Manipulative Harem God Chapter 187 Lin Ruoxi’s transformation!

Chapter 187 Lin Ruoxi’s transformation!

After concluding his interaction with Xiong Mei, Zhang Wei’s spirits were soaring.

It appeared that his efforts had borne fruit, and he had managed to establish raise a genuine lover on the outside.

However, a faint pang of realization brushed against his thoughts when a system reminder came in, preventing him from forgetting that he had neglected to visit Lin Ruoxi for two consecutive days.

Lin Ruoxi, confined within her space, still subsisted on bare necessary rations of food and water.

Zhang Wei, despite his growing elation, had yet to pay attention to her changing condition as the fortnight drew to a close.

Within the walls of the building, a different tableau awaited him this time.

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Instead of Rose, Raven and Brick stood before him.

Raven led the way, her attire exuding an unexpectedly professional aura with subtle undertones of a bodyguard.

Her blue-dyed hair framed her face in a striking contrast, and the glimpse of her exposed neck only added to the beauty.

As her legs moved in a perpetual rhythm, Zhang Wei couldn’t help but form an estimation of her competence—it seemed she had more to her than met the eye.

He can’t help but wonder, why he didn’t pay attention to this good fish living near his pond?

[Host, you’ve overlooked the grass right before the royal grass.]

Zhang Wei’s lips twitched in acknowledgement.

The statement held an element of truth.

He had been so absorbed in the surrounding forest that he had failed to fully acknowledge the varied beauty around him.

Among these beauties, Raven remained oblivious to the attention that Zhang Wei had unwittingly directed her way.

Her focus returned only when he addressed her with a query. "Why are you dressed so formal?" he inquired, recognizing that her current choice deviated from her usual style.

Raven’s eyes blinked, and she responded with casual clarity, "I’m assisting the bos—Rose with matters related to the company."

A nod of understanding from Zhang Wei masked his internal puzzlement.

He couldn’t help but ponder Raven’s background; her demeanor suggested a refinement that contrasted starkly with Brick, who guarded the periphery with the unwavering vigilance of a sentinel.


In the dimly lit basement, Lin Ruoxi huddled on the cold floor, her knees drawn close to her chest.

The erratic, flickering light of the television played across her face, its changing hues mirrored in the depths of her eyes.

Her fingers absently flipped through the channels, but her mind seemed to have drifted far away, lost in some distant reverie.

"It’s been two days," she mumbled softly to herself, her voice barely above a whisper.

The room’s silence bore down on her, broken only by the muted sounds from the television.

Questions swirled in her thoughts like leaves caught in an eddy...

’Why hasn’t anyone come in?’

’Have they forgotten about me already?’

A growing pallor had cast its shadow across her features as the haunting possibility of being left behind in this desolate place took root in her mind.

Gradually, the room had acquired more appliances, carefully introduced to keep her occupied. These were offerings tethered to a condition—Zhang Wei’s condition.

The more she adhered to his commands, the more comforts she was granted.

In the midst of this uneasy existence, a small television had become her companion, a window to the outside world.

A modest refrigerator now stood by her side, although its meager contents were dwindling rapidly, the reserves of both food and water depleting with each passing day.

Thankfully, she possessed a key that granted her access to the bathroom.

This lifeline allowed her to fetch water in case the situation took a dire turn, reassuring her that she wouldn’t be entirely abandoned to thirst.

Yet, as the hours crawled by, Lin Ruoxi remained trapped in the oppressive stillness of her captivity, her eyes fixed on the television’s elusive glow, yearning for a glimpse of hope or a whisper of rescue.

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Yet, despite the modest comforts surrounding her, an insidious unease persisted, refusing to be mollified.

"I don’t want to live like this forever," she admitted to herself in a hushed internal monologue.

Impatience gnawed at her thoughts, reflected in her next whispered question, "Why hasn’t he returned yet?"

A sudden shiver rippled through her body, a physical manifestation of her anxiety, unnoticed until it grew undeniable.

