Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha Chapter 106 Clever Vs Brawl

Vincent’s eyes roamed over the massive beast, taking in the sheer size of it. Its fur was thick and bristling, and he couldn’t help but wonder if even his enhanced strength would be enough to pierce it.

A pang of frustration shot through him as he thought about his failed attempts at transforming into a werewolf. If only he could unleash the power of the beast within, he might stand a chance against this creature. But for now, he was left with nothing but his vampire powers and the element of surprised. He was no means weak , but his vampire powers are more suited against small places and humanoid foes.

"Perhaps I should bring along a few grenades and a rocket launcher," he muttered to himself, a wry smile crossing his face. For all their supernatural abilities, there were some things that even the most powerful beings couldn’t withstand. The thought of taking down the creature with a well-timed explosion was tempting, and he couldn’t help but relish the idea of using technology to his advantage in this place.

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"No, I might not get another chance to comeback here if I leave now. " he shook his head, dismissing the thought of relying solely on explosives to defeat the creature.

As tempting as it was, he knew the risks of leaving and not being able to return. He couldn’t afford to give up this opportunity, not when he had come so far.

He would have to bring some grenades on his future expeditions, but for now, he needed to focus on retrieving the fragment. With a determined look on his face, he pushed the thought of easy solutions aside and prepared himself for the task at hand.

As he waited for the right opportunity , a sudden explosion caught his attention. His instincts kicked in, and he hurried towards the source of the sound. Upon arrival, he saw a blue crystal fragment burst apart when it came into contact with seawater. It was a curious sight, and his mind raced with possibilities.

Then, a glimmer of an idea formed in his mind. If the blue crystal was indeed sensitive to seawater, he could use it to his advantage. Perhaps he could use the crystal like a grenade , and unleash the power of the crystal to removed its thick fur. The thought of outsmarting the beast made him feel invigorated, and he knew he had to act fast if he wanted to succeed.

A mischievous grin played on his lips as he considered his plan.

"You may be stronger, but I’m smarter," he chuckled to himself, feeling that his plan was quite solid.

His fingers worked quickly as he gathered as many blue crystals as he could find. He loaded them into his bag, careful not to let any of them touch the seawater. He knew that a single crystal on its own wouldn’t do much damage, but he had a different idea in mind.

With a determined glint in his eye, he also started to stuff more crystals into his clothing. The added weight was not noticeable, so he didn’t mind. He had to make sure he had enough explosive power to at least weaken the creature. As he worked, he couldn’t help but imagine the satisfying explosion that would come from dozens of crystals exploding in one go.

"Its done," he paused for a moment, taking a deep breath to steady himself. This was it. He was ready. With the bag and his clothing filled with explosives, he set out to face the creature once more.

Inside the huge cavern.

Vincent quickly realized that throwing the bag of crystals behind the creature would be nearly impossible with its spawns present. He needed a new plan. As he looked around the cavern, his eyes landed on the high ceiling. It was a risky move, but he knew it was his only chance to catch the creature off guard.

With a deep breath, he started to climb. The rough surface of the cavern walls scraped against his palms, but he kept going, fueled by his determination to succeed. As he climbed higher, the creature and its spawns became smaller and smaller below him. He knew that once he was directly above it, he could execute his attack without being noticed.

"I’m quite smart for thinking this strategy " He couldn’t help but marvel at his own ingenuity. It was as if he had a lot of experienced fighting huge beast like this. The thought was both thrilling and unsettling.

"Here goes everything," he muttered to himself as he inhaled deeply, preparing for his daring attack. With legs coiled on a rock like a bat, he suspended himself from the ceiling, hovering above the massive creature like a predator ready to pounce. Gritting his teeth, he focused all his strength into his arms and hurled two bags of explosive crystals toward the creature. The bags were filled with salt water from his tumbler, which would trigger a powerful explosion upon impact.

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The bags plummeted towards the creature with a deafening whooshing sound, its speed increasing as it closed in. Vincent’s heart pounded in his chest as he watched the bag soar towards its target, hoping that his plan would work.

With a deafening boom, the bags struck the creature’s head, sending shockwaves through the cavern. The beast roared in agony as it struggled to stay on its feet, completely caught off guard by Vincent’s clever strategy.

This was the moment he had been waiting for. With a fierce battle cry, he pushed off the ceiling and dove down toward the creature’s head, his body moving with blinding speed.

He launched himself with all his might towards the creature’s head, ready to deliver the finishing blow. But as he collided with its skull, he realized it was like hitting a brick wall.

The impact sent him jumping back through the air, but before he could regain his balance, the creature’s massive tail came whipping towards him. Vincent had never seen anything so huge move with such agility. He had no choice but to brace himself for the inevitable impact.


The force of the creature’s tail hit him like a truck, sending him flying across the cavern.


He landed hard on the ground, his body aching from the impact. He knew he couldn’t afford to stay down for long, not with the beast recovering from his attack. He quickly got up, ready to face the creature once again.

But as he turned to face it, he saw that it had regained its balance and was now charging towards him with terrifying speed.


His heart was pounding as he tried to outrun the its massive claws. He used his vampire speed and adrenaline manipulation to push himself beyond his limits.


He was able to barely dodge the creature’s claw, but the uneven terrain made it impossible for him to maintain his balance while fighting. Suddenly, he was hit by the creature’s tail again, sending him tumbling across the cavern floor. Pain shot through his body as he hit the ground hard.

"This damn monster!!!" he grunted in pain as he struggled to stand up. He had to act fast before the creature landed another blow. But before he could even make a move, the creature’s massive feet came crashing down on him, sending him flying the third time.


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