Marvel: I’m a Symbiote Chapter 159 0159: Messed Up Timezones

Chapter 159 0159: Messed Up Timezones

"What happened?" Wanda asked Alex with a voice laced with concern. They had been cuddling on the extremely comfortable bed in the royal bedroom of the Wakandan castle when she felt Alex going instantly to extreme rage, then desperation, and finally to exhaustion mixed with a sense of accomplishment.

The aftermath of his intense emotions was clearly visible on his face here as he sighed tiredly and said, "Later…" He buried his face in her naked bosom and hugged her tightly, making her let out a cute yelp. He closed his eyes and embraced his favorite redhead while recovering his exhausted mental energy.

Wanda lightly smiled and ran her fingers through his hair, massing his head gently. She pulled the covers up over their naked bodies and enjoyed a peaceful nap with him.

A few hours later, Wanda woke up to Alex caressing her hair as he licked her breasts gently. She let out a cute giggle as she felt his tongue roaming along her chest, "Stopp~" She was feeling ticklish from his actions.

Alex pulled his face away from her heavenly breasts and pressed his lips against hers before getting on top of her. Wanda could only let out a yelp and moan as she felt his hand trailing down her stomach toward her pussy.

"Are you gonna tell me about your thing now? What happened that made you so tired?" She asked him while nuzzling her face into his neck.

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Alex didn’t answer for a while and rested his hand on her hip, lightly stroking her. He was deep in thought about whether or not he should come clean about everything with Wanda. She was the most likely one to understand him if he did come clean.

"Alex?" She asked again, pulling away from his neck.

He instantly asked her, "What will you do if you realize that I’ve been lying to you about something big?"

"Are you going to die soon?" She asked as her eyes started tearing up, "Don’t leave me!" She tightened her hug.

Alex just gave her a dry look that made her let out a cute giggle as she said, "Don’t worry. All I can think of is that you’re finally willing to tell me that you have other women that you’re bonded to in addition to Natasha."

Her words left Alex speechless, "I…" He was completely confused about how to take the conversation from here.

He’d thought of appeasing her, even lying to her to gaslight her into believing that she was the only one. Never did he expect that she would already know and wouldn’t even seem to be too strung up about it. Well, he kinda did expect her to have an idea about it with her enhanced mental capabilities and how she easily discerned his emotions.

"Well, yeah." Alex gave her a nod.

"I don’t really care, you know," Wanda gave him a shrug as if knowing what he was thinking, "The only messed up thing about you bonding with other women is that I know about it. If I don’t know feel their presence, and you are always with me, there isn’t really any difference, is there?"

Her words made so much sense that Alex felt confused about why he was making such a big deal of not telling the girls about him having been bonded to other hosts, ’Ah, yes,’ He realized, ’Wanda is much more… something…’ He didn’t have the correct word for it.

"Getting back on topic," Alex said, "I have multiple bodies, we’ve already established that, right?" He asked her.

"Mhm." She nodded with a curious look in her eyes, wondering where this was going.

"So, I’m simultaneously doing stuff on multiple planets in this clusterfuck of Earths." He told her.

Wanda understood, "So you ran into a tough enemy, and beating them took a lot out of you?" She asked.

"Not really a fight per se, this dude was trying to read Laura’s memories, and that led him to me. I was fucking terrified that he would mind rape me like I do to others." Alex shuddered.

"Laura, huh?" Wanda didn’t seem to care about the other stuff that he’d just said.

"Yeah…" Alex was a little awkward, "One of the… others."

"I can tell." She said with a smile that hid an indecipherable meaning. Alex couldn’t tell what her mood was.

"Go on…" She said with an almost flat tone, the weird smile still on her face.

"I have this ability that can halt all of the electric impulses within a person’s brain. I call it ?Synapse Collapse?. I had to overcharge it to kill the guy who was trying to read my memories." He told her.

"Sounds interesting." She shook her head and snuggled back into Alex’s neck.

"That’s it?" He asked, having expected something more, ’A lot more to be honest.’ He thought.

"What do you want me to do? I’m not going to threaten to kill the women that you’re bonded with, that would make you resent me. Plus, I really don’t care about anything other than you and me. The world can go burn for all I care." She said calmly while cutely licking his neck.

"Only you can act so cute while saying something so terrifying." Alex smiled while hugging her back.

"You say that like you care about the world burning." Wanda scoffed at Alex’s hypocrisy.

"I’m not against it. I’m just saying it’s a terrifying thought." Alex said, "I’m pretty apathetic when it comes to these kinds of things."

"Should we go see these other worlds?" She asked him with curiosity in her voice.

"Sure, you’ve been focusing on your mystic arts training for the past few months now and it’s better to— wait…months?" Alex realized something.

"What?" She asked.

"Shhh." He put a finger on Wanda’s lips and made her quiet down. At the same time, he closed his eyes and focused all of his different bodies on the clocks around him and on his internal biological clock.

He started mumbling to himself, "Two months have passed in the MCU Earth, but I’ve barely spent time with Jane who keeps wandering out in space… Laura’s barely been thought two weeks since Wanda’s training started…" Alex kept recalling distinct events to match the timelines, "What about the Farm and Research Earths…" He focused on the two conjoined worlds and saw that their time was in perfect sync. Except for those two planets, each and every other planet that he was on had a different ’speed’ of time.

