Manipulative Harem God Chapter 423 I am your Unofficial Father!

Chapter 423 I am your Unofficial Father!

Inside the grim confines of the Coastline Casino’s hidden chamber, the atmosphere is filled with grim and dread.

Wu Tianhao, his wrists chafed from the ropes binding him to a rugged chair, strains against his restraints, his eyes darting around in panice.

"Enough of this madness!" Wu Tianhao snapped, his voice echoing off the stark, barren walls. "I’ve settled my accounts. Your greed knows no bounds!"

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Across from him, Lei Feng, the scarred ringleader of this nefarious gathering, leans in, his face a mask of feigned concern. "Ah, Tianhao, you still don’t grasp the gravity of your situation, do you? The debt you owed has... blossomed, under," he sneers, the menace in his voice as sharp as the knife he idly twirls in his hand.

The room falls silent, save for the *click* of the knife as Lei Feng flicks it open and closed, a rhythmic and ominous sound that punctuates the tension.

Wu Tianhao’s heart pounds in his chest, a rapid thud-thud-thud that seems to echo throughout the room.

"I’ve heard enough of your lies!" Wu Tianhao spits out, his frustration boiling over. "Your ’interest’ is nothing but extortion!"

From the shadowed corner of the room, a henchman, known only as Huo Gang, chuckles—a low, guttural sound that feels out of place in the sterile room. "Looks like the mighty Wu Tianhao isn’t so untouchable after all," he taunts, stepping into the light, his bulky frame imposing.

Lei Feng circles Wang Tianhao like a shark sensing blood in the water. "It’s not just about the money, Tianhao. It’s about respect. And you, my friend, have shown a disastrous lack of it," Lei Feng says, stopping directly in front of Wang Tianhao, the tip of his knife glinting ominously under the flickering fluorescent light.

WuTianhao, despite his predicament, refuses to be cowed. "You think you can intimidate me? My people will come for me. You won’t get away with this," he declares, his voice a defiant roar that seems to momentarily fill the room with a spark of resistance.

Lei Feng’s laughter, sharp and cold, cuts through the tension.

"Let them come. We’re ready for a war. Aren’t we, boys?" He declared with a venomous smirk, glancing over his shoulder at his assembled henchmen.

"Yes, boss!" "We’ll crush them!" The voices of Lei Feng’s subordinates blend into a raucous symphony of anticipation and aggression, their loyalty and bloodlust on full display.

"You!" Wang Tianhao’s voice is thick with anger, his face a mask of fury and pain as he struggles against his restraints, trying futilely to avoid the imminent violence.

Lei Feng’s laughter, cold and devoid of any real humor, slices through the tension. "Why isn’t your sister here yet with the money?" he taunted.

"Didn’t you call her yet, bastard?" Without waiting for a response, Lei Feng delivers a brutal kick to the chair, his foot connecting with Wang Tianhao’s fingers with a sickening crunch.

Boom! 𝖋𝖗𝖊𝖊𝔴𝖊𝖇𝔫𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖑.𝖈𝖔𝖒

The force of the impact sends waves of excruciating pain through Wang Tianhao’s hand, rendering him momentarily helpless.

"Argh!" The sharp, agonized cry that escapes Wang Tianhao’s lips is a testament to the brutality of the assault.

But before another word can be uttered, a deafening *CRASH* shatters the moment. The wall to the room’s side explodes inward, a cloud of dust and debris mushrooming into the space.

Through the settling haze, a figure emerges—Zhang Wei, his silhouette framed by the gaping hole his entrance has created.

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"Who are you!?" Lei Feng and his gang whirl around, caught off guard by this sudden intrusion. Wang Tianhao’s eyes widen, a glimmer of hope igniting within him at the sight of his unexpected rescuer.

As Zhang Wei strides into the room, the sound of rubble underfoot punctuates the tension like a heartbeat, his presence commanding immediate attention.

His eyes, sharp and assessing, sweep across the chaos before they lock onto Wu Tianhao, delivering his revelation with a deadpan seriousness that belies the absurdity of his claim. "I am his unofficial Father."


"What!?" Wu Tianhao’s astonishment echoes through the room, his mind reeling from the shock.

How had such a pivotal detail of his life remained unknown to him until this fraught moment?

Lei Feng, perplexed, scratches his head, the gears in his mind grinding to a halt. "What’s an unofficial Father?" he asks, turning towards Huo Gang, his expression a mask of genuine confusion.

Huo Gang, equally baffled, shrugs, a universal sign of cluelessness shared between the henchmen, none of whom have ever encountered such a familial designation.

Zhang Wei, undeterred by their ignorance, clicks his tongue, offering a whimsical clarification. "It’s unofficial because his mother and I are currently in a bit of a spat! Give it a few days, and we should be back on amicable terms!" His tone is light, almost jovial, as if discussing a trivial lovers’ quarrel rather than a life-or-death hostage situation.



"Is there such a thing, nima!?" Lei Feng’s confusion spirals into frustration. "Why are you having a fight?" His curiosity piqued, he inadvertently dives deeper into the personal soap opera Zhang Wei has conjured.

Huo Gang, sensing the inappropriateness of the timing, can’t contain his disbelief. "Boss, he broke the wall. Is this really the right time to be asking about his domestic issues?" His expression darkens, mirroring the collective bewilderment of their comrades.

In that moment, a lightbulb goes off above their heads, a collective realization dawning upon Lei Feng’s men: their leader’s grasp on situational priorities is tenuous at best, a fact underscored by his inexplicable patience for Zhang Wei’s fabricated drama.

"Haha! It’s simple," Zhang Wei continues, unfazed, a smirk playing on his lips. "Her husband caught us, and now we’re in a cold war." His laughter, devoid of any real humor, filled the room.

"Damn it! So, that’s a thing!" Lei Feng exclaims, his hands flying to his head in a gesture of exaggerated frustration, as if the world’s absurdities have converged upon him at this moment.

Wu Tianhao, meanwhile, reaches the brink of his patience. "Who the hell are you!? What’s your relationship with my mother!" he shouts, his voice laced with a mix of rage and a foreboding sense of dread.

The words barely leave his mouth when a sudden, forceful *Boom!* resonates through the room.

"Tsk, are you dense? Didn’t you listen? He’s your unofficial father!" Lei Feng snaps back, irritation flaring. Without warning, he spins on his heel and delivers a brutal kick directly to Wu Tianhao’s face.


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