Marvel: I’m a Symbiote Chapter 136 0136: Healing Process

"Do you have anything to do right now?" Alex asked Yelena.

"Not particularly, no." Yelena shook her head.

"Great. Put this on your face." Alex said and handed Yelena a pitch-black oxygen mask. There was a pipe extending in the direction of where her mouth would be.

"Do I have to?" She looked at the mask and felt as if she was going to put an alien on her face. That was what that mask looked like to her. Especially the reversed pipe that should’ve been on the other side of the mask.

"Can you survive without oxygen for two days?" He asked in return and Yelena reluctantly put the mask on her face, wrapping her lips around the pipe.

She looked at Alex questioningly, there was nothing to tie the mask to her face.

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"Don’t worry about it," Alex told her and stuck the edges of the mask to her face while also sticking the pipe to her lips. She wouldn’t be able to let go of that pipe accidentally.

"Try breathing through your mouth. Are you comfortable?" Alex asked and Yelena nodded.

"At one point, your nose will be completely blocked so you’ll have to spend 24 hours breathing through your mouth," Alex told her before turning to the side and walking, "Follow me."

Yelena and Natasha just followed Alex to what seemed like a secret room inside Dreykov’s office. Alex pushed open the hidden door and they entered into a simple room.

"I’m surprised that he has a safety bunker… I expected him to be too arrogant to do something like that." Natasha commented as she looked around.

Alex shrugged, "He’s old. Paranoia comes naturally to people like Dreykov. Just look at Fury." Natasha went silent at Alex’s words.

Alex faced his palm at an empty corner of the room and thin tendrils started extending out of his palm as they started forming the shape of a glass container that could house a whole ass human being.

[Why are you going so slowly?] Natasha asked as she looked at the slow formation of the construct that Alex was creating.

[Impact.] He answered with amusement and Natasha noticed Yelena looking at the sight with fascination.

Soon, a cylindrical chamber was created with a large metallic base. The rest of it was all ’glass’, "Get in." Alex told Yelena as he opened the chamber.

Yelena wasn’t really able to say anything due to the mask and the pipe that her lips were stuck to, but her expression was enough to convey her skepticism and hesitation.

"Go in," Natasha told her, "You’ll be fine." She patted Yelena’s shoulder. The girl in question wanted to quip at Natasha but settled with an annoyed look in her direction before she started walking and stepped into the chamber.

[Nod if you can hear me.] Alex talked in Yelena’s head. She first widened her eyes in panic and Alex answered her question, [You remember that choker, it allows me to have a mental connection with anyone who’s wearing it. That’s how I’m talking to you. And no, you can’t talk back to me. We need to be bonded to have a two-way connection.]

Yelena nodded in understanding as Alex closed the chamber.

[Close your eyes.] Alex told her and Yelena complied. At that point, pitch-black liquid started rising from the base of the chamber, and at the same time, Yelena’s clothes turned into simple underwear. That underwear would also disappear when the liquid rose up to cover those areas.

As Yelena felt a thick viscous liquid rising up and enveloping her feet, she curled her toes and wanted to open her eyes to see what was going on but suppressed the urge as the liquid continued rising.

"She’ll be fine?" Natasha asked Alex as she looked at the pitch-black liquid rising to envelop Yelena’s calves.

"Perfectly. While I’m at it, I’ll give her some strength enhancements too. What do you think about enhancing the effects of the collar for her?" Alex asked Natasha.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"I could make some slight changes to her physiology and make her more compatible with the effects of the collar." He told her.

"What exactly would she get?" Nat asked.

"Greater enhancement to her strength and a weaker version of lightning discharge. She would be able to shock someone to unconsciousness as long as she touches them." He said.

Natasha thought for a moment and said, "Can you let her hear us?" Alex nodded and the liquid stopped rising after reaching halfway through to her abdomen.

"Yelena…" Natasha called and Yelena opened her eyes with a questioning expression.

"We have a chance to enhance you to a greater extent." Natasha said, "Alex can make your body more compatible to work with that choker. You would get a greater enhancement to your strength and you’ll also get a weaker version of my lightning ability." Natasha said and Yelena’s eyes widened in surprise.

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"Nod if you agree," Nat said.

