Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha Chapter 109 Hidden Danger

Vincent made the decision to depart from the area after making sure that everything had been settled. At first, he had considered taking some of the crystals with him, but he ultimately changed his mind once he noticed that the room he had first entered was gradually sinking in sea water again. It was evident that the power that had been holding the area stable had dissipated.

As much as he desired to take the crystals, he knew that it was too dangerous. He could not risk his life and everything he had fought for. He turned his back on the alluring treasures and dashed away, his heart heavy with disappointment.

"I need to get out of this place fast " he muttered to himself as he sprinted up the stairs, the sound of explosions echoing behind him. The crystals were detonating one by one, and he could only hope that he was far enough away.

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However, as he made his way towards the surface, another problem came up, he suddenly felt a violent rush of water coming down towards him, threatening to pushed him down into the depths once again. Despite his newfound strength, he was no match for the powerful current, and he struggled to fight it head on.

But he refused to give up. With gritted teeth, he summoned all his strength and fought against the current with all his might. Fortunately, The explosion from behind helped to balance out the force of the water, giving him just the boost he needed to stay on course.


Vincent’s hands burst out from the water and he gripped tightly on the rocky platform.His strength allowed him to lift himself up without any strain.

As he rose higher, he could feel the rush of water against his skin, reminding him of how close he had come to drowning. The entire tunnel had now fully submerged, and he knew that he was lucky to have made it out in time.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart and jumbled thoughts.He needed to steady himself before he leaved this place with a clear mind.

"I better get back now. Hopefully Julia didn’t call the cops on me for being gone so long." he spoke after calming himself down.

With his newfound strength, he swiftly navigated the cave by expertly swinging from rock to rock. He marveled at the ease with which he moved and how his hands no longer felt sore from the impact of punching the rocks. His movements were so fluid that he barely registered the effort it took to swing from one rock to the next.

"Sir Vincent ! " he emerged from the cave to find Julia waiting for him. Her face lit up with relief as she saw him, but her eyes flickered down to his exposed manhood.

However , Vincent did not mind it at all because she had already seen , feel and tasted it. It would be funny if she acted shy in front of his thing.

"I lost my clothes while swimming," he chuckled, trying to ease up the atmosphere.

Julia smiled and shook her head.

"It’s alright, I’m just glad that you’re okay. We have a spare set of clothes in the truck," she said, leading the way.

As they walked away from the cave, Vincent stole a final glance back at it. Despite the challenges and dangers he had faced, he couldn’t help but feel grateful for the experience. It had been a valuable lesson, one that had helped him grow stronger and more prepared for whatever might come his way in the future.


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The Hummer Tech Corporation was an imposing structure, dominating the Manhattan skyline with its towering presence. The building was a marvel of modern architecture, boasting sleek, glass-paneled walls that shimmered in the sunlight. Its sharp angles and clean lines gave it a futuristic, almost otherworldly feel, like something out of a science fiction movie. The entrance was a grand affair, with tall, polished doors that seemed to beckon visitors inside.

Of course, the CEO’s office was also a sight to behold, with a spacious interior and opulent decor. A grand desk made of rich mahogany dominated the center of the room, while priceless artwork and volumes of robotics and technology lined the walls. From the large windows, the CEO could take in breathtaking views of the bustling city below.

But on this day, he was not feeling particularly proud of his impressive surroundings. Standing before him was a man with auburn hair and steely brown eyes, exuding power and menace in equal measure.

"You’re our new puppet now, so I expect better things from you," the man spoke in a chilling tone.

The CEO’s heart dropped. He knew all too well who this man was - someone with the ability to bring his entire company crashing down in a single breath. Though he may have looked like an ordinary man, the CEO knew that there was something otherworldly about him, something that set him apart from the rest of humanity.

The world may have thought that the richest man in the world was the owner of the biggest electric car company in the country, but he knew that was just a facade. The true overlords of the world were shrouded in mystery, their wealth beyond comprehension.

But how did these overlords amass such a vast fortune? The answer was simple - they had been on this planet for a very long time.

"I understand, Mr. Cline," the CEO replied, his voice trembling with fear. He dared not breathe too loudly, lest he offend the enigmatic figure before him. He knew that he had to tread carefully - one misstep, and it could mean the end of his company as he knew it.

Cline rose from his seat, his piercing gaze fixed on the trembling human before him. The message had been delivered, and there was no need for further discussion. Project X was to continue, and the fate of the Hummer Tech Corporation now rested on its success.

His organization had initially entrusted the creation of Project X to the Wayne Corporation. But after discovering that Jonathan Wayne had been stalling the project, Cline’s anger simmered just beneath the surface. He had entertained the idea of eliminating Jonathan and his entire family in a fit of rage, but the leader of his organization had other plans for the Waynes.

Cline’s team of bodyguards immediately appeared as he emerged from the CEO’s office. The imposing figures flanked him on either side, their sharp eyes scanning the area for any potential threats.

Despite his confidence in his own abilities, he knew that in the cutthroat world of supernatural and politics, it was always better to be safe than sorry. And so, he allowed the guards to escort him to the parking lot where his fleet of luxurious cars were parked.

As he settled into the backseat of his favorite black Mercedes, Cline’s mind was already racing with thoughts of the countless tasks that still awaited him. For a man of his stature, there was never a moment’s rest, and the weight of the world was constantly bearing down upon his shoulders. But he thrived on the pressure, knowing that he needed to be useful, or he would also be discarded.

He opened a folder containing some new important information from his organization.

"Sudden surge of supernatural energy in Puerto Rico? Interesting... " He muttered to himself.


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