Manipulative Harem God Chapter 81 Feng Xinyue’s thoughts (1)

Chapter 81 Feng Xinyue’s thoughts (1)

In the dimly lit bedroom, the exhausted body of Yu Lei lay sprawled on the bed.

Her restless limbs occasionally flailed in the air, as if trying to push away an unwelcome intruder.



Zhang Wei smiled at the sight of Yu Lei, her dreams still haunted by their last session.

She looked so helpless in her slumber.

But something about the way her lips twitched and her breathing quickened stirred an irresistible urge within him.

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He leaned in closer, tasting the sweet, slightly swollen lips that beckoned him.

They were like a temptation he couldn’t resist.

The fragrance that lingered around her was a mystery, but it was pleasure all the same.

He laughed softly as he savored the moment, his senses intoxicated.

The myth of a woman’s innate body fragrance was shattered as Zhang Wei laughed softly, savoring the lingering scent of his lover’s beauty products.

The idea of a distinct and unique aroma for each woman seemed ridiculous now - it was just the perfumes and lotions that seeped into the skin.

Although, there was a primal scent that drew him in, a scent that could only be described as alluring and enticing.

It seemed to be a universal fragrance that captivated men - a subtle yet powerful tool of attraction.

But his thoughts were interrupted by a pounding sound that echoed through the bedroom.

*Knock, Knock!*

It had been going on for an hour now, but neither Yu Lei nor Zhang Wei had paid it any attention.

They were both lost in their own world, oblivious to the chaos outside.

Now that the noise had stopped, he finally heard the incessant knocking on the door that he had been ignoring until then.

Zhang Wei’s suddenly realized his villain points were running low.

He needed to extract at least 500 points today so that he could purchase a cultivation technique for Yu Lei.

With a sense of urgency, he threw open the door to his lair and was immediately greeted by Feng Xinyue, patiently waiting for his attention.

The creature’s big, teary eyes sparked a twinge of sympathy in Zhang Wei, but he quickly dismissed the feeling.

She was his little villain point extractor, after all. He couldn’t afford to be soft.

Holding back his emotions, Zhang Wei summoned a sly grin and scooped up the nizi in his arms.

"Haha, you’ve arrived just in time!" he chuckled, the excitement of the moment making him feel alive.

Feng Xinyue was taken aback at first, but she quickly wrapped her tiny hands around Zhang Wei’s neck, nodding emphatically.

For a moment, she felt a strange sense of belonging in Zhang Wei’s arms.

Zhang Wei placed her right next to Yu Lei’s naked body, sandwiching her between himself and the child.

But Feng Xinyue ignored Yu Lei and instead gazed up at Zhang Wei with a sense of reverence and admiration that was almost frightening.

The little Nizi found herself caught off guard as Zhang Wei’s soft lips enveloped hers.

A surge of pleasure ran through her body, causing her to quiver uncontrollably as her hands lay weakly on Zhang Wei’s body.

Faced with this sudden onslaught, she felt restless and struggled against him, but his grip was firm.

Meanwhile, the mature and adult consciousness of Feng Xinyue was trapped within the darkness, observing the whole situation from the inside.

She could feel everything that was happening to her body, but she was powerless to stop it.

Her mind was consumed by confusion, as though she were trapped by an strange curse.

When Zhang Wei lifted the little Feng Xinyue up, her face darkened with confusion. "Not again?!" she thought to herself.

But her anxiety turned into full-blown panic when she felt Zhang Wei’s lips pressing against hers.

She could feel every sensation coursing through her body, and the strange pleasure it brought her only made her more scared and confused.

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"N-No! This is too close!" Feng Xinyue cried out, her voice trembling with fear and disgust.

How could this man be so shameless?

He didn’t even spare her frail, child-like body.

If she had a mature figure, he might as well have devoured her with his eyes.

Thinking back on their complicated relationship, her emotions churned even more fiercely, her cheeks flushing a deeper shade of red.

"I am not this immoral, shameless man! He didn’t even spare a child!" Feng Xinyue cried out inwardly.

However, her thoughts were interrupted when she saw the actions of little Feng Xinyue.

Her mind exploded with questions as she pondered the implication of her own actions.

She realized that although her body had diminished to that of a child, and she no longer had control over it, her unconscious thoughts still affected the actions of her body.

This realization made her wonder if she was also partially responsible for the actions of her childlike self.

Moreover, she couldn’t comprehend why the little girl was cooperating with Zhang Wei. Was Feng Xinyue truly this immoral?

She couldn’t accept it and cried out in denial, "Bah!"

She needed to find someone to hold responsible for all this.

She blamed it on the childlike brain which was controlling her body right now.

"But why did he have to use his tongue?"

"Couldn’t he just perform a normal kiss?"

"Why not kiss on cheeks?"

"Is this how he kisses every little girl on the street?"

"Do he like Lolis?"

Various thoughts ran across, Feng Xinyue mind, but it only made her more ashamed of herself, not helping her in the least.

"That’s troublesome," Feng Xinyue Suddenly thought, fearing that Zhang Wei would take advantage of her vulnerable state.

Thankfully, she had the extra protection of her clothing, or her long-cherished body would have been defiled.

Just when she was sighing in relief, she felt a twitch between her legs. "Not this again..mmmmm...." she muttered resignedly, grinding her legs together and trying to muffle her labored breaths in the seemingly infinite darkness.

With this highly sensitive body, she felt like her mind would explode from the overwhelming sensations coursing through her.

Feng Xinyue, a born genius, had always been accustomed to victory.

Defeat was an alien concept in her life.

However, one by one, Zhang Wei relentlessly subjected her to helpless defeats.

If it were any other woman, she would have sought retribution against Zhang Wei for regaining control over her body.

But instead, Feng Xinyue’s face flushed crimson, her lips pressed tightly together, while her legs trembled in a place full of darkness.

Her gaze upon Zhang Wei was filled with a complex mix of emotions—far from hatred.

Something was transpiring, something that should never have been.

"Only if he were..." though Adult Feng Xinyue, but she instantly shook her head at her own audacity for entertaining such thoughts.

How dare she even consider it?





No multiple paras describing beauty of Adult Feng Xinyue!

Take a look for yourself!

Illustration: Feng Xinyue (Adult)

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