Martial Research Master Chapter 366


Lion Shi began his chase of the mysterious QI King whose attack was so powerful that it managed to push a Qi Emperor by ten steps. He was fascinated by powerful prey and wanted to hunt down this mysterious assailant. This would give him immense satisfaction after a tiring routine of daily official work.

“Where are you escaping dear friend.” He chased the man into the woods.

A series of attacks kept coming from time to time. He wasn’t in a hurry to catch up with his prey. The city walls were still far away, and he was free to prey on this Qi King. He continued at the same pace he had initially followed him with.

Lion Shi was a sadist to the very core. He relished the feeling of hunting a desperate enemy like Li Meng.

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“Did I fail in attracting him towards this place?” Li meng thought.

“I don’t think so. I feel the person who attacked us following behind. Although the Qi signature is not prominent, it is there.”

“Then why hasn’t he caught up yet? Even if my movement art is an incredible one, I shouldn’t be able to outrun a Qi Emperor who has Heavenly laws.”

“I guess she is just [playing with you. Although you wouldn’t be able to outrun him at his full speed, he is taking it lightly since you have no place to escape in.”


“Instruct the avatars to get back into space after they kill the groups pursuing them. No mercy is to be shown. Use any means necessary to kill them all.”

“What will you do?”

“Since the emperor wants to play so badly, I will accompany him in the game.” Li Meng laughed a she made his way into the woods. He decided to set a trap for the Qi Emperor.

“The last time you mentioned the weapon characteristics of the Crimson-lord artifact. How many attacks can I do with it in my current realm.”

“Only one, and you will be lucky enough to even stay conscious after that. The power drain is not something you can comprehend.”

“Will it be able to kill that bastard who is pursuing me?”

“It could even wipe peak level emperors. Don’t underestimate the artifact’s power boy. The output, for now, is limited to your cultivation realm. ”

” What if he survives?”

“The only way he is going to survive the attack is by having a Monarch-level defensive artifact with him, which seems unlikely. Even then, the artifact will be destroyed by the attack. But the attack was unidirectional. You need to use a proper moment to fire it. If you miss it, you are going to lose the match for sure.”

Li Meng halted his steps and took out all the Qi bombs which had been produced in recent times. He then grouped them all into bags and waited for his pursuer to arrive at his location.

As expected, a young figure soon appeared out of the woods with a smile on his face. ” You must be the fish I am trying to catch.”

Lion Shi’s words were quite creepy. He was surprised to see that A QI King was brave enough to stop in his tracks and confront someone like him.

“I have to commend your bravery to not only attack my group’s base but also confront me face to face like this.”

“I am flattered.”

“I suppose you aren’t stopping in your tracks just to talk with me right. Will you be surrendering quietly, or shall I get serious? I have to warn you though, you will not be remaining in one piece if I did get serious.”

Li Meng began to laugh hysterically, which inflicted a serious response on Lion Shi’s face. He was taken aback by Li Meng’s action. Has he lost his mind?

“I assure you I haven’t lost my mind,” Li Meng said, which once again felt like a jolt on Lion Shi’s face. ” I am just surprised to see a newbie emperor so confident in his power. From the looks of it, you are a Heavenly law user. One of the elements must be Thunder, and I wouldn’t be surprised if you had another heavenly law in your pocket.” Lion Shi’s expression had turned dark after hearing this.

“What surprises me, even more, is that you have just recently broken through the Qi Emperor realm, and you are already behaving so haughtily. You do understand that there are people way above you in talent and power. What makes you so sure about the situation.”

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Lion Shi answered skeptically. ” The view of a measly QI King standing in front of me, lecturing about power is what makes me confident in controlling the situation. Are you trying to waste time so that your backup can arrive?”

‘No. I am not waiting for someone. I am here to give you the gift that I have been preparing for you for a long time.” Li Meng threw all the bags at Lion Shi but didn’t move from the spot. Lion Shi was standing immobile in the location, glancing at the bags on the floor.

“Go ahead, open them.” Li Meng said to Lion Shi. ” Ready the attack.” Li Meng instructed the Keeper.

Lion Shi was surprised to see Li Meng being so calm. He didn’t run away after throwing the bags, which piqued Lio Shi’s interest in them. He picked one of them and opened it up. Li meng used a series of hand signs at the same time. A whole bunch of bags exploded, and a massive explosion took place.

The dust soon settled, yet Lion Shi was standing at the same place. ” Was this your idea for an attack?” He asked while clearing his eyes. To his surprise though, Li Meng was standing quite close to him with his hands pointing in his direction.

“The real party is this one.” What happened the next moment couldn’t be described in a normal sense.

A sudden burst of beam appeared out of Li meng’s hand, rushing towards Lion Shi. At the very last moment, Lion Shi sensed something as he clenched an amulet that was on his chest. The very next moment, the whole area in front of Li Meng’s had been converted into a humongous and long crater, with no ends visible.

Lion Shi’s body had been blasted away by the amulet, or may even have been vaporized by it. Li Meng was in no condition of examining the situation. At the very start of the process, he had ingested a bunch of healing pills into his mouth. That barely helped him stay conscious as he rushed deeper into the woods, towards the city gates.

He took out more and more pills, yet a heavy feeling was covering his whole body.

“Let me in” Li Meng’s body was absorbed into the Crimson lord world, as the surrounding fell silent.

Moments later, at a far-off place, a figure rose out of the rubble. His body was covered with severe burns and blood patches, and his hands held a broken amulet.

“Just what typ[e of attack was that?” Lion Shi was gasping out of shock. He was shaken to his core after feeling the danger the attacks posed. He would have been killed thousands of times if it hadn’t been for the amulet. It was something he had obtained from an ancient inheritance, yet was destroyed by that attack.

Just who was the Qi King? How could he possess such a treasure?


Later that night-

Li Meng could be seen lying on his bed. His task had come to an end with this. He decided to hide and collect all the materials before leaving for the academy.

The burden of the attack was too much for him. He still hadn’t recovered after so many healing medicines. The keeper inspected his body and reported multiple fractured bones and torn ligaments, specifically in the hands and upper torso.

“You shouldn’t use the attack so recklessly boy.”

“I will keep that in mind the next time I am in a life-threatening situation.”


Two days later-

“Your materials have been prepared.” The old man had specially called LI meng to hand the requested materials over.

“This is the price which was asked for.” Li Meng handed him the Qi stones required to exchange the materials. He added a good chunk to act as a bonus for the group. The old man verified it and nodded his head in satisfaction.

“I hope you will pardon the matter of the past.”

“I already have. I Will now be taking my leave. Thank you for your patronage during my stay here.”

It was time for LI meng to return to the academy. He was looking forward to the enemies which had been lying in the shadows until now. He knew he could no longer hide like the past half-year. He had to confront Thunder Child and his lackeys. Li Meng set out, for the last course of this journey.


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:


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