Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha Chapter 115 Mutated Creature Part 2

The battle unfolded in a chaotic frenzy as the DSAS (Department of Supernatural Affairs and Security) agents engaged the monstrous creature. Its colossal body writhed and convulsed, sending shockwaves through the surrounding waters. The very fabric of the ocean seemed to shudder in fear as its immense power surged through its huge form.




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The mutated creature, fueled by its berserk rage, launched crystalline projectiles towards them . The shards sliced through the air with scattered precision, forcing them to dodge and weave, desperately trying to avoid the onslaught. But they were not ones to back down. With unwavering determination, they channeled their extraordinary abilities to fight back.

Their combined powers struck the creature’s formidable scales, cracking and shattering them with dazzling displays of forced. The water shook as wind, flame, missiles, high powered bullets , and giant exploding maggots clashed with the creature’s armored scale, and waves of fire engulfed its massive form.

Yet, despite their efforts, the creature proved to be even more durable than they had anticipated. It shrugged off their most formidable assaults with an infuriating ease, as it regenerate faster than it took damaged.

Their brows furrowed with frustration, yet hope flickered within their hearts, for they had already pushed the beast beyond reason. Angered to the brink of madness, it abandoned any notion of retreat, becoming a volatile force driven solely by its instinctual wrath.

But the creature was not their only problem . The other organizations behind them observed from a distance, their eyes like daggers, watching for any sign of weakness or vulnerability. It was a dangerous scheme .

Denise’s jaw clenched, her senses acutely attuned to the ever-changing rhythm of the battlefield.

"We can’t let them take advantage of our exhaustion. We need to guide this thing towards them" she ordered through her earpiece.

In the midst of the chaotic battle, they shared a silent understanding. With a strategic nod, they maneuvered, their movements fluid and synchronized, guiding the creature using their body as a bait.

Their intention was clear. They aimed to draw its attention towards the Vatican and the Ministry of Magica camp. By doing so, they knew they would force all sides to face the consequences of the creature’s rampage. The clash of titanic forces and the ensuing collateral damage would exhaust the monster’s energy and weaken its ferocious onslaught. It was a calculated move, a high-stakes gamble to level the playing field.





High above, wizards from the Ministry of Magica soared through the air on their flying broomsticks, casting powerful spells upon the creature. Bolts of magical energy shot from their wands, striking the creature’s massive form and weakening its defenses. Their coordinated efforts added a new dimension to the battle, bombarding the creature from above and creating an opening for Denise’s team to strike.

Meanwhile, the Vatican’s team response was minimal. Angelie, true to her nature, remained unmoved and seemingly uninterested in the chaos unfolding around her. It was clear that she chosen a different approach, one shrouded in mystery and hidden intentions. Perhaps they had their own plans, their own agenda that would reveal itself in due time.

As the clash between supernatural forces intensified, the beach became a like battlefield . The thunderous booms of explosions and the crackling of spells filled the air, mingling with the roars of the creature and the shouts of the combatants. It was a spectacle of power and desperation, each side fighting for their own survival.

Mid Air

Denise’s eyes narrowed with a mixture of frustration and curiosity as she observed the actions of Angelie’s group. Their lack of significant involvement in the battle made her furious. It was evident they were intentionally holding back, they are not even trying to hide their evil intentions at this point.

"I’ll kill that cunning woman after I’m done " She gritted her teeth, struggling to maintain her balance mid-air. The constant shockwaves made it impossible for her to take a breather .

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To make matter worse , despite her formidable strength, she knew that her true power remained shackled in the presence of the Vatican operatives. Every ounce of her being yearned to unleash her full potential, to tap into the depths of her abilities and unleash a torrent of raw power.

But the Vatican operatives, like an unseen barrier, hindered her. Their presence served as a constant reminder of the limitations imposed upon her. She could feel the energy crackling within her, demanding release, yet it was confined, restricted by their watchful eyes.

Thankfully, the Ministry of Magica seemed to be working in sync with Denise and her team. Their combined efforts served to weaken the colossal creature, delivering a series of coordinated attacks that targeted its vulnerabilities.

But Denise knew that even the Ministry of Magica was holding back, their fear of being backstabbed mirroring her own.

"Let me out, and I’ll kill all these pests for you," within her, her alter ego whispered enticing promises, urging her to unleash its raw power upon their enemies.

"You know I can’t do that," Denise replied, her voice strained with the weight of her internal struggle. Her alter ego was her secret weapon, a force to be reckoned with, but revealing it would expose her vulnerability to other organizations.

"You’re too weak to handle this. Let me show them true power," the alter ego persisted, its words like venomous whispers in her mind.

"Enough! Stop bothering me!" Denise shouted, her frustration escaping in an unintended outburst.

"I apologized , for getting close without informing you " Denise’s senses snapped back to reality as Larry’s voice cut through the chaos of the battle. She turned to face him, her gaze steady as she tried to hide the fact that she was not talking to him at all.

"I think that the Vatican has some ulterior motive "He spoke with a firm voice.

"I don’t need you to point out the obvious," Denise retorted, her voice laced with a hint of frustration.

Larry’s expression remained serious as he continued, his words carrying an air of caution.

"I’m just warning you, the Vatican holds considerable power, and yet they bide their time. We must tread carefully in their presence."

Denise’s brows furrowed as she processed his words. Larry had a point.

"What do you suggest, then?" she inquired, her voice tinged with both curiosity and caution.

"Let’s team up. Allow me to capture the creature, and in exchange, the Ministry will provide you with valuable magical materials." Larry’s gaze met hers, and he spoke with conviction.

Denise’s mind raced as she considered his proposal. Joining forces with him could prove advantageous, granting her more leveraged in this battle. Moreover, she harbored no personal attachment to the creature; her primary concern was neutralizing the threat it posed.

After a brief moment of contemplation, she made her decision. Her voice resonated with unwavering resolve.

"Let’s do it." she replied.

"Good , let’s take this creature down once and for all" Larry smiled at her.

With their alliance forged, Denise and Larry exchanged a firm nod, their eyes filled with shared goal. They understood that their collaboration would tip the scales in their favor, increasing their chances of success.

"I’ll make sure to repay you with interest after this battle, Angelie," Denise thought to herself, her mind consumed with killing intent as she unleashed her curses towards the collosal creature.

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