Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha Chapter 126 Elevated Status

Benedict returned to his place, a towering skyscraper nestled amidst the bustling cityscape of Chicago . The atmosphere buzzed with the hum of urban life as he made his way through the sleek corridors, his mind consumed with thoughts of the recent meeting at Evangeline Mansion. The weight of disappointment and resentment clung to him like chains.

Unlike other vampires, he was a strong believer in technological advancement. Before his turning , he had been an famous inventor whose creations played a pivotal role in Evangeline’s accumulation of vast wealth. His inventive and scientific prowess set him apart from the other member of the round table.

But despite his unwavering dedication and tireless efforts, Evangeline failed to recognize his potential as the new leader. Instead, she exploited his genius solely for the purpose of inventing mundane creations, disregarding his suggestions to delve into the realm of creating a super vampire through the utilization of drugs and other scientific instruments. Nonetheless, his thirst for knowledge and innovation remained unquenchable. He continued his research, undeterred by the setbacks he faced.

In his relentless pursuit of pushing the boundaries of vampire capabilities, he managed to formulate a serum intended to grant their kind boosted abilities. However, the path to success was filled with imperfections. The formula, while holding immense potential, was burdened with flaws that hindered its efficacy and effectiveness.

"Dr. Benedict," a man donning a lab coat approached him, he was a human, yet his unwavering loyalty to Benedict was unmistakable.

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"Any progress on Serum EVA ?" Benedict’s voice carried a weight of urgency .

"The latest serum is ready, but we’re still having issues with lingering side effects and certain limitations," the man explained.

"Your team needs to hasten your research, I need it as soon as possible ," Benedict spoke in a firm and serious voice.

"Understood, Dr. Benedict," the man bowed his head and departed, leaving him alone with the reports.

He read through the documents, a storm of frustration brewing within him.

"Damn it!" he cursed, hurling the papers across the room in a fit of rage. The Serum Eva project was supposed to be completed ages ago, but one of his damn subordinates had double-crossed him and stole the formula.

The betrayal gnawed at him, a constant reminder of the trust he had misplaced. The stolen serum held immense potential, the key to unlocking new horizons. It was a game-changer, a groundbreaking discovery that could have made him the new leader already.


Newyork Columbia University

Inside the Cafeteria.

"Hey, Sophia! You won’t believe it, but there’s this insanely attractive guy on campus right now!" a dark-skinned woman exclaimed, her excitement palpable as she rushed over to their table to share the news.

Sophia looked up from her lunch, her expression somewhat indifferent. Deep down, she knew that no matter how attractive this new guy might be, he couldn’t hold a candle to Vincent in terms of looks alone.

Her friend noticed Sophia’s lack of enthusiasm and tilted her head curiously.

"What’s up, Sophia? Aren’t you intrigued by this new heartthrob?"

Sophia sighed softly and shrugged.

"Well, I don’t doubt that he’s handsome, but honestly, I’ve already got the most amazing guy by my side. "

Her friends raised an eyebrow, they could not help but be curious about this supposed "perfect boyfriend " . She had often spoken about how cool and caring her boyfriend was, but they noticed that she had never actually shown them a picture of him. Doubts started to creep into their minds, wondering if she had been using the existence of a boyfriend as a way to deter other guys from approaching her.

One of her friends couldn’t help but speak up, a teasing tone lacing her words.

"Hey, Sophia, we’ve heard so much about your amazing boyfriend, but we’ve never actually seen a picture of him. Are you sure he’s not just a figment of your imagination?"

Sophia blushed slightly, caught off guard by the question. She fumbled for an explanation, feeling a mix of embarrassment. She had became more outgoing since transferring schools, but she was still quite a reserved girl at her core.

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"Oh, well, you know, he’s just not big on social media or sharing pictures." she replied

Her other friend joined in, a mischievous glint in their eyes.

"Hmm, sounds a bit suspicious, doesn’t it? Are you sure he’s not just a made-up boyfriend to keep the boys at bay?"

"No, no, I promise he’s real! It’s just that I prefer to keep our relationship private, you know? It’s something special between us." Sophia let out a nervous laugh, realizing how it might seem.

Her friends exchanged knowing looks, but decided not to press the matter further.

With that, the conversation shifted to other topics, and Sophia silently vowed to capture a picture of Vincent when the time was right. She wanted her friends to see the genuine happiness he brought into her life, proving once and for all that he was not just a figment of her imagination.

"Regardless, let’s just check out that guy! It’s not like you’re cheating or something" The dark-skinned woman insisted .

"Alright," Sophia sighed, giving in to her friends’ curiosity.

As they strolled through the campus, Sophia’s friends couldn’t contain their excitement, their voices filled with awe as they speculated about the enigmatic guy and his apparent immunity to the attention of beautiful women.

Sophia, though amused by their banter, remained focused on the love she shared with Vincent. He hadn’t been gone for long, but she already missed him.

Finally, they arrived at the bustling lobby, where the handsome man was surrounded by a group of flirtatious cheerleaders. They were all trying their luck, but the man politely ignored them, simply stating that he came for someone else.

Their faces showed disappointment, but the man’s honesty and focus left a mark. Rather than feeling rejected, they respected his commitment and admired his loyalty. There was something irresistible about a guy who knew what he wanted and stayed true to it, even in the face of temptation.

Ironically, the man’s decision to respectfully reject the advances of those women seemed to have an unexpected effect. It only made him more alluring and desirable in their eyes. Such was the power of being handsome, after all.

Sophia’s friends were the first to catch sight of him, their eyes widening in admiration.

"Oh my God, have you seen him? He’s absolutely stunning!"

"Is he some kind of model? He’s got that superstar aura."

"His charm is irresistible. It’s like a magnetic force pulling you in."

They giggled, ogling at the man’s handsome face, indulging in the visual feast before them. Amidst the excitement, Sophia remained silent.

"Hey, Sophia, don’t tell me you’re starstruck too? Well, can’t blame you, we all are," her friends teased, assuming she was just as captivated as they were.

But she didn’t utter a word; instead, she stood frozen in place. Her heart raced, her cheeks flushed, overwhelmed by a surge of emotions she couldn’t quite explain. Something stirred within her, something beyond mere attraction.

"Vincent!!!" she cried out suddenly, her voice filled with a mix of excitement and longing.

Her friends were taken aback, their eyes widening as Sophia bolted toward the handsome man, driven by an impulse she couldn’t resist. They watched, bewildered, as the man unexpectedly opened his arms, eagerly embracing Sophia as if he had been waiting for this moment.

A stunned silence fell over the group as Sophia and Vincent hugged each other, their connection undeniable. Sophia’s friends exchanged bewildered glances, unable to comprehend the sudden turn of events. It seemed like a twist straight out of a romantic novel, where reality merged with the unexpected, blurring the lines between fantasy and truth.

"That’s.... Sophia’s.... boyfriend?" one of her friends couldn’t help but stuttered, a tinge of jealousy seeping into her words. It wasn’t that she harbored any ill intentions, but anyone would feel a twinge of envy upon seeing someone like Vincent as a partner.

In that moment, a realization dawned upon them. They had always seen her as one of their own, someone who navigated through life on a similar level – not average, but not excessively popular either. However, with the presence of Vincent, a new dimension was added to her life, one that elevated her status in ways they hadn’t anticipated.

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