Mated To An Enemy Chapter 427 He Loved Her That Much More

“I don’t understand what you’re getting at, Bell,” Galen sighed. He reached for her hand and brought it to his lips. “I belong wherever you are.”

Bell smiled and moved closer to him.

“Of course you do because we belong together,” she said, leaning forward and gently nuzzling her cheek against his hand.

Galen lifted her chin to look at him.

“Good, because it sounded like you were trying to send me away again for a moment.”

Bell gave him a gentle smile.

“I already told you that I believe our future is in Summer,” she began. “Seeing you the past couple of days has been incredible. I love seeing the pride on your face when you accomplish a task.

“Like I said, you have been amazing in Winter. You have helped with everything and never complained about anything. But here, this is your home. I can see that so clearly now.”

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Galen swallowed.

“But your home is Winter,” he said softly.

Bell smiled.

“Winter has been a haven for me. It was a place for me to hide while my wounds healed. I love the people of Winter and the memories I have built there. But my family is my home.”

Bell reached out, touching his cheek. Galen smiled and leaned into her hand.

“I will always be a part of Winter, and Winter will always be a part of me. But you and Ren are my home. Where you are is where I belong.”

Galen took a deep breath. He swallowed, trying to keep himself calm. But Bell could see the excitement, the hope in his eyes. He wanted to come home. He just didn’t want to force her.

“Are you sure about this?” he asked. “You really want to come to Summer.”

Bell took a deep breath.

“Yes,” she said. “I do.”

Galen’s smile widened, and his eyes lit up.

“But, not yet,” she quickly added.

Galen furrowed his brows and looked at her with confusion.

“I am going back to Winter, and Ren is coming with me,” she said. “But, you need to stay.”

“What? No.”





Bell sighed and looked at her husband. He looked back at her; his expression was serious with a touch of irritation.

“Look, you and I have been given a chance to live in relative peace for the past couple of months. We got to enjoy our time together without fear of war. Our friends and family ensured that we enjoyed our bubble for as long as we could.

“But the fact is, war is here. Every day, there are more and more attacks across the territories.”

“Which is exactly why we need to stay together,” Galen growled.

“No, Galen, it’s exactly why you need to stay here.”

Galen lifted his eyes to her. He was upset, concerned, and scared.

“You belong here, Galen. You belong with Caleb and the soldiers. We were barely here for five minutes before you were already adjusting deployment schedules and training programs.”

“It’s my job, Bell.”

“I know, I understand, and I want you to do it,” she said, giving him a sincere smile. “But you need to be here to do it.”

Galen clenched his jaw and lowered his eyes. But he didn’t deny her words.

“Why can’t you stay too?” he asked. “If this is going to be our home, anyway, why would we split up now?”

Bell took a deep breath.

“Because there is a war that needs to be fought,” she said. “Summer is well defended, but we both know the war will come here.”

“The war will go everywhere,” Galen said. “Winter won’t be able to avoid it.”

“No, but there are far more places within Winter for civilians, children, the infirmed to gather and be protected,” Bell countered. “Corrine and Fiona have already started the arrangements. Corrine asked me to help set up the standing clinics and assign staff to each location.”

Galen looked up at her, confused.

“The refugees set up here in Summer will soon be leaving for Winter. So will the civilians. All the allied packs will send their vulnerable people to Winter in the next few weeks.”

“I haven’t heard anything about this,” Galen stated.

“I brought the idea to Corrine and Axel a couple of weeks ago. Corrine told Fiona, and they have worked out most of the details themselves.”

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“Why didn’t you tell me about it?” Galen asked.

Bell smiled and gave Galen an amused look.

“You were busy working on filling the gaps in the security system and secretly accessing your Summer files to rearrange schedules and submit orders.”

Galen’s eyes widened.

“Yes, puppy, I know you’ve been burning the candle at both ends. Taking care of our family, helping Winter, and doing as much as possible for Summer.”

Galen sighed and rubbed his neck.

“I wasn’t trying to keep it a secret from you, exactly,” he said. “I just… I needed to do something. Caleb and Fiona are great, and they handle a lot more than they need to… but something always falls through the cracks.”

