Loved By a Vampire King Chapter 106 - Marriage Fixed

Ignoring the heavy wind that were crashing over those jungle trees wildly, Ethan continued walking through the path blankly. Each step was so heavy for him as if he was leading inside the hell slowly.

Perhaps his heart was more in uproar rather than this tragic weather outside. Those flashy images of their intimate moments continued replaying in front of his vision as a guilt towards his death brother suppressed through his heart.

His breathing hitched as he forced himself to ignore those bitter feelings that was spreading through his veins slowly like a slow poison.

In no time, he arrived in front of the cave where Anna and Ayra used to live. The flare outside of the cave had been lit off after the constant splashes of raindrops thus he couldn’t see through it clearly.

With a heavy heart, he entered the cave without any prior warning and instantly froze as soon as he found it empty. His gaze wandered around in every corner of the rain as he felt his heart getting panicked immediately.

Just like a mad man, he started throwing the staffs inside the cave continously until he spotted a piece of scrunched paper beside Ayra’s little pillow. Unfolding it hastily, he saw Anna’s words that had been written in rush. She only mentioned their location that they had shifted in Crimond Hill because of an unexpected situation and they would be waiting for him to meet there.

Ethan closed off the letter before his expression darkened at the mention of Crimond Hill.

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What are they doing there?

Not wasting a second, he turned around to head for the Crimond Hill as soon as possible.

He can’t put down Ayra’s safety at any cost!

Meanwhile In


As soon as Aaron questioned about Zave’s whereabouts, Mrs Scott’s expression turned stiff.

Before coming here, she asked her son that where was he heading for. In response, he only replied that to take over the responsibilities for being the future king and flew away smirking cunningly.

She didn’t dare to wish this impossible dream but his words definitely frightened her and she could assume that Zave was upto something.

Regaining her usual composure, Mrs Scott answered wisely,

" Pardon My Lord, this boy of mine is fond of working hard. His only motive is to devote himself for the clan. He got some urgent matters to handle and would be arriving soon here."

Queen Mother joined along with her baffling proudly,

" You have really spoken the truth Mrs.Scott. Zave is really impressive man in case of working hard and never failed to amaze me. You must be very proud of your son. "

Mrs.Scott smiled shyly and replied,

" Oh it’s nothing Queen Mother. He is way too hard working since his young age. "

Queen Mother nodded offering them another plate of fruits as she asked Aaron looking up,

" Son, can we head for the main issues now?"

Aaron hummed coldly and asked taking a sip from his favourite herbal tea,

" Though its already been fixed, still I want to hear from you two that do you have any objection regarding my sister?"

Mr. Scott stopped munching his apple suddenly and replied hesitantly,

" Well.... those... rumours.."

Before he could finish his words, Mrs.Scott quickly interrupted shooting him a death glare and complied,

" As a sweet girl, she is bound to get some rumours, my Lord. We don’t mind them at all and we can understand that as a princess, she will have some haters obviously."

Mr Scott still wanted to mention those rumours but Mrs. Scott secretly clutched his right wrist ready to break it anytime.

After hearing their response, Queen Mother gave a sigh of relief and smiled gleefully. Only one person felt suspicious over Mr.Scott’s behaviour and that was Esme.

She had been very calculative girl and could notice anyone’s instinct very well. She noticed that Mr.Scott tried to speak something but his wife didn’t let him speak at once.

Aaron smiled slyly and spoke,

" Then we can wait for Zave’s arrival. I want to hear his opinion too."

As soon as he said those words, Zave arrived at the entrance wearing a navy blue tuxedo as he resembled a face of decent boy.

Queen Mother smiled widely spotting him on the entrance and beamed,

" There he is.. "

Esme looked up and saw Zave heading inside politely. His gaze were lowered down respectively as he bowed them slightly.

Even though Esme didn’t know about Zave very well but for an unknown reason, she had a bad feelings regarding this boy and decided to judge his every single movements cautiously.

