Manipulative Harem God Chapter 343 Sister-in-law: Free wife? Easy Life! (1)

Chapter 343 Sister-in-law: Free wife? Easy Life! (1)

"Finally some peace from that trashy school..." Xiong Rui, an 18-year-old with striking green eyes that mirrored the vibrant landscape, stepped gracefully outside her modest home in the heart of the traditional themed village.

Her long, flowing black hair caught the morning light as it cascaded over a ribbed cream turtleneck sweater, which fit snugly beneath an olive-green jacket. The military-inspired jacket, adorned with rows of ornate buttons, conveyed a sense of structure to her otherwise delicate figure. Swaying gently with her movements were her jade earrings, harmonizing with the pendant—a cherished gift from her grandmother—that lay against the warm fabric of her sweater.

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The simplicity of her wooden house, with its faded red door and windows decorated with traditional paper cuttings, stood in stark contrast not only to her polished attire but also to the lush greenery that enveloped the village.

As Xiong Rui meandered through the small garden, tending to the medley of flowers and herbs, the tranquility of the morning was broken by the arrival of an unexpected guest.

"A Rolls-Royce in our Village?" Xiong Rui muttered, perplexed.

A sleek Rolls Royce, its lustrous surface reflecting the sun’s rays, navigated the narrow cobblestone street toward her house.

Such a display of opulence was more than uncommon in their humble village; it was a spectacle that had never been seen before.

"Why is it coming towards our house?" Her heart fluttered with a mix of curiosity and apprehension as the car came to a gentle stop just outside her gate.


Beside Xiong Rui’s quaint home stood a slightly more imposing residence, its facade freshly painted in a vibrant cerulean.

This was the dwelling of the Li family, particularly noted in the village for their fondness of boasting.

Mrs. Li, with her hair always impeccably styled and her voice echoing through the streets, was especially known for extolling the virtues of her daughter, Li Jie.

Li Jie, a few years senior to Xiong Rui, had moved to the bustling city some years back. Mrs. Li frequently boasted the villagers with tales of Li Jie’s romantic involvement with a prosperous businessman. "His company is among the city’s most esteemed," Mrs. Li would proclaim with unrestrained pride, often elaborating on his luxurious lifestyle and the opulent future that awaited her daughter.

The sight of the Rolls Royce now ignited a flicker of anticipation in Mrs. Li. Peering through her window, she couldn’t help but speculate if this show of wealth was somehow connected to Li Jie s affluent partner, perhaps coming to escort her.

The arrival of the Rolls Royce in front of the Xiong’s esidence set off a chain of events that rippled through the quiet morning.

Xiong Rui, who had initially thought the vehicle was there for her, stood momentarily bewildered as Mrs. Li burst out of her home, her voice piercing the air with excitement. "Ji’er! Here! That’s the wrong house!" she cried, her eagerness palpable.

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"Eh?" Lisa, emerging from the car, appeared just as confused, her crystal eyes blinking rapidly under the weight of Mrs. Li’s intense gaze.

The older woman’s makeup was a heavy contrast to the subtlety of Lisa’s natural beauty, and the younger woman recoiled slightly at the overbearing approach.

As Zhang Wei and Xiong Mei emerged, a theatrical chorus of villagers’ voices filled the air, each one filled with their own blend of surprise and gossip.

"Aiyo, isn’t that Xiong Mei? Since when did our village’s sparrow become a phoenix?" one of the elders exclaimed, stroking his beard in disbelief.

"Look at that car! Surely, it’s worth more than all the houses on this street combined!" a middle-aged man gawked, his hands shielding his eyes from the gleaming sun reflecting off the chrome.

"Ha! And Mrs. Li thought her daughter had caught a golden turtle son-in-law. Seems like the turtle has swum to the Xiong family instead!" a woman laughed, her voice laced with mirth as she nudged her neighbor.

A young man with a cheeky grin shouted over the din, "They say a good match is like a lotus flower rising from the mud—looks like Xiong Mei has become the lotus in full bloom!"

From the sidelines, a cluster of young women whispered excitedly among themselves, "Imagine the dowry! Imagine the wedding! The Xiongs have hit the jackpot!"

Mrs. Li, who had just a moment ago stepped out with triumphant glee, now stood with her mouth agape, the red of her lipstick mirroring the flush of embarrassment creeping up her neck. "This... this is preposterous!" she sputtered, her earlier certainty crumbling into ashes.

She, previously a beacon of pride, now looked as if had swallowed a sour lemon. "This must be some sort of mistake," Mrs Li muttered, her fan fluttering faster than a hummingbird’s wings.

Just then, a spry old man with a mischievous glint in his eye cackled, "Mrs. Li’s face is more colorful than the New Year fireworks! Outshone by the Xiongs, who would have thought?"

Meanwhile, a young man leaned in close to his friend, whispering loud enough for others to hear, "Didn’t Mrs. Li say her daughter’s boyfriend owned a small company? That car looks like it belongs to a tycoon!"

Through the crowd, a teenager’s voice piped up, awestruck and a tad envious, "Xiong Mei really did it, huh? She finally hugged some big brother’s thighs!"

"Shut up, everyone!" Xiong Mei couldn’t help but exclaim, her mouth agape in astonishment, her face flushing as red as a ripe tomato. "Do you all really think we’re clueless? We can hear everything!" She retorted, her fists clenching in embarrassment.

"Haha, Little Mei, we were just teasing. Why so worked up? Come on, introduce this young man to us," the old man spoke from the back, his tone playfully mocking as he shielded his eyes from the dazzling gleam of the Rolls Royce.

"Aiya, and here we thought the Li family’s news was the talk of the year! Xiong Mei, spill the secrets to us aunties too. We still have a bit of charm left! Eheh~" a young woman chimed in, her eyes filled with envy dancing like flames.

"Come on, Xiong Mei, share the wealth! How did you manage to cozy up to such a golden opportunity?" another villager called out, his question half jest and half genuine envy, a curious glint in his eyes.

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