Manipulative Harem God Chapter 268 "I prefer them young, they are easy to train!"

Chapter 268 "I prefer them young, they are easy to train!"

"Oh, what’s hidden up there?" Zhang Wei inquired, his curiosity piqued as they explored the thirteenth floor.

Lisa shot him an amused look, "That’s the staircase, obviously," accompanied by a playful roll of her eyes.

Zhang Wei pressed on, "I know, but what mysteries does the top floor hold?"

Lisa leaned in, lowering her voice, "The top floor is the chairman’s domain. I can’t take you there."

"Is that so?" Zhang Wei hummed, a tinge of disappointment in his tone.

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Lisa felt a twinge of frustration, "Stop fooling around. What’s the point of going upstairs anyway?"

Zhang Wei flashed a playful grin, "I could sneak a peek at the chairman’s quarters. Who knows, I might occupy that throne in the future?" His eyes twinkled mischievously, adding a playful wink for good measure.

"Whatever," She shook her head with a sigh, a hint of amusement in her eyes. She bit her lower lip in thought and glanced around. "... If you’re really keen, go ahead and explore. I’ll keep watch to ensure no unwanted visitors."

Zhang Wei raised an eyebrow in surprise, "Oh, really? What if I stumble upon highly confidential secrets?"

Lisa suppressed a laugh, "The chairman’s office is currently vacant. Just refrain from meddling unnecessarily; there are watchful eyes, the cameras," she cautioned, maintaining a careful tone.

"Oh, great!" Zhang Wei’s enthusiasm lit up his face as he spoke, excitement propelling him towards the stairs in eager strides.

Lisa, taken aback, watched in astonishment, her eyes blinking rapidly at the unexpected turn of events.

She had only intended to test Zhang Wei playfully, not expecting his audacity to take the plunge.

"...I might genuinely loose my job doing this," Lisa sighed, feeling a mixture of annoyance at her impromptu decision and fascination with Zhang Wei’s daring spirit.

His compelling presence and unique way of conversing had an uncanny effect on her.

Resigned to the unfolding scenario, she let out another sigh, the sound blending with the soft tap of her heels against the floor as she waited with a mix of apprehension and curiosity for Zhang Wei to return.

The air tingled with anticipation, and her eyes betrayed a whirlwind of emotions, eager for his prompt reappearance.


As Zhang Wei ascended the stairs, he found himself thoroughly surprised. The entire floor felt like a world apart, isolated and resembling a luxurious hotel’s presidential suite rather than a standard office.

The surroundings were impeccably maintained, radiating an aura of opulence. The space gleamed, with every detail reflecting an impeccable level of care and attention.

Sunlight streamed in through large windows, creating a sense of warmth and openness. Near the windows, there was a small mini-garden, bringing a touch of nature into this otherwise pristine environment.

The office space was nothing short of breathtaking. The design was a seamless blend of modern sophistication and timeless elegance. Polished wooden accents graced the room, adorning the walls and framing the expansive windows, exuding a sense of luxury.

A sleek, expansive desk dominated the center of the room, the surface neat and organized, hinting at a meticulous occupant. The chair behind the desk was plush and ergonomic, promising both comfort and style. A sophisticated computer setup sat atop the desk, accompanied by an array of high-tech gadgets, giving an air of efficiency.

Bookshelves lined the walls, filled with volumes on various subjects—history, arts, management, and more. They hinted at a keen intellect and a passion for knowledge. Framed photographs and art adorned the remaining wall space, providing a glimpse into the occupant’s personal life and tastes.

The view from the windows was mesmerizing, revealing a sweeping panorama of the city. The skyline stretched out, a tapestry of towering buildings and urban life, seemingly at the occupant’s fingertips.

Zhang Wei stood in utter surprise, not just because of the luxurious working space, but because he realized there were residents inside.

And to his astonishment, it wasn’t just one person—it was occupied by five young girls, seated on a plush couch, looking slightly nervous as if waiting for someone.

The girls, seemingly in their late teens, shared a palpable air of unease. They had an innocent charm about them, with youthful features and wide, curious eyes that darted around the room nervously.

Their attire was casual, suggesting they were not part of the usual corporate scene—a stark contrast to the formality of the office.

A whirlwind of questions flooded Zhang Wei’s mind, and his thoughts raced:

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What in the world were these schoolgirls doing in his office?

Did he know them personally?

Or was it possible that that scheming CEO Huang Ren had been using this luxurious space for his own debachuary?

If it turned out to be the latter, Zhang Wei was preparing to skin Huang Ren alive.

In the midst of his perplexity, the five pairs of eyes in the room landed squarely on Zhang Wei, all the young girls seemingly taken aback, their whispers growing hushed as they urgently exchanged words among themselves.

Zhang Wei, feeling slightly weirded out by the unexpected attention from the group of young girls, found himself the focal point of their collective gaze, and it left him feeling a bit unnerved.

Caught in the midst of an awkward and bewildering situation, Zhang Wei cleared his throat, finally breaking the strange silence that had settled over the room.

"Uh... hello there," he ventured, offering a polite smile, though still perplexed by the whole scenario. "I didn’t expect to find anyone here."

The girls exchanged hesitant glances, their nervousness palpable. One of them, the girl with the auburn hair, finally spoke up, her voice quivering slightly. "We... we were just waiting for someone, but we didn’t expect to see you either."

"Waiting for someone?" Zhang Wei’s brows shot up, realizing that Lisa had mentioned this was supposed to be the chairman’s private area.

He couldn’t help but inquire further, "Whom were you waiting for exactly?" His curiosity piqued, wondering if there was a chance that the chairman was someone he knew or had heard of.

However, at that very moment, the girl with the peach eyes, whom they referred to as Ranran, spoke up defiantly, "It doesn’t concern you."

Zhang Wei frowned, feeling a bit of irritation at her dismissive tone.

The girl with auburn hair, displaying a sense of tact, nudged Ranran gently and added, "Ranran, don’t speak unnecessarily. The chairman will be here any moment."

"The chairman, you say?" Zhang Wei was thoroughly intrigued now, his eyes alight with interest.

Zhu Ran continued, "Yes, we are waiting for the chairman of this company. What are you doing here, by the way? Are you his son or something?"


Zhang Wei was taken aback, momentarily lost for words.

For the first time in his life, he felt molested.

Next came a chilling scene, where a young girl was forced to learn the agonizing lesson of silence while oblivious to the true extent of the situation.


"What?! Leave me alone!" Zhu Ran’s voice quivered as her fragile body was forced against the table, the sound of Zhang Wei’s hand striking her ass echoing through the room.

The room filled with Zhang Wei’s cruel laughter as he taunted her, "Haha, it appears you are in desperate need of some manners. Perhaps I should assume the role of your father."



Zhu Ran, her voice trembling, threatened, "I will report you! You sick child molester!"

Zhang Wei, with a twisted smile, countered, "Haha! That’s only for the night,"

Zhu Ran gasped in disbelief, "What!?"

Zhang Wei’s sinister tone sent chills down their spines, "I prefer them young, they are easy to train!"

Zhu Ran fell silent, her eyes wide with horror.

But it wasn’t just her; all four of the terrified young girls trembled in fear, their terrified gazes fixed upon Zhang Wei as he relentlessly continued his merciless assault on Zhu Ran’s swollen bottom.

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