Married Thrice to Salted Fish Chapter 116

Chapter 116

Lai Fu hastily packed the emperor’s luggage for his trip out of the palace. The empress dowager wished more than anything to follow the emperor to the General’s Mansion but out of concern over her own identity, she ultimately decided against it. Instead, she ordered Xu Junyuan to accompany the emperor.

Jiang Xing’s muddy hands were washed clean by Xiao Songzi. Then, completely at the mercy of the servants, he was made to change into ordinary robes. Lai Fe then helped him into the carriage. While the two weren’t paying attention, Jiang Xing’s sluggish eyes suddenly congealed with intellect, which Xu Junyuan quickly noticed. Xu Junyuan, understanding implicitly, said, “I shall ride with the emperor. His Majesty will be completely safe in my care.”

They set off for the General’s Mansion. Lai Fu and Xiao Songzi were seated outside, driving and steering the carriage, while Xu Junyuan and Jiang Xing sat inside. Deliberately keeping their voices low, the sound of clattering horse hooves was enough to drown out their conversation.

“This humble minister is overwhelmed by Your Majesty’s trust.” Xu Junyuan said helplessly, “You didn’t even tell me in advance. Weren’t you afraid I might spill the truth to Her Highness the empress dowager?”

Jiang Xing said, “Haven’t you always stood on Zhen’s side? Besides, even if you had told her the truth, the Empress Dowager might not necessarily believe you.”

Xu Junyuan let out a feigned sigh. “The emperor’s wisdom is all spent on how to marry Prime Minister Lin. If His Majesty were but to bend his mind towards government affairs, oh what a blessing it would be to the Dayu.”

“That’ll have to wait until I get to marry him back.” Jiang Xing said casually, “However, I’m still curious, why do you always help us?”

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Xu Junyuan said calmly, “Because Jiang Gongzi’s lot is to be the ruler of all under heaven, the master of the throne. Since I am fortunate enough to get a glimpse of this mystery known only to heaven, naturally I will help Jiang Gongzi. Maybe if the son of heaven is pleased with my service, he will see it fit to order renovations to Changsheng Temple. — To be honest, the meditation room where I practice my cultivation is a tad bit small.”

Jiang Xing scoffed, “That’s it?”

“That’s it.” Xu Junyuan smiled and said, “There is no need for the emperor to think highly of me. In the end, I am just a man of cultivation.”

Jiang Xing laughed, not in any mood to banter with Xu Junyuan. Only the stupidest of fools would believe such nonsense. For these five long years, Xu Junyuan hasn’t changed at all. He was still a mystery within a mystery.

In any case, his purpose has been achieved. A few days ago, the empress dowager was thinking up of every means to prevent him from clinging to his wife. Today, she was practically pushing him to his wife’s house. It hadn’t been in vain that he played with enough mud to build another Xingqing Palace.

After the news of Lin Qingyu’s illness spread, many officials sent letters expressing their wish to visit the sick. All though were turned away. The gifts they sent to the mansion were returned one by one.

When the emperor’s carriage stopped at the gate of the General’s Mansion, Lin Qingyu was in the middle of preparing a winter nest for the two little Gu’s.

He didn’t know if it was because of Jiang Xing’s influence but he was beginning to like this kind of leisurely life. There was no need to go to court, no need to worry about state affairs, and no need to meet all kinds of officials of the court. When he had nothing to do, he read medical books or formulated prescriptions; occasionally, he would have discussions about Gu with the genius doctor from the Southern border. He could even go to the Imperial Medical Office to teach a few classes. This was much more interesting than being the court’s prime minister.

After resting for a few days, he had a new view on the word “salted fish”. Being “salted fish” wasn’t doing nothing. Rather, it was being free from the pressure of external forces, having one’s time at one’s own disposal. Jiang Xing’s hobbies were playing and sleeping. If he wasn’t allowed to play and sleep, he would get tired. While his hobby was medicine. If he was made to abandon his medical skills and turn his mind exclusively to other things, he would also get tired.

Put this way, he also wanted to be salted fish. It was a pity that there had to be someone between him and Jiang Xing to worry about “external forces” so that the other can be salted fish with no other distractions.

“Qingyu.” Mother Lin came in with a bowl of bird’s nest soup, “Come. This is fresh from the pot. Have a taste.”

Mother Lin heard that her eldest son was ill, so she went to visit the General’s Mansion. When Lu Wancheng passed away of illness, Lin Qingyu suffered from a bout of serious illness. Seeing that the anniversary of General Gu’s death was approaching, she felt really worried.

Fortunately, Lin Qingyu was suffering from a seasonal cold, his condition was far from being bedridden. Mother Lin didn’t know why Lin Qingyu lied about being seriously ill, but he must have his reasons for doing so. She and her husband have never interfered with their eldest son’s decisions.

