Martial Research Master Chapter 141



” The commanders are supposed to hold their positions in the specified locations. If you come within the range of ambush, casualties would be incurred on our side.”

” Is it ok to leave the preparation of ambush in the hands of a single group. What if the enemy identifies the location of traps and decides to avoid them.”

” Rest assured, the plan was made keeping that in mind.” The informer handed a letter to the general. It was branded with Long Tao’s seal.

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The general began to read the contents. His expression took a decisive turn as time went by. ” Inform Long Tao that I am ok with his proposal. Though I still have a doubt. When will we start the attack.”

” The indication would be quite obvious. You are requested to start it immediately after the ambush, with zero hesitation. The effectiveness of the first attack would depend on your response time.”


The battle-field-

After simultaneous explosions took place, the whole area, along with any living being, was decimated to ashes. The Jiao army was shocked at seeing the view in front of them. It was absolute destruction.


TheChu country’s troops suffered from massive casualties. Any soldier within the radius of the blast was either killed or heavily injured. The ambush was a grand success.

” Attack immediately. We can’t let this opportunity go. Confront the enemy with full force.” The commanders appreciated Long Tao’s work. The Dragon lived up to his name.

The Jiao troops instantly collided with the enemy troops. The morale was non-existent within the Chu-army. The phenomenon earlier crushed ever bit of hope they had for the battle.

Massive casualties were incurred on the Chu’s side. The Chu-army began re-treating. The frontline soldiers were eliminated in massive numbers.


The Unrivaled general’s tent-

A vast commotion was created within the tent of general Unrivaled. Strategist and commanders began to flood into his tent.

” What is the matter?” The Unrivaled general was discussing battle plans with senior strategists. He was expecting battle-results.

Sir, the armies within the battle zones have incurred massive casualties. Our troops were ambushed within the way.”

” Was the Jiao country hiding their troops within the forest regions. How big is the number?”

” The ambush was made through some massive explosives. The troops were not involved. We have lost around 1-5th of the total troops and around -4th is heavily injured. The Jiao army has already initiated the offensive. The number of a deceased soldier is increasing at6 a rapid speed, even as we speak.”

The Unrivaled general was shocked upon hearing the news. He lost his calm composure instantly. Within hours of marching into the battle-filed, they have already lost a third of their troops. It was disastrous.

” Order them to retreat into the forest regions. We need to route the back-up army into these locations. Act on a passive front from now on.”

Execution of any strategy would take time. The troops needed to stabilise their situation at the moment-the best way was to retreat into the forest and began the defensive play.

” How did they manage to get such destructive explosives. Prepare the horses. We will be marching instantly towards these regions.” The Unrivalled general decided to take control of the troops in these locations.


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The success of the ambush created a favourable situation within the whole military base. ” It was a grand success. The spectators describe it as a miniature natural disaster. The Dragon needs to be appreciated for his services.”

” The Unrivalled general seems to be on the move. From the massive casualties, they incurred before the start of actual battle must have demolished their morale.”

” They are retreating with the forest regions. Should we continue our assault into the forest?”

” Tell each commander to hold their armies and set up base within the battle-field. They are not to proceed within the forest.”

” We have the upper hand in this case, sir. We need o take advantage of this situation and do maximum damage. The vice-general must have planned this. His efforts would otherwise go to waste.” The strategists were growing impatient.

” Long Tao requested this halt. He has prepared another set of gifts for the army. It would be arriving within the camps tonight. Await for further order.”

The recent success assured the commanders regarding Long tao’s capability. Around a third of enemy troops were already in ruins. They decided to halt their forces. High expectations were attached to Long Tao’s strategy.


Su Menqi was surprised on experiencing the phenomena. The plan she was aware of was just a fa?ade. Long Tao planned to set ambush within every battle-field. The effect was visible.

The destructive nature of that explosion scared her. How did Long Tao manage to execute this operation? Where did he get the resources from?

” I suppose you are satisfied with the plan, miss Su.” Di Tao stood beside her.

” I didn’t expect you to keep everyone in the dark.” Su Menqi felt left out in this situation. She was a co-worker and a former associate of Long Tao. She should have been informed about the entire plan.

” Long Tao expected the presence of moles within the upper echelon of the military. Our suspicion was confirmed when the Chu military decided to change their course and went towards the green zones. It was necessary for the plan to come into fruition.”

” He asked me to give this letter to you. You and I have a task to execute.”


Chu country-

” Damn it. That bastard managed to fool every single one of us. The mole within the military seemed to be compromised. We were led into a trap. If we have gone with the earlier composition of the troops, the casualty wouldn’t be this high.” The king was feeling depressed and angry.

” The mole is not compromised. Even the upper-echelon within the Jiao military were kept in the dark about this plan.” Another figure spoke out.

” So Long Tao expected there to be a mole within the military and took the necessary measures to ensure the execution of the plan. Around a third of our troops were eliminated today. The Unrivalled general gave orders to retreat.”

” What does he plans to do?” The king enquired the status of the battle-field.

” he seems to be dissatisfied with us. He ordered the troops to play defensive. He is even preparing to take charge of the whole army with that region.”

” This action is expected. Let him do as he wants. Although its too early, we need to send the Blood-general into battle-field.”

Everyone agreed with this proposition. The blood general was dispatched into the border regions.


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:


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