“That’s why you need to be here, Galen,” Bell smiled. “Summer is the center of the war effort. Things will only get worse from here on out and you can’t coordinate the things you need from Winter.”

Galen lowered his head and swallowed.

Bell reached over, holding his face between her hands. She made him look at her. Her eyes glistened with unshed tears.

“I don’t want to be apart,” she whispered. “I hate the idea of not going to sleep with you every night and waking up to you every morning.”

Galen’s vision began to blur as the tears gathered in his eyes. He sniffled as he listened to her.

“But,” she smiled sadly. “We each have our place in this war. Yours is on the battlefield, and mine is with the wounded.”

Galen pulled Bell into his arms, holding her tight as the tears fell from his eyes. He had known for months that this moment would reach them eventually. But he wasn’t prepared for it.

All he wanted was to stay with her and keep them safe. But he knew, just like Bell did, that he wasn’t the kind of man who could just sit back and protect his own family while other families were destroyed.

He was a soldier, and she was his wife. Yet, somehow, she was more prepared for this moment than he ever could be, and he loved her that much more for it.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered.

Bell shook her head and held him tighter.

“Don’t be sorry,” she whispered. “Just come back to me.”


Galen woke to find that it was still dark out. He carefully pulled away from Bell to get out of bed without waking her. He got up and grabbed himself a glass of water.

As he moved back toward the bed, he passed the two tv trays with the uneaten food. But this time, he noticed something that he hadn’t seen earlier. On one of the trays was a manilla envelope.

Curiosity got the better of him, and he looked inside. He pulled out a small stack of papers, residential papers.

“It’s a small house at the edge of the residential district. Three bedrooms, one and a half bathrooms.”

Galen looked back at the bed. Bell was propped up on one elbow, the sheets pulled up just below her naked breasts. She smiled at him.

“A house?” he asked.

Bell nodded.

“You applied for a house? Here?” he asked.

Bell laughed and nodded.

“I told you; this is our home. We will get through this war and have a beautiful life together, here, in Summer.”

Galen felt the warm swelling in his chest. He smiled and set the papers back on the table, hurrying to the bed.

Bell smiled up at him as he pulled the sheet away and slipped under it with her.

Galen gently pushed her back onto the bed as he climbed on top of her. He leaned forward and kissed her throat. His hand moved down along her ribs as his lips moved gently over her shoulder and to her clavicle.

“I love you,” he whispered against her chest.

“I… love you too….” Bell whispered back as she let out soft pants.

Galen moved his mouth over her chest as his hand continued to explore her body, gently squeezing here and there. Bell let out soft moans at every change.

At the curve of her hip, he pinched her gently while he took her nipple between his lips and swirled his tongue around it.

Bell moaned and arched her back. The feeling of his hot, wet mouth around her nipple sent a heat coursing through her system.

His hand moved down along the dip of her thigh until he found what he was looking for. His fingers gently traced the warm flesh of her opening. Bell gasped as he teased her.

Galen pulled his mouth away from her breast and moved to kiss her. Bell reacted to him immediately. His tongue slipped into her open mouth, and again she arched her back, pressing his fingers into her wet folds.

Galen growled against her mouth. Finally, he couldn’t wait any longer. He pulled his hand away and spread her legs apart.

Bell wrapped her arms around his neck, keeping his mouth on hers as she felt the tip of his spear lining up to take her. The anticipation already threatened to push her over the edge. But, after the numerous times he had already had her this night, her body was well prepared for him.

Galen pushed himself inside her; they both moaned as he pressed against her walls. Once he had filled her up, Bell wrapped her legs around his waist, forcing him to push deeper into her.

Knowing she wanted him with the same fire he wanted her, he did not hold back. Instead, Galen moved in and out with powerful thrusts. Bell cried out but never let go of her hold on him.

Each thrust felt like he was reaching deeper and deeper. The sounds she made, the panting and moaning, urged him to push harder and faster until she cried out. He felt her walls contracting around him, and then he could no longer hold in his own release.

Together they howled out their pleasure, and once they had recovered, they started again.

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