Manipulative Harem God Chapter 345 Rewarding Father-in-law for his hard work?

Chapter 345 Rewarding Father-in-law for his hard work?

Qiu Xingyu, now fully charmed, laughed lightly. "Well, when you put it that way, how can I refuse?" she conceded. "Please, make yourselves comfortable at the table. I’ll prepare something special. My husband is still out in the fields, even in this cold, but he should be back soon."

As Qiu Xingyu bustled into the kitchen, her energy and warmth filling the space, Xiong Rui found herself still processing the new even unfolding around her. She followed the others to the dining table, her mind replaying Zhang Wei’s wink and the subtle shifts in her sister’s demeanor.

In the kitchen, Qiu Xingyu hands worked deftly, her thoughts running a mile a minute. ’My Mei has really outdone herself this time. This Zhang Wei seems respectable, but his assistant... what’s their story?’

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Xiong Rui slightly awkward and uneasy, her eyes sweept acorss the occupants at the table, Lisa being the most obvious and noticable, before it landed onto her sister, Xiong Mei.

Xiong Rui contemplating, ’An assistant? And that car... Mei’s life has become more better than I ever imagined.’

As the family settled around the table, the front door opened again, revealing Xiong Mingde, Xiong Mei’s father. His clothes bore the marks of hard work in the fields, mud splattered here and there. The lines on his face spoke of years of labor under the sun, but his eyes sparkled with a kind-hearted spirit.

"Ah, Mingde, look at the state of you!" Qiu Xingyu exclaimed, her tone a mixture of affection and reprimand. "Go wash up before you join us. We have guests."

Mingde chuckled, a deep, hearty sound. "Alright, alright, no need to fuss, Xingyu," he said, but he obediently made his way toward the bathroom, casting a curious glance at the guests.

As he disappeared, Qiu Xingyu turned to their guests. "Please, forgive my husband. He loses track of time when he’s out in the fields."

Zhang Wei smiled politely. "It’s quite alright, Mrs. Xiong. It’s clear he works hard for his family"

[How about rewarding him for his hard work, host?] The system suggested.

Zhang Wei’s lips twitched, ’Lets’s discuss it later.’


’Stop being dramatic,’ Zhang Wei can’t help but sigh, his own vision now covered with weird emojis.


The breakfast table was filled with light conversation. Mingde, now cleaned up, joined in, asking Zhang Wei about his business and expressing a fatherly interest in the man his daughter had chosen.

"So, you’re the young man Mei has been so secretive about," he said, his voice warm and welcoming.

The meal passed with a pleasant atmosphere, filled with laughter and the sharing of stories. Afterward, as they rose from the table, Xiong Mingde began to suggest a living arrangement.

"Well, we have a spare room downstairs, and—" he started.

Qiu Xingyu, however, quickly dismissed the idea. "Nonsense, Mingde. Zhang Wei is practically family. He can stay upstairs with Mei." Turning to Zhang Wei, she added warmly, "You don’t mind sharing a room with Mei, do you?"

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Zhang Wei, agreed without hesitation, "Not at all, Mrs. Xiong. Thank you for your hospitality."

"And Rui, dear, you wouldn’t mind sharing your room with Lisa, would you?" Qiu Xingyu asked, already moving towards the stairs to show them their rooms.

Xiong Rui, surprised but understanding of her mother’s decision, nodded. "Alright"

Xiong Mingde’s expression darkened slightly at the thought of his young daughter sharing a room with a man they barely knew. Traditional values echoed in his mind, reminding him of the importance of propriety and respect for elders. "But they aren’t even married yet..." he murmured under his breath, his voice laced with concern.

Qiu Xingyu, sensing her husband’s hesitation, fixed him with a sharp look that spoke volumes. It was a gaze that had softened and hardened him in equal measures throughout their years together.

Under her unwavering stare, Xiong Mingde’s resolve wavered, and he adopted a sheepish expression, choosing to remain silent.

As they ascended the stairs, Xiong Rui caught sight of Lisa’s face. There was a look of relief mixed with gratitude, perhaps for the unexpected acceptance and hospitality.

Lisa seemed to carry an air of professionalism even in this personal setting, a trait that Xiong Rui found both admirable and slightly jealous.

Behind them, Zhang Wei followed Xiong Mei into her room, the door closing with a soft click that seemed to echo in the quiet hallway. Xiong Rui felt an involuntary shiver run down her spine as her imagination conjured up scenarios best left unspoken.

She quickly shook the thoughts away, reminding herself that her sister was an adult capable of making her own decisions.

Leading Lisa into her own modest room, Xiong Rui offered a small smile. "It’s not much, but I hope you’ll be comfortable here," she said, a tinge of embarrassment in her voice for the room’s simplicity compared to the world Lisa was accustomed to.

Lisa, sensing Xiong Rui’s unease, reassured her with a gentle smile. "It’s perfect, thank you. It’s been a long time since I’ve experienced such warmth and hospitality," she said, her words genuine.

"Hm? Really?" Xiong Rui couldn’t help but speak up, imagining that Lisa was conjuring words to express her feelings.

"Uh-huh," Lisa nodded, "Back in Nithelia, my home, the family situation was not very good..." She let out a wry smile, feeling somewhat helpless.

"Oh," Xiong Rui understood, refraining from asking more, although she couldn’t help but be curious about another country, "... You are from Nithelia?"

Lisa nodded.

Xiong Rui’s curiosity was piqued by the mention of Nithelia, a place she had only heard of in stories and news, an exotic land far from her small village. "What’s it like in Nithelia?" she asked, her eyes wide with genuine interest.

Lisa, settling onto the bed, seemed to welcome the distraction. "It’s... different. Much more urban and fast-paced than here," she began, her voice tinged with a hint of nostalgia. "The cities are filled with buildings, and the streets are always bustling, no matter the time of day. You can smell the spices in the air, and the people wear colourful fabrics. The heat is extreme though..."

Xiong Rui’s imagination painted vivid pictures of neon lights and endless streams of people, a stark contrast to the tranquil life in her village. "It sounds like a whole other world," she murmured, almost to herself.

"It is, in many ways," Lisa agreed, a thoughtful look crossing her face. "But, you know, every place has its charm. This village, for instance, has a sense of peace and community that’s hard to find in a big city."

The conversation flowed naturally, with Lisa sharing tales of her life in Nithelia - the good and the challenging. Xiong Rui listened, fascinated by the glimpse into a life so different from her own. For her, who had spent her entire life in this village, these stories were like windows into a vast and unknown world.

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