Zave occupied the spot beside his parents before exchanging a meaningful glance with his secret lover who was seated beside Queen Mother.

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On the flip side, Esme was stunned for a moment locating their silent interaction before wandering between Zave and Vanessa’s face in bewildering.

What... what had she just seen? they know each others?

Calming down a bit, she looked over at Zave who seemed indifferent.

Aaron gazed at them for a while before asking straightforwardly,

" Zave, we have already discussed with your parents and was waiting for your arrival. Let me ask you directly. Are you really willing to marry my sister or you can’t ignore this proposal only because my mother has chosen you as her groom? Don’t feel hesitate to answer me. I don’t want my sister to suffer in this marriage later. "

Zave glanced at Queen Mother’s slightly before responding wisely,

" I do respect Queen Mother a lot but my decision has nothing to do with her choice. I solemnly want to marry the princess and ready to take care of her for my entire life. "

Queen Mother smiled contentedly and looked up haughtily at her son who was suspicious over her decision. Aaron nodded his head with understanding but Esme suddenly spoke expressing her thoughts,

" Why don’t we bring Athena here? They should hear her opinion’s too."

Before Aaron could answer, Queen Mother spoke in a displeased tone,

" My daughter will only do what I will decide for her. There is no need to bring her here."

Her voice sounded rude and sharp as Aaron glanced at her meaningfully. Queen Mother quickly looked away to hide her unreasonable rage for Esme and smiled awkwardly.

Vanessa quickly seized the chance to button her up and stated,

" That’s true. Princess is very obedient towards her mother. There’s no need to trouble her at this hour. Moreover she is staying in the secured castle for the time being."

Everyone nodded in agreement as Esme seemed uncomfortable. Perhaps she could never understand their emotions nor did they try to do know her.

Aaron quickly cut off their words sternly,

" That’s enough. I know what to do."

He turned towards Mrs Scott knowing that she was the master in their family and asked,

" It’s settled then Mrs Scott. May we proceed for the dates now?"

Mrs. Scott nodded beaming into a pleasant smile and said,

" Obviously my Lord. I have visited the priest before coming here. He has said that after one week, there is a blessed full moon day to perform any ritual. If you have no objections, we can hold the engagement ceremony on that day. Then on the next weekend, we can hold the wedding ceremony as it will be the biggest lunar eclipse ever on that day. "

Aaron thought for a while and liked her opinion. Thus he asserted his final opinion to everyone,

" Then it’s final. We will be holding the ceremonies according to your dates. I have no objections on that. "

Everyone smiled widely agreeing with his proposal and toasted with their most pleasant juice human blood. In the middle of chaos, Zave once again smirked at Vanessa meaningfully as it caught Esme’s attention again.

This time, Esme was confirmed with her assumption and felt discomfort in her heart.

She needed to talk with Athena fast !

After their discussion, Queen Mother led the guests inside their separated guest house leaving Aaron and Esme alone in the hallway. Aaron was drinking continously as he didn’t wish to join them.

On his fifth swipe, Esme held his hand angrily and scolded,

" Enough of this! You were sick, did you forget that? How can you drink so much?"

Aaron whispered beside her ears smiling smugly,

" Even I didn’t forget that what happened between us last time when I was drunk."

Esme’s face turned crimson instantly and glared at his shameless face harshly before pushing his face away playfully.

Aaron laughed lightly and heard her mumbling shyly,

" You have such a glib tongue seriously. Your citizens will go insane if they hear you saying this words."

Aaron smirked before gazing at the last gulp of wine meaningfully. As he took another sip daringly, Esme shouted loudly,

" You dare to drink again... I will throw out of my room today, trust me Aaron..mmmh.."

Her words were interrupted as a mouthful wine was stuffed into her tongue forcefully.

She whimpered clutching his shoulders and heard his voice blankly,

" Then let’s get drunk together."

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