Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha Chapter 246 Optimization And Utilizations Of Power

Inside his domain.

Vincent was currently contemplating about his growth so far. He took a little time off to check out his current condition.

As he attempted to study all the energies he had absorbed, he found himself in a state of self observation, carefully examining each one:

---> Purified Energy (Dragon Enhanced): He sensed the powerful, refined energy granted by Long Mu’s essence, enhancing his overall strength and quality of energy.

---> Moonlight Energy: A unique energy derived from the Moon, likely related to his werewolf bloodline.

---> Ice Element (Erika’s Ice Attributes): The cold and icy energy from Erika’s bloodline, granting him more ccontrol over ice-related abilities.

---> Earth Element: The earth’s energy, which allowed him to manipulate and harness the power of the earth itself.

---> Fire Element (Diablo’s Fire Attributes): The fierce and intense fire energy from Diablo’s bloodline, granting him control over a more powerful version of flame.

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---> Fire Element ( Lava ) : another type of fire Element. Granting him control over natural molten lava.

---> Green Element: Energy filled with Vitality and Life.

As he explored and understood each energy, he became more aware of the immense potential he now possessed. Unfortunately, his utilization of it was severely lacking.

He realized that he had been neglecting his training lately, and as a result, his abilities in the other elements had not progressed as much as he would have liked. Among all his elements, only his control over the ice element had reached an excellent level.

He needed to refine and enhance his ability to combine different types of energy more effectively.

The earth-ice barrier he created was merely a basic attempt, and he knew that its shortcomings could be detrimental in battles against formidable foes like Yuki.

He acknowledged that Yuki’s mastery over her two elements, fire and darkness, was a testament to her combat prowess.

She was able to seamlessly combine and maximize the potential of her abilities, which allowed her to overpower him in their previous encounter.

He knew that he needed to do the same, to fully comprehend and integrate the different energies he possessed. The diversity of his powers presented an advantage, but it would only be truly formidable if he could utilize them harmoniously.

"I should be good at this. I’m a physics major, after all," he said with a smile, remembering his college days.

He then tried to recall the intricacies of physics, exploring the fundamental nature of elements, atoms, and molecules. He realized that a deeper understanding of these principles could lead to better utilization of his powers.

His thoughts focused on his fire element first, recognizing its potential to become one of his most powerful attack.

He admitted that ice was versatile, but it lacked the sheer destructive force that fire could offer.

With a goal in mind, he concentrated his energy, creating a swirling vortex of pure, blue energy in his hands.

Then, with a surge of intent, he infused the energy with the element of fire, causing it to burn with intense heat.

"The spinning helps increase the intensity of the flame, but it’s still a normal flame. So I just need to amplify the flame to make it hotter," he thought aloud.

And just like he expected, the flame finally turned blue as he focused on intensifying it.

However, he knew he could push it further. His determination to create a unique and powerful technique for himself only grew stronger.

With his profound knowledge of elements and physics, he began to experiment with different approaches.

He considered the principles of combustion, energy transfer, and elemental fusion. Slowly, he refined the technique, channeling more of his fire element into the mix, infusing it with even greater power.

As he concentrated, the blue flame surged with a brighter glow, crackling with increased heat.

The intense blaze danced with an intense burning energy, signaling the growth in strength and power.

"I’ll call this Vortex Raze Flame ," Vincent was pleased with the new technique, but he knew he had not reached his goal yet.

"I’ll take this to the next step,"

Inspired by the concept of lasers, he began to envision the creation of another unique technique. He channeled his focus and energy, delving deep into the principles of light and its behavior.

Under certain conditions, his blue flame can potentially be turned into a laser.

A laser (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) is a device that emits a coherent, focused beam of light.

To create a laser, he needs a medium that can amplify light through stimulated emission.

In theory, if the blue flame’s energy is channeled and amplified within the right medium, it could reach a point where the light emission becomes coherent and focused, forming a laser beam.

However, the process of turning a blue flame into a laser is highly complex and requires precise control of the medium, temperature, and other factors.

It’s not a practical or common way to create a laser, as lasers are typically built using specialized components and materials designed specifically for this purpose.

