his room past Kainer carrying a pile of documents to report to him.

“Young master is also mad,” Kainer muttered quietly. “What exactly happened to the two of them today?”

Knowing that Christian was in a bad mood, Kainer decided not to chase him and just gave orders to the bodyguards to take care of Christian. After confirming the safety of the master who was in a lot of chaos, Kainer then decided to return to his room to finish the work that was still piling high after being left in Geneva for three days. Even though Kainer continued to monitor his work online, there were still too many documents he had to check before signing it on his desk.

And a similar situation can also be seen on Elena’s desk, the pile of documents that Elena must check before giving it to Christian has also piled up high. No one knows that Elena has decided to stop working, that’s why some people are still piling documents on Elena’s desk.

In nearly twenty-eight years of living on earth, not once has a Christian Clarke been rejected by a woman. But all Christian pride was lost since the appearance of Elena Wilson in his life. Not just once, Elena had rejected him many times. Since the beginning, Christian expressed his feelings for Elena until he finally proposed to her, Elena had rejected him many times. Starting from reasons he can accept to reasons that don’t make sense, Christian has gotten from Elena. Including today’s events.

After seeing Elena not wearing the ring he gave her, the anger that Christian had been holding in since last night finally exploded until Christian finally took it all out on Elena right then and there. Christian, who is being overwhelmed by emotions, doesn’t care about Elena’s cries and moans asking to be released, what Christian had in mind earlier was to make Elena remember what she could do when she was angry and hope that in the future Elena would not dare to argue or disappoint her again. However, Christian’s expectations did not match reality because Elena chose to end their relationship, which Christian never imagined before. Christian’s pride is really hurt by what Elena did.

“Calm down Christ, Elena is just bluffing. No woman can refuse you,” Christian said quietly when the car he was driving stopped at a red light. “Elena will definitely come back tomorrow morning and apologize to you, Elena will definitely beg for you to get back together. After all, no woman will be willing to let go of a man who has earned her chastity.”

Christian’s face instantly heats up as he recalls his first night with Elena who was so amazing. Damn it.

As soon as the traffic light turned green, the metallic black two-door sports car sped up through the streets of Luxembourg, followed by two other black cars behind, trying to keep as close as possible to Christian’s car as ordered by Kainer earlier.

Christian’s car has just slowed down as it enters Mouren’s bar area, whenever he’s in trouble and needs a drink to vent his anger safely without being disturbed by anyone. Mouren’s bar is the perfect place for Christian. Although the sun was still quite high, Christian’s intention to drink did not diminish in the slightest. Christian also does not care about the state of Mouren who is pregnant.

“You are really annoying, Christ. I think I will give birth faster if you come to my place with such a gloomy face,” Mouren chirped as she greeted Christian who had just gotten out of his car.

“Good, that means I have a friend to drink more quickly. Your baby is a boy, right,” Christian says casually.

Mouren immediately wrapped her arms in front of her distended stomach. “Don’t be crazy, the first person my child should avoid is you, Christ. So don’t ever dream of being able to poison my son with your bad habit.”

Christian smirks. “If you know drinking is a bad habit then just close this place of yours, Mouren.”

“Ah, great idea.”

“Mouren!!” snaps Christian loudly.

Mouren who knows if Christian is not serious with her words laughs amused, she feels very happy to have managed to tease her best friend.

“Come in, I have a new drink for you. You’ll like it,” Mouren says softly as she wraps her arms around Christian’s arm without hesitation.

Because Mouren leaned on him, Christian then walked carefully into the bar through a special door that could not be passed by anyone without the approval of Mouren the owner of course.

“I was dumped by my future wife, Mouren.”

Mouren immediately stopped her steps. “What? Wife-to-be, are you getting married? Not wrong? This playboy Christian Clarke decided to spend the rest of his life with a woman so soon? Oh my God, the world isn’t doing well.”

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