Manipulative Harem God Chapter 23: Becoming a Cultivator!

Chapter 23: Becoming a Cultivator!

Zhang Wei sat in his room, staring at the small vial in his hand. The Supreme Grade Marrow Washing Pill, one of the most sought after pills in the cultivation world. It was said to be able to help wash away impurities from the body, purifying the bones and allowing for faster cultivation.

The system suggested to first use the pill before stepping on the path of cultiavtion, that would greatly increase Zhang Wei’s cultivation speed.

Without hesitation, Zhang Wei summoned the pill from the inventory and stared at it in his palm. The pill was black in color and gave off a faint, pungent smell. He knew that he had to consume it quickly as the effects were time-sensitive.

He quickly removed his clothes and moved towards the bathroom. The system had warned him that upon consuming the pill, his body would be covered in a black gooey substance, and suggested he move to the bathroom without any clothes.

As he swallowed the pill, he felt a sudden surge of energy within his body, and then a strange sensation washed over him. His skin began to crawl as the black goo started to spread from within him, covering every inch of his body. It felt as if his entire body was being wrapped in a thick, viscous liquid.

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Zhang Wei gritted his teeth and held back a scream as the goo continued to spread, covering even his hair and fingernails. He could feel it penetrating every cell of his body, purifying and strengthening it. The sensation was overwhelming, and he had to focus all his willpower to endure it.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the goo receded, leaving Zhang Wei gasping for breath on the bathroom floor.

He stood up shakily and looked at himself in the mirror. His skin was smoother, and his muscles looked more defined. He could feel the power coursing through his veins, and he knew that he was one step closer to his goals.

Zhang Wei couldn’t help but smile, feeling grateful for the system and the treasure it had bestowed upon him.

Afterward, Zhang Wei cleaned the black go on the floor and moved back to his room to practice Elemental Harmony technique.

As per system although many people in this world possessed talent for cultivation, the energy of heaven and earth can’t be harnessed without a proper cultivation Technique.

This is why in this world, cultivator were so few, the techniques were monopolized by selected number of large families and strong organizations.

Zhang Wei carefully stepped over the wet and slippery tiles, the remnants of the black goo from his body still visible on the bathroom floor. With a sigh, he grabbed a towel and wiped his feet dry before wrapping the towel around his waist.

He made his way back to his room, feeling a sense of excitement coursing through his veins. This was it, the moment he had been waiting for. With the supreme grade marrow washing pill’s effects coursing through his body, he was now ready to begin his journey to become a powerful cultivator.

Sitting cross-legged on his bed, he closed his eyes and began to focus his mind. As he did, he felt the energy of the world around him start to flow into his body. It was a strange sensation, unlike anything he had ever experienced before.

He could feel the power building within him, and he knew that he needed to focus his mind to control it. It was then that he began to chant the words of the Elemental Harmony technique that he had learned from the system.

The words flowed effortlessly from his lips, as if they had been etched into his memory. He could feel the energy within him responding to the words, as if they were a key that unlocked a hidden power.

As he continued to chant, he could feel his body changing. His muscles began to bulge and his skin started to glow with a faint light. The power within him was growing, and he could feel himself becoming stronger with each passing moment.

As he opened his eyes, he couldn’t help but smile feeling the strange but yet profound power surging in his body.

He paused for a moment, thinking about the words of the system about how the cultivation techniques were monopolized by the strong organizations in this lower world.

It made him realize how strange he was to have the system and the starter pack. It gave him a chance to stand out and succeed where others couldn’t.

Zhang Wei did not believe as being lucky at all, but at the same time he won’t try to control what he can’t.

Since the system was beyond his comprehension now, he decided to stop focusing his attention on it’s mysterious existence for now.

With a newfound determination, he continued to practice the Elemental Harmony technique.

As Zhang Wei delved deeper into the world of cultivation, he began to shed the societal shackles that once bound him.

His mind and body were constantly evolving, adapting to the new energy that coursed through his veins.

With this newfound power, he felt a sense of liberation that was both exhilarating and terrifying. He became more confident in his abilities, his actions less restrained and his decisions more impulsive.

As he continued to cultivate, he began to realize that the path to true strength lay not only in physical prowess but also in a certain level of recklessness and disregard for societal norms...


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The energy of the heaven and earth continued to circulate around Zhang Wei’s body, penetrating deep into his meridians and bones, slowly getting absorbed inside.

He felt the energy flowing through his body like a mighty river, nourishing and strengthening his every fiber.

Lost in the sensations, he didn’t even realize that the night had already given way to the morning.

Meanwhile, Yu Lei knocked on his door several times, but no one replied.

Eventually, she grew impatient and left his breakfast in the refrigerator.

Before leaving for work, she reminded Feng Xinyue to keep an eye on Zhang Wei and not cause any trouble.

As time went on, Zhang Wei remained immersed in his cultivation, his body glowing with an otherworldly light.

It wasn’t until near noon that he finally opened his eyes, revealing a newfound clarity and depth.

He couldn’t help but mutter under his breath with a hint of excitement, "Initial stage of qi gathering realm...". Despite his lower cultivation level, the combination of his diamond body and the effects of the supreme marrow washing pill had already made him significantly more powerful than others at his cultivation realm.

Afterwards, Zhang Wei finally opened the lock on his door and walked out into the living area. His gaze swept across the room and rested on Feng Xinyue’s figure. Her eyes were locked onto him, as if she could sense his presence.

He noticed that she was still wearing the same clothes from the day before.

Despite Yu Lei’s efforts to convince Feng Xinyue to change her clothes, the girl remained stubbornly adamant on keeping the same attire.

In the end, Yu Lei had given up on persuading her, feeling helpless in the face of Feng Xinyue’s unwavering determination.

Facing the curious eyes of unsuspecting Feng Xinyue, Zhang Wei smile grew vicious, "Time to teach her a lesson..."

He muttered moving closer to her.

As Zhang Wei approached Feng Xinyue, she looked up at him with innocent curiosity, not suspecting anything malicious behind his smile.

With a devious glint in his eyes, Zhang Wei silently relished in the thought of teaching her a lesson for yesterday torture.

He stood over her, his shadow looming large over her small frame.

Feng Xinyue’s eyes widened in surprise as Zhang Wei reached out and grabbed her dress near the shoulders, pulling her up to his level. She tried to struggle but found herself unable to break free from his grasp.

Zhang Wei sneered, his grip tightening. "Let me show you what happens to those who cross me."

Feng Xinyue’s eyes widened in fear as she realized the seriousness of the situation.

She could feel her heart pounding in her chest as Zhang Wei’s smile turned more and more menacing.

She knew that she was in trouble, but she couldn’t fathom what he had in mind for her.

"B-Brother...?" she asked tentatively, her voice shaking with apprehension and worry.

However, Zhang Wei was hell-bent on teaching her a lesson today, and he was not about to let her off the hook so easily.

He approached her slowly, his eyes gleaming with a cold, cruel light. "You need to learn some respect," he growled, his voice low and menacing. "And I’m going to teach it to you, whether you like it or not."

Feng Xinyue tried to back away, but he caught her by the arm and pulled her back down onto the sofa.

She could feel her heart racing in her chest as he loomed over her, his expression dark and forbidding.

As she lay there, trembling with fear, her eyes were drawn to the television.

The news was on, and she watched in horror as a report came in about a new serial killer who was roaming the city, leaving a trail of death and destruction in his wake. The thought of this madman out there, lurking in the shadows, only added to her terror, and she could feel her body shaking with fear.

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