Mated To An Enemy Chapter 441 Request An Escort

“This is a lot of cars,” Bell sighed. She glanced at the mirror to the cars behind and then looked through the windshield at those ahead.

The convoy was made up of more than a dozen cars. Each carried refugees of the fallen lesser packs. A few of the vehicles also held Summer wolves. Pregnant mothers and children too young for school.

“It is,” Axel said, looking out the window at the trees surrounding them. “It’s risky for us all to drive together like this, but splitting up poses its own risk and would have increased the travel time.”

“I know,” Bell said. “I helped with making these arrangements, remember?”

Axel chuckled.

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“True,” he looked forward, they were still hours away from Winter, but he could already see the white peaks in the distance. “Another hour or so, and we will be within range to request an escort for the last leg of the journey.”

“Can’t wait,” Bell said softly as she reached down and touched Ren’s sleeping face. “I will feel much better once we have crossed the border of Winter.”

“As will I,” Axel said, looking out into the trees.

Bell looked at her long-time friend and brother. She gave him a sad smile.

“No, you won’t.”

Axel looked back at her. He recognized the look in her eye. The one that told him not to bother lying as she already knew the truth.

“No, I won’t.” He smiled.

“She is where she needs to be right now,” Bell said, reaching out and taking Axel’s hand in her own. “And once she returns to Winter, I promise I will do everything I can to find a way to help her.”

“I know she is,” Axel said, looking down at the ground, then he lifted his eyes to her with a smile. “And thank you for even offering to help.”

“Of course,” Bell replied.

A loud crash broke the peaceful moment between them.

Axel turned to look behind them. Dark wolves, foaming at the mouth, ran beside the cars in the back. Their own car suddenly jerked and swerved almost off the road.

“What is happening?!” Axel shouted at the driver.

“Wolves! And Fae!” the driver shouted, quickly yanking the wheel as a large tendril swung at the car, barely missing.

Axel grabbed the walkie-talkie from the pocket in front of him.

“Drivers! Keep on the course. Get these people to Winter as fast as you can!”

Axel felt the car speed up.

“Security detail, we need to buy them time,” Axel growled into the receiver and then set it down.

Axel removed his seat belt and reached for his door handle.

“Axel!” Bell screamed, grabbing his arm. “What the hell are you doing!”

“I have to go, Bell. I need to make sure you and Ren get out of here safely,” he said.

“No!” she shouted, grabbing tightly to his arm.

“I’m going, Bell, I have to,” he said gently. “You know as well as I do the damage these creatures can cause. I need to help.”

Bell’s tears fell. She still refused to let go of his arm.

Axel took a deep breath and swallowed.

“This is how I keep my promise to Galen,” he said. “To ensure that you and Ren get back to Winter safely.”

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Bell’s expression crumbled. She took a deep breath and let go of his arm.

“I will see you soon,” she stated in a shaky voice.

Axel nodded and reached for the handle.

“You need to close this door after I jump.”

Axel opened the door and quickly jumped out of the car. He shifted at the jump, landing on all four paws. He spared a glance back. Bell closed the door and stared at him through the window as the car disappeared. Behind it, most of the other vehicles were also making their escape.

Looking back, he could see that the first crash they had heard came from one of the vehicles being turned over. One of the other cars was pulled beside it, letting in the injured passengers. Soldiers from Summer defended them from the crazed wolves and a few bat-like creatures that had attacked Winter.

Axel was about to join them when he suddenly felt the danger and sprinted forward just in time to avoid being impaled by a thick, sharp tendril. He growled as he turned to face a large Treant.


Ashleigh ran as fast as her paws would take her. She, Galen, and Caleb had run ahead of the team coming by truck.

They had cut across the forest. Ashleigh spotted the black smoke rising from just over a hill as they exited the trees. She let out a howl to call to Galen and Caleb as she pushed herself even harder.

Joined together as they reached the top of the hill, they spotted the source of the smoke, one of the SUVs from the convoy. It was upside down and on fire.

They ran down the hill.

Ashleigh shifted as she reached the car, already holding the karambit in her hand and prepared to fight anything that might pop up on her.

They found several dead wolves, dark in coloring but none they recognized. There were also murky pools of thick liquid.

“Fae…” Ashleigh whispered.

Caleb nodded. The three of them moved around the battlefield. Galen found two of their men dead, and another car crashed. This one did not explode, but the driver was dead inside.

Caleb found tracks and fresh blood. They followed the tracks into the trees. He could see that it was a group moving together, but the tracks showed that they were still in human form.

They moved carefully through the trees. Caleb was in the front, Galen followed, and Ashleigh brought up the rear.

Caleb sniffed the air, and Ashleigh followed.

She recognized the scent but couldn’t quite place it at first. Not until she locked eyes with Caleb and saw him looking at her with concern.


Ashleigh growled and moved forward.

“Ashleigh, wait!” Caleb called after her.

She pushed forward and suddenly jumped back as a creature flew at her with a loud screech. Ashleigh fell back into the dirt, watching as the beast jumped from the ground to the tree.

It stared down at her. It was strangely froglike, with a big throat pouch and long thin legs. But rather than webbed toes, it had long dagger-like claws that gripped and tore at the tree’s bark.

But this thing… it stunk of her brother.

Caleb and Galen appeared through the trees. The creature looked at them and then jumped to another tree.

Ashleigh got to her feet, and the creature jumped to another.

She was about to give chase when Caleb grabbed her arm.

“Ashleigh, look!”

She turned where he pointed, and just through the brush and trees ahead, she saw what he was pointing at. Axel sat unmoving at the base of a tree, his neck covered in blood.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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