Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha Chapter 211 Moonlight Ice

As he unleashed his domain, the transformation took hold. The battlefield dissolved away, replaced by the stark and desolate beauty of the moon’s surface. The lunar landscape stretched out endlessly, devoid of life and bathed in an moonlight glow.

But this moon was quite different .

The ground itself, its surface covered in a shimmering expanse of crystal white ice. The ice formed intricate patterns, sparkling like a field of stars under the moon’s serene illumination. The frozen terrain crackled beneath their feet as they moved, emanating a chill that seems to be encompassing.

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Within his domain, the moon became an extension of his power. The icy surface responded to his very presence, resonating with his energy.

He felt an intrinsic connection to it, as if it recognized him as its ruler, granting him unparalleled control over the whole place.

"This is impossible. How can a domain like this exist? ," Diablo stood in disbelief, his usually confident demeanor shattered.

The demon lord of flame found himself completely taken aback by the unbelievable scenario that unfolded before him. It was an absurd notion—an unthinkable reality. His enemy had managed to not only trap him in a domain but also suppressed him.

Diablo, aware of the necessity to exert his own dominion, attempted to establish his domain within the icy expanse. But his efforts were in vain. The sheer power and quality of this domain rendered any of his attempt futile. It was as if a feeble candle was trying to maintain its flame within a tempest of an ice storm.

This turn of events defied the established principles of domains. For one domain to fully absorb another, the absorbing domain must possess a higher quality and strength . Even then, complete suppression of the absorbed domain was almost impossible. Yet, in this moonlit , the rules of dominance were absolute .

In this place, Vincent stood as the undisputed ruler, his presence eclipsing the fiery essence that defined Diablo. The balance of power had been drastically altered, leaving the demon lord grappling with an unprecedented vulnerability.

Ironically, even Vincent himself was unaware of the true extent of the power of his domain. He had believed it to be slightly stronger than average, unaware of its exceptional quality. Even Erika and Evangeline, who possessed deep knowledge and understanding of domains, had kept the full truth from him.

"Let’s end this," Vincent’s eyes narrowed . The time for holding back was over. He had intentionally isolated Diablo from the outside, ensuring no one would witness his complete transformation.

His form grew larger at a formidable height of 10 feet. His once soft black fur now took on the appearance of dark obsidian, exuding an aura of darkness and strength. And the mask that concealed his true visage could no longer suppress the ferocity that lay within him.

But it was his eyes that held the most captivating and fearsome sight. Golden orbs blazed with an intensity that seemed to pierce the very depths of one’s soul. They were windows into a power beyond comprehension, reflecting the magnitude of his abilities and the untamed force dwelling within him.

"GRRRRRRRRRR!" Vincent’s thunderous roar reverberated throughout the domain.

The whole place itself seemed to respond to his roar, resonating with his immense strength. The ice-covered ground quivered beneath his feet, cracks forming along its frozen surface. The lunar landscape, once tranquil and still, now quaked under the weight of his fury.

"No, you’re supposed to be dead..." Diablo’s voice trembled with disbelief, his expression contorted in shock. The sight of Vincent’s transformed state struck a chord deep within him. It was a form that, despite being immensely more powerful, bore a striking resemblance to an individual who had once defeated him in the distant past.

A flood of memories rushed through his mind, evoking a sense of apprehension. The echoes of a long-lost battle resonated within him, reminding him of the defeat he had suffered at the hands of a similar being.

"Are you his descendant?" Diablo’s eyes widened with uncertainty. His mind raced, attempting to make sense of the striking similarities between Vincent and Fenrir. The familiar eyes and transformation were undeniabe.

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However, as he observed Vincent more closely, he couldn’t help but feel that there was something different about him. ’Descendant? This reaction again.’ The revelation that he might be Fenrir’s offspring did not impact him as much as one might expect. Though he had long been aware of his connection to the legendary figure, he had always believed it to be a distant ancestral tie, a shared bloodline that explained the similarities between them.

But Diablo’s next words shattered his calmed demeanor.

"No... you’re actually a clone!"

’What ?’ Vincent exclaimed ,the words pierced through his thoughts, challenging the very core of his being.

"I don’t know what you’re talking about," Vincent replied, his voice laced with a hint of defiance. He felt insulted by the insinuation that he was a mere clone or replica of someone else.

"So, that’s how it was. Those girls really did the unthinkable for you," Diablo chuckled, his voice tinged with amusement . It seemed as though he had come to a newfound understanding of the situation, connecting the dots in his mind.

"Long time no see, Fenrir," he sneered, his voice dripping with derision and mockery.

"You think you can distract me with your words?" Vincent’s voice turned cold, a hint of unease creeping into his tone. Though he couldn’t pinpoint the exact cause of his discomfort, Vincent trusted his instincts. And his instinct was telling him now to kill Diablo as fast as possible.

"Stop denying it ...Clone "

"You’re dead!" As Vincent unleashed his full power, the snowflakes in the air seemed to come alive, swirling and converging around Diablo with mesmerizing precision. Each delicate snowflake transformed into a shimmering ice tendril, encasing him in a frosty prison, attempting to slow him down and limit his movements.

"GRRRRR" With a thunderous roar that echoed across the lunar landscape, he charged forward, his claws gleaming like shards of ice. His movements were a blur, as he effortlessly closed the distance between them.

Diablo, realizing the imminent danger, reacted swiftly. He also raised his clawed hand to counter the attacked.


"This strength ! " Diablo’s expression turned sour the moment Vincent’s claw landed on him. The impact was overwhelming, as if Vincent possessed the power to cleaved a mountain with his claw alone, forcing Diablo’s giant body to stagger back 20 steps before he could completely balance his footing.

Vincent, far from being done, tapped into the depths of his power once again. He summoned the very essence of his icy domain, causing ice tendrils to surge forth from the ground, trying to wrapped themselves around Diablo . The ice seemed to respond to his every whim, its cold touch tying to constricted and immobiled the enemy.

Noticing the peril he was in, Diablo conjured flames of immense intensity, attempting to burn away the encroaching ice. But to his dismay, no matter how fiercely he unleashed his fiery power, the ice tendrils persisted, emerging non-stop as if fueled by an almost never ending energy .

This was the disadvantage of being within someone’s domain. Vincent could endlessly use the environment to bully his enemy.

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