But what if he could create those materials?

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"I don’t need a medium because I can just control the elements. What I need is a glass to amplify my flames,"

He concentrated his efforts, skillfully combining the Fire Element(Molten Lava ), Earth Element, and Ice Element .

His goal was to simulate a volcanic eruption within a limited space. With precise control over the elements, he began to create a thin circular shape sheet of diamonds in thin air.

Then, he channeled the blue flames into the diamond sheet. 𝐟𝐫eewe𝗯𝐧𝚘ve𝐥.c𝚘𝚖


However, it only illuminated the diamond for a few seconds, and caused some cracks on its surface.

He furrowed his brows as he analyzed what went wrong.

The diamond sheet had cracked under the pressure of the blue flames, but it didn’t produce the desired laser effect.

He recalled the book he had read back in his college days about lasers and began to piece together what might be missing.Ah, he remembered now.

To create a true laser beam, he needed to achieve a process called optical amplification. It was more than just focusing the flames through the diamond; it required a specific setup for amplification to occur.

Drawing from the knowledge he gained from the book, he decided to adjust his approach.

Instead of simply channeling the blue flames through the diamond, he formed a cavity within the diamond sheet that allowed the flames to bounce back and forth multiple times.

These mirrors help trap the light within, creating a feedback loop that amplifies the light through multiple passes, eventually resulting in coherent laser emission.

This process created a stimulated emission of photons, which was essential for laser generation.He took a deep breath and concentrated his elemental control once more.

This time, he carefully created the necessary cavity within the diamond, ensuring precise alignment for the optical amplification process.

Then, he channeled the blue flames into the cavity, and the diamond responded differently.

A magnificent beam of intense blue light shot out from the diamond, piercing through the air like a brilliant disco light.

But it was too weak to be called a proper attack.

"What if I make the diamond harder and then put more power?" He pondered.

That seemed to be the only way to increase the laser’s penetrating power for now. He knew that adding too much energy would risk destroying the diamond, but he had a plan to address that issue.

He created five more circular diamond sheets and stacked them together, starting from the largest to the smallest. The biggest sheet had a radius of 3 meters, while the smallest was 0.5 meters.

Then, he channeled his blue flames into the diamond stack. This time, the power was more intense, and as the laser’s intensity reached its threshold, it transferred to the next diamond sheet and so on until it finally passed through the last remaining diamond.


Finally, the laser released a super-concentrated beam that pierced through the air, creating a hole in a small hill.

There were no shockwaves or explosions; the laser simply passed through the hill as if it was nothing.

Vincent immediately realized that the penetrating power of this attack was at least three times stronger than Fenrir’s own energy beam.

He couldn’t help but be amazed by the sheer power of the laser. It was a deadly move, and he knew that he wouldn’t be able to dodge it if it was fired against him. The attack was too fast and incredibly powerful, leaving no room for error.

With this new technique, he felt more confident in his abilities. He now had an Ultimate attack that could be a game-changer in battles against formidable opponents.

"I will optimize this technique further ," he muttered to himself.

With the foundation of the laser technique , Vincent delved into further optimization. He made minor adjustments to balance the casting time and the penetrating power, aiming to find the perfect equilibrium for this devastating attack.

He experimented with the number of diamond sheets that comprised the laser. More sheets meant greater power, but it also resulted in a longer casting time.

After careful calculations and trials, he discovered that using seven circular diamond sheets was the optimal choice.

Each sheet served as a conduit to amplify and direct the power of the attack, ensuring that the laser maintained its formidable penetrating capabilities without compromising on speed.

Satisfied with the final result, he stood before the seven diamond sheets, his eyes filled with pride. This technique was a symbol of his growing and ingenuity.

Feeling a sense of accomplishment, he decided to name this technique.

"Diamond Dragon’s Laser,"

The "Diamond" represented the combination of the different elements - Fire, Lava, Ice, and Earth - each contributing to create a diamond..

The "Dragon" symbolized the power and influence of Long Mu’s dragon bloodline that had greatly enhanced the quality of his own energy.

Of course , the "Laser" part was a fitting description for the overall output of the attack.

"I finally have another special move of my own ," he chuckled.

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