As the minutes crawled by, Lin Ruoxi found her legs engaged in an involuntary dance of nerves, anxiously tapping against each other.

Her face wore the subtle signs of anxiety, a distress that had crept up on her with stealthy persistence.

Her gaze roamed the confined space, her head swiveling almost instinctively, as if she were seeking an escape from her own thoughts.

The silence seemed to echo with her inner turmoil, pushing her towards the precipice of insanity.

In an unexpected twist of fate, the door swung open, an audible creak that heralded a break in her solitude.

Lin Ruoxi’s eyes widened in astonishment, and a tentative smile graced her lips at the sight before her.

Unbeknownst to Zhang Wei, the passage of time and the weight of isolation had woven their tendrils around Lin Ruoxi’s psyche.

Despite the daily torment she endured, the rhythm of his presence had become a cruel solace.

Two days without any human interaction had stretched out before her like an eternity, accentuating the profound impact of loneliness.

As Zhang Wei stepped into the room, he remained oblivious to the depth of emotional turmoil that had taken root within Lin Ruoxi’s heart, a silent evidence to the power of human connection, no matter how twisted its form.

*Swish!* The air seemed to hum with anticipation as the door swung open, revealing a silhouette of legs that unmistakably resembled a human figure.


Lin Ruoxi’s heart leaped within her chest, her eyes wide with a mixture of surprise and panic.

In an instant, she propelled herself forward, her fingers reaching out and her grip finding purchase on those legs.

Her touch was both desperate and relieved.

"You’re here!" Her voice quivered with a blend of astonishment and emotion. "Finally!"

Zhang Wei stood bewildered, his legs suddenly held by Lin Ruoxi’s hands.

He peered downward, his gaze settling on her face as it nuzzled against his clothes. An unanticipated warmth spread through him, mingling with his surprise at her actions.

Equally taken aback, Raven’s disbelief was palpable in her widened eyes. However, her reaction was short-lived. With a conflicted expression, she quietly closed the door behind her, her departure swift and almost reluctant.

As the initial shock wore off, Zhang Wei’s features broke into a grin. He reached down and ruffled Lin Ruoxi’s hair affectionately. "Did my slave miss me?" he asked playfully, his voice laced with amusement.

Lin Ruoxi’s heart skipped a beat at his words. She blinked, her initial surprise transforming into a slightly stiff nod as she realized her own actions. "Y-Yes," she stammered, a mixture of embarrassment and genuine relief coloring her response.

Zhang Wei’s laughter echoed around her, dancing like music in her ears. "Then shouldn’t you demonstrate your dedication to your master already? Have you forgotten what I’ve taught you?" he playfully prodded.

Lin Ruoxi remained silent, absorbing his words. "Yes, master," she managed to squeeze out, her earlier enthusiasm now replaced by a somewhat more composed demeanor.

The initial excitement had yielded to a strange sense of compliance.

With a curiously detached air, she went about her task, as if undressing him was the most mundane chore in the world, the paints now unhooked fell towards the ground, as she pulled down his undergarments.

For Zhang Wei, the morning with Xiong Mei had been unsatisfactory, leaving him with a lingering edge of frustration.

Now, it was Lin Ruoxi who would bear the brunt of his pent-up anger. His desire surged, and his body responded as she used her soft hands to trace the shaft of his dick, with her warm fingers.

"Where are your manners, Ruoxi?" Zhang Wei’s voice cut through the charged air just as she was about to continue.

"M-Master, I am sorry!" Lin Ruoxi’s voice quivered with a mix of submission and apology.

"I said manners," Zhang Wei’s tone remained cold, though there was an underlying calmness to it.

Lin Ruoxi shivered involuntarily, her body reacting to the tension. She repeated the carefully instructed words, her voice trembling, "M-Master, this slave is craving your... your dick."

"Please..." she continued, her voice adopting a tone of desperation.

Her gaze lifted to meet his, eyes glistening with well-practiced tears.

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