Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha Chapter 260 Supernatural Summit Part 2

"We didn’t come here to argue, Razu," she responded calmly, her voice steady despite the internal conflict she felt. Fear was certainly a factor; Razu’s reputation and power were intimidating. However, she recognized the importance of her role as the Vatican Representative.

While anxiety tugged at her, she knew that displaying weakness in this critical moment could only worsen matters. The Vatican’s reputation was already on shaky ground due to recent events, and showing fear could further undermine their standing.

"So, your god can only aid you this far? Is this why you’re seeking the assistance of all of us?" Razu taunted, his smile laden with mockery.

Unlike the Vatican, their organization followed a different belief system centered around an alternative deity. Razu’s aim was to deride them for their skewed way of thinking. He remembered a time when the Vatican had outright dismissed his group just because they worshipped Asura, a deity seen as a demonic.

Thankfully, Aquanos and the other members of the Big 3 had supported their inclusion. Nonetheless, Razu’s distaste for the Vatican persisted; he considered them a constant annoyance.

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Through generations, the Vatican had imposed their beliefs on others through crusades, establishing themselves as the predominant religion worldwide. They were also known for resorting to force against those they deemed wicked. Notably, even the advanced civilization of Silent Hill had been unjustly wiped out due to accusations of blasphemy.

"We’re here in the name of preserving order," she shot back.

"Order? Order against what? Against a group of supernaturals you simply dislike?" he jeered, his tone dripping with disdain. The self-righteous nature of these individuals had irritated him for far too long.

Her emotions surged, but she chose not to let them overcome her. Silently seething, she walked past him, her restraint showing that further conversation was futile.

"Bunch of hypocrites!" Razu sneered, his voice filled of contempt.



Inside the expansive meeting hall, the arrangement of chairs formed a grand circular pattern that ascended layer by layer.

The most esteemed figures occupied the lower tiers, while those of lesser stature were seated higher up. In the center, a designated space stood where the representatives of each organization could address the assembly.

This was the spot reserved for those who had called for the Supernatural Summit, a place where they needed to rely on their persuasion skills to win over the entire assembly to their cause.

The hall itself was of massive proportions, its expanse dwarfing those who gathered within. The tables, made from a special white alloy that gleamed with a unique metallic sheen, adorned the hall’s circular tiers. This remarkable material was chosen for its durability and elegance, fitting for an assembly of such importance.

The ceiling soared above, a pristine expanse of pure white. Its vastness seemed to mirror the limitless possibilities that could arise from the discussions held beneath it. The overall ambiance exuded an air of reverence and gravity, fitting for a place where significant decisions were made.

At present, Saintess Agnes stood in the center, occupying the designated space. She found herself sorrounded by some of the most influential and powerful individuals on the planet, a gathering of formidable power.

"Is the representative of the Moonlight Sanctuary present?" A man with raven-black hair and piercing blue eyes asked. Despite his youthful appearance, it was evident that he commanded immense authority.

This man was none other than King Aquanos of Atlantis, a direct descendant of Neptune himself.

"No, my king," came the response from one of his retainers.

"Then let us commence the Summit without their presence," the king responded, his expression one of casual indifference.

There was no trace of anger or affront in his demeanor. It was evident that the Moonlight Sanctuary’s absence hadn’t ruffled his composure. Their sent invitation was likely more a formality, and their attendance was a matter left to their discretion.

"Saintess Agnes, your reason for requsting this summit is due to the emergence of the new organization ’Moonlight Sanctuary,’ is that correct?" he asked.

"Yes, King Aquanos," Agnes responded respectfully.

"Based on the information we’ve gathered, this organization was responsible for exterminating Diablo—an accomplishment that both the Vatican and USSF, as well as the Sorcerers of the East, failed to achieve. So, why seek to eliminate the very group that aided and saved your people?" he inquired.

The question was one that had crossed the minds of all in attendance. They were well aware of the Vatican’s hesitation to embrace supernaturals from darker origins. Nevertheless, the current assembly was a testament to the evolving time ; it included a diverse array of supernatural beings. The days were long gone when only those inherently from the good side were permitted entry into the union.

In reality, the Moonlight Sanctuary should be welcomed as a fresh addition to their union. A force capable of vanquishing a demonlord surely possessed strength beyond the ordinary, perhaps even exceeding the level of a Rank SSS.

