Love Worth Fighting For Chapter 69

69 Same feeling

“The only one who knows this feeling is you, Christ.”

“As a good friend, all I can do right now is provide a room for you to sleep. I will not let you be lacking in these circumstances,” said Mouren back with a smile, after listening to Christian’s story for almost two hours made Mouren realize that her best friend, it’s not being fine.

Christian who was very drunk, only smiled slightly at Mauren’s words, he didn’t even refuse when he was about to be helped up by two of Mouren’s bodyguards who would take him to the bedroom that Christian always occupied when he came to Mouren’s bar.

Mouren’s smile widens when she sees Christian being carried away by her two men, because the night is getting late, Mouren returns to her house which is near the bar which is still busy. The Mouren family’s bar is a closed bar and a bit of a secret, only a few people know about the truth of the place. And the visitors to the exclusive bar are just classy people who really come to unwind with a drink, not to have fun with women. That’s why the bar, which is more than a hundred years old, can still stand strong, among other bars that present the beauty of a woman’s body as the main course.

Arriving in the room, Christian’s sleepiness is gone. Christian recalled the conversation he had with Mouren some time ago, even though Cristian did not mention Elena’s name but Mouren could tell that the cause of his current anxiety was because of a woman.

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“Damn it...”

After almost twelve hours, Christian finally took out his cellphone and immediately called Elena, twice he called Christian but he didn’t realize that his cellphone number had been blocked. Until finally Christian’s consciousness came when he contacted Elena for the fifth time.

“Fuck... how dare she block my number!!” Christian shouts loudly, his eyes popping open instantly.

Christian who didn’t want to give up again, contacted Elena using his personal cell phone, a cell phone that was only used to contact his family members. The only stranger’s number stored on the cell phone was Kainer and tonight Elena became the lucky second person to have Christian contacted through her personal cell phone. But disappointment comes back to Christian, Elena’s cell phone number is not active. The girl still hasn’t turned off her cell phone since she arrived in Paris, it seems that Elena really wants to calm down.


Never having met someone who has openly opposed him, makes Christian very motivated to conquer Elena. His little secretary who had been fired a while ago. With emotions taking over him, Christian gets up from the bed. But just as he lifted his head from the pillow, suddenly a painless pain began to attack him. Unable to withstand the excruciating pain, Christian finally canceled his intention to leave the room at Mouren’s bar. Inwardly Christian promised to immediately make revenge with his secretary when the sun was up.

“You have to pay dearly, Elena, you have to take responsibility for this suffocating feeling... Elena Wilson...” Christian murmured softly when he closed his eyes which had been hot since morning.

Christian thought that after he fired and gave Elena the revenge his anger would fade away, but now the opposite is happening to him. There was a strange feeling that kept hitting his chest from within, a feeling rooted in regret that Christian had never felt before.


Eiffel Tower, Paris. 3.00 AM.

Elena felt much better after telling Jason all her problems, several times Elena even made jokes that made Jason burst out laughing. The cheerful Elena, the Elena that Jason knew was back.


Elena shook her head. “No, I’m not sleepy yet.”

“It’s almost three in the morning, Elena.”

Elena, who was still not tired of looking at the twinkling Eiffel tower then turned her gaze to Jason who was lying beside her. “Are you sleepy?” asked Elena back.

“Yeah, I’m tired and sleepy,” Jason answered honestly.

“Okay let’s go back to the motel.”

“It doesn’t matter?”

Elena frowned. “It’s okay.”

“I mean is it okay if we go home? Don’t you still want to see this beautiful Eiffel, don’t you?”

Elena smiled. “We still have plenty of time to see the Eiffel tower after this, I wouldn’t be so bad as letting you go back to the motel alone.”

Jason pursed his lips. “I should be the one talking to you like that, Elena.”


Jason chuckled. “Yes, let’s go back, tomorrow morning we can come back to this place.”

Elena nodded quickly, as fast as she could get up from the cloth they had been sitting on for more than six hours. Elena, who was not allowed by Jason to help, just stood up, staring at Jason who was folding the black cloth back into the small pocket that had been tucked away in his jacket pocket. After successfully saving the versatile cloth back, Jason then invited Elena to leave the Eiffel Tower to return to the motel where they were staying. Even though morning was almost here, the situation at the Eiffel Tower was still crowded. Tourists from various worlds dominated by young people still want to carve their beautiful memories under the Eiffel sky.

