Lv1 Skeleton Chapter 143

Chapter 143

“Naturally I have my reasons for doing what I did.”

Metatron stared at me, waiting for me to continue.

“Of course, I couldn’t simply leave you alone.”

“Why not, I don’t even know who you are.”

“You might not know me, but I know everything about you.”

“What is your name?”

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“You don’t need to know that.”

“Why are you being so petty as to not even tell me your name? If it’s some kind of revenge which you want, then you can go ahead and kill me.”

“Enough, stop wasting your time trying to trick me into killing you. We will be here together in this place for quite some time.”

“A long time?”

“Yes, now that you mention it, we might as well make ourselves comfortable. Lena, help me out. Material Creation!”

I created a comfy five-seater sofa and a coffee table.

Lena, send me a design for a TV that can only receive signals, and have it connected to Makina’s feed.


“Lena whipped up a design for a large 100 inch television, which I used to create the TV and hung it on the wall.

“Hmm… it needs some kind of power source.”

“I’ll send you the designs for a mini-reactor, give me a moment.”

Shortly after the design appeared on my cornea allowing me to materialize it.

Buuu —!

As soon as the reactor was powered up, I hooked it up to the TV and sank into the couch, placing Metatron’s head beside me.

“Oh, I guess this situation calls for some popcorn. Material Creation!”

I stared at the new TV as I tossed some popcorn into my mouth.

“Just what is that?”

“This is just a relay of all current major events going on across the universes. In the top left corner you can see your fleet engaging with Skyfather’s and in the bottom right is the creation of a certain time array.”

“Why are you showing me this?”

“No particular reason, it’s just that from now on you and I have some things we have to sort out. Plus, watching a movie alone isn’t as fun.

“What? Am I supposed to be your companion now?”

“You should thank me instead, I could have stuck in the ground in some remote area. Well, in truth I was a bit worried that you’d find your way out, so I’ll be keeping a close eye on you.

I had already decided to take a step back and simply watch the events play out. In the past I had directly intervened too often, which ended up backfiring and negatively affecting future events, so my choice this time around was one of minimal interference.

“Why are you doing all this? I can understand Skyfather hating me since I kept persecuting him regarding Abbadon’s resurrection, but I don’t understand what your connection to her is.”

“You can think of it as me doing service for everyone’s future.”

“That can’t be the case, since Abbadon’s purpose is the destruction of all the universes.”

“Nonsense Metatron, her purpose is the reduction of matter to energy, not its destruction.”

“… How did you know?”

“Did you really think I wouldn’t even know that much?”

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“I think I’m beginning to understand just who you are. You’re an Ancient God aren’t you?”

“Well I haven’t been around for all that long… oh look over there! Skyfather’s army has found your fleet’s headquarter.”

“There no need to look, I’m already aware that my fleet can’t stand up to Skyfather’s without my presence.”

“Yup, those gray flies seem to be mopping the floor with your ships.”

“They would be very angry to hear you call them gray flies, they think of themselves as God’s Messengers.”

“I know, but in the end they’re just flies.”

“It seems that Skyfather hasn’t found out.”

“Oh, did you have some hidden agenda?”

“Yes, I set something up with a subordinate of mine, Skyfather will win but at the same time it could be considered as his loss.”

“Oh so it was like that? It seems that all is going according to plan, well done Killion.”

“What, you know Killion?”

“Just how do you think it is that you were able to find me in the first place?”

“I don’t know… were you the one who informed Killion?”

“Bingo! Did you trace back the signal from Killion’s necklace? I had been pinging it occasionally in order to let slip my location.”

“Why would you… oh, so it was a trap.”

“Right, information regarding Abbadon’s location was something both you and Skyfather desired.”

“Was your goal to catch me?”

“Well, in truth I was looking to trap both you and Skyfather, but since the latter isn’t able to get around anymore, I settled for just you.”

“You used Killion?”

“Right, after all Skyfather’s body has been deteriorating by the day.”

“Yes, I’ve received the same intel. By my estimates his would have stopped functioning in 1 million years time. My plan was to extract his memory from that scrap of metal and fuse it with Abbadon, that was until you interfered.”

“It looks good on paper, but in actuality it wouldn’t have worked because Skyfather would have self-destructed before being captured.”

“Are you saying that you were the one who designed the weapon Killion brought to me?”

“Yes, it’s in fact a certain magic array which will trap Skyfather in time, effectively putting him in limbo. Although he won’t be destroyed, he won’t be able to have any effect on the universe around him.”

“So you were tricking me in order to have me trap Skyfather on your behalf. What a scary existence you are. You foresaw and planned for every possible scenario and countermove.

“Oh it isn’t such a big deal. Just some assumptions and planning, most of the calculations are done by a friend of mine who makes all the contingency plans.”

“That’s right! I’m Johra’s secret weapon!”

Lena cried out so that only I could hear.

“Skyfather’s ship was just caught by your Time Magic array, your planning abilities are truly scary.”

“Yes, and now his entire ship will be caught in limbo for near eternity. Those pesky flies are attempting to wipe out your allies, but they’ll find that their power alone will be insufficient to do so.”

“Still, someday he will be released, those Angels will have evolved and new Gods will have appeared. You can’t perfectly predict the future either.”

“Oh I’m well aware of that, but it will buy us time to fix all the paradoxes which have been affecting the stability of the universes.”


“Yea, I guess you can call them some inconsistencies which resulted due to some of my mistakes.”

“Ah, I finally have a good idea of who you are.”

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