Lin Qingyu smiled lightly. “Thank you, mother.”

Monther Lin was now the prime minister’s mother and thus, a titled lady, but her life carried on as usual. She was always thinking about doing things for her sons. Some things should be told to family in advance.

Lin Qingyu took a couple of sips and said, “Mother.”

As soon as Mother Lin heard Lin Qingyu’s tone, she knew that he had something to say. She said softly, “What’s the matter?”

Lin Qingyu considered his words, “I… want to have one last marriage.”

Mother Lin was momentarily stunned. Remembering the reason for Lin Qingyu’s second marriage, she said nervously, “Is there anyone who’s forcing you again?”

Lin Qingyu smiled and shook his head. “No. This time, I am doing so completely out of my own free will.”

Not because of some imperial decree or to avoid someone who was coveting him — He sincerely wanted to marry Jiang Xing again.

Mother Lin was surprised and also puzzled. She knew very well her eldest son’s temperament. He was cold and indifferent to others, his tenderness was reserved only for those he cared about. He had obviously taken both Lu Wancheng and Gu Fuzhou into his heart, so how was this was able to squeeze past his two predecessors and get Lin Qingyu to say the words ‘completely out of my own free will’?

But when she saw Lin Qingyu’s inadvertent tenderness, her heart softened. She still didn’t ask much, only saying, “Since it’s your wish, I don’t think Young Master Hou and General Gu would mind.” She could see the respect these two had had for Lin Qingyu.

Lin Qingyu smiled. “Indeed.”

While mother and son were talking, they heard Huan Tong’s voice from outside, “Madam, the emperor is here!”

Mother Lin was surprised. “Why would His Majesty come to the General’s Mansion?”

Lin Qingyu laughed softly. “Who knows? Let’s go and have a look.”

Lin Qingyu took the whole family to pick him up at the door. Seeing Jiang Xing, he coughed softly, knelt down and saluted. He said, voice weak, “This humble minister greets His Majesty.”

Instantly, brilliance reappeared in Jiang Xing’s gloomy eyes. Lin Qingyu felt amused when he saw it – such acting skills; he himself couldn’t compare.

“Prime Minister Gege,” Jiang Xing hugged Lin Qingyu’s waist in front of everyone and said with a smile, “I’ve caught you now.”

Lin Qingyu tried his best to look surprised. “Your Majesty?”

Everyone looked at each other in dismay. Only Xu Junyuan sighed and said, “This is Heaven’s will.”

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Seeing this, Lai Fu quickly sent someone back to the palace to report to the empress dowager. Mixed feelings in the empress dowager’s heart upon hearing this. The National Teacher was right; Lin Qingyu was the emperor’s only cure. After a good long time, she heaved a long sigh. “So long as the emperor is well, Aijia no longer cares about anything else.”

This time, she truly accepted it. So long as the emperor’s soul loss disease does not recur, the emperor can cling to whoever he wants.

Afterwards, the Empress Dowager sent a message to the General’s Mansion, asking Lin Qingyu to move into the palace for the duration of his recuperation. However, Lin Qingyu declined on the grounds that “outside ministers were not allowed to stay overnight in the palace”. The empress dowager was baffled. Lin Qingyu had already been staying at the palace for far longer than just a day or two. What was the use of bringing up this rule at this time? Lin Qingyu didn’t want to go to the palace and the emperor couldn’t do without him. And so, the only solution was to have the emperor visit the General’s Mansion often. Wasn’t this an even bigger disregard of the rules?

After a few days, news of the emperor’s frequent visits to the General’s Mansion spread like wildfire. Many of those who disapproved of Lin Qingyu suddenly had a flash of realization. From the very beginning, this wasn’t the prime minister overstepping his authority, rather the emperor pestering his minister cum minister’s wife.

At this time, Jiang Xing was in General Gu’s mansion, with his head resting on the laps of his ‘minister’s wife’. After hearing Xiao Songzi’s report on the gossip in the capital, he said, “It’s about time. It’s time to move on to the next step. ”

Lin Qingyu said, “Xiao Songzi, go and invite Shen Gongzi to come here.”

Xiao Songzi acknowledged the command. Then, he heard the emperor ask him, “How did you find Shen Gongzi before?”

Xiao Songzi said, “Replying to His Majesty, Shen Gongzi has bought a courtyard in the capital. This servant usually sends a messenger there to look for him.”

Jiang Xing was overtaken by a whim. “Qingyu, you’ve been staying in the mansion for so long. Aren’t you bored? Why don’t we go out for a short trip? Treat it as a visit to a friend.”

A friend… Shen Huaishi was indeed a friend of the both of them.

Lin Qingyu nodded and ordered Yuan Yin to prepare a gift for visiting friends.