"Alex." Wanda shook him, "Are you okay? You’ve been mumbling weird things for a while now."

"So I have my bodies on most than just this Earth. I have bodies on around 20 of the Earths in this cluster of 40 Earths." He told her. The fact that the cluster had 40 planets that were extremely similar to Earth has been public knowledge for a while now.

"You already told me this," Wanda said.

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"Each and every single one of those Earths has a different ’time’ that they are running on," Alex told her.

"What do you mean?" She raised her brow.

"Exactly that. One minute here is three minutes on another planet and 10 seconds on another planet. It’s messed up. And it’s not even consistent." He told her.

"How is that even…" She widened her eyes at his absurd claim.

"Apparently it’s possible and it’s happening right in front of us." He said, "How long has it been since we did our whole Kamar Taj adventure?" He asked.

"They accepted me two months ago. I became a graduate master of the Mystic arts in two months." She said with a hint of pride in her tone, "Even the current Sorcerer Supreme needed longer than that to master the necessary knowledge."

"I know. And you’re amazing for that." Alex gave her forehead a loving kiss, "But that’s the thing. Two months have passed here, but only two weeks have passed in another of the Earths, Laura’s earth, to be precise."

Wanda got a frown on her face after hearing his words, "But how could you not have noticed that? Aren’t you in all of those places simultaneously?" She asked.

"I don’t know…" Alex was also a little confused.

"I remember you telling me that your different bodies are like different limbs for you. I’m pretty sure that I’d notice it if one of my arms was moving slower than the other." She told him.

Alex frowned and didn’t say anything.

Wanda understood his thoughts, "You think there’s some external influence that caused you to not notice it?" She asked.

"Let’s not think of the Cosmic Entity that made all of this clusterfuck of Earths possible and get a little grounded." Alex decided as a chill ran down his spine. He would rather not deal with the thought of an overhanging Cosmic Being with powers rivaling the highest gods in the Cosmic hierarchy.

"What could’ve caused this kind of time dilation of planets that are in such close proximity?" He asked her.

After some thought, Wanda asked him, "Remember movie night two weeks ago?"

"Interstellar?" Alex understood where she was going with this.

"It’s possible that all of the planets’ gravitational fields are crossing together and causing the time on each planet to get messed up." Wanda gave him her theory.

Alex wasn’t completely satisfied by that explanation, "The whole 7 years here is an hour on Earth was because of the presence of a black hole near that planet. They were being devoured by that black hole, which messed up the gravitational fields since Light itself was working at a different speed and frequency…" Alex trailed off as he realized that Wanda’s words were correct.

"There is no black hole near us, but there are many planets with their gravity getting all jumbled up together," Wanda said with a smile filled with pride.

"The interference is much weaker than that black hole, and that’s why the dilation is so much more minute." He said.

"You know what this means, right?" She asked.

"That it’s not just the planets that have different times." Alex understood what she was getting at, "There are probably locations on each planet that have a different ’speed’ of time than the other locations."

"What I can’t understand is how no one has noticed it yet…" Wanda said, "If nothing else, the day-night cycles should’ve been messed up."

"That’s the weird thing…" Alex said, "Each Earth is also rotating at different speeds around their axes. I can’t believe I didn’t notice this before." He was almost in disbelief as he looked at the speeds of each planet’s rotation from outer space.

"But doesn’t that…" Wanda trailed off, confused.

"That’s where the time dilation comes in…" Alex explained, "Let’s take a simpler example. Two planets, in a cluster, revolving together. Both of them have different speeds of rotation about their axes, i.e. the day-night cycle. One 24 hours and the other 48 hours. You follow me?" He asked.

"Yep." Wanda nodded.

"Now the 48-hour cycle planet has its time dilated and is running at twice the speed of the ’normal timeline’ due to the gravitational influence messing the light around it. What does this mean?" He asked her.

"The completion of the 48-hour planet’s cycle will take the whole 48 hours in real-time, but the inhabitants of that planet won’t realize it and would think that everything is perfectly normal and only 24 hours have passed." She said with a proud expression, though the glint of confusion in her eyes was unmistakable.

"Exactly." Alex smiled at Wanda’s expression and continued, "If we consider the actual time that has passed in space, without any external influences as the General Time. This planet is experiencing a single day, but the General Time that has passed is only a couple of hours."

"Ugh… I have a headache." Wanda complained, "Stop making me think about this complicated shit."

Alex knew how to distract Wanda, "I have another idea, do you want to see those special time zones that are moving faster than the outside world? Now that I’m looking for them, it’s ridiculously easy to find them." He enticed her. He’d already found a location that was experiencing more time on the inside than on the outside.

"All right, you’ve convinced me, let’s explore." Wanda jumped up on the bed as if her headache never existed and sat up on her knees. She grabbed Alex’s arm and shook him, "I wanna see…"

Alex on the other hand didn’t listen to her words, all he could see were her tits that were swaying up and down from her jumpy actions.

"Sure, but I have something important to do first," Alex said and Wanda found herself under him as his lips pressed against hers.


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