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"They pose a threat to the balance," she reiterated.

"Balance again?" The repetition of the same reason was causing visible frustration among the attendees. Their weariness with this recurring justification was clear from the looks on their faces. Nevertheless, they maintained their silence as King Aquanos continued to address the gathering.

"A threat to the balance?" Aquanos questioned with a hint of doubt in his tone. He wasn’t easily swayed into believing that the circumstances warranted such drastic actions. If her intentions were merely to exclude the Moonlight Sanctuary due to personal preference, that would indeed appear unreasonable.

"They’ve appeared without warning. We believe that they are planning something sinister ," she explained.

Aquanos leaned back in his chair, his expression contemplative. "True, the emergence of an unknown powerful organization does raise concerns," he conceded, acknowledging her point

"Yes, King Aquanos, I appreciate your understanding," she said with a note of gratitude in her voice.

"But does that truly call for their complete eradication? They could simply go through proper registration, allowing us to regulate their activities. Moreover, as far as I’m aware, they haven’t taken any actions that impact the human world," Aquanos countered.

His words were fair and impartial, leaving Saintess Agnes with the impression that persuading them to support the Vatican’s goal of eliminating the Moonlight Sanctuary would be a challenging undertaking.

"Should I reveal that information?" She muttered to herself, her thoughts racing as she contemplated whether to use that piece of information to persuade them.

"Do you have further input? If not, then I suggest we conclude this meeting and start voting if we will recognize the Moonlight Sanctuary as new organization worthy to join us," Aquanos proposed.

’No, I can’t let this happen ! ’ Feeling cornered, she finally made the decision to speak up.

"It’s the Fate’s will," she declared with a confident and unwavering voice.

Her words hung in the air, causing a collective surprise among those present. Fate, once again. The Vatican had previously entered wars under the banner of Fate, and now history seemed to repeat itself.

"Is what you’re saying really true?" one of the representatives asked, recognizing the significance of the matter at hand.

"Can we even afford to question, Fate’s will?" she replied, her tone carrying a note of caution.

"Bullshit! How can you possibly prove that this is the will of Fate?" Razu erupted in anger, standing up abruptly.

His outburst echoed the doubts that many held. The concept of Fate intervening in the world had long been distant and obscure. Agnes’s attempt to wield Fate’s name as a justification was met with skepticism, and Razu’s violent reaction put her in a difficult spot.

She was momentarily taken aback. She had believed that invoking Fate’s name would grant her more credibility, but she had not anticipated such a response from Razu. His outburst left her speechless.

Razu’s words also set off whispers among the other representatives. It was true; there was a lingering doubt that Agnes might be leveraging Fate’s name, just as had happened in the previous war against the dark side.

Sensing the collective scrutiny from the others, she recognized her misstep. Regret weighed heavily on her, but she knew there was no turning back now.

"Are we truly going to dispute Fate’s will over a single group?" she addressed the assembly, her voice now bearing a stronger tone. "You are all well aware of the consequences that can arise from disregarding it."

Determined to regain her footing, she asserted herself, striving to convince them that this was indeed Fate’s decree

"Are we supposed to just take your word for it? What if you suddenly claim that Fate wants Atlantis to be destroyed? Would King Aquanos willingly bring down his own kingdom?" Razu’s skepticism was evident in his tone, his words cutting through the air.

Agnes was lost for words, almost stumbling over her own response as she grappled with the weight of his accusation. Even King Aquanos, who had been composed until now, displayed a more serious countenance upon hearing Razu’s words.

"What? I’m simply speaking the truth. Or are you implying that Fate also intends for me to meet my end?" Razu added, deliberately adding fuel to the already heated conversation.

In that moment, her restrained demeanor seemed insufficient against Razu’s swift and cutting remarks. If her glares could be lethal, Razu might have already met his end.

"We require evidence, Saintess Agnes. I sincerely hope that you haven’t used Fate’s name merely to validate your request... I wouldn’t appreciate such manipulation," King Aquanos spoke with a cold voice, his tone carrying a hint of warning.

"I..." she found herself backed into a corner. She had indeed received a vision, but how could she possibly provide concrete evidence to prove her claim?𝑓𝘳ℯℯ𝔀ℯ𝓫𝑛𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓵.𝘤𝘰𝓶

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