The two changed their clothes and went out in a carriage. Shen Huaishi’s courtyard is located in quite a remote area, even on horseback, it would take an hour to reach. When he arrived at the place, Jiang Xing got out of the carriage first. He then turned around and stretched out his hand. Lin Qingyu got out of the car holding his hand for support. They looked at the house in front of them.

It was a simple and unsophisticated house, like somewhere a wealthy but ordinary citizen would live. That it was away from the hustle and bustle of the crowds was also in line with Shen Huaishi’s taciturn temperament.

Xiao Songzi was about to knock on the door when he heard a crazed and desperate voice from inside.

“I’ve thrown away everything, even my country for you! I’ve remained in this god-awful place for two years, just to see you but you won’t even look at me straight! Fine, alright! But now, you want to leave? Where will you go? —— Shen Huaishi, what do you think I am? A dog to look after your house!”

Lin Qingyu and Jiang Xing looked at each other, their expressions inscrutable.

“Stop talking.” Shen Huaizhi said calmly, “Someone’s here.”

It then fell quiet inside the house. Not long after, the door was opened. When Shen Huaishi saw them, he was not at all surprised, “Your subject greets Your Majesty and Your Excellency.”

Lin Qingyu asked, “How did you know it was us?”

Shen Huaishi said, “The sound of the gears of the emperor’s carriage is different from that of other carriages – Your Majesty, Prime Minister Lin, please come inside.”

The two walked into the yard. They saw no one else except Shen Huaishi. Shen Huaishi invited them into the guest hall. He brewed a pot of tea and said, “There is only crude tea here. Prime Minister Lin might not be used to it.”

Lin Qingyu took the teacup and then the lid. “Just now, I heard someone say you’re leaving. Where are you going?”

Jiang Xing said casually, “Where else would he go? He wants to go back to the Northwest.”

Shen Huaishi pursed his lips. “After General Gu passed away, General Wu was ordered to stay and guard the Northwest. I should be able to help him if I go back.”

Lin Qingyu was pensive. “I wanted you to rebuild the Heavenly Prison Sect. But if you insist on leaving…”

Shen Huaishi was stunned. “…Rebuild the Heavenly Prison Sate?”

“Although Xie Min and the Tianji Camp remain loyal only to the Son of Heaven, I still can’t trust them because of the matter with Xi Rong and the change of power in the palace. I hope that after the reconstruction of the Heavenly Prison Sect, it can compete with the Tianji Camp and even supersede it.”

Jiang Xing joked, “It’s your lifetime duty to recast the glory of the heavenly prison.”

Lin Qingyu had said it so suddenly. Shen Huaizhi was not at all prepared. He thought for a while, then said hesitantly, “Your Majesty, Prime Minister Lin, will you allow me a few days to think about it?”

“Of course. Whether you want to leave or stay is all up to you.” Lin Qingyu pointed out, “You do not need to take anyone else into account.”

Jiang Xing said, “By the way, we’ve come here this time to ask one more thing of you.”

On the day of Gu Fuzhou’s death anniversary, the palace invited eminent monks from Changsheng Temple to chant scriptures and pray for Gu Fuzhou as a comfort for his departed spirit. Wu Zhan, Wu Guogong, Shen Huaishi, Li Chan and others were allowed by the empress dowager to come to Imperial Ancestral Temple to attend the ceremony and burn incense for Gu Fuzhou.

Lin Qingyu is Gu Fuzhou’s wife and his only family member, but he was unable to attend such an important day due to illness. Afterwards, Li Chan suggested that they go to the General’s Mansion to visit the prime minister. If he went alone, Prime Minister Lin would probably not meet with him, but with so many confidants together, Prime Minister Lin might give them some face.

Shen Huaishi raised his head and looked at the snow falling from the darkened sky. He said, voice deep, “A year ago today, it was also on such a snowy day that the general…”

They were all carrying a heavy heart and they looked at each other, unable to say anything.

Shen Huaishi went on, “Yesterday, I dreamt about the General again. The General asked after Prime Minister Lin. He asked how he’d been this past year. He didn’t like seeing Prime Minister Lin getting sick from missing him. He didn’t want him to remain and die alone.”

Wu Zhan was emotionally moved. Recklessly pointing at himself, he said, “I-I dreamt about him too! The General wants us to strike at Xixia’s capital, tear out the Xixia King’s tongue, fry it and drink it with wine!”

After Shen Huaishi finished speaking the words they’d prepared in advance, he didn’t know what else to say. After hesitating for a moment, he said, “Uh…my dream seemed so real, like a tuomeng.”

“My dream felt more real.” Wu Zhan, this big burly man, had eyes rimmed-red once again, “The General must have come back to see me…”

Wu Guogong seemed to think that Shen Huaishi’s dream was more like a tuomeng and said, “It’s been a year, Prime Minister Lin’s period of marital piety has passed. It’s time for me to fulfill Fuzhou’s last wish.”

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