It didn’t take long for Yelena to not her head. She was still starstruck by the scene of Natasha dropping down from the helicopter and landing on the ground with a huge lightning bolt enveloping her figure. She heard Alex’s voice again, [Close your eyes.]

She followed his words and the liquid rose up even higher. As the liquid rose up to her shoulders, Yelena’s body started rising up. Instead of standing on the base, she was now floating inside the liquid.

A minute later, the chamber was filled with the liquid as everything turned opaque.

"She’ll be fine?" Natasha asked again, her worry shining through her tone.

"Perfectly." Alex told her, "I could’ve easily accomplished this through simpler means, remember the time we first bonded and I enveloped your entire body? I just needed her to be enveloped by my mass. I just took this route instead since this makes it seem more like a medical procedure. On the other hand, that procedure would look much more different." He laughed suggestively.

"You’re not wrong…" Nat couldn’t help but form an image of Yelena covered in tight-fitting latex. She shook her head and turned around, "Let’s go."

Yelena was currently floating inside the cylindrical chamber, ’No wonder he said that this was going to be an uncomfortable procedure.’

Although she was currently floating in a liquid, it was viscous enough that even moving her fingers was extremely difficult for her. She was feeling like she was drowned in liquid concrete right now.

’I can manage this for two days…’ She thought as she took steady breaths through the pipe inside her mouth.

[It’s gonna get a little uncomfortable, bear with me here…] Alex said in her head. Yelena got depressed, ’This wasn’t all the uncomfortable there was?’

Yelena felt multiple pinpricks on her wrists, biceps, inner and outer thighs, waist, and even on her chest and butt. Her body stiffened up in response to so many needles piercing through her skin at the same time.

Since Alex wasn’t going to go the fucking route, he had to do this. Through those needles, Alex was able to send his mass into her bloodstream to go through all of her organs. Yelena could feel some kind of substance entering and mixing into her body.

[Are you feeling okay?] Alex asked and Yelena let out a positive hum in response. She couldn’t move much of her fingers, let alone her head, so she was unable to nod.

[Let me know when it gets too much. I can’t cut off your nerve receptors, since that would render the purpose of you not falling asleep moot.] He told her as he got to work.

’Fuck, I hate this… It’s like there’s an itch under my skin…’ Yelena felt like something was biting her under her skin and wanted to desperately scratch her abdomen, which was where Alex was currently fixing things.

A few minutes later, she hummed with a negative tint, and that itch instantly disappeared, [You okay? I know it’s uncomfortable, so bear with me, okay? Do you want me to talk to you?] He offered and Yelena hummed in agreement. Talking would be perfect to distract her from the process.

[Right now, I’m working on your abdominal blood vessels. That’s the worst area and most of the scar tissue here is completely mutated and your stomach has it the worst since it’s what those vessels directly send your blood to.] He slowly explained to her, [They registered the serum orally, right? They made you drink it instead of directly injecting it.] He asked and Yelena hummed positively in response. She was already having things easier.

Alex continued talking to her and guiding her through what he was doing for a while before telling her, [Brace yourself, I’m going to be directly working on your stomach, now.] He still continued talking to her and Yelena felt that itch that she was feeling in her abdomen multiply by several times.

Alex’s talking wasn’t helping her with this. Within moments, she gave him an annoyed hum with hints of desperation and the itch stopped again, [Don’t worry about stopping me. I can take as many pauses as you need.] He told her. He could tell that she was worried that he would stop due to her low tolerance to this kind of stimulus.

Alex got a little idea and thought for a while. Soon, he made a decision and threw his previous words about not fucking her out the window, [There are more ways to keep you distracted but I’m not sure if you would want to go through them.]

She responded with a questioning hum.

[I could either continue the process while making you feel pain every once in a while to keep you focused on the pain. Probably the pain of a cut on your arm or something more prominent that would distract you.] He said and Yelena thought for a moment before letting out a agreeing hum. The pain would work very well to distract her from the hellish itch that she was feeling when he worked on her stomach.

[Don’t be so hurried to agree. The other option is pleasure. The sexual stimulation of your sensitive nerves will completely overpower any other sensations.] He offered and Yelena went into thought, [There won’t be any penetration if that’s what you’re worried about. Just some basic teasing.] He clarified with a lie. He would offer to fuck her when she was susceptible to the offer.


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