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Hungry, Elena invites Jason to stop by a fast food restaurant. After talking for hours the hunger overtook Elena and Jason who could never refuse Elena could only surrender when Elena asked him to eat burgers and fries in the early morning.

“See, we’re not the only ones eating this early,” Elena whispered softly to Jason with her mouth full of meat and bread, glancing at another table that was almost full.

Jason smiled. “Looks like they’re just like us, both starving after hours staring at the Eiffel Tower.”

Not wanting the food in her mouth to come out, Elena immediately used her palms to cover her mouth which was full of food. Jason’s words almost made her laugh.

“Sorry, Elena,” Jason said suddenly.

Elena tilted her head, with her beautiful eyes Elena seemed to say. ‘What do you mean?’

“Sorry that I can’t take you to the fancy restaurants in this city, my salary isn’t enough to make you sit on a soft chair with first-class service.” Jason resumed his speech.

Elena immediately swallowed the food that had not yet been fully chewed and the effects of her careless actions immediately made her cough from choking. And Jason who was quick to give Elena a drink, Elena, who really needed a drink, immediately drank the drink that Jason gave her without shame. Having done too many silly things in front of Jason made Elena’s shyness go away when she was around Jason.

“Careful,’re just a child.”

Elena who had managed to push the food into her stomach with water after it got stuck in her throat then gave Jason a murderous look.


“It’s your fault!”

Jason frowned. “My fault? Why is it my fault?”

“Of course it’s your fault, you said such a strange sentence that I almost choked to death,” replied Elena curtly.

“Elena!” Jason reacted quickly when Elena mentioned the word dead.

Elena who took Jason’s words seriously immediately grabbed the man’s hand and gripped it hard. “I would never ask you to take me to eat in a fancy restaurant with high Michelin star standards, nor would I ask you to take me to a hotel with incredible views around every corner, I would never force you to give me all those luxuries Jason. If someday the two of us can go to one of the places I mentioned earlier then I’ll make it clear to you that I’ll pay my own share, so stop thinking nonsense. I’m not friends with you because of what’s in your wallet, Jason. So stop talking like that, haven’t I told you many times to save the rest of your salary, huh? Then why do you think like that, just watch out if you suddenly act presumptuous by doing what I strictly forbid in the future. You have a life of your own, Jason. You have to have a life plan for the future, so use your money for it. I know I’m unemployed again , but there’s one thing to keep in mind that I still have money from this month’s paycheck and the remainder of my contract for the next eleven months from Clarke Enterprise. I’m not going to burden me, Jason.”

Jason blinked his eyes at Elena’s words, Elena’s fast way of speaking made him unable to digest all those sentences

“What is clear is that from now on, get rid of the thought of continuing to treat me to a good meal, because believe me, this unemployed person still has money.”

“Elena, I...”

“Fries, you don’t want it, do you? Just for me, yeah.”

Before Jason had time to answer, Elena, who was already annoyed by Jason’s words, grabbed the french fries and ate them voraciously. Elena, who knew that Jason also came from a simple family, always seemed annoyed when Jason started apologizing for not being able to do it. could buy him luxury items, even though Elena had never asked the young fireman for anything from the start. Elena was actually angry if Jason spent a lot of money on her, Elena always told Jason to keep the money for himself. For his future.

“Sorry Elena,” Jason said regretfully.

Elena didn’t respond to Jason’s words, she chose to focus on eating.


“If you talk again then I’ll be really mad at you, hurry up and finish your food and then we’ll go back to the inn. I want to sleep!”

Jason nodded slowly, responding to Elena’s words. He didn’t dare to open his mouth again knowing that if he did that Elena would get angry with him.

Still chewing the fries, Elena rushed to the sink to wash her hands before leaving the restaurant quickly. When she was about to leave the sink, Elena suddenly overheard the conversations of several young girls her age talking about Christian, the marriage gossip that had been clarified by Christian directly made her fans who were nominated by young women happy because their idol was still single. and not yet married.

Elena’s face turned red, her lips curled slightly subconsciously. “So the bad guy isn’t married, huh ...”


Elena immediately gasped at Jason’s words who suddenly stood in front of her.

“Have you finished washing your hands?” Jason repeated his question without any suspicion, Jason didn’t realize the need for Elena’s face material. The blush on Elena’s face was obscured by the light of the lamp that was directly above